1. 关于‘如何尽快适应高中生活’的英语作文
高一的同学们经过坚持不懈的努力和拼搏,顺利地完成了初中的学业,完成了人生的又一次转折,成为一名高中学生。与初中相比,高中的学习有一些新的特点:①知识量大;②学科内容深,学科知识的抽象概括性强,需要掌握大量的科学概念、公式、定理、定律;③综合性、系统性强,要理解或解决一个问题,往往需要综合运用各学科知识。高中生每天要学的内容很多,如果不分先后顺序和轻重缓急,就会手忙脚乱、丢三落四,本来能学好的东西也学不好,这就需要制定一个学习计划,每天运用计划促进学习目标的实现,磨炼意志力,养成良好的学习习惯并且提高学习效率,减少时间浪费。 每个同学的具体情况不同,学习计划也应该因人而异,但在制定计划时应注意以下几点: 黄金时间来记忆 同学们应该抓住记忆效果最佳的时间段来安排记忆,提高效率。一般而言,早上6:00—7:00头脑清醒,记忆效果比较好,上午、下午都有课程安排学习比较紧张,中午休息30—50分钟可以缓解疲劳,以便下午有充沛的精力学习。而每天如果不能保证7—8小时睡眠,记忆效果也会降低。 尊重自己生物钟 由于生理条件和生活环境、习惯的不同,人们的生活节律和最佳感觉也往往不尽相同。有的人的学习最佳时间在上午,有的人在下午,还有的同学感觉晚上学习效率最高。在了解了自己的最佳学习时段之后,按照它来安排自己的学习和休息。将最重要的事情放在最佳感觉时间去做,就会取得事半功倍的效果。 学习要有时间限制 为了提高效率,在制定计划时,要适当给自己“压力”,对每一科目的预习和复习要做到三限制:即限定时间、限定速度、限定准确率。这种目标明确,有压力的学习,可以使注意力高度集中,提高复习效率。同时,每学习完一部分时,都有一种轻松感、愉悦感,会更充满信心地复习下去。 对照计划反省 计划一旦制定,就要雷打不动地完成,如有完不成的,也应立即在次日加倍补上。如:反省自己,当天的计划完成了没有,明天先干什么?再干什么?如果完成的好时可奖励自己一次;如果完成的不好时可惩罚自己一次。这样做,既有约束力又有可操作性,每天都会感到在进步。一段时间后,还应该根据自己的学习情况,对计划做出进一步完善,使其更好地促进学习。 公开学习计划 少数高中生缺乏自我约束能力,这样的同学在制定学习计划后,最好向家长、老师或者同学宣布。这样做一方面会起到监督作用,也会起到一个强迫约束效果,当自己不能坚持时,马上就会想到:“是否别人会笑话自己意志薄弱”或者“太没出息了”,因此就能坚持到底,“无论如何,一定要坚持实行自己的计划”。 我找回来的,供你参考下,其实我也是高一的学生 http://so.tl100.com/a.htm?k=高一学习方法看一下,很有帮助,激励一下你
2. 关于怎样适应高中生活的英语作文、
I am Hanmei,I spend the beautiful middle school life and will enter the senior high school. I have have idea what should about the coming new life.As I know many guys in this group are old than I ,so I ask you guys for help.First,What should I prepare for my new life?second,how do I start to learn the new courses of the senior high school?these are some problems I need to solve,anybody will help me?we can chat in detail.many thanks!
3. 如何适应高中生活,英语作文80字,感谢哦。
How to Adapt to the Senior School Life
Firstly, the senior school life is different from the junior school life.Generally speaking, the teachers m senior school tend to adopt different teaching methods and they pay more attention to the ability training . Therefore, suggestion is that you should adjust to their methods.
Secondly, as senior students you are supposed to explore your own learning methods, for effective learning methods are mole important.If you know how to learn you will make full use of your spare time and make greater progress.
Thirdly, it is of vital importance that you should learn how to get along with your teachers and classmates.You can build up a good relationship with them by respecting your teachers,helping your classmates. In communicating with them you will grow up healthily and improve a lot.
In a nutshell, it is important to learn how to adapt to the new school life.You arc expected to
have a start.
4. 写一篇关于高一新同学刚进入校园向新同学介绍如何尽快适应高中生活的英语作文
5. 帮助王鹏适应高中生活的英语作文
有句话说:“每个人都是带着使命来到这个世界上的.” 我认可这句话,同时也信服这句话.那么,反思一下,自己的使命又是什么呢?迄今为止还没有一个明确的答案,一直在迷茫着.
6. 如何适应高中生活 英语作文
7. 英语作文《如何适应高中生活》
say I love to write some articles about the previous life, our teacher said, especially deep words: if a personalways in the memories of the past, it is the reality of discontent. Listen, I almost want to drink the water spray.Yeah, too deep Aulas, anyway, I do not think there is anydissatisfaction with reality.
Think of the military training, to tell the truth, from the back,one of my feelings, only not tired, is my toes to waste, my feet as I pity. I feel I thought very special, where normal people do sweat....
Then is muddleheaded and you become friends, I always wonder I'm pretty lady a man, [en, Ting Shunv had alollipop lost, that's it. How can you become friends. We'llstart a new life, reality civilians like sassy girl, oh, yes, I was, quite a long and lied to the people, to see the absolute good children, however, occasionally, I will be very gentle, but you actually think I am not normal, sweat, I don't really suitable for walking lady route. I said is to bully you for the music...
The most happy time do we sit at the same table, do notwant to attend a lecture is to eat, tired to sleep lying on the table, although in the first row, or very extravagant, of course, we also have our ideals, we all want to go to the South Water Town, the common ideal of Zhejiang, oh, Iresults it was a dream far away, still can be persistent, ha ha, I do not understand myself, but it is our common ideal,refueling, efforts.
Remember that the most interesting thing is, you particularly like on the road to laugh every time, has beenthe eyes of passers-by surprise, I would very innocentlook, is it right? I mean ah, ha ha, I will solve and then go back to violence, but you even don't take change, finally I can only helplessly looking at you, then you walk away from you, oh, I don't know you well, but you particularly lovely blunt I shout: dear, yes, I was, I sweat died, whicheveryone knows we know pull, so I told Lady do not hang it,uh, oh.....
But we also have a very harmonious, when you're being bullied, because I did not accompany protect you in your side but sad cry at that time, you will because friends tease me gnash the teeth in anger, well, we are so a group oflove each other each other, do not want to hurt the sillychild, like "dream whispering" of Lin Lan, Wen Jing is so pity him, ha ha....
Occasionally we have our little sad, but we always drowned it in food to eat, faith is not a panacea, not eating is absolutely not
Oh, so special.... Sweat.
We also have a day, I think that we were then there will bemany good memories of it, old friends are not like this, sothere is little regret, but I will cherish the good life now,forget the people strong, forget the sorrow, happiness,cherish now.
Imperceptibly, I have so many good memories... Well, no matter how tired, I will go strong, just as Lin Lan said at the end of the road there Gu Xiaobei is waiting for me, I said Iknow the end of the road, have you in me, that makes me brave, no longer escape.....
8. 如何适应高中生活英语作文
so there are more and more Asian faces appearing in the Hollywood movies.
9. 英语作文 怎样尽快适应高中生活