① 美国高中essay多吗
另外,essay需要自我检视和修改润色。essay完成后,放在一边过几天后再次检查自己的作文,写的有趣吗-思路清楚吗-有没有充分展示自我等等。"好的文章不是写出来的,而是改出来的。" 许多有名作家都这样说。所以,一篇好的essay不仅需要你有好的创意和独特的见解,更需要你经过多次的修改和提炼,而一篇出彩的essay就是让你在申请中出奇制胜的法宝。
② 我正在申请一所美国高中,学校要求我写一篇小作文,不知写什么题材比较好
③ 解释曾经对你的生命或想法最具影响力的一件事情。【美国高中申请作文】回答者请留下qq。谢谢了。。
④ 美国高中申请材料包括哪些
一般而言,美国留学高中会要求国际学生提供英语标准化成绩,如:SLEP、TOEFL、IELTS或 SSAT。学校通过英语标准化成绩确定该学生的英语程度,以此来决定该学生是否需要参加ESL语言课程及相应年级和课程的选择。
学生自述(Personal Statement)一般需要学生自行撰写。可以做一下子自我介绍,兴趣爱好介绍,获奖或者课外活动介绍等。有些学校也会有自己设计的问卷调查表格,或者命题小作文让学生填写。这主要是让学校对学生有一个初步的认识。
⑤ 求申请美国高中personal statement或者essay开头中间。谢谢各路大神,请直接给范
An example of personal essay:
First of all, it is necessary to know that when I was a child, I was treated as a king-child because I lived alone with my mother almost all my young life and because she was weak with me. I thus have to admit shamefully that I took most advantages possible and that I made a lot of whims. I obtained almost everything that I wished. I was really requiring and tyrannical with my mother but, believe me, I am not proud of it.
Another facet of my personality consists in the fact that I am strongly determined. I have set the most ambitious goals and I am convinced that I’ll succeed. I’ll make all which will be in my power to reach my purposes. In order to give you an idea of my objectives I would say:
“I want to become very rich, famous, well-known in the media and reach the highest spheres of the society.”
It can seem paradoxical, nevertheless I am shy and I have a lack of self-confidence. I think that it began when I was between 10 and 14 years and as I was obese. For this reason, most of the guys laughed at me and annoyed me. I was the big little boy that nobody liked. But now that I grew and that I changed a lot, as you can see it, I try to cure my shyness and to open out myself.
This period was the worst of my life, that’s why I think school didn’t prepare me well for alt’s life.
In conclusion, I would say that they are not the only aspects of my personality. So now, I have said enough, it is your turn to discover who I am, if you want to.
⑥ 美国的中学生一般要求写作文多少字,我明天去美国读高中,希望先练习一下
⑦ 谁能帮帮手啊~~~~~~ 急啊! 申请美国高中作文 留学 麻烦热心人士~~~~~~~~~
1:Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan. Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan. I would like to bless his fortune and good luck. I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world.
The inventions of Thomas Edison
Whenever you turn on a light, listen to recorded music, or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva Edison. In fact, it\'s difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important discoveries. Having received 1093 patents in his lifetime, Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and telephone. He brought music into our homes with his invention of the phonograph. He lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system.
Experience Edison\'s music as it was originally recorded before CDs!
Credited with the invention of the first phonograph, you will hear Edison\'s early recordings played on vintage "hand-cranked" cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs. Then try to guess the many different uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.
Transmit messages in Morse Code via working telegraph keys.
Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edison\'s life in Louisville in 1866-67, and discover the significance of the telegraph.
2:Four seasons, literary attainment. Our journey, though, we hard thorns, stormy, also want to challenge - such as helpful as resolute. Black and blue, pieces, because we understand life at least challenge is spent, at least we know only challenge to success in life. Composition
If the time flow, like the sunshine, under trees, we grow slowly and graally mature. In the past years like a river, and the floods, open the gates to me, so that the first challenge scene again clearly emerge in front of me, like it happened yesterday
It is just the fifth grade, I mind "ambition" can't wait to get a good result, so I try to change their learning methods, listening for each class will be clearly. However, the examination is always not satisfied, the first test scores, but my grades go down. "No doubt, it is not my work!" I think so, and I was not more effort, to work overtime everyday to make up missed lesson, also always works night, with the last rays of sunshine company, and the first rays of the morning, class is waving monkish sorts, only the "heart" learning for learning exam, even only for a time. This way of life, I can run down, but I always believed that there would be a return, paid work a harvest, I'll win the final victory. God always seemed to be against me, and the second test, I still failed. Instant, days, ash, Flowers, thanks, Tea, cold, Heart, cold! Just like a broken wing plane is helpful, could not fly. When he saw the first YouYouRan expression, relaxed, I -- vacant. There are innumerable mark in heart spun: why, why?
Oh, I understand, I want a more than others, but neglect to surpass others to surmount oneself, challenge yourself. Brake, days, fine, Flowers, colourful, The rain stopped, People,! Once again I thought up ahead of the dawn, the victory finally move in the exam, I finally made outstanding achievements.
At that moment, I experienced the bitterness of challenge and pleasant sensation, never lose through difficulties finally saw the sun.
Like light the lamp of snowy day, challenge the deepest heart bloom in the eyes, in anticipation, naturally flush out sincere, confidence and fortitude. But at the moment, the challenge successfully boundless snowflakes into pieces, moist heart at, DiaoKu trees on the green dots, expect the spring.
Facing the challenge, resolute, strong.
The challenge, smiling, will every minute and second, ooze sweat and expectations,
The challenge, like to break the young eagle soar, blue sky!
Students will shout "hero" move to the classroom, I want to say congratulations, just discover throat has no noise.
噢,我明白了,我只想着超越别人,却忽视了要想超越别人却要先超越自己,挑战自己。刹时,天,晴了;花,艳了;雨,停了;人,乐了!我再一次爬了起来,想着胜利的曙光前进 前进 ~终于,我终于在考试中取得了骄人的成绩。
3:As you know,the rules of the traffic is very imporTant. But recently there are some pedesteians always run red lights who didn"t realize the bad results becamse of their behaves. For example, disturbing the normal turns of the traffic, causing a series of accidents danger for people's lifies and
bad spirit in society .
Of cause if you broken the rule you would be punished like warning and paying the money for your behave.
In my opinion,obey the rules of traffic is the responsibility of evevryone but not the thing we have to do under other people's asking.
love life,refuse running red lights!
⑧ 你面临过最大的挑战是什么并说明处理方式..【美国高中申请作文】希望尽量要那种努力的,坚持的最好。
⑨ 给美国高中生回信 作文 英语
Dear XXX:
How are you recently?I am sosorry that I haven't written to you recently,for we are going to have the mid-term exam.As you know,most of the Chinese students are always worried about their exams and are always busy with their lessons.Before the exam,I still have certain time on my basketball practice.Besides my homework,I am able to appreciate my favourite music,watch my cartoons andplay my video games.But now,I am facing with the pressure from both my teachers and parents. Well, stop talking about my unpleasant stories.I know,Christmas Day is approaching.I am very likely to say"Merry Christmas"to you and to your family as well.Wish you have a wonderful special day! Best Wishes!
Your Chinese friend ,