1. 高中英语作文信件类作文带翻译10篇
Dear Robert,2. 高中英语作文 参加活动notice
go out not to be alone
take care of yourself
tell your Parents where to go
3. 求一篇,有关课余活动的英语作文,高中!
students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.
Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.
In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schele.
Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.
4. 写一篇关于对我最有益的校园活动的英语作文
Schools organize sport activities, such as ball games and races.. This is to allow the students to participate and to allow them to horn their ball skill However, people have different views about these activities. School has the intention that the sports activities are good to the health of the students and can rece the possibility of illness. At the same time, the students can develop the spirit of team work and perseverance, and as a result, they will be more attentive in their lessons. On the other hand, most students think that these activities are a complete waste of time
5. 急急急!!!!!!英语作文《阅读使我受益匪浅》
reading makes me learn a lot
reading makes me learn a lot because i could enter a world with my mind relaxed.when i read, i always interested in the information.
reading makes me learn a lot because i could learn some words by reading.I often read english stories,when i meet the words that i don't know,i am glad to check them in the dictionary and take a note on my notebook.
reading makes me learn a lot because i could have a feeling of achievement when i finished reading.After i have finished reading the story, i could enjoy the feeling of completing a task and i am great.
6. 英语作文,高中生活中一件意义非凡的活动
“上课了!上课!”老师喊着。老师说:“同学们,今天我们搞一个室内活动,叫“纸条里的乐趣多”。”同学们听了非常激动,我更是激动万分,因为我最喜欢做室内活动了。老师说活动规则了:首先撕一些纸条,然后在纸条上写出让做活动的内容,如:唱歌、跳舞、讲故事、猜迷语……等等。然后交给老师筛选,把不好的、没有意义的拿出。活动时,主持人把纸条都揉成纸团,把纸团放进盒中让同学抓阄。然后同学把纸条交给主持人,主持人再念纸条的内容。主持人念,同学表演。演得好的给5分,不太好的给4―3分(按好坏任选其一),得分多的为冠军。 学科网原创作文,未经书面允许禁止转载! 老师宣布:“活动开始。”同学们发出一片欢呼声。首先,从1组开始。先上来的是一个女同学,她把纸条交给了主持人,主持人念道:“画鼻子!”主持人在黑板上画上了一个小人脸,就是没有画鼻子,老师用布蒙上了她的眼睛,让她给黑板上的小人画鼻子。她像盲人一样用手摸来摸去,最后竟然把鼻子画在了空调上!同学们发出了一片欢笑声,笑声都快把房顶掀翻了!同学们给了她2分。然后又上来一个男生,他把纸条给主持人,主持人展开纸团一看,说:“唱歌!”他放开歌喉,高声唱道:“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪……”屋子里传遍了悠扬的歌声。那歌声把同学们陶醉了!同学们认为不错,便给了他5分。 学科网原创作文,未经书面允许禁止转载! 过了一会,轮到我表演了,我悄悄一看纸条,天呀!真倒霉,是不眨眼!分钟规定是30秒。谁写的?真可恶!我只好硬着头皮走上了台。到了台上,我使劲儿的睁眼睛。我打算乘他们不注意我时偷偷地眨一下眼,因为我实在是忍不住了。于是,我借用手擦额头之机,偷偷地眨了一下眼睛。可是还是被发现了。有一个同学高声叫道:“他眨眼了!他眨眼了!”一会儿,时间到了,老师问眨了几下?同学们都说我眨了4下,我们组同学帮我说话,说我眨了两下。最后还是老师说:“他眨了4下,我看见了!”唉,还是得了4分。老师说:“还可以再加节目,1组加1个。别的组都加了,到了我们组,我们都无动于衷。下面,陈新月上去唱了一首歌,得了5分。最后,除去我们组,最多的是第三组,得了24分,我们组是20分。还是第三组夺得了冠军。 活动就这样在欢声笑语中结束了,我觉得这项活动很有意义。
7. 关于高中感受的英语作文
exhausting school life, summer holiday is definitely a golden time for relaxation and entertainment. We can set aside the studies, lock away the textbooks, forget everything about school, and GREet the new life with our arms open up. During the two months' loose, we enjoy ourselves thoroughly, sleeping till when the sun is high in the sky, playing computer night and day, watching TV as long as we want to, and traveling around like a tramp. Time rolls by, and it is not until at the end of the holiday that we suddenly find our home assignment remaining blank sheets of paper. Then we go mad, and devote the last days to fulfilling the homework. The same summer holidays pass year after year, and year after year, we reGREt when they come to an end. We regret having wasted so much time on recreations, instead of our lessons, and regret having worn away our youth in trifles. Although it was still the case this summer, I dare say this was the most fruitful holiday I had ever spent. Yes, the summer holiday I
8. 高中英语作文参加课外活动感想
9. 求高中英语作文:一次难忘的慈善活动!
In this week's Sunday, the University of charity volunteers, the Maple Leaf on behalf of the school to reach homes for the elderly to see where the stars of old people.
This is a memorable experience, the old people kind of smiling face, as if reminds me of my grandparents, because the sun was shining outside and so we arm the old people go to parks in the vicinity of Ziyang in the sun. The elderly because of the body is not very good, action is not very convenient, so we have a side of the students, held on to the elderly, we have to slow down and try to accompany the elderly. When in the park for the elderly to rest, we will sit in the sun. I like the old grandmother, like holding my hand and I chat. I am the time spent on such a hurry, we are reluctant to part of the afternoon to leave the homes for the elderly.
In this unforgettable experience, I see a lot of strangers need warmth, love need, we should give more people-friendly.