1. 初中暑假作文、8篇
2. 初中生暑假作文一篇
3. 初中暑假作文600字
4. 暑假趣事600字作文初中
暑假的生活就像一颗颗甜甜的水果糖,又像一个变化多端的万花筒。 烈日当空,爸爸妈妈带着我和妹妹去玩,乘坐了一小时的车,我们来到了广州的天河城。在一个大超市里有一个动物园,妈妈去买票了,我带着妹妹好奇的四处看看。 我们进去之后,来到的是第一个地方“生命之源”,乘上电梯,抬头昂望着,头上的3D动画,看着从深重的星球,平静的星空,一点一点的变化成火红的星球,火热的天空,又慢慢的在变化星球星空,像在诉说生命的变迁。我们的嘴巴张的大大的,不经地发出了种种赞叹。 上去后,我们来到了第二个地方“亚马逊森林”,走进去,像走进了真正的“亚马逊森林”,有两个叔叔打扮成食人族的样子,抓着一条大蛇,与游客互动。胆大的游客,走过去尝试,“食人族”的人们把蛇挂在了那个游客的脖上,胆小的游客好像脚下生风似的吓跑了。我胆大地走了上去,他们把蛇挂在我的脖子上,我的脖子感觉冰凉冰凉的,我好奇心大大的,忍不住用手摸了摸蛇,它的身子又滑又好冰凉。 走过了“亚马逊森林”,我们又来到了第三个地方,“冰川世界”,我们去看了白狼、北极熊、企鹅、海象等等好多动物,我们还去看了,水中舞剧“美人鱼公主”,和“海象表演”。我们在看“海象表演”的时候,海象玛丽和主持人逗得大家哈哈大笑,在与观众互动的时候,这个“大奖”,落到我爸爸的头上,爸爸和海象比赛吹汽球,我爸爸把气吹的大大,可海象呢。它呼气吸气,气球压根就没吹大多少,我们笑的肚子痛了。 最后,我们看完了表演后,出来吃饭,这一天我玩的好开心,我明白了许许多多关于小动物的知识,体会到和家人们一起玩一起开心的美好时光,这就是亲情吧。
5. 初中作文 我的暑假
6. 初中暑假作文、8篇
1.My dreamEveryone has a dream, I also have, too.Three years ago, when I saw an aircraft, I wanted to become pilot.I want to fly in the air,as like the bird.So I make an effort to study which can help me to complete my dream.Now,I am playing football which can increase my physical,in order to have a strong body.I also have studied how to control the plane,so I think I can complete my dream.2.With the development of modern,there are many people have many different ways to successful.In my opinion,these people do not have the difference,because they need same effort.Firstly,whatever they use way to successful, they should spend a lot of time and energy.Moreover,they also do not afraid of tired.Secondly,they should have many knowledges which can help them to complete their work.At last but not least,they also can catch the chance when it slips their body.3.How to use computer to studyFirstly,people can use computer to search information online which can help you improve your study.Secondly,people can use some softwares to teach them how to study and get more information which can help them. 4.We should wear school uniformsFirstly,as a student ,we should have uniforms for ourself.Because the suitable uniforms can make people to have a good spirit, moreover the same uniforms can show the good discipline and the same active.Secondly,the uniforms are also brought very cheap.Finally,we like wearing the school uniforms,because it is a symbol.Above this, we should wear school uniforms 5.Nowadays, there has been a rapid technology growth in both developing and developed countries, so a lot of new communication methods have come out. One popular modern method of communication widely used all over the world is the computer because it is convenient and useful, but it can destroy the values of society, because it can be used in improperly and cause personal and corporate loss. In a society, many people use computers and find information on the internet, but there is a lot of harmful information available and hackers can break into private or company files.6.I am a guide,I will tell about custom of China and take you to the viewpoint.With the reform and openning of China,more and more foreigners come to Chinaand have a good hoilday.So we need to attentation some customs whenwe go to other countries which we can enjoy a good holiday.As wellknown, some customs are different between one country and other countries,some customs are similary between one country and other countries.For example, when people gratitude to other peple, they often say "thank you". But when peolpe praise chinese people who are very modest,and say "just so so" ranther than"thank you"when chinese people greet others, there also have a difference to western.For example,chines peolpe often say "were you eat",but western often say"good morning" Ok,I only introce this, I wishyou have a good time. 先给你六篇 那两篇等我先完再给你3.
7. 初中暑假作文