Ⅰ 帮忙写一篇以我的爱好为题的英语作文!是高中的作文!最好写的有点水平的,好一点的!老师要看!谢谢哦!
My hobby
My interest is very extensive,love reading,love and harps...However,love good,the biggest effort to several painting.Regardless of chun xiaqiu winter,whether at home or at school,as long as a free I picked up brushes,tick off a little person,posters,every tree marked what interests painted everything; Draw on the ground,on paper paintings,and sometimes on books,therefore,often draw by father scolded.
Remember last summer one night,mum and dad to go see a movie,my sister and I stay at home study.I just open your books,suddenly see table glass under new pressure picture - "the deer,my favorite deer,painting down!" I was thinking,side open paper and picked up a brush three times five divided by two is a fawn,tick the because of too quickly,the deer head caricatured as a young goats head to be.Wipe re-tracing!Yet the deer head painting slanting,I had to meet plot with plot,beside drew a ck swimming,small luhuitou looked at the cks.Painted a see,pretty good still.Parents haven't come back,I simply draw out right,painting?Wanted to think,I first drew expanse of paddy fields and blue sky,and then drew a activities scarecrow,he right hand a bow and arrow in the left hand put a bow,stood in the paddy fields,as well as soldiers in a guardian paddy...
While I appreciate this two alacrity kakemono,"KuangDang" a subglottic opened.I busily putting pictures into a drawer plug,but too late,dad has come to my eyes,she also stood up.I reluctantly took the picture to give it to them.Sister after looking kua I raws well,still taking pleading eyes looking daddy.But dad?Just look closely at the two pictures,face stretched tightly,and take a painting to sit on the sofa continued to read.My heart snap snap straight jump,and I thought:meal scold and without!And after a while,dad indeed speak.But unexpectedly,he didn't blame me,instead of the mother said:"see,this boy painting of also can." I YiZheng,and father turned to me and said,"you are really hobby drawing?Hobbies,interests,a true" love ",2 want really 'good'.A good painter,not only was good at painting knowledge also profound very which!" He took my shoulder once,then say:"good painting it,but don't affect learning!" I nodded,excitement,vigorously could say nothing.
Later,I am drew many paintings,such as "fuel","fly"...Drawing made me feel that the world has so many wonderful things that I learn more carefully observe life,previously composition always feel speechless,now open ZuoWenBen,like open paper is same,colorful today,magnificent tomorrow,I want to draw them out,write it out.Even though pictures make me than the other students busy some,but have le busy !
Ⅱ 高中英语作文:对我一生影响最深的人
建议自己写,对自己有好处。好好观察一下身边的人—其实他们都非常关心你的!对我影响最深的一个人不知从何时起,我就一直很排斥母亲的管教,讨厌她不理解我。相反,我爱我的父亲,父亲总能让我感觉到理解的温暖。而母亲,总是用她独特的方式来限制我的行动,以她的一厢情愿策划我的生活。生性不羁的我厌恶被人操纵着。于是矛盾在日益碰撞中愈发激烈。发狂的时候,我有时甚至忘记对母亲所应持有的“尊重”。 矛盾归矛盾,生活还是在一如既往地继续着。 因为自己的英语成绩不甚理想,母亲帮我找了一个家教,课外辅导我。虽然自己很不情愿,为了成绩能有所提升,我还是勉强地接受了。 那天晚上,我去英语老师家补习,直到9点多才离开。 下楼时,寒风透过楼道的护栏猛烈地刮着,我不由得紧缩脖子,顶着凛冽的寒风“噔噔噔”地下楼。刚出防盗门,猛地一抬头,一个背影闯进眼帘,是母亲!借着昏暗的路灯,我分明认得出那是我母亲,她靠在车旁,弓着身,背对着我,双手放在嘴边直呵气,或许是想获得更多的暖和,她还不时地抬头看看灯光,可寒风毫无人性,依然有恃无恐。那时,我忘记了身上的寒冷,忘记了夜的黑暗,忘记了一切的一切,我的大脑储藏空间,只有母亲!只有在寒风中颤抖等待的母亲! 突然,母亲转过身,看到了站在原地发愣的我,推着车走过来。她的身影越来越近,最后她的影子笼罩在我的身上。我不知所措,言不由衷地问:“你来干什么?”母亲从车篮里拿出一件风衣,笑道:“我怕你冷,拿了件衣服过来。接你回家。”接过衣服,触到她冰冷僵硬的手指,问:“为什么不到老师家里去找我?”“因为我怕影响你学习啊!”她说得那么自然,让我顿时哑然。 只是因为怕影响我,母亲在凛冽的寒风中苦等大半天! 长期和母亲冷战,已不懂得如何和母亲沟通交流的我,一时间不知该如何表达心里突然涌起的各种滋味,只是木然地披上衣服,和她一起慢慢往家的方向走。橘黄色的路灯投射光芒,竟是如此温馨。想起一次次的争吵,她那受伤的眼神,我深感愧疚,她是我的母亲!忙着“捍卫”自己“自主权利”的我,以前竟忽略了她是我生命中最重要的人!她是我在这个世界上最亲的人! 风依旧在身边呼啸着,但我的已经感觉不到丝毫寒意。是母亲的爱,为我驱散夜的黑暗,风的寒冷。我知道,无论在什么时候,她都会在我身边!就像那件风衣,带给我温暖和希望!
Ⅲ 求高手帮忙写一篇高中英语作文,写我最尊敬的人,要求150词.随便写个伟人就好
DO you konw Hamlet? Have you read The Merchant of Venice?These two great works are both written by William Sharkspeare ,my favorite Englishi writer ahd the man of all ages!
He is talented and imaginative,he wrote a lots of great pomes,His pomes let people enjoy the beauty of the English languageand teach people how to lead a meaningful life!
He think life is a stage,and everyone is staring in him or her own pomes
He is one of a greatst men , I respet him
Ⅳ 我最欣赏的一个人高中英语作文
Mom is the person I like most. Mom is always very kind to me and dad. Mom has paid too much for my growth. When I am sick, mom always take care of me. Even at night she could not sleep well, becuase she always gets up to see how I am. I owe a lot to mom. I swear after I am grown up I will work hard to earn more, and make a happy life for mom and dad.
Ⅳ 高中英语作文,我的一位好朋友120字左右
在学校里,我的好朋友有很多,但是今天我要写我的一位最好的朋友。她有着长长的黑发,大大的眼睛,不大不小的鼻子。 那是我刚刚转到师院附小的第一个星期。有一次,上科 学课,老师说让我们到外面观察学校的动物,植物,然后做记录,我想有个人陪我一起找,因为我那时候不太熟悉学校,于是有一个学生对我说;“我们一起找吧!”我很开心,因为这是我来这个学校第一个人主动跟我打招呼。“我们可以成为好朋友吗?”我说,“我非常愿意”我们就牵着手一起去找动物和植物了。 我们先去了花坛,看见了一些菊花,花上还有许多的蜜 蜂,像是在采蜜。紧接着我们又看到了兰花,串红······观察完了花我们又去了池塘,池塘里有许多的金鱼,像小鱼换上了金色的新衣服似的。我们看完了小鱼又牵着手去了绿化带,那里有许多的梅花树,杨柳树······ 音乐响起了,下课了,我们在回去的路上我不小心摔倒 了,幸亏她扶了我一下,要不然这一摔,我屁股都得两半了。 回教室以后,我说:“谢谢你,我们永远都是最好的朋 友”他点了点头。 你们想知道她叫什么名字吗?她就是孙铭阳是我最好
英语:A good friend of mine
In school, my good friends have a lot, but today I want to write a best friend of mine. She has long black hair, big eyes, small nose. It is the first week I just go to normal school. Once, on a science class, the teacher said let us go to the school to observe the animals, plants, and then do the record, I want to have a person to accompany me to find, because I was not too familiar with the school, so a student said to me!" I am very happy, because this is the first person I come to this school to say hello to me. "Can we be good friends?" I said, "I would like to," we are holding hands to find the animals and plants. We first went to the flower beds, saw some of the flowers, flowers, there are a lot of honey bees, such as in the proction of honey. And then we saw the orchid, the red, the red, and the observation of the flowers we went to the pond, the pond has a lot of goldfish, like small fish on the golden new clothes like. We read the small fish and lead to the green belt, where there are many plum tree, Milyush music sounded, class, we go back on the way I accidentally fell, thanks to her help me, otherwise this fall, I have two halves. Back to the classroom, I said: "thank you, we will always be the best friends" he nodded. Do you want to know her name? She is Sun Mingyang is my best
Friend. Sun Mingyang, her spirit of helping others is worth our study. He is a good student, but also a good friend.
Ⅵ 关于我最喜欢的运动 的英语作文 ( 高一水平)
Football is my favorite sport. Every time I play football with my classmates in the playground, we are very excited.
During this summer vacation, I usually play football at four o’ in the afternoon. I usually play it with Xia Haoran. He is one of my good friends. I haven’t got a football. But Xia Haoran has a good one. He always plays with me and we are happy.
I watched the FIFA World Cup 2006 on TV in this summer vacation. My father and my mother are all football fans. They made me into a little fan.
I like the German football team, but they didn’t win the champion in the end, and I was very disappointed.
I love this game, and I hope that I can be a football star in my school.嘿嘿 希望可以帮到你······
Ⅶ 英语作文如果我上最喜欢的高中,我将
When talk about the sport, I will feel very excited, because I like sport so much, I love playing tennis, it is my favorite sport. I remember one day when I came home after school, I opened the TV and watched a tennis match. At first, I was caught by the beautiful tennis women players, they wore the beautiful outfits, when I had been watching for ten minutes, I found the match was so excellent, from then on, I started to watch tennis match. I have learned the tennis, I will call my friends to play with me when I have time. Now I am a big fan of the tennis match, I will watch the tour matches once I am free. My love to tennis is more than I could express, I am so lucky to have some friends who share the same interest with me.
Ⅷ 高中英语作文对我学习方面帮助最大的人
With the passage of time, my learning road is also more walk more far, in this way, I have had a smile, tears and in on the road, always give me courage and encouragement is my sister, because her company, so I never choose to give up. 随着时间的流逝,我的学习之路也是越走越远,在这条道路上,我有过泪水也有过微笑,而在在这条道路上,一直给我勇气和鼓励的人就是我的姐姐,因为有她的陪伴,所以我从未选择过放弃。Sister has a good reading habit is love, many times she would lend me some good books, I learned a lot from the books, from books and I truly understand the meaning of learning 姐姐有一个很好的习惯就是爱看书,很多时候她也会把一些好的书借给我看,从书中我学到了很多,并且从书里我真正懂得了学无止境的含义To tell the truth, learning is a very ll thing, but my sister taught me a lot how to happy learning method, she let me use the happy mood to face the first study, to have the enthusiasm to study ,also told me, want to have a heart to always be self-motivated, 说实话,学习是一件很枯燥乏味的事情,但是姐姐教了我很多如何快乐学习的方法,她首先让我用快乐的心情去面对学习,要有专研的热情还告诉我,要有一颗时时求上进的心Under the guidance of the elder sister, I more determined to learn, and also believe that you can learn, because I know, only knowledge can make yourself stronger 在姐姐的引导下,我有了更大的决心去学习,并且也相信自己一定可以学好,因为我知道,只有知识才能让自己更强大Now my sister has been admitted to a good university, also still will often tell me the importance of learning, I firmly believe that as long as I work hard, I also will be something in the study, admitted to my ideal university 现在姐姐已经考上了一所不错的大学,也还是会经常告诉我学习的重要性,我坚信,只要我肯努力,我也一定会在学习上有所收获,考上自己理想的大学!
Ⅸ 我最喜欢的名人高中英语作文
In my heart, there always exists a woman I admire since I was a primary studnt. She is the word famous physical
Curie. The reasons why I admire her is not only for she had won the Nobel Prize
two times ring her lifetime, but also for she owns the social effects which other women don't have. Her experience has been encouraging thousands of people up to now.
What she impressed me best is the
discovery of the two elements, namey the radium and polonium. Maybe someone will say that it is just like a piece of cake, however, it took her three years to discover them, which promoted the development of the radiological chemistry.
During the process, it was her willpower that brought success to her. Therefore, I've learnt much from her, that is the spirit never saying giving up. I think that I will treat her like my spiritual leader, reminding me of making every effort
on my study.
Ⅹ 高中英语作文 我最喜欢的老师
I most like my English teacher, he was in our class is the most popular teacher, he teaches us English。 often help us witn learn English and ask us to study hard.And He often about our brilliant smile..
Our English teacher has a lot of hobbies, including his most good at singing.He loved singing, and he sing very good to listen, we're all very fond of his songs.
This is my favorite teacher,who is your favorite?