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发布时间:2021-01-22 23:10:19

① 急需4篇英语作文:关于大学生压力的,关于大学毕业生就业难的,关于高工资与工作的满足感的,关于大学生是

I am sorry!!!!

② 急英语作文:高薪与满足感那个更重要


③ 英语作文:第一次做过的一件事,给了你及大的满足感

I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.
Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft st blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I’ heard of, I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident. But when I raised my head, I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for. I smiled as handsome as possible and ask: “ I’m sorry, are you OK?” For my kindness, as well with my later hard chasing, that girl became my girl-friend. This is really a memorable experience for me!

④ 作文~《自我意识》







开头: 母亲的一生并不轰轰烈烈,但是她在我的心目中是一个地地道道的英雄。




⑤ 英语作文:第一次做过的一件事,给了你及大的满足感

I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft st blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I’ heard of, I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident. But when I raised my head, I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for. I smiled as handsome as possible and ask: “ I’m sorry, are you OK?” For my kindness, as well with my later hard chasing, that girl became my girl-friend. This is really a memorable experience for me!

⑥ 考研英语作文话题 不满足感是导致成功的主要原因吗


⑦ 英语作文:什么能给你带来满足感

I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.
Before I realized what had happened,I was thrown flat onto the concrete road,knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike.Soft st blurred my eyes and grated my teeth.This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I’ve heard of,I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident.But when I raised my head,I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for.I smiled as handsome as possible and ask:“ I’m sorry,are you OK?” For my kindness,as well with my later hard chasing,that girl became my girl-friend.This is really a memorable experience for me!

⑧ 是否认为成功的满足感是成功的动力,而不是金钱的英语作文

不要被书的名字所误导,《世界上最伟大的推销员》并不是讲解如何推销产品的,而是一本励志类书籍,英语作文成功之路。该书以2000年前耶稣时代三位伟大的推销员柏萨罗、海菲、保罗的故事,引出了以神秘方式逐代相传的推销秘诀———从不示人的十卷羊皮。该书分为三个部分:羊皮卷的故事论述了十条成功原则,羊皮卷的实践讲述具体的实践方法即九个成功记录表,羊皮卷的启示讲述了十条成功誓言。原则、方法、誓言三部分环环相扣,作者为推销员———更确切地说是为每一个工作着的人,设计了一条走向成功的道路。这条成功之路的出发点是爱心。这是做人做事的根本,离开了爱心其他所谓原则都是无用的。从海菲把红羊毛毯子盖在洞穴里刚出生的婴儿身上,到第二卷羊皮中我用全身心的爱来迎接今天,都说明了这一点。爱的力量是无穷的,只有充满爱心的人,才能珍惜自己的价值,才能笑遍世界,才能走向成功。 这条成功之路的关键是恒心和毅力。该书列举的成功原则如养成习惯、控制情绪、珍惜时间、立即行动等等,看似简单,做起来也并不难,而真正难的是持之以恒(原则之一)地坚持下去,没有坚忍不拔的毅力,没有战胜自我的勇气,是不可能做到的。 这条成功之路的动力之源就是对成功的强烈渴望和坚定信心。该书认为:成功更是一种精神状态,只有决心成功,失败永远不会把我击垮。而我们平常人之所以失败,原因就在于成功的愿望是虚假的,95%的人缺乏开发潜力的决心,所以就没有动力走上或走完成功之路,沉溺在失败的苦海中怨天尤人。 这条成功之路的实质是个人奋斗。所谓成功,就是一个完善自我,实现自我,发展自己的个性,实现自我价值的过程。该书倡导:使自己的个性充分发展,因为这是成功的一种资本,我独立特性,因而身价百倍。这充分体现出该书作者奥格·曼狄诺( O g Mandino)所在国家———美国人的价值观念。 该书所讲述的原则、誓言和实践方法,可以说是美国人个人奋斗成功经验的结晶,是美国人民族精神的一个缩影。对于处在社会转型期、正在与世界接轨的中国人来说,接受一些美国人的先进的思想观念,有利于克服我们长期封建历史遗留的民族劣根性和计划经济体制养成的惰性,激发人们奋发向上、拼搏进取、开拓创新的精神状态,中学生作文《英语作文成功之路》。但令人绝对不能接受的是,该书把祈祷上帝作为成功的第十条原则,借以宣扬美国人的宗教信仰和生活方式。实际上美国人的成功靠得是个人奋斗,而与祈祷上帝是毫无相关的。《国际歌》早已告诉人们:从来就没有什么救世主,也没有神仙皇帝,要创造人类幸福,全靠我们自己。我认为,如果把祈祷改为静心,那么该书设计的成功之路就更完美了。诸葛亮的宁静致远,无论何时何地都是为人处事的重要准则。在浮躁的心态下,人们看到的事物是失真的,情绪是失控的,行为的结果也往往是失败的———正所谓人生不如意事十有八九。只有把心静下来,头脑才会清醒,才能按客观规律而不是凭感情、情绪去办事,才能真正控制住自己成为自己的主人,从而在成功之路上奋勇前进。静心对中国人来说太重要了。陈涛(化名)一位40出头的男人,是我越柬探秘之旅中结识的一位团友,见他只身一人随团旅游,便随意地问他为何不带家属一块出游,他坦然地说妻子在公司打理业务脱不开身。提起妻子,他无不感慨地向我讲述了自己的一段难忘的经历:陈涛与妻子(前妻)成家时,是一个憨厚的小伙子,在单位只是一名普通职员。他们之所以能成为夫妻,也是经人介绍的。成家后,他们的生活过得还算美满。随着时间的推移,陈涛的妻子因工作出色,逐步地升上了业务经理的职务,而憨厚老实的陈涛,此时还是一位普通的职员。自从妻子升上业务经理的位置后,接触的都是高层领导,常常外出开会,出入高级饭店,住的是星级大酒店。因此,渐渐地看不惯陈涛的不长进,埋怨他没出息,不作为,工资收入低,有失她的身份。因而,几乎每天给陈涛脸色看,而陈涛一直深爱着自己的妻子,面对妻子的无理取闹和嫌弃,他总是忍让,尽量克制自己的情绪,不与其发生冲突。然而,妻子更是有恃无恐,常常居高临下地命令陈涛做这做那,憨厚的他始终对妻子言听计从,甚至百依百顺可妻子还是不满足。直至有一天,妻子向他提出离婚。这,对陈涛而言,仿佛晴天霹雳!他向妻子苦苦哀求,不要离开自己,可妻子去意已决,让陈涛心如刀割,痛不欲生......离婚后,绝望在心里盘旋着,昏睡了好几天的他,每天除了痛哭,还是痛哭,几乎失去了对生活的信心。要知道,被妻子无情的抛弃,对男人而言,那是一个多么残酷的事实和沉重的打击啊,这是一种深入骨髓的无可奈何的悲哀和疼痛!可他并没有因此恨自己的前妻,反而常常扪心自问自己错在哪?他觉得自己很失败,连最深爱的女人都无法留住,只恨自己的无能......此时的陈涛痛定思痛,决心振作起来,窃想:我堂堂七尺男儿,不能就这样被击垮。于是,决定辞去自己原有的工作,与朋友一起,集资开一家公司。经过几年时间的周折和奋力打拼,公司的业务渐渐走入正轨,直至不断发展壮大。如今,公司发展成为一个多元化的企业,为社会做出了贡献......这期间,他结识了一个与自己经历相似的女友,两人情投意合,因为彼此有着相同的经历,彼此都非常珍惜这个迟来的爱,他们重新组合了一个新的家庭,过着幸福、美满、快乐的生活......陈涛无不感慨地说,他能拥有今天的成就,得感谢他的前妻,要不是他前妻的嫌弃和抛弃,或许现在的他还是碌碌无为,一事无成。是她,让自己走向新生。他还说,他现在最想做的事,就是在自己的有生之年,能走遍全世界......爱,可以毁灭一个人,也可以成就一个人。陈涛深爱着自己的妻子,可她却因为陈涛的不作为离他远去。中国有一句古话:塞翁失马,焉知非福,妻子的离去并没有将他击垮,而是让他尝试了失败的疼痛,现实的残酷,让自己从失败中看到了自己的不足,从而激发了积极向上的潜力,最终成为一名有益于社会的成功人士,并获得了幸福的人生。

⑨ 雅思大作文范文:工作满足感跟工作稳定性哪个好

Somebody thinks job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others hold the opposite view: job permanent is much more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 +作家立场
Alarmingly, various stories concerning crimes have been pushing into spotlight. Conflicting ideas clash in finding out the root causes of misdeeds. My stand is that external reasons have a bigger influence on those misconcts. Nobody is born to be a criminal.
1. various stories 公众新闻报道
2. concerning 关于
3. have been pushing into spotlight …… 成为关注的焦点
4. conflicting ideas clash in …… 矛盾的观点在……方面互相碰撞
解析:clash v碰撞
My arguments could be easily explored. One contributing factor triggering manifold malefactions could be owed to the external circumstances in which the one is raised. To put in details, in some poverty-stricken or violent families, children are usually not properly taken care of and they stand few chances of receiving fine ecation, it is likely that such children may easily be led astray and even worse, they may conct some anti-social offences. Still, pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of media, have a really adverse impact on the young because the young can, in most cases, find it rather difficult to make positive choices about the types of influences in their lives, thus,it is possible for them to turn to a life of crime. Last, many perilous procts that could be harnessed commit crimes are very easily and cheaply available to the youths. In fact, guns are sold in a number of stores in some countries. This fact alone makes it very easy for some people to embark on the criminal road.
Granted, some people might remain suspicious of my stand and believe that those perpetrators are born to be evil. Some people argue that habitual malefaction is the main root cause of high crime rate. As for those felons such as gangsters boss or professional blackguards, to break the law is to take revenge on the society which they think unfair. Besides, some people contend that such is human nature to be greedy, selfish and jealous, which accounts for many types of crimes. It is also found that some women commit economic crimes simply because they are more vain and avaricious than others.
1. habitual malefaction 惯性犯罪
2. felons 重罪人
3. gangsters boss or professional blackguards 黑帮大哥和职业流氓
4. take revenge on the society which they think unfair 报复认为不公平的社会
5. vain and avaricious 虚荣的贪婪的
In a nutshell, I re-affirm my stand that different crimes could be combination of various elements, however, in comparison with evil nature, external factors actually play a profound influence in leading some immature or inexperienced people to go astray.
The proportion of people’s life spent working is very high,hence,feelings about one's job must mirror how an indivial feels about his or her life, in this sense, job satisfaction is indeed important for people’s well-being. One of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in selecting their desirable careers. The connotation of ideal job never fails to sparkle people’s heated debate. Personally speaking, a career that brings us the minimum sense of fulfillment is superior to a stable job.
For a start,if a job can simply stabilize our lives and ensure our accommodations, it is simply a means of earning a living. By contrast, if there is anything that can stimulate our endless passion, tap our unlimited potentials and enhance our happiness index, it must the career that we have a burning desire to undertake. Also, the debate reminds me of myself, I am now embarking on self-employment. Five years ago, I had a seemingly stable job, namely, a civil servant, more freedom and meager salary is the feature of my job. However, my life always felt empty and I was fed up with my former job. After careful consideration, I hardened my heart to carve out my own career. Of course, the process is tough, however, I live my life to the full, I always get my hands full and have limited free time at my own disposal. Luckily enough, my sense of happiness and contentment graally grows on me. Therefore, it is a success that if we can combine our career options with personal interests.
As a proverb goes, one’s meat is another man’s poison. Others, however, might remain suspicious of my stand. Some people argue that it is also possible that one falls into financial difficulties if skipping between jobs too frequently or blindly pursue unrealistic dreams. Another argument hold by some people is that a stable job indicates the odds of finding ideal partner of life, seen from the traditional perspective, a young alt who enjoys stable job stands more chances of wining the heart of his or her new date.
To sum up, my stand is that more and more modern people can no longer be dependent nor want to be dependent on a single career. In comparison with stable job, choosing the careers that our hearts desire deserves more praises.
A job can provide people with various things including pay, perks, and reputation. But if one thinks about the significance or at very least the purpose of doing the job, he/she must really consider the relative importance between job satisfaction and job stability.
Some believe that the sense of satisfaction outweighs that of security in the workplace. The reason is that if people are satisfied with their job, they will naturally have more zest for what they do, and this can in turn motivate them to achieve better job performance. By comparison, although a high level of job security suggests that people can keep their jobs, those who value it more would have less incentive to work hard, and thus be less likely to reach comparable achievements.
However, I personally would agree with the view that jobs are not always enjoyable and a constant career bear more importance. For instance, if a proct manager wants to succeed, he/she will have to study the varying preferences of consumers before launching any potentially popular proct. A more convincing example is the scientists who identified the cycle of sunspot. He spent his entire life in an observatory tracking and recording the astronomical data. None of these works are pleasant things to do, but without such continuous painstaking work in an occupation, people will be unable to taste the thrill of success, and can even end up leading a fruitless life.
In conclusion, my own view is that job satisfaction is more important than job security, but to accomplish any meaningful goals, one must go through the repetition of endless boring work.
It is true that seeking a decent job is not as easy as decades ago e to the economic recession and competitive job market. In this circumstance, although some believe indivials cannot always enjoy their own jobs and seeking a permanent job is necessary: others still insist that a sense of satisfaction toward job is crucial. The different opinions would be discussed in the following essay.
On the one hand, a permanent job can guarantee employee’s basic needs: so its importance should not be ignored . This is because almost no one can escape from the reality. Everyday, people are facing with a variety of expenses: such as food shelter, transport and even ecation tuition for children. With a relatively stable job: citizens: especially those in middle aged can cover most expenses. In addition, those who stay in the same company or institution are more likely to get a promotion as they show the loyalty towards their companies. By contrast, those who change their jobs frequently may meet unintended outcomes. For example, they may find it difficult to support themselves and raise their family members.
On the other hand, those advocates for pursuing a job they love might regard job satisfaction as the priority when finding an employment. They believe only working with friendly colleagues and employers and under a flexible working time schele, can they fulfill their potential and accomplish all tasks well, tins idea is unrealistic. For example, dozens of young graates have the bitter result because of their immature thoughts - that is to say unemployment.
In my opinion: people having an important job are more likely to have a promising job career and wellbeing. There is no perfect job in the world and therefore the only thing people can do is to find a suitable job rather than a perfect one.



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