A. 怎么教孩子拼写英文单词
B. 拼写英文时最简单的方法是什么
单词是构成语言的三大要素之一,是语言的“建筑材料”,是构建英语知识大厦的基石。在整个英语学习过程中,单词学习的任务是最繁重的。 单词掌握多少和熟练程度直接影响运用语言表达思想的准确性, 单词量的多少也直接影响着学生的各方面的能力。从某个角度上看,学生在英语学习中掉队,往往是从记不住单词开始的,单词的重要性就不言而喻了。 因此,是否能够巧妙的记忆英语单词成为一个人能否快捷突破英语的关键。那么,教师在教学过程中应教给学生一些记忆单词的方法,以激发学生的思维,培养他们理解、运用单词的能力。下面就介绍几种简单有效的英语单词记忆方法: 一、运用读音规则记忆法 英语是拼音文字,根据英语这一特点,使语音与单词中的字母有机的结合,以增强单词的记忆。就是利用英语国际音标来识记单词。 国际音标是标识标记英语语音的符号系统。如果熟悉并掌握国际音标及规则字母、字母组合的发音,就可以根据音标来直接拼写英语单词,尤其是一些比较长又难于识记的单词。 例如:pronunciation (n. 发音),就可以根据其音标来正确书写单词。单词的读音与字母及其组合的发音之间又有着密切的联系。 比如:cow,how,now 等词中的字母组合ow 都发/au/ 这个音;cake,these,five,note 等词中的元音字母都发该字母名称音等。对于一些长串字母组成的单词,可采用按读音分节的方法进行记忆。如:computer可分为com/k? m/、pu/pju:/、ter/t? /三部分,important可分为im/im/、por/p /、tant/t ?nt/三个部分。 英语单词之间有时候读音完全相同或极为相似,这样一来,我们可以通过比较、观察,找出它们的同异之处,来进一步加深印象,增强记忆效果。例如:/tu:/-two, too /si:/-sea, see /mi:t/ -meet, meat /f :/-for, four/raIt/-right, write英语中有些单词的读音被直接替换成了汉语词汇,这是因为起先在汉语中还没有跟这个单词相对应的词汇,掌握音译词后,我们就很快根据读音记住这个单词了。 例如: tank坦克,jeep吉普,Changjing长江,jacket夹克衫,New York纽约。因此,教师必须帮助学生详细地总结、熟记和使用字母及字母组合的发音规则,学生一旦掌握了这个识记单词的方法,记单词时就不需要一个字母一个字母地去死记硬背。就可以节约大量的记词时间,而且效果较为持久,既增强了兴趣、信心,又增加了成功感,为进一步学习英语打下坚实基础。 二、字母组合变化记忆法 英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法如下:前面加字母,例如:is-his,ear-near / hear,read-bread。后面加字母,例如:hear-heart,you-your,plane-planet。中间加字母,例如:though-through,tree-three,for-four。 减字母,例如:she-he,close-lose,start-star。换字母,例如:book-look / cook,cake-lake / wake / make / take。 调字母(即改变字母顺序),例如:blow-bowl,sing-sign,from-form。另外可以简化单词的拼写,重新组合,有时我们需要把一个古怪而难记的单词重新组合,简化记忆程序, 从而使它变得有趣、生动。如:把“sign”(记号)中的“ign”变成“ing”,重新组合成“sing”(唱歌),然后用“sing”记住“sign”;把“ear”(耳朵)中的“e”放在“ar”后,重新组合成“are”(是),然后用“are”记住“ear”;把“leak”(泄漏)中的“e”放在“k”后,重新组合成“lake”(湖),然后用“lake”记住“leak”。
三、比较记忆法 比较是人们认识客观世界的重要手段,有比较才有鉴别,不经过比较就很难弄清事物的相互关系。这里介绍的是对相似而又不同的单词进行对比分析,弄清它们的异同以进行记忆的方法。 如:改变一个元音的词就能变换出不同的词:ball,bell,bill;改变一个辅音的词就能变换出不同的词:fight,light,might,night,right,sight,tight;音同而形义不同的词:sun 和son,too和two ;音形相同而意义不同:light(光)和 light(轻);义相同: also/too/either, ago/before/past, each/every/all, because/as/for;义相反: yes/no, old/new, right/wrong, up/down, young/old等等。 四、联想记忆法 苏联著名生理学家巴甫洛夫指出:“记忆要依靠联想,而联想则是新旧知识建立联系的产物。”联想是记忆的基础。联想记忆单词就是充分运用发散思维展开自己的想象力,由此及彼、由点到面,由一个单词尽可能多地联系到与它相关的各种形式、结构及用法等。使所要
记忆的英语单词生动、形象和系统化,使新词和旧词之间建立一种荒诞夸张、稀奇古怪、难合情理的联系,令人终生难忘,从而达到以旧带新、快速记忆之目的。 例如:生词bake(vt. 烘、烤)利用联想记忆,在湖边(lake)做(make)蛋糕(cake)并烘( bake);打球时联想到:ball,( play ) basketball,( play ) football,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining - room,( have ) breakfast,( have ) lunch等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,go to bed,sleep,go to sleep,fall asleep等等。这样日积月累、持之以恒,就可以积少成多,从而做到薄积而厚发。 五、分类记忆法 英语词汇极其丰富,如果能把单词分门别类地进行记忆,是大有好处的。分类的方法因人而异,因爱好而异,灵活多样。按其性质,用途等来分类,使之条理化、系统化,就容易巩固,记忆,如按颜色、学习用品、交通工具、食品、生活用品等种类归纳,还可以按科目名称、时间、数字、季节、动植物、职业名称、场所地点名称图名等归纳分类等。采用归类的方法。在学习一个新单词时,可一并学习与之相关的同类词。
C. 讲课的英语单词 怎样拼写
较真的说,“抄讲课”应该是袭一个动词词组,由“讲”和“课”组成,所以应该是“give lectures”;但是lecture通常指在大学/大专学校里的那种课,所以如果说是小学、中学的老师讲课可以直接用teach就可以了。比如:He teaches 4th grade. 可以说是“他教4年级”也可以说是“他给四年级讲课”。
D. (拼写)的英文是什么
E. 英语拼写方法
前面说的有道理,但没有实效。你最好买本国际音标的书,我就是自学的。回你当重之急是答学单音节的发音,会了以后,长时间的就可以知道发音的了。特别注意的是要学仔细,不懂的可以请教我o,。。。规律有:ea.a.e 长发/i/ 和长音的/i/ er 长发“呃”(打不了,我不是超人) ......规律要自己找: practise make perfect!
F. 英语怎么学拼写
G. 拼写英语有什么技巧
H. 如何记住英语单词的拼写
I. 怎么注重英语拼写
1.教授新词时结合字母和字母组合的读音规则进行教学。如教学生pen时可以告诉学生字母p发[p]音,然后列出一些含有字母p的单词如pencil、map、keep、put、pig等这些单词中的p一般情况都发[p]音,类似的辅音字母b发[b]、t发[t]、d发[d]、k发[k]、g发[g]音等。如教car时,可告诉学生字母组合ar发[ ]音,然后列出一些含有字母组合ar的词让学生拼读,如park、hard、star、farm、party等。日积月累,学生便能掌握字母及字母组合诸于sh、th、ee、ow、ear等的读音规则,进而还能掌握重读开音节、闭音节、重读r音节的读音规则。
2.按音节进行教学。教师按音节慢慢地读出单词来,让学生分辨出这个词有几个音节,然后按音节分开拼读,指出辅音字母和元音字母各读什么音,然后进行拼读。例如,教学teacher时,先把tea和cher两个音节分开读,指出t应读[t],ea应读[i:],ch应读[t ],词末的er读[ ],然后拼起来读[ ]。这样经过一段时间的训练,就能培养学生按音节拼写单词的良好习惯,有助于他们正确地记住单词的拼法。
词义的讲解,要根据实际情况以及学生的接受能力,运用不同的方法,既要能引导学生的兴趣,又要能加深学生的理解,以便更好地掌握。还应注意的是英语和汉语虽然都有一词多义的现象。但是一些同义的词和一些词的不同意义,中英文之间有很大差异。要注意给学生讲清楚。如汉语的开门、开灯、开会、开机器都用同一个词 “开”,而英语分别要用不同的动词来表示。开门用open the door,开灯用turn on the light,开会用have a meeting等。又如汉语的拿,不论拿来拿去去拿都用“拿”,而在英语中却有take、bring之分。因此在词汇教学中,就要注意采用适当的方法揭示出某些词中英文语言的差异以及在上下文中实际内容的具体作用。从而帮助学生准确地掌握词汇的意义。讲解词汇的词义方法很多。可选用的方法有如下几点:
2、借助同义词。这种方法实际上是利用学生学过的词来学习新词。例如讲解bright在不同的句子里有不同的解释。Sunshine is bright(bright=light)。She is a bright girl。(bright=clever)。
3、利用反义词。如:good-bad,young-old, left-right,big-small,hate-love,
5、借用同音词但拼法不同的词。如:know-no,meet-meat,hour-our,plain-plane,one-won, too-two,pair-pear
6、利用语言的情境解释词义,把新词放在具体的语言环境里,引导学生揣测词义。a.借助于实物及实物的用处。如what’s this? It’s a pencil. We write with a pencil. I walk with my legs. I see with my eyes. b.借助于动作的目的。如We go to the playground to play football. We go to supermarket to buy pens. c.利用因果关系d.借助于事物的自然顺序。There are 12 months in a year,they’re January February……It’s Monday today. It was Sunday yesterday, tomorrow is Tuesday.
J. 急需英语(自然拼读法phonics)学习听音辩字,拼写教学并举例的教学计划、总结、教案、反思、课堂随笔。
Phonics Primer
You can use this Phonics Primer developed by The National Right to Read Foundation to begin teaching a child or alt to read today. This primer lists the 44 sounds in the English language and then gives steps for teaching those 44 sounds and their most common spelling patterns. In addition to learning sounds and spellings, each day the student must read lists of phonetically related words and spell these words from dictation. Phonics instruction must be reinforced by having the student read decodable text.
The 44 Sounds in the English Language
5 Short-Vowel Sounds
18 Consonant Sounds
7 Digraphs
short /ă/ in apple
short /ĕ/ in elephant
short /ĭ/ in igloo
short /ŏ/ in octopus
short /ǔ/ in umbrella
/b/ in bat
/k/ in cat and kite
/d/ in dog
/f/ in fan
/g/ in goat
/h/ in hat
/j/ in jam
/l/ in lip
/m/ in map
/n/ in nest
/p/ in pig
/r/ in rat
/s/ in sun
/t/ in top
/v/ in van
/w/ in wig
/y/ in yell
/z/ in zip
/ch/ in chin
/sh/ in ship
unvoiced /th/ in thin
voiced /th/ in this
/hw/ in whip *
/ng/ in sing
/nk/ in sink
* (wh is pronounced /w/ in some areas)
6 Long-Vowel Sounds
3 r-Controlled Vowel Sounds
Diphthongs and Other Special Sounds
long /ā/ in cake
long /ē/ in feet
long /ī/ in pie
long /ō/ in boat
long /ū/ (yoo) in mule
long /ōō/ in flew
/ur/ in fern, bird, and hurt
/ar/ in park
/or/ in fork
/oi/ in oil and boy
/ow/ in owl and ouch
short /ŏŏ/ in cook and pull
/aw/ in jaw and haul
/zh/ in television
Steps for Teaching Phonics
Step 1. Gather the materials listed below and store them together in a box.
Materials for Teaching Phonics
What You Need
systematic phonics program
Consider Phonics Pathways (available from our online bookstore), Sing, Spell, Read, Write, or another program from Phonics Procts for Home or Phonics Procts for School.
* phonics flashcards with the letter or letter combination (such as ou) on front and clue word (such as out) on back
Consider the Indivial Set of 70 Phonogram Cards (item #IPC, $10) from Spalding Ecation International, available at www.spalding.org. It’s helpful to also purchase the Spalding Phonogram Sounds CD (item #CD, $5.00) to learn how to pronounce each sound correctly.
Note: if you purchase this set from Spalding, you will not need to purchase a separate set of alphabet flashcards.
decodable stories
(preferably 100% decodable)
If your phonics program does not contain 100% decodable stories, consider Stories Based on Phonics, available from our online bookstore, or Bob Books First, available from www.amazon.com.
writing supplies: index cards, index card file, black wide-tip permanent marker, beginner’s wide-ruled writing tablet, 2 pencils with erasers
Purchase writing supplies at any office supply store.
* Note: Make sure your phonics flashcards give the proper sound or sounds for each letter or letter combination – many widely available flashcards are incorrect or incomplete. For example, the common sound of x is /ks/ as in fox, not /z/ as in xylophone or /eks/ as in x-ray. Also, the short-vowel sound of i is /ĭ/ as in igloo, not /ī/ as in ice cream.
Step 2. Teach the 5 short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds. Drill until memorized.
During the first week, use the flashcards to drill the short-vowel sounds. Add several consonant sounds each day until you are drilling all short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds with your student daily. Do not rush this step. Keep drilling until all sounds are memorized, which usually takes 2-4 weeks.
Tip: Work on phonics for at least 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week with your student. Frequency and consistency are more important than the length of time spent on each lesson.
Short-Vowel Sounds
short /ă/ in apple
short /ĕ/ in elephant
short /ĭ/ in igloo
short /ŏ/ in octopus
short /ŭ/ in umbrella
Consonant Sounds
/b/ in bat
/k/ in kite
/s/ in sun
/k/ in cat
/l/ in lip
/t/ in top
/d/ in dog
/m/ in map
/v/ in van
/f/ in fan
/n/ in nest
/w/ in wig
/g/ in goat
/p/ in pig
/ks/ in fox
/h/ in hat
/kw/ in queen
/y/ in yell
/j/ in jam
/r/ in rat
/z/ in zip
Step 3. Practice two-letter blends. Drill until blending is automatic.
After your student knows the short-vowel sounds and consonant sounds, next teach him how to orally blend two letters (b-a, ba) and read two-letter blends such as: ba, be, bi, bo, bu.
Two-Letter Blends
b + a = ba
s + a = sa
j + a = ja
b + e = be
s + e = se
j + e = je
b + i = bi
s + i = si
j + i = ji
b + o = bo
s + o = so
j + o = jo
b + u = bu
s + u = su
j + u = ju
Step 4. Practice three-letter blends. Drill until blending is automatic.
After your student can read two-letter blends, progress to three-letter blends, that is, words. Each day, have your student read a set of short-vowel words, then dictate these same words to him. (Show him how to form each letter and correct him gently, if necessary). This not only helps him remember the phonics lesson just learned, but it greatly improves spelling.
Golden Rule of Phonics: Never allow your student to skip, guess, or substitute words. Accuracy is more important than speed.
Three-Letter Blends
fa + t = fat
ki + t = kit
ro + d = rod
de + n = den
ma + d = mad
se + t = set
bo + x = box
ye + s = yes
tu + g = tug
hi + d = hid
no + t = not
wi + n = win
ju + g = jug
pu + n = pun
la + p = lap
Step 5. Teach the twin-consonant endings, plurals, and two-consonant blends. Drill until blending is automatic.
Twin-Consonant Endings
Two-Consonant Blends
Two-Consonant Blends
stun, fist
cats (sounds like /s/)
beds (sounds like /z/)
skip, mask
spot, gasp
Step 6. Teach the digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh, ng, nk). A digraph consists of two consonants that form a new sound when combined. Also teach three-consonant blends.
Three-Consonant Blends
chin, such, patch (silent t)
ship, wish
thin, with (unvoiced /th/)
this (voiced /th/)
sang, sing, song, sung
sank, sink, honk, sunk
Step 7. Introce a few high-frequency words necessary to read most sentences.
After your student can read three-letter and four-letter words easily, it’s time to add a few high-frequency words that are necessary to read most sentences. Some high-frequency words are phonetically regular (such as “or”), but are introced out of sequence because of their importance. Other words are truly irregular, because they contain one or more letters that don’t follow the rules of phonics (such as “once” and “who”).
The Basic High-Frequency Words table lists the most important words. Write each word on an index card. Introce three or four new words a week. Drill your student on these words everyday, encouraging him to sound out as much of the word as possible (usually the vowel sound is the only irregular part). As your student masters each word, file the card in the card file under “Words I Know.” When your student comes across a new “wacky” word (such as “sugar” in which the “s” is pronounced /sh/), make up a new index card and file it under “Words To Learn.”
Tip: What distinguishes this high-frequency word list from the typical “sight word” list? Many words in the list below cannot be completely sounded out, either because they contain one or more letters that don’t “follow the rules” or the rule is learned later. In contrast, the typical “sight word” list contains mostly phonetically regular words (such as “and” and “when”) that the student is forced to memorize simply because he has never been taught to sound them out.
Basic High-Frequency Words
Introce after student can
read short-vowel words, /th/, and /sh/
Introce after student can
read long-vowel words
A vowel by itself says its name:
a, I
“e” at the end of a short word says its name:
be, he, me, we, she, the*
“o” at the end of these words says its name:
no, go, so
“or” says /or/: or, for
do, to, into, of, off, put
* also pronounced /thŭ/
was, were, are
doing, does
said, says, have, give
you, your, yours
they, their, there
where, what, why, who
once, one, come, some
done, none
two, too
Step 8. Teach the long-vowel sounds and their spellings. Note that there are five common spellings for each long-vowel sound. Also teach the “Silent-e Rule”: When a one-syllable word ends in “e” and has the pattern vce (vowel-consonant-e), the first vowel says its name and the “e” is silent.
Long-Vowel Sounds
Common Spellings
Less Common Spellings
long /ā/
cake, rain, pay, eight, baby
steak, they, vein
long /ē/
Pete, me, feet, sea, bunny
key, field, cookie, receive, pizza
long /ī/
bike, hi, fly, pie, night
rye, type
long /ō/
hope, go, boat, toe, snow
soul, though
long /ū/ & /ōō/
mule, blue, boot, tuna, flew
fruit, soup, through, feud
Step 9. Teach the r-controlled vowel sounds and their spellings.
r-Controlled Vowel Sounds
Common Spellings
Less Common Spellings
fern, bird, hurt
pure, dollar, worm, earth
orange, forest
door, pour, roar, more, war
Step 10. Teach the diphthongs /oi/ and /ow/ and their spellings. A diphthong consists of two vowels that form a new sound when combined. Also teach other special sounds.
Common Spellings
oil, boy
owl, ouch
short /ŏŏ/
cook, pull
vacation, session, facial
Step 11. Teach /aw/, /awl/, /awk/ and their spellings.
Common Spellings
jaw, haul, wash, squash
bald, wall
Step 12. Teach these sounds and spelling patterns.
Common Spellings
/s/ spelled c
Rule: c followed by e, i, or y sounds like /s/.
cent, face, cinder, cycle
/j/ spelled g, ge, dge
Rule: g followed by e, i, or y usually sounds like /j/.
frigid, age, fudge, gym
/f/ spelled ph
Rule: ph sounds like /f/ in words of Greek origin.
phone, phonics
/k/ spelled ch
Rule: ch sounds like /k/ in words of Greek origin.
chorus, Christmas
/sh/ spelled ch
Rule: ch sounds like /sh/ in words of French origin.
chef, champagne
Note: This Phonics Primer does not contain all English spelling patterns. Consult a good phonics program such as one from Phonics Procts from Home or Phonics Procts for School for additional spelling patterns and rules. Most procts contain detailed instructions and practice reading selections.
Step 13. After 3 to 4 months of daily phonics instruction, begin introcing decodable stories.
Important: All sounds and spellings in Steps 2 - 12 should be introced within the first 4 months of phonics instruction.
After 3 to 4 months of reading lists of words and sentences, your student should be ready to read decodable stories such as Stories Based on Phonics or Bob Books First. The student should read all stories aloud, carefully and accurately. Help him sound out difficult words, as needed. Explain the meaning of all new words. Encourage him to read each story several times to gain fluency, but don’t let him memorize the story (reciting a story from memory is not reading). Model fluent reading by reading a sentence aloud with expression, then asking him to repeat what you read with the same tone of voice. Explain and demonstrate the meaning of basic punctuation (period = stop, comma = pause, exclamation point = speak with excitement, question mark = raise the pitch of your voice on the last word to ask a question.)
Step 14. Begin introcing “easy-to-read” books.
After the student masters decodable stories, let him move on to easy books such as those by Dr. Seuss (Hop on Pop; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish; Ten Apples Up on Top; Green Eggs and Ham; and so on), P. D. Eastman (Are You My Mother?; Go Dog, Go!; A Fish Out of Water), and Cynthia Rylant (Henry and Mudge series; Poppleton series; Mr. Putter and Tabby series). As your student reads each book, add new wacky words to the Words To Learn file and review daily, if necessary.
Continue teaching the lessons in the phonics program – don’t stop just because your student can read. Most children need 1 to 2 years of reinforcement before their phonics knowledge becomes permanent.
Step 15. Continue to give phonetically based spelling lists.
Even after your student has finished the phonics program, make sure to reinforce his phonics knowledge by giving phonetically based spelling lists each week at least through third grade.
Revised: 6/05