Ⅰ 英语教案怎么写
I. Teaching books: Project English--- Unit3 Topic3 Section A.
. Teaching tools: tape recorder, word cards, Powerpoint.
III. Teaching methods: Teaching as a whole, visual and situational method, and team cooperation.
IV. Teaching aims and demands:
1. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.
2. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
3. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.
4. Key sentences:
eg: What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …
Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.
V. Teaching Proceres:
Step 1: Organization and revision:
1. Task presentation.
2. Get familiar with the food vocabulary.
3. Learn the use of countable and uncountable nouns.
4. Learn how to entertain guests to dinner at home and the response.
5. Listen to the song of ABC. While listening, get students find out food words from the song.
6. Check how much students have learnt about the new words:
Ss show pictures to partners and ask each other to spell the words.
Consolidation: Teacher review new words with the whole class (show pictures).
Step 2: Presentation:
1. Learn countable and uncountable nouns.
2. Classify the words on the blackboard into countable and uncountable groups:
[C]: egg, vegetable, noodle, cake
[U]: fish, meat, rice, chicken, tea, milk, water
3. Play a game:
S1: water S2: some water, vegetable S3: some vegetables, milk S4: some milk …
4. Consolidation: Practice those words with sentences.
eg:I like …(s) very much. J I don’t like …(s) at all.
( Students work with partners, then make a report. )
5. Ask and answer:
1)Review some words with students. (show word cards)
2) T:Suppose you invite some classmates to dinner at your home, hat should you say? First let us learn some key sentences:
eg:What would you like to have/drink? -- I’d like some …
Would you like some …? -- Yes, please. / No, thanks.
(Ss work in pairs to practice the key sentences, then act out the dialogues.)
6. Activity 1a:
1)Listen and understand.
2)Listen again, then read after the tape.
3)Point out some useful expressions:
eg: What about you, ××? -- I’d like some …
May I have some …? -- Here you are.
Help yourselves.
7. Activity 2 :
1)Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.
2)Point out useful expressions:
eg: Why not have some …? -- Good idea! Thanks!
Step 3: Consolidation and Practice
1. Work in groups and study the conversation in activity 1a and activity
2. Then work out to make a similar conversation with your group members. (Teacher is guide;Ss review the key sentences and useful expressions they just learned together before they get to make a new conversation.)
3. Act it out in class.
Step 4: Project
Summary: Check out whether Ss finish the tasks or not. (Briefly review the words, sentences and grammar we’ve learnt today.)
Step5: Homework:
1. Finish your exercise sheet.
2. Write down the countable nouns and uncountable nouns you learn today.
3. Make a survey of students in other groups about foods they like and dislike. Then write a new conversation of “Entertaining guests to dinner”.
4. Make a menu with your group members! (a daily menu, may look up dictionaries for new words, put some beautiful pictures in your menu).
Ⅱ 小班音乐活动教案 abc英文歌
Radio the radio radio
Radio the radio radio
He looks like a million dollar to you
Tell me does he heal your heart like i do
I know he's everything i'm not not not
You say he makes your life complete
But do you ever think of me
Don't lie i know that you can hear me
When i'm on radio the radio
I'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
Radio the radio i'm on the radio
Like oh oh oooh
You think his money will do you right
But they won't keep you warm throught the night
I know i'm everything he's not not not
You see he makes your life complete
But i know you think of me
Don't lie i know that you can hear me
When i'm on the radio the radio i'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
Radio the radio i'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
Radio the radio radio
Radio the radio radio
When i'm on the
The radio(radio)
I'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
The radio(radio)
I'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
When i'm on radio the radio i'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
Radio the radio i'm on the radio like oh oh oooh
Ⅲ omABC少儿英语参考什么教材来教学
Ⅳ 小班英文歌曲教案:《i can say my abc》
一、Warm up(热身活动)
1、教师与幼儿热情问好。(Good morning)
1、师;还记得上节课,我们学习的几个动物单词吗?Look at me,我手中就拿好咯,等下,老师会像魔术师一样,从我的背后,把卡片变出来给小朋友看,小朋友看到了是什么小动物,就要用好听又大声的声音说出这个动物的英文名字,明白吗?
Dog dog dog ,woof woof woof.
Cow cow cow,moo moo moo.
Pig pig pig ,oink oink oink.
Ⅳ 求幼儿园英语字母的教案!!
Ⅵ TomABC少儿英语有几种教学方法
Ⅶ 如何对幼儿进行字母abc的教学活动
教材分析字母教学是小学英语课堂教学重要和首要的任务之一。众所周知,英语是拼音文字,组成英文书面交流的最小单位是字母。英语中共有26个字母,每个字母有其特有的读音和书写形式。是否能教好英语字母影响着小学英语教学目标的实现,这是字母本身的特点和重要所决定的。在英语教学的初始阶段,也就是在低年级英语教学中应该十分重视英语字母的教学,完成好英语字母教学的任务。 教学目标 字母教学包括26个字母的读音,辩认和书写三项内容。小学英语字母教学的目标是在教师的指导下,让学生达到能认字母的音和形,能读准字母,能按正确的笔顺和规格书写,能按顺序背诵和默写字母,同时能初步掌握字母在单词中的发音,为进一步学习单词的读音和拼读打下基础。 教学意义 语音,语法,词汇是语言的三大要素。字母是语音,词汇的基础,因而也是整个小学英语教学的基础。英语26个字母是记录语言的文字符号,是英语文字的最小书写单位,英语利用这26个字母拼写所有的词。英语26个了母的名称音中包含了英语48个音素中的24个音素,占全部英语音素的一半。在小学英语教学中,字母教学是入门阶段一项重要的教学内容,是培养学生英语素质的奠基工程。教学中,字母教学意义重大,它是英语学习的开端,对于激发学生的学习积极性,开发智力,培养良好的听说读写的学习习惯,为学生进一步学习音标,单词,句子,课文,提高语言能力,为终身学习打下良好的基础等具有重要的意义。 教学过程与实施建议 1.学习字母的读音 (1)听音听音是模仿的第一步,是模仿的基础。先听音,后开口,听清发准,是字母教学的基本步骤,也是字母教学的根本方法,因为听的质量直接影响模仿的效果,所以教师在教授字母的发音时,一定要示范正确,清楚,语速掌握好。 对于一些较难发音的字母,教师要适当地讲解字母的口型舌位,发音的要领,发音的方法和技巧。 1.模仿 模仿发音是学习字母的最基本的方法,是检测学生是否准确掌握的最好方法,教师在让学生模枋的时候要采用活泼的形式,直观形象的比喻,借助手势,实物,图片,动作等帮助学生发好音。 要让学生反复大量地实践。 2.字母在单词中的发音学生学好字母,对学习语音和音词在有帮助。在讲解字母时,教师要渗透字母在单词中的一般发音规律,自然拼读规则,使学生渐渐了解每个字母在单词中都有他们各自的读音,为以后拼读单词,记忆单词打下良好的基础。 3.学习字母的书写 书写教学一开始就要严格要求,培养学生良好的书写习惯,教师在讲解时应注意让学生认真观察字母的笔顺,起笔和落笔,几笔写成,占几格,然后再让学生模仿和操练,还要注意将检查和评价相结合,检查学生的书写是否按照字母的笔顺和字母在四线格中应占的位置书写,字母的大小,宽窄是否协调和谐,间隔是否均匀,适当,培养学生正确的书写习惯,包括写字的姿势,放纸的位置等。 4.字母教学活动 (1)象形字母:教师出示一些与字母相像的图案或实物,学生通过想象去认,看看像什么字母。 教师准备:与字母相像的图案或实物。 学生准备:将与字母相像的图案或物品带到学校,同学们相互看。 (2)不同材料的字母:让学生用绳子,珠子,石子或铁丝等物品组成各种字母。教师和学生准备:绳子,珠子,石子或铁丝等材料。 字母抽象化:看图,找出所的大小写字母,还可以让学生用大小写字母自创一副图,与同桌找字母。 (4)游戏字母:学生们用自已的身体来组成字母。例如:表演“A”字母的是两个全班最胖的男孩,两个一左一右隔着在约半米的距离并排站好,慢慢地左右倾斜头紧紧贴在一起,一左一右两只小手拉在一起,这样就组成了字母这样的教学同学们觉得非常有趣,课后,常常有学生自已玩这种游戏。这不仅激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,同时也培养了学生积极动脑,主动思考问题的能力。 教学后记:基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听,说,读,写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,培养学生的观察,记忆,思维,想象能力和创新精神,帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。