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发布时间:2020-12-29 12:52:45

⑴ 一篇关于独立的英语作文

At present, many parents of middle school students to read with their children. To read with parents, there are advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are: You can make your child eat meals, to help kids do the laundry, so that children have more time to study and rest. The disadvantage is that: the child's capacity for independent living can not get paternity support, and with little contact time students will have a serious impact on their interpersonal skills, thus the child's daily communication in the future inconvenience.

⑵ 独立生活的好处和坏处,一篇英文作文。

要学会独立生活,最重要的一点是要学会理财。因为经济独立是独立生活最根本的一点,没有经济上的独立,根本就谈不上独立生活。当然这一定义并不适用于学生。就学生而言,独立生活最重要的是能自己照顾好自己,尤其是吃和住的方面,能有条理地打理。To learn to live independently, the most important thing is to learn financial management. Independent living for economic independence is the most fundamental point, there is no economic independence, there would be no independent life. Of course, this definition does not apply to students. For students in independent living is most important is to take care of yourself, eat and live in particular areas, can be structured to take care of yourself

⑶ 学生日常花费和学习独立的重要性的英语作文

As we all know,self-tought is becoming more and more important ,just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers.Everyone should own this kind of ability because classmates or teachers are not always be there when you need help.As information is more and more accessible for example the newspaper,TV,computer will provide us with various information to meet our needs. to ecate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. As we all know,self-tought is becoming more and more important ,just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers.Everyone should own this kind of ability because classmates or teachers are not always be there when you need help.As information is more and more accessible for example the newspaper,TV,computer will provide us with various information to meet our needs. to ecate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own.

⑷ 帮忙写一篇有关独立的英语作文

独立的滋味 虽然并没有留意自己人生中的“独立日”,但是生活确实是在实质上发生着变化。 现在经常要考虑一些以前从来没有,也没有必要去想的问题,例如住和吃。真的是不知道生活到底是变得复杂了还是简单了。不过,有一点是可以肯定的。生活正在变得越来越富有戏剧性。更多的不确定因素让生活显得更加多变。这就像是哈利·波特里那种糖果,总是会有你意想不到的味道。这也正像是世界上最知名的傻子之一阿甘在电影里说的一样“生活就像是一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道下一块会是哪种味道”。 由于生活中关注的焦点变化了,生活情趣也相应的转变了。显然的,这两个转变在我身上并没有显示出过多的一致性。流行音乐使我觉得烦躁。漂亮的脸蛋和性感的身材绝对是上天的恩赐。老天爷对他们说让他们用这些自然资源去赚钱。这有点像最原始的交易模式。不过,靓丽的明星们的确再一次验证了这些古老的经济原理。我对女生的热情也有很大程度的缩减。这也是让我最担心的。我害怕自己的疏忽而错过机会。其实,心里还是希望着有朝一日,电影里的情节会发生在自己身上。当然是皆大欢喜的那种,而不是美丽的悲剧。不过,如果有像是超人这类的超能力拥有一小会也无妨。可是,我发现自己已经离这些事情越来越远了。我发现自己做剧烈运动的时候,不再像以前那样浑身紧凑在一起,而是感到身体总是有一部分落在我动作的后面。郁闷啊! 最近我越来越痴迷于数学和物理了。真的是不知道自己为什么在高中的时候对这些科目就没有那么感兴趣呢?下载了一些电子图书,一些是合法的,一些还是合法的。哈哈。另外就是感谢亚马逊,买书实在是太便利了。运送及时、准确,而且往往可以得到很好的价格。我很欣慰!:) 能写的感性的东西越来越少了,可能是因为没有了女朋友的缘故。嗯!这是个问题。缺少了另外一半的补充,也就减少了一半对生活发出感慨的机会。我喜欢法国女孩。不要金发碧眼的,要那种很有东方特色的。法国女孩子的美丽中有那么一点的颓废和伤感。这对于我这样一个木讷的人来说,真的是一种很好的缓和和补充。不过,令人发愁的是,相应的你就得赚更多的钱。一个“钱”字就轻易的把我打回到了现实。这种感觉很好笑,让人心里有一种痒痒的感觉,说不清,也道不明。真是“想的想到睡不着觉”啊!哈哈。 还想继续写,就是怕写的太长了朋友们没有时间读完,或者读到一半就厌了。下次再写吧! 感谢娃娃为我空寂的空间留下了美丽的文字和关怀 祝所有朋友心想事成,心情舒畅!

⑸ 独立的重要性英语作文

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents' eyes or even their granparents', so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral ecation is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

to ecate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral ecation.

⑹ 关系独立完成公作于与多人和作完成工作的优点...(英语作文一百个单词左右).帮帮忙

Nowadays, in our society, how to fulfill a task has evoked a hot debate.We never can live and solve all problems by ourselves, so learning to cooperate with others is crucial.While completing our work independently is also playing an important role in our daily life because it can reflect our working skills.
To start with, Join and organize different kinds of activities is a good way to improve our ability of cooperation and communication. But that not means just to work together, the communication in mind is also necessary. So, in our usual life, learn to solve problems by discussing with people who is your workmate, maybe we can make it easily. However ,at the same time, you could not forget the spirit of independence, doing some things by yourself which can not only enrich your reference working experience but also establish yourself in your corporation.
In conclusion ,whether the cooperation or working independently can provide you good opportunities to improve yourself and we must cherish it very much!
哈哈 今天又雅思积累了点人品 累死了 楼主加油 好好学习英语哈!!!!!!

⑺ 培养独立性英语作文70

父母应该培养孩子的独立性 Parents Should Help Children to Be Independent
In our country,the only-one child policy has made more and more parents pay so much attention to their children that they would like to replace their children to do everything,including study,work and even marriage.This notion has given to many problems for children’s grow-ups.Therefore,our parents should learn to help their children to be independent.
There are some suggestions given to our parents.For one thing,it is quite important for our parents to realize that their children will grow up and have their own ideas and thoughts as time goes by.Thus,children should be encouraged to make some decisions alone in some matters so that they are able to pursue what they want.And this would also make contribution to solve what we called “generation gap.”
For another,our parents should believe that their children have enough ability to deal with their personal matters and differentiate between good and evil.Hence,parents should give some family chores to their children properly because it is a good chance to train them.
Of course,I am not saying that our parents should not help their children when they are getting into trouble,but I contend that our parents should give their children a free hand in some matters to help them to be independent.

⑻ 英语作文独立

让孩子独立Let The Child Be Independent
As manipulation of the policy of Family Plan in the 1980s, today, there are so many children are the families’ only child, they are being the emperor and the princess. Because the family spoils them so much, they can get what they want, parents do everything for them, so the children become dependent. There is a big problem in the ecation from parents, they should not spoil their children, let them to be independent. First, parents should not do all the things, they should ask the kids to finish on their own, parents can lead the kids to finish. Second, parents try to create some chances to exercise the kid. They can ask the kids to clean the house, parents can give small money.

⑼ 求一篇关于孩子独立的重要性的英语作文


⑽ 我喜欢独立自主学学习的好处,英语作文

I like English, so i also like learning English. I have two ways to study English. The first one is that talk with foreigners, it can help me improve my speaking skills. The second one is that do many practice. If I learn English very well, I can go to other countries to travel and made many foreign friends. It is good for myself.



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