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发布时间:2020-12-28 19:17:26

㈠ my什么什么英语作文小型

My hometown and Guangzhou are different in many ways. Firstly, people in Guangzhou speak several languages. For example, local citizens speak Cantonese, and the immigrants speak Mandarin. And there are many foreigners and oversea people living in Guangzhou. They mainly speak English. Once I traveled in Guangzhou, I found it a little difficult to understand Cantonese. Thus I tried to communicate with them in Mandarin. Sometimes when I met some foreigners, I also chatted with them in English. However, people in my hometown always speak local dialect.
Besides, the food in my hometown is too hot and spicy. But Cantonese food is much lighter. It's neither too salty nor too light.

㈡ 小型庆祝生日舞会 英语作文


㈢ 小型榨汁机的英语作文介绍

First,let's cut some apples.Then,put the chopped apples into the juicer.Then,add the ice cream inside the juicer.Finally,pull the milk to the juicer.



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