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发布时间:2020-12-28 14:17:52

1. 查一篇关于出差生病而没有及时就医的英语作文

said thecure, frowning; 'I congratulate you on your

2. 描述你中暑就医经历英语作文

today,,i have got a headace,so go to the hosptial,but i can not find the doctor,so i go to the check desk,,,where is the doctor,i have got a bad headace,please follow this way on the second door ,you will see the doctor,then the doctor take the tempture and give me some of pills,,and aske me three time a day,two day later, i am well now

3. 关于生病就医经过的英语作文

Last Saturday,I don't felt well.I think,I had a cold.So I went to the hospital to see a doctor.The doctor took my temprature and check me over.He said I got a cold.But don't worry.He gave me some medicine and let me have a good rest.I went home after give money.

┏ (^ω^)=☞



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