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发布时间:2020-12-24 10:16:11

1. 举行校庆的英语作文及时间地点怎么写

The college anniversary celebration will take place at the College Hall on March 23.
You are kindly invited to attend the meeting.
College Administration.

2. "百年校庆"用英语怎么说

百年校庆的英文:The centenary of school anniversary

anniversary读法 英[ˌænɪ'vɜːsəri]美[ˌænɪ'vɜːrsəri]



1、He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift.

2、They held a dinner to celebrate his anniversary.


1、golden anniversary 金婚

2、anniversary date周年日

3、Miss Anniversary周年小姐

4、Seventh Anniversary第七次纪念

5、anniversary hypothesis周年假说






1、silver anniversary 银婚

2、anniversary wind 定期风

3、anniversary winds 季节风

4、wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日

5、diamond anniversary 钻石婚

3. 关于校庆的英语作文

oday is a special day which is the birthday of our school .I feel very happy and exciting.Around the school were hung with coloured lights and with best wishes. Each class could furnish their own classroom to celebrate the anniversary. Our class is not only with the class is prepared to the programme. Our school will feel that our most sincere blessing.

In my oppion, there is Scenic and learning environment in our school. In school time is always fleeting .I love my school and believe that study is the best gifts, presented the school. I hope my school will become better and better.

4. 英语作文(学校60周年校庆)带翻译

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.(Title)
In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China hasgot many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science developing, China plays a important role in the world.Last 60 years, we in honor of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999.Suffer from the south face of the history of a rare flood in 1998. In 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic.In 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan , the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance! we suffering the disasters,we were holding the Beijing Olympics successfully, and prove that Chinese are brave!Tdday, on the national holiday,let's celebrate it and bless our country being better!

5. 校庆英语作文

Possible version:
Before graation, we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday. We had a heated discussion about what gift to give. We think we should do whatever we can to help our school. Some advise planting more trees on the coming Tree---Planting Day to make our campus more beautiful, while others hold the view that we should introce the history of our school to friends, schoolmates or relatives. Besides, we can show them around our school to make it better known.
As far as I am concerned, I’ like to study even harder for a better university. In this way, our school will be proud of us and thus we can make an even greater contribution to it.

6. 学校八十年校庆,英语作文,六十词左右就行,谢谢。(最好带翻译)

what do I expect my college life will be?
Bringing with expectation,I imagine my college life should be very good. The college is an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in.Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. I will talk to them heart t

7. 校庆70周年英语作文

在时光的流淌中,我已经在这个承载我的梦想的校园里度过的快两年的时间了,在这里,我追求着我生命中动人的章节,谱写出自己走向成熟的小调。而在蓦然回首中,我惊奇的发现。这里已经成了我生命中另一个重要的地方,许多种情感在心中荡漾…… 依然清晰地记得第一走入这里的感受:全新的教学区、高耸的钟楼、嫩青的草坪……郁郁葱葱,一切都充满了年轻的活力和生机。学校给我留下的另一个感觉就是大!记得刚开始的时候,最怕的就是自己去上课。偌大的校园,一脸的茫然,却找不到上课的地方,而今想想那份纯真的感觉,依旧觉得温暖。现在校园的一切都变得熟悉了,好多的地方都留下了我征程的足迹--或者快乐,或者忧伤。 也许是因为校园是新校区,所以文化底蕴与别的学校有些差距,但是徜徉在这里,依旧可以感受到一种别样的韵味流露其中。我很喜欢学校的湖,湖水很蓝很清,特别是在盛夏的季节里,喜欢在落日的余晖中,坐在湖畔,一个人仰望校园的天空。那时喧闹了一天的校园也静下来了,太阳也慢慢的收敛热情,一切都是那样的静谧……深蓝色的天空也慢慢变浅,袅袅婷婷,绰绰约约,光和影有着不同的旋律,那朦胧中漏出些清丽。用眼睛装满天空的蓝,心中是那样的心旷神怡。心情不是很好的时候,喜欢漫步在平滑的石板路上,路两旁铺满了鲜花,空气中满是清新的气息和花香。汇成缕缕的清香,漫过原本疲惫的心,释放着一种情怀。 如果说美丽的校景让我陶醉,那么,学校里蕴含的活力就让我为之不断的进取和努力。课堂上,老师用他们最渊博的思想给我讲授着知识的内涵。让我们心中满载着无比充实的愉悦--语文老师的睿智;高数老师的敏锐;舞蹈老师的优雅……这一切的一切都激励着我们学习。而学校也很重视学习,为了让大家有更融洽的学习氛围,学校每个月都要进行教学反馈,去真正的了解我们所关注的问题,来帮助我们……如果说知识是课堂和内涵的结合的结晶,那么图书馆就是我们不可缺少的一个精神家园。没有课的时候,喜欢到那里去消磨时间,在文学库里,徜徉在古今中外的时光隧道中,摄取着文学殿堂的宝物;在社科库中,学会在沉思中寻觅哲理的深奥,然后用一种全新的感觉去充盈生活。心情慵懒的时候就到自修室去找一个靠窗的地方坐下,看着阳光射过透明玻璃的样子,耳边倾听着轻轻响起的沙沙笔声和哗哗的翻书声,给原本散乱的心注入了无限的振奋,于是也就在不知觉中投入了这个队列中开始努力的学习。 渊博的知识是年轻梦想永远不变的追求,只是在这里,更有了一种关爱的气息。让人感动……“轻轻地捧着你的脸,为你把眼泪擦干,这颗心永远属于你,告诉我不再孤单。深深地凝望你的眼,不需要更多的语言,紧紧地握住你的手,这温暖依旧未改变。”简单的词语,却演绎了一种最纯真的情感,依然记得那个寒冷的冬日,大家为了将一份年轻的生命维系,自发的为患病女孩捐款的情景,冰冷的寒风肆意的飞

8. 速求一篇有关校庆的英语作文,带翻译



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