A. 写一篇交通事故的英语短文
A Traffic Accident
One night Mr Lee was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. It was almost midnight and she was quite tired out. She soon fell asleep. Mr Lee looked at her and smiled.
Mr Lee was a careful and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. After some time he noticed a car following him. It was travelling very fast. Suddenly it overtook① his car.
The driver of the car was in a hurry. He did not see the approaching lorry. To avoid hitting it, he suddenly tuned his car. It skidded② off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and his passenger were injured③ .They were badly cut by glass from the broken windscreen④.Mr Lee quickly stopped his car by the side of the road. His wife got out of the car to help the injured. The lorry driver also stopped to help. Mr Lee drove off to telephone the police . About twenty-five minutes later, a police car and an ambulance⑤ arrived. The injured were carried into the ambulance and taken to hospital.
The policemen took down details of the accident. Mr Lee and the lorry driver told them all they could remember. The policemen thanked them for their help. Mr and Mrs Lee got into their car and continued their journey home.
① overtake [?+uv+'teik] v. 追上;赶上;超过
②skid[skid] v. (汽车等)打滑;滑向一侧
③injure['indN+] v. 损害;伤害 the injured(事故中的)受伤者
④ windscreen['windskri:n] n. (汽车等的)挡风玻璃
⑤ ambulance['$mbjul+ns] n. 救护车
文章除了开头交待的时间外,后面只用了“After some time”和About twenty-five minutes later”两处表达时间顺序的词语,其他地方则是由动作发生的先后来表达时间顺序的,但读后让人感到文章将事件的前因后果表达得清清楚楚,没有一点含糊。
注意学习其中表达紧张场面的副词,如 suddenly, quickly等。
B. “交通事故”英语作文(带翻译)
我在伦敦街头目击了一场交通事故,要给警局写报告。地点教堂西侧。时间专上午十点。属天气,雨天,有雾。受害人,年长路人,背黄包,行动迟缓。肇事者,女,金发白肤,三十岁,驾驶蓝色本田。 I witnessed a traffic accident on the streets of London, to give police report writing. Locations west of the church. Time 10:00. Weather, rain, fog. Victims, elderly pedestrians, back yellow package and slow. Perpetrators, female, blond white skin, three-year-old, driving a blue Honda.
C. 英语作文关于车辆事故的(两篇)
Yesterday,when I was on my way to school,I saw a transportation accident in front of a supermaket.The man was driving his motorbike on the street,he was a little drunk.His motorbike catched an unlucky schoolboy who was riding his bike to school.The student got injured,his right leg hurt.Then he found that his bike was broken,so he couldn't arrive school on time.He's very sad.Someone called the police.A few minutes later,two policemen came while the man was take the boy to the nearst hospital.The policemen asked the man some questions about the accident after he did. I want things like this never happen again.
D. 作一篇发生交通意外的英文的作文 一个人发生交通意外的作文 60字左右
Beijing,nov.11,according to media reports,Hong Kong island of Hong Kong bay sweet afternoon 11 way traffic accidents,at least 10 people were injured.Accidents in the afternoon about 4,a car along the way to Aberdeen island sweet island direction with a school bus in the island,off road 36 collision that at least 10 people were injured.
E. 有关交通事故的英语作文(要有翻译)
A Traffic Accident
Yesterday when I was walking along the street, I saw an old lady in front of me.
She wanted to cross the street.
All of a sudden, a bicycle ran against her at a high speed.
The old woman fell to the ground. The cyclist was very frightened and ran away. I hurried to help the lady up, called a taxi and sent her to the nearest hospital. Luckily she was not badly hurt.
We live in a large city which is like a big family. We should
care for each other.
On Feb 8, 2008, I walked in a park, witnessing an elder’s being knocked down. (2008年2月8日,我在公园里散步,目击一位老人被撞倒.)
The registration number of the hit-and-run car I had seen is AC864. (肇事后逃逸的那辆车车牌号我看到是AC864.)
And then I took the elder to a hospital. (然后我将老人送往医院.)
Now he has recovered from injuries sustained in the accident.(老人在车祸中受的伤现在已痊愈.)
What’s more, he has got a certain amount of compensation from the troublemaker e to my reporting the case to the police. (而且,由于我的报案,老人从肇事者处获得一定赔偿.)
He thanks me very much. (他非常感谢我.)
F. 英语作文车祸
记一次车抄祸 A Accident
Today is Sunday. I visited my uncle with my father in the morning. In a traffic light, we saw a car accident. We were waiting for the traffic light. Suddenly, a motorbike ran the red light and crashed with a car. Luckily, the motor driver slowed down the speed and he just fell down from his motor. He could stand up by himself. But this accident caused a traffic jam. I hope drivers can drive under traffic rules.
G. 英语作文记一次车祸
Today is Sunday. I visited my uncle with my father in the morning. In a traffic light, we saw a car accident. We were waiting for the traffic light. Suddenly, a motorbike ran the red light and crashed with a car. Luckily, the motor driver slowed down the speed and he just fell down from his motor. He could stand up by himself. But this accident caused a traffic jam. I hope drivers can drive under traffic rules
H. 关于交通事故的一篇英文作文,60词左右
last sunday i went shopping with my friend alice. Then,A grandmother wants to go arcoss to the road.But a car coming in that time .Luckily, many people came to helps with grandmother.Finally,the person who drive the car went to the policeman and the grandmother went to the hospital.This story tell us,we have to take care for go aross the road and we must obey the traffic rules.
I. 有关车祸的英语作文
pretend ! who pretends ?actors pretend. in this project,you will be actors. with a small group of classmates, you will pretend that someone has had an accident . Don't forget to show your classmates :
how the accident happened
what happens next
each person in your group will pretend to be someone different. who can you be ?
the victim
someone who saw the accident
a doctor
a reporter
J. 一篇交通事故报导的英语作文
①一天晚上,Lee先生开车带着他的妻子下班回家。他的妻子是一家医院的护士。快到午夜了,她十分困乏,很快就睡着了。Lee先生看看她,笑了。 ②Lee先生驾车很有经验,也很谨慎。开车走了一会儿,他注意到有一辆车在他后边,车开得很快,超过他的车。 ③驾驶那辆车的人很慌张,没有看见迎头开过来的卡车。为了避免撞车,他突然让自己的车转弯,车滑向路的一侧撞到一棵大树上。司机和乘客都受伤了。 ④Lee先生急忙把车停在路旁,他的妻子也从车里出来帮助受伤的人。卡车司机也停下来帮忙。Lee先生驱车去给警察打电话。 ⑤大约20分钟后,一辆警察车和一辆救护车到了。人们把伤员抬到救护车上送往医院。 ⑥警察记录事故的详细情况,Lee先生和卡车司机把他们知道的情况都告诉了警察。警察感谢他们的帮助。Lee先生和妻子乘上自己的车继续赶路回家。 【作文示范】 ATrafficAccident .Shewasanurseinahospital..Shesoonfellasleep.MrLeelookedatherandsmiled. ...Itwastravellingveryfast.Suddenlyitovertook①hiscar. Thedriverofthecarwasinahurry..Toavoidhittingit,hesuddenlytunedhiscar.Itskidded②offtheroadandhitabigtree.③.④.....Abouttwenty-fiveminuteslater,apolicecarandanambulance⑤arrived.. .... 【词语解释】 ①overtake[? uv 'teik]v.追上;赶上;超过 ②skid[skid]v.(汽车等)打滑;滑向一侧 ③injure['indN ]v.损害;伤害theinjured(事故中的)受伤者 ④windscreen['windskri:n]n.(汽车等的)挡风玻璃 ⑤ambulance['$mbjul ns]n.救护车