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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:17:51

A. 给我写一篇英语作文,1很多学生开学伊始都有假期综合症,2,这种现象原因,3自己的建议。字数100到

Post-holiday syndrome
With the development of our society, there is a growing tendency for people to feel anxious after having a wonderful vacation. And the first day we go back to work, it is common for us to feel generally exhausted and be not in the mood to work. Actually, we suffer from post-holiday syndrome.
There are many reasons resulting in post-holiday syndrome, the most important of which is our irregular lifestyles ring the vacation. As far as I’m concerned, I used to watch TV until 1or 2 am. I knew I was supposed to go to bed early, but I could not help watching the TV drama “ of Concubine Zhen Huan”. Because of that, I usually got up at 11am and missed my breakfast. During my vacation, a day just means afternoon and evening to me, which made me feel uncomfortable when returning to study. Additionally, our liking the sense of relaxation ring our vacation made us hate to work.
To get used to our normal rhythm of life, we’d better do something. Firstly, we should do psychological adjustment and tell ourselves that it is time to study. Secondly, ensuring our regular diet and increasing the high-protein substance’s intake will help. What’s more, it’s good to take exercise to adjust our biological clock.
All in all, post-holiday syndrome is not a disease. And it will disappear soon if we can treat it properly.

B. 英语作文很多同学开学伊始出现假期综合征这怎么看

悠长的假期结束了,新的学年开始了,学生们又背起了书包。走进学校的大门。被孩子“纠缠”了一个假期的家长们刚想放松一下心情,还不容他们有喘息机会,又有新的问题出现了:不少孩子出现了情绪低落、焦虑、上课犯困等不良现象,更有甚者表现出头晕、腹痛、小便失禁、厌学等现象。家长们在寻因无果的情况下,不禁要问:孩子们这是怎么啦 心理专家提醒您,要小心哦。“开学综合症”来了。 一、开学综合症概述 这些出现在假期结束之后开学之始,中小学生所表现出的一种明显的不适应新学期学习生活的非器质性的病态表现,心理学家们称之为“开学综合症”。又叫“开学恐惧症”。总结起来,“开学综合症”有多种表现形式,生理上多表现为:失眠、嗜睡及一些查无原因的头晕、恶心、腹痛、小便失禁、疲倦、食欲不振等;在心理上则多表现为:记忆力减退、理解力下降、厌学、焦虑、上课走神、情绪不稳定等。心理医生认为这些表现都是人潜意识的心理防御机制将一些不愿面对的、不认同的、被压抑的、不愉快的负性情绪转换成一些躯体症状而造成的,并会持续一段时间。 “开学恐惧症”有五种易发学生群,即心理素质低和适应能力较差的学生、在学校经常受到老师批评的学生、学习成绩不好的学生、对新环境不能很快适应的学生以及一些过于追求完美学业的优秀生。而易出现“开学综合症”的学生大部分曾在学习或其他活动中有过挫折经历。 二、“开学综合症”的成因分析 心理学家指出,孩子得“开学恐惧症”一方面与学生年龄小,适应、转换能力差有关,更重要的原因是社会教育、学校教育、家庭教育等的缺失。笔者试从以下原因进行探析: (一)学期制度的不合理 我国学校现行的学期制度安排不够合理。一学年中有上、下两个学期和寒假、暑假两个假期,每个学期长达四五个月,假期长达一两个月。上学期间学生精神长期处于紧张状态,一旦到了假期却又缺少组织性,假期既长又非常轻松。过于“放松”的假期生活与过度“紧张”的学习节律落差太大,这样一紧一松,缺少缓解与过渡,人在生理上因过于快速的改变而不容易适应,心理上也难以接受,待假期结束时,想收心回到学习上是十分困难的,从而出现一些不适症状。相比之下,西方一些国家在假期安排上要相对科学。比如,德国大中小学的假期也大约有150天,但他们分散为寒、暑、春假,另外有繁多的周末、节日假。这样平时的学习就不会过于紧张。平缓了假期与非假期之间的过渡,人的心理及生理上也不会有太大的刺激,也就降低或避免了“开学综合症”的出现。这是值得我们借鉴的。 (二)功利型教育文化背景的影响 我们当前的教育常常与升学、就业、待遇、成功、荣耀等功利型目的连在一起,这使得其与“以人为本”的教育的初衷相背而驰,教育效能也就大打折扣。面对这种教育模式,中小学生过早地承担起了来自家庭、社会、学校的“功利”期待。学生面临着诸多“额外”的课业压力,心理压力极大。 (三)学校心理健康教育工作的缺失 我国学校心理服务方面目前还几乎是空白。还没有建立起完善的学校心理教育服务体系。现在的与心理服务有关的心理咨询、心理测验、心理卫生、心理治疗等概念大都引自外国,在实际应用中存在严重的概念模糊问题。实践中,学校心理教育服务更处于较为混乱的萌芽状态,没有明确的服务目标与内容。在学校中所做的许多心理测验多是盲目的,甚至目的仅是为了搜集研究数据、写论文,而不是为学生提供帮助。再就是没有明确的服务人员审定标准。心理学服务人员多是半路出家,没有系统学过心理学知识。或者只是上了几天短训班,有的甚至未经任何培训,这种水平无法对学生所出现的问题进行专业地分析指导。 (四)不良家庭生活方式与不科学的学习方法的影响 学生在假期中的生活极不规律,学习与休闲活动没有一个合理的计划。每天做了有限的作业后所剩余的时间几乎全部被看电视、玩游戏、不规则的睡眠及大量的零食所充斥,这些假期中舒适无度的生活方式会使孩子留恋,也就会对开学后要面对的紧张的学习生活忧心忡忡,于无意中产生了抵触情绪,产生害怕开学的心理。 (五)学生个体原因 中小学生在生理和心理上都还没有成熟,适应和自控能力差,对紧张的学习生活,如心态转换不及时就会无法适应:有的学生会担忧开学后与老师、同学的人际关系;名目众多的考试也会使一些孩子对将要来临的学习生活产生恐惧心理。以上这些已知与未知的矛盾重叠交织在一起。成为“开学综合症”推波助澜的源动力。 值得注意的是,还有一种表现症状,它不是实际意义上的“开学综合症”,而是一种故意行为。一些学生由于假期生活过于放松自由,对于开学。企图逃避,以假装有病来回避要面对的学校生活。这是一种故意的行为,这一表现是有别于“开学综合症”的。 三、“开学综合症”的应对措施 社会、教师和家长应该充分认识到“开学综合症”存在的客观性及危害性,积极加以防治,以免影响孩子的正常学习和成长。 (一)呼唤教育体制的改革 “开学综合症”的出现。折射出我国教育现存在的问题,它是学生的“开学综合症”,也是我国的“教育综合症”,是学生无奈之下的一种无意识的“抗议”。凸显的是教育困境。因此,建议我国对学校现行的学期制度进行改革,改革中应借鉴国外相关方面的先进经验,以制定科学的制度。 (二)建立完善的学校心理学理论与服务体系 加强心理教育应用方面的研究,以提高适合我国国情的理论学科水平。加快培养学校心理教育人才,大力推行学校心理教育,尽快创建完善的国家学校心理教育体系及心理教育教师资格认证制度。通过正确的学校心理健康教育,使学生保持健康的心理状态和良好的心理素质。 (三)当前教育者的针对性措施 l.假期始学校的防御 “开学恐惧症”预防从放假时就要开始:学校和老师要采取措施积极预防。如假期作业的布置做到合理、适量和多样化,把书本作业、劳动技能作业及一些兴趣娱乐性作业结合起来,使学生在温习所学知识的前提下能达到提高动手能力、拓展视野的效果。另外,学习和娱乐结合,可以给学生更多的空间来享受假期带来的各种乐趣。 2.开学初学校的关注 预防“开学综合症”,首先。学校在开学之初的课时安排上要做到科学合理,两周之内不宜给学生安排过多的课业负担,适当放慢学习进度并降低学习的强度,组织开展丰富多彩的文体活动,使学习、娱乐相结合,以增加学生对学校的兴趣来逐步适应学校的生活节奏。第二。利用现代教育技术手段改革课堂教学方式,增强课堂吸引力。根据学生开学伊始容易课上犯困等症状。教师要充分发挥多媒体动画、声音、图像及文本并存的优势来吸引学生的注意力,提高学生的学习兴趣,提升课堂对学生的吸引力。第三,教师在开学初期要注意观察哪些学生不容易进入状态,调查具体原因,研究防治方法,来帮助学生改善不良状态。通过以上措施,使学生以最短的时间由入学时的松散状态很好地过渡到紧张活泼的学习生活中去,完成心态的转换。 (四)家长的对策 1.假期中家长的监护 家长要在假期之始就协助孩子制定合理的假期计划,使学习、培训、娱乐、旅游等有计划地进行。实施中家长还要注意加强引导和监督,使学生在假期中的学习玩乐有节有度,避免孩子一放假就“放鸽子”。学习和生活失去规律,避免孩子因生活巨大变动而产生心理和生理上的不适。 2.开学初家长的调适 假期结束。开学之始,家长要提前做准备工作:逐渐调整孩子的作息时间,帮助其慢慢地调整心理状态,收回假期生活中过于放松的心。通过和孩子聊天,总结回忆假期生活,使孩子意识到开学在即,应该收心投入新一学期的学习,逐步进入学习的准备状态。这里要注意的是要给孩子一个缓冲的时间,最好提前一到两周逐渐地给孩子以提示。 (五)对于已经出现症状的孩子要做到:及时发现、正确面对、家校合作、及时治疗 开学时,家长要做到与老师密切联系,对于已经出现了不良症状的孩子,老师与家长首先要保持镇静,对症状认真分析原因,及时疏导;家长要耐心倾听孩子的诉说,对孩子所担心的问题说出你的看法和态度,通过与孩子交流,来减轻其内心的压力;家长切忌表现出紧张和过度担心,以免给孩子造成暗示强化的作用,加重孩子的症状。 治疗中家长还要注意纠正孩子不良的生活习惯,帮助其安排合理的作息时间,来保证孩子上学期间有足够的精力投人学习。假如孩子一时无法适应,家长应予理解并给以适当的监督帮助,让孩子的心理逐步从“放假”中脱离出来。 家长与学校要加强联系。详细掌握孩子在学校的表现。以恰当的方式与老师配合,可通过适度减轻孩子的学习负担,创造轻松的生活、学习环境,使孩子较快地建立自信心。 对于“重症患者”,家长和老师在认真商讨后可带孩子去医院就诊,适当配合心理咨询,减少孩子的恐惧感,必要时要考虑给孩子换班或转学。 面对“开学综合症”,最重要的是给孩子以积极的心理暗示。心理学家发现,“开学综合症”的出现,心理暗示起到关键的作用。学生如果意识到并接受假期已经结束的现实,又想到可以与同学一同分享假期中的有趣事情,觉得自己已经长大了一些,又能学到更多更好的东西,认为自己将有更成功的一年等等,都有助于其树立信心,放松心情,以接受的心态去迎接新的学期。积极的心理暗示,会使不良症状降到最低。

C. 学生节后综合征英语作文150字


D. 假期综合征大学英语作文。。最好自己写!网上的不要!

Postganglionic syndrome (Post-holidaysyndrome) for some people who work in a high degree of tension in general, the whole days without work, may not be a comfortable thing, especially usually turn the night shift of the grass-roots police, overtime to stay up late Leading or responsible for writing materials, "pen", suddenly idle down nothing to do, but prone to loss, anxiety, depression and other adverse emotional reactions. From a psychological point of view, in a high degree of tension in the working state, the human brain center will establish a high degree of tension of the thinking mode of operation. If all of a sudden from a high state of tension to stop, the original kind of psychological tensions to adapt to the rhythm of the sudden loss of the object will be the object, this time on weekdays in the total overtime, no personal time that people face the relaxed environment instead Feel uncomfortable.
This psychological disorder, in fact, is also a signal signal, work and life on weekdays is not concive to physical and mental health, the long run, probably because of work stress, excessive pressure caused by various physical and mental diseases, Psychological reaction. At this time of the holiday, it is filtering the existing work, try another mentality of life time. To experience the "Zhang relaxation" lifestyle, learn to arrange work and life, to the tired brain and body with a different from the usual fresh stimulus, the feeling of charge will make excessive consumption of the spirit and mind to put a real holiday

E. 如何克服假期综合症的英语作文

Should approach holiday syndrome

1. Comprehensive supplementary vitamins and minerals.
Control "holiday syndrome" to add very many vitamins and minerals, but those mentioned above, its essence is tip of the iceberg, the body needs nutrients causing a. Therefore, experts suggest: why not choose a vitamin and mineral complex piece, such as deposits and other good. It is currently on the market a more comprehensive multi-vitamin mineral supplement, each capsule contains the A-Zn, 30 vitamins and minerals, taking every day, we can satisfy the full balance of nutrients the body needs.

2. Appropriate rest.

Celebrate the holiday is really very tired, leave the best last night to a warm bath to increase the speed of blood circulation, wash away the holiday activity days caused by fatigue. After the holidays, back to work and study part-time status requires more attention to the rest, to compensate for the accumulation of fatigue and recovery holiday.

3. Timely conversion good "role", to change their attitude.

Holiday last night, it should be from the seven days of "leisure are" out of the circle, quietly comb should do work the next day after work, after the holiday rush things as much as possible in good order, and will not work on a into overwhelmed a hurry.

4. Slowly adjusting

Do not just go to work the few days immediately put into the work difficult, as the first arrangement cost less physical and mental pressure less work, slowly winding himself.

F. 关于假期综合症英语作文

Should approach holiday syndrome
1.Comprehensive supplementary vitamins and minerals.
Control "holiday syndrome" to add very many vitamins and minerals,but those mentioned above,its essence is tip of the iceberg,the body needs nutrients causing a.Therefore,experts suggest:why not choose a vitamin and mineral complex piece,such as deposits and other good.It is currently on the market a more comprehensive multi-vitamin mineral supplement,each capsule contains the A-Zn,30 vitamins and minerals,taking every day,we can satisfy the full balance of nutrients the body needs.
2.Appropriate rest.
Celebrate the holiday is really very tired,leave the best last night to a warm bath to increase the speed of blood circulation,wash away the holiday activity days caused by fatigue.After the holidays,back to work and study part-time status requires more attention to the rest,to compensate for the accumulation of fatigue and recovery holiday.
3.Timely conversion good "role",to change their attitude.
Holiday last night,it should be from the seven days of "leisure are" out of the circle,quietly comb should do work the next day after work,after the holiday rush things as much as possible in good order,and will not work on a into overwhelmed a hurry.
4.Slowly adjusting
Do not just go to work the few days immediately put into the work difficult,as the first arrangement cost less physical and mental pressure less work,slowly winding himself.



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