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发布时间:2020-12-21 18:00:07

Ⅰ 走进高三 英语作文

You might not be able to control your workload, but you can control how you react to it. You can choose to be overwhelmed, or you can choose to accept where you are today, while taking steps to improve your situation.

1.Know That You Are Not Alone - With layoffs and cutbacks, everyone is feeling the pressure. Knowing that you are not alone, can give
you the strength to continue. It also alleviates the internal question of why it seems like everyone else is handling their workload better than you. Everyone is busy. But, what you choose to do about your "busy-ness" is up to you.

2.Prioritize & Plan - You can only do so many tasks at one time, so it makes sense to focus in on what is really required. Before you leave each evening, write down your top 3 priorities that need to be accomplished the next day. In addition, write down one step that will get you started for each item. You might not feel like doing this at the end of your day. (You are tired, you want to go home, etc.) But the reward is direction and focus when you begin work in the morning. Why wing it? Set yourself up powerfully so you can win.

3.Delegate or Eliminate - After you have prioritized, it is time to look at what you need to accomplish. What can be given to someone else or removed from your day? This will be tricky. You will have to get creative and come up with a good reason why you are no longer the right person to perform these tasks. Will you be more proctive if you eliminate this portion of your job? Is the company losing money by keeping this process in place? Come up with what is in it for the company if you want to delegate some of your responsibilities.

4.Become The Solution - What strategies can you come up with to solve the problem? What processes can you make a part of your day to help things run smoother? Finding a solution will not only energize you, it will give you a sense of power and control over your situation.

5.Take Good Care Of Yourself - Your most important priority right now (and always!) is you. You cannot complete the projects you have on your plate unless you take care of yourself first. Take breaks ring the day if you can. Try to leave your thoughts about work at the office. Bring healthy foods into work with you everyday, and drink lots of water. Do not be surprised if you see a shift in your attitude when you incorporate these simple practices.

6.Remember That It Will Not Be Like This Forever - In life we have our good days and bad days, and this too shall pass. When we look back at the situations that have been the hardest, we realize that we were there for a reason. What do you think you are learning or need to learn from this situation? What have you been avoiding or resisting that you cannot overlook anymore? Use this lesson to empower yourself and those around you.

Ⅱ 求一篇英语作文 高三的!

Dear Mr. Smith,
Happy to wirte to you.
First, let me introce myself. I'm Li Hua, an ordinary student of Xinhua School. To my honor, I was asked to act as a tourist guide for you on next weekend. According to the schele, we'll have a wonderful trip not far from the school. Since you are new here, it's neccessary for you to become familiar with the surroundings as soon as possible.
We can meet at 8 o'oclock on the morning of Saturday at the school gate. Remember not to carry too many things. Just a bottle of water, some pieces of bread or other kinds of food, a cap or a pair of sunglasses. Oh, you'd better wear a paif of sports shoes.
Look forwad to seeing you. I believe we'll have a good day.

Ⅲ 关于高三的英语作文!


Ⅳ 关于高三的英语作文,我想提高。


Ⅳ 高三英语作文

By the way 写在前面,原创,一点Ctrl+C也没有

Honestly Speaking,这种提问本身有期望走捷径嫌疑。这种帖子网上其实很多,人人,天涯,江户英语,要想知道不缺素材。Always doing is better than saying. how to do只是做饭前的配备佐料,Just do it,才有可能吃上可口佳肴。

作文迅速提高有技巧,网上搜英语作文模版,有的是,你就背吧。都是已经很浓缩的东西了,背下来不多。作文大多三段式,开头结尾两段有套路,背就行,中间段写两三个简单句,再用语法把主谓宾一作修饰,加个什么同位语从句,插入语,不定式,或者倒装、虚拟,就很丰富了。只要熟练掌握这种技巧,仅对付高中英语的话,简直就是English genius。别想那么复杂,知道套路了,很简单
I think ①that protecting environment② is ③important④.我认为保护环境很重要。
①别用think 太老套 简单点可以换作consider,再复杂点可以用maintain/affirm/deem/hold什么的
②现在分词做宾语从句主语也可以,但是protection environment更地道些。
③n.前面居然没有adj.浪费可耻,比较简单的话也可以加very、so...that 之类的,但是你用一个be crucial significance(重要意义) of 不更好吗?就是be +修饰性名词(即adj.的n.形式)+of+n.的句型,高中最常见的是be importance of
④能这样就放过它?太便宜了。加个not only.... but (also)...给它做进一步解释。not only for indivial,but for the whole nation as well.(不仅对于个人,对于整个国家同样很重要)

I think that protecting environment is important.我认为保护环境很重要。
I affirm that it's crucial significance of protection environment,not only for indivial,but for the whole nation as well.我认为环境保护意义重大,不仅对于个人而言,对于整个国家同样重要。

当然还有很多其他的变法,譬如不要I think that,换成插入语In my opinion(在我看来)/In my own personal view(个人观点)等等。


你说how to improve interest in English,因人而异,不必苟同他人,像我,想出国,想玩儿英文原版游戏,想看英文原版电影还不带字幕的那种,想写封地道的英文情诗给我的女孩,想看未经国内审查删节的原版英文书。可以很多。经济学上讲需求促进生产,只要你找到与自己现实需要相交叉的利益点,自然会有兴趣。



实践问题。英文电影看字幕都懂不是实践吗?看电影不用字幕不是实践吗?上China Daily 网站,看Scientific American杂志不也都是实践吗?当然最让你舒心的是,任何英文书籍、英文歌曲、英文网站、英文游戏、英文帅哥和美女,都可以无障碍接触沟通,展望一下,这些还不够吗?现实点,大学英语角的斐然风采赢得美女帅哥的一见倾心,外企求职畅通无阻与洋鬼子坐在星巴克喝咖啡(-_-~),不都是即将到来的实践吗?没有厚积薄发的过程,这些就真都是“浮云”了。

Ⅵ 关于进入高三 的英语作文

In September, I will be a senior- three student. I will replan my time for study and everything else so that I can make better use of my time As I will have to prepare for the college entrance exam,I must pay more attention to what I eat and how I eat. It is also important for me to get enough sleep, which will enable me to listen carefully in class. I think I will get 8 hours' sleep every day. In addition, I mustn't forget to take an active part in sports. Sports contribute to good health,don't they?

Ⅶ 关于高三英语作文


Ⅷ 写一篇关于高考的英语作文带翻译

The college entrance examination is one of the biggest challenges of life, is also a branch road in life, so we should study hard for the college entrance examination time earning a good grades in return for parents and teachers, also in order to later have a good future, so it should be



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