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发布时间:2020-12-21 16:09:34


1,Nowadays, it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles make our life convenient.Some argue that they play an essential role in our modern life and we can not live well without automobiles.People drive their cars to go to work which saves more time and energy.
2,But some other people believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the automobiles. First of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh air gravely. Secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked. Finally, fast driving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.
3,As far as I concerned, it is no doubt that vehicles contribute to our economic development exceedingly. But if we overuse it, many undesirable consequences can be surely caused, which contains highway accidents, air pollution and so on. So at this moment, we must take measures to avoid these happen.

❷ 学开车的利弊的英语作文

学开车的利弊学开车的利:1 多一项技能,现在很多单位招聘的时候对驾照有相应的要求。
2 对手脚并用还有方向感的锻炼也很好。自动档这方面可能简单一些,但是手排档的车很锻炼四肢的协调力,有助于大脑。
3 对性格的塑造也有一定的影响,到达一个目标有多种方式,学会开车的时候免不了就是要换道路道达目的地,学开车以后会不知不觉考虑处理事情的多种道路。面对紧急事件的时候的判断力(不仅限危险情况)也会锻炼到,这个就比较难描述了。还有对选择的决定力等等吧。
4 多一种享受生活的方式,就像楼上说的,有空的时候开车出去兜兜风,确实很惬意.学开车的弊:弊端,就是具有一定的危险性,时常听说有车祸发生,还有车了后,污染严重,不利于环境保护。总之,无所谓好坏,需要就去学,不需要也没必要跟风
话又说回来,车子买得起,城市道路建设跟不上,一些城市可能会控制车辆保有量,车子的证照今后肯定是越来越难办了,不打算买车的话,不学也无所谓,可以雇司机. Pros and cons of learning to drive

Learning to drive the benefits:

More than one a skill, a lot of units when the recruitment requirements of a corresponding license.
2 pairs of hands and feet still exercise a sense of direction is also very good. Automatic transmission in this area may be easier, but hand-gear the car is the coordination of the limbs strength training, helps the brain.
3 on shaping the character has some impact, to reach a target number of ways, learned to drive, want to change the road when the road is inevitably reached the destination, the future will unwittingly learn to drive a variety of things to consider dealing with the road. When faced with an emergency in the sense (not only dangerous situation) will exercise that, the more difficult to describe. There are decisions on the selection bar, and so forth.
4 Multi-way kind of enjoy life, like upstairs said, have time to drive out of the car, really nice.

Disadvantages of learning to drive:

Flaw, that is with a certain degree of risk, often heard of the accident, as well as car, the pollution is serious, is not concive to environmental protection.

In short, neither good nor bad, need to go to school, do not follow the trend did not need to
If you think of yourself in the future there will be a car, or early learning is better, according to the private car test a C on it, six years before the first trial, again in the future may have to change the fuel tax, the car is not running not for money at home , on the road as long as the oil money, fine.
Then again, the car affordable, urban road infrastructure to keep pace, some cities may be control of vehicle ownership, the car's license in the future is certainly more difficult, and do not intend to buy a car, I do not learn it does not matter, you can hire a driver.

❸ 出国驾驶开车的困难的英语作文

At that time, i was driving on the road in Toyko, the capital of Japan. The earth shaked fiercely and so did the whole city. Buildings and highrises along the streets were also shaking in all directions. Moreover, the antenna of the symbolic building--- the Toyko tower was also swinging. Hundreds and thousands of glass pieces were falling down from those buildings. However, people under such serious condition can keep their head clear and confirmed each others' safety through cell phone

❹ 英语作文开车的利与弊带翻译

Recently years, with the rapid development in our country, more and more people own their private cars. Some people think that private cars should be restricted, while others think that private cars should be encouraged. As far as I concern, I think owning a private car has both advantages and disadvantages.
On one hand, private cars do bring the owners convenience and comfortable. If you have a car, you don’t need to take the bus or subway to work. You can image how crowded and slow when you get on a bus, especially ring the rush hours. With your own car, you just don’t need to worry about this problem. What’s more, you can go to any places at any moment with your private car. Traveling by car is very comfortable and flexible. You can stop as you pleased and don’t need to worry about others feeling. I guess this is the biggest advantages of private cars.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of private cars are obvious. The noises that proce by cars are unbearable, the exhaust gas that cars give off are bad for people’s health. With countless cars on the street, people find it becomes harder to find a parking spot. What’s worse, tens of thousands people are killed or injured in the traffic accidents.
To sum up, private cars provide us with convenience as well as harm. Whether or not afford a private car depends on personal details.

❺ 好心人帮我写一篇关于“开车的好处与坏处”的英语作文,谢谢

Driving a car is enjoying and good to show off to girls when you are dating. If you own a car, you need to pay all the taxes. You also need to spend money on petrol and maintenance of the car. When you drive the car to the city, you may face with parking problem or even car theft. So if you want to date girl, buy a car. After getting a girl, sell away the car and take public trnasport with her. hahaha

❻ 英语作文要骑车或开车怎样注意交通安全的英语作文

More and more people makes the traffic busier and busier.Most people keen to live in the big cities where are more convenient and the children can receive better ecation.But the problem is the heavy traffic create too much pollution which does great harm to human's health.So,to keep ourselves safe,I think we should do at least two things like below.Firstly,we should obey the traffic rules whenever we are and even when we are in a deadly hurry.If everyone can do so,everything on the road will be in turn well.Secondly,we should ask ourselves and our relatives and friends to walk instead of riding or driving if possible,when the time is no enough,we must try to take a bus rather than drive a car.More vehicles will of course cause more traffic problems.That's my ideas,I hope it is acceptable.

❼ 一篇关于怎么开车的英语作文 80词左右

I see, far away far away in self's eyes just full of, pale yellowish green, smells one smelting, Oh , this is breath of spring girl; Underfooting the earth seems as if yellow carpet of palm fibre soft , is giving off delicate fragrance; That air is moistened is smooth and fresh as well; Be more groundless than having must have a field to be boasting, having whipped everyone's contours of the face , this lightly is the happy kiss that the spring girl gives people; Be deep dense sparse shallow green all around , ask the gift having white , yellow , pink colour , red , blue and purple , this spring.

Trees are our good friends. They clean the air and bring us enough oxygen. They help keep the balance of nature. The green leaves and the different gestures of the trees add beauty to our city. With trees,many birds come to our city. They make our life vivid and interesting. We should protect the trees.Don't hurt our friends -- trees.

❽ 出门开车好不好英语作文


❾ 倡导少开车,多骑车或者步行出行的英语作文怎么写

红绿灯下的生命交响曲 世上没有不弯的路,人间没有不谢的花,苦难宛如内天边的雨,说来就容来,你无法逃避,无法退却。 ——题记 凛冽的北风呼呼地怒号着,天色十分阴暗,红绿灯发出微弱的光,指示着过往的行人。街上的小贩吆喝着,路上的行人匆匆忙忙赶着回家。红绿灯下,一位小女孩左手牵着妈妈的右手,嘴里哼着歌儿,脸上洋溢出满足的笑容,轻松的等着绿灯的通行。终于,绿灯亮了,小女孩拉着妈妈的手蹦蹦跳跳的过马路。可是,一场突如其来的灾难降临在这母女身上——一辆闯红灯的车朝她们方向奔来。这时,一切都晚了,小女孩的妈妈用力把身旁的女儿一推……突然,偌大的天空和地面都变得出奇的宁静,小贩的吆喝声没了,人声没了那赫然发光的宇宙充满一种庄严肃穆之感,只有小女孩撕心裂肺的叫喊声“妈——妈”,小女孩发疯的朝妈妈那跑去

❿ 求一篇90字的开车的优点和缺点的英语作文,最好有中文翻译

Now the transportation more developed, they provides great convenience for our lives and convenient. How should college students drive? I think students in daily life should not drive a car, if it is urgent, can drive. More and more college students using private cars as a tool of ride instead of walk, about college students and luxury consumption hot discussion in the society, formed sadly. Students in school without a stable income, belongs to the consumer, limited economic condition. College students should rationally understanding the social gap between rich and poor, to establish the correct concept of wealth based.



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