Ⅰ 一次失败考试经历 .英语作文
记得我第一次踏入中学校门时,觉得一切都是那样清馨,那时的我还是一个天真的小女孩,专带着无属数的梦想来到六年七班,我觉得一切都是那麽如意。可是,好景不长,初一下学期期末英语考完试,一个破天荒的成绩摆在我面前:79分。霎时间,班上同学的冷言冷语都散了出来:瞧,他打了79分。什么79分怎么可能?这麽高的成绩呀 …… 这些话像一根根利针,毫不留情地扎入我的心里。我想哭,但是却流不出一滴泪,我茫然混过了一上午。“放假了,不会有人说你了”虽然我无数次安慰自己,可那终归只是徒劳。
Ⅱ 英语作文。求救!作为中学生经历过多次考试,体验过成功,遭遇过失败。也许失败后,我们感到情绪低落,...
Success, as is known, is the pursuit of many ambitious people. It requires much of a person.
In my view, above all, one should be a person of strong perseverance. Rome was not built in a day. On our long way to success, there are undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way. If we lose heart and give up halfway, nothing can be achieved. Throughout history, we have had many famous successful people in the world, of whom no one is weak-minded. Take the great American scientist Edison as an example, he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb, which lighted up the whole world. So we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of success. Furthermore, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “Hard work leads to success”.
Look at these around us and we’ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society. They usually achieve more than expected. Why do so many of our classmates of average intelligence go far ahead of others? Hard work is definitely supposed to be the answer. And still, I hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world. There’s no denying that our world is changing every day. So one can never be locked alone inside his own room, doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge.
How can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of others? If so, that could be ridiculous. Success is what one desires. So long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, I am sure success is near at hand.
Ⅲ 初二英语作文:我的考试经验
My Experience In Examination
In my opinion, examinations are one of the important activities in school life. I have gone through all sorts of examinations since my primary school. I have tasted the flavor of happiness and sadness.
Before examinations I always have a hard time and don't know what to do.During examinations I feel nervous and sometimes my mind becomes blank Only after examinations does the world seem to be bright again and am I brimming with vigor. We often complain that our teachers make trouble for us on purpose. But it is not true. The fact is that examinations are just a way to-help us do better in our study.( 110 words)
Ⅳ 求写一篇关于考试态度的英语作文
Failure is a common thing in our daily life. We may get a very low score in our compositions. It may happen that we cannot pass our examinations. All these failures occur so naturally that almost every one of us has had such an experience.
However, there are different attitudes towards failures. Some students lose heart in the face of a failure, thinking that the world is coming to its end. Some others learn much from a failure and thus see the light of hope through failure.
In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and how we respond to a failure. As long as we learn something from a failure, we’ certainly make our mark in the end.
Consequently, I’m not afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is the mother of success.
Ⅳ 求一篇英语作文.关于一次难忘的考试经历.
From entering the school, we can say is "veteran" is now "well on the battlefield," the veterans. The most unforgettable is the fourth year of a second half of the English examination.
I finished papers,伸了个懒腰. A few minutes later, a few students have also done.
Inadvertently, I cast a glance at the table of the papers, the second small multiple-choice questions, he filled me with different. I looked at the papers: I have got twenty-six points. I'm the winner! Look at the subject, repeatedly verified, it Zhe Ti I done something wrong? ! I have the confidence for the sake of insurance, ask a few students who say that the election is a "True" (right). "True?" I am a bit surprised. Rail see a buddy I do not believe that, even asked a number of students, several students say is "True".
I was shocked: "I do Zhe Ti is doing something wrong?" As a result, and I am against the "False" changed to "True", a cross-section of the papers.
End teachers marking papers at the scene, to me, a bright red of the 98 words in my view, I hurried to find papers to turn the wrong place. Turn to face No. 3 from "False" changed to "True" is entitled to play a significantly above the 000 X. I sigh ... ...
The cheating, I did not experience the joy of success, but tasted the failure of the sorrow and grief. Perhaps in this examination, I have only one step away from the 100 margin. The test made me be a profound lesson, so I see other people's answer is not the most correct, it is necessary to firmly believe that myself, believe that!
Ⅵ 一篇一次难忘的考试的英语作文要求,写100字左右,要写考试时的过程
As a student ,I don’ have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination.
During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers’ changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graate exam .Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day.
But I must say that it’s really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people’s true & pure friendship, both teachers ’ and classmates’. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things I’d never learned before.
Teachers also helped me a lot. I still can’t forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals. Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .
The last and greatest challenge was of course the final exam, also my high school entrance exam. I felt very well and comfortable except my chemistry physics exams. The result proved that I couldn’t have done worse in them. But in total, my mark is O.K. So then I became a student in the best high school of Hubei Province.
We, teachers and students, got together in East Lake Hotel on June 4th, 2003. At the moment of saying goodbye, I felt that my time of junior had gone ,and my senior time was coming.
Today, I looked at my graate photos again ,and ,I smiled.
He once hesitated ,struggled, feared and doubted, like an ordinary man would do. But he just "stays at the door of fate", as the name of his newly-written book says, and waits till the door opens instead of leaving ring the half way. Then there comes a wholly new world where the beautiful dream lies .
Ⅶ 求一篇英语作文~最难忘的一次考试 急!急!
The most memorable test
In my study life, I had many times quizs, tests or exams.
But the most memorable test in my memory which is the first time I took part in a test when I was grade one in the primary school.
At that time, I was very small, even I couldn't understand what the test means. With nervous, I entered to an examination room to start my first test.
The test was very easy and I took it easy as homework. I finished it as soon as I possible.
In fact, I can't remember what I felt and how I finish that test now. But I can still remember how excited I was when I got out of the examination room.
This is my first test, nervous but memorable.
本人现在在美国读高中,如果有什么需要帮助的可以说。按照我现在的水平和国内的对比下,我尽量写得比较基础点= =,希望你可以接受~
Ⅷ 以一次难忘的考试为题 要英语作文
An unforgettable exam
So many exams have I experienced that I forget most of them right now.But there is one exam that I would never forget.
That was an English examination among the series of final term exams.
When I arrived at the school gate there were lots of stents waiting for the exams.But I didn't know that thoses puiples were all on the lower grade and the exam for me had just started.
I kept waiting with thoses students for about thirty minutes till I found there was somthing wrong.
I hurried to the teaching buiding and went into the classroom only to find that the listening text had just finished.I was hopeless at that time.
Well that was my unforgettable exam.
Ⅸ 英语作文<考试,速度
Sunshine in My Life
Everyone has different ideas about life. Some say life is happy, but others feel life is unhappy. In my opinion,
life is beautiful and full of sunshine.
Several weeks ago, one of my classmates Sun was badly ill. He had to be in hospital for a long time. But his
family was too poor to afford it. What could we do? We decided to collect money for him. Everyone in our
class took out our pocket: money. Then, we went to the street on Sunday to collect money from others. When
we sent all the money to him, he and his parents were deeply moved.
Maybe sometimes we feel unlucky, but we should believe: Life is beautiful. Help and love will be around us
Ⅹ 从考试没考好这个经历中我学到了什么英语作文