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发布时间:2020-12-20 03:57:29

A. 写家乡英语作文酸菜炖粉条的英语作文

酸菜炖粉条 编辑
中文名酸菜炖粉条 主要食材酸菜,粉条 特 点 酸菜可口,粉条嫩滑 分 类家常菜 口 味 咸,辣
1 做法
2 营养价值
3 菜品特色
Pickled cabbage stew vermicelli editor
Pickled cabbage stew vermicelli is a traditional dish of northeast, taste crisp delicious, the main raw cabbage, pork and noodles. First, the soft boiled pork, then turn into the sauerkraut, vermicelli cooked, finally add seasoning.
A Chinese sauerkraut stew vermicelli main ingredients, sauerkraut, pickled cabbage vermicelli vermicelli features delicious, tender and classification Home Dishes taste salty, spicy
1 practice
2 nutritional value
3 food features
Practice editing
A pack of sauerkraut (vacuum packaging), pork skin 450 grams, vermicelli, water, ginger, sugar, salt, sesame oil, green onion amount, mashed garlic, soy sauce amount.
Authentic sauerkraut stew vermicelli
Authentic sauerkraut stew vermicelli (20)
1, pour water into the cauldron, about 9 cups of ice, pork slightly harder, cut into large slices, placed in a pot and boil ginger. Turn a small fire, floating foam, fishing to the above add sugar and continue to cook for about 40 minutes, until soft rotten meat. Warm standby to soft vermicelli.
All kinds of pickled cabbage stew vermicelli
All kinds of pickled cabbage stew vermicelli (18)
2, remove the pickled cabbage into the pot to boil to boil again, then put into the vermicelli, cook for 10 minutes, add sesame oil, sprinkle with chopped green onion can be eaten.
3, eat when you can attach a dish of mashed garlic sauce with your meat to eat.
Nutrition value editor
Pickled cabbage resembling sauerkraut:
Prevention of constipation and enteritis
Lowering blood cholesterol levels
Recing liver fat concentration
Food special editor
Meat collocation is reasonable, balanced nutrition, to supplement the heat quickly.

B. 怎么做家乡一道特色菜的英语作文

1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin,on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long,the cabbage,ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth,the bamboo shoot cuts into a sparerib slice and each chestnut up slices 10,fill with water inside pot,put to cook the skin soft into the chestnut and take advantage o heat to peel off the chestnut skin.
2.Descend into the chestnut while going to the peanut oil into inside the pot,ascending fire to burn into 60% heat,cabbage,a little bit fry once,get to control clean oil.
3.Fry the pot set fire up,put is 30 grams into the lard,immediately next go into a cabbage,chestnut,ham slice,bamboo shoot slice,the salt monosodium glutamate refined sugar boils with the wildfires,use small fire Men again for 5 minutes,adjust starch to hang up Qian with water and light a scented ointment a pot then

C. 食堂的菜和家乡的菜的相同点和不同点的英语作文

潍坊菜 饼卷鸡蛋好吃。。还有朝天锅 ======杠子头 潍坊有名的硬面食品。和硬面,用枣木杠子压。中间薄,有孔,边厚。古时,用麻绳串成串,挂在鞍边、车旁,食之方便。凉吃越嚼越香;热吃,用菜、肉去烩,柔韧不散,非常有味。=======临朐全羊宴已有200年的历史。用当地山羊,做成锅烧羊肉、宫爆羊肉、溜羊茸、酱羊排、烧羊头、扒羊蹄、焖羊腿、烩天花、卤羊肝、炒腰花等。重头菜要数"全羊汤",酸、辣、麻、香,清素不膻。上菜的顺序为:先上糖、盐、酱、醋、大葱、胡椒面,再依次上冷盘、拼盘、热菜。=======景芝金丝面 鸡蛋和面,擀成龙须面条,煮熟后浇海米、香菜高汤。色泽金黄,刀工精细,滑爽不粘,鲜香清口。======== 诸城辣丝子 制法:(1)将鲜嫩辣疙瘩洗净去皮,切成宽厚各2毫米的细丝,并按25:1的比例拌上精盐。(2)用萝卜片覆盖洗净消毒的瓷坛容器的底部及四壁,再把辣丝子装入压实、淋入1:1的醋,兑凉开水至淹没,并放入适量香油,按口味开坛取食。吃时也可用白糖拌和。特点:酸、甜、辣、香,清淡爽口,提神通气,增进食欲,下酒佐餐。======朝天锅 所属区县: 山东省-潍坊市 类型:小吃 清朝初年,有一屠户在潍县城白浪河滩大集上支起一口大锅,把屠宰下来的猪心、肺、肠、肚等洗净放到大锅里煮烂,让赶集的人们围锅而坐,用荷叶饼卷肉吃,喝汤不收钱,人们因为锅子是露天的,就给这种实惠又好吃的吃法取了个简单响亮的名字做“朝天锅”。 把一精致圆桶锅置于特制的餐桌中央,可加温,将精选的猪下货用老汤分别煮烂放到圆桶锅内,用猪骨、老鸡炖的汤继续加温,另备熟鸡蛋、大头丸子、驴肉等,并提供六个餐前开胃小菜和葱末、香菜末、萝卜条、咸菜条、蒜泥、芝麻盐等各式调料,由厨师根据客人要求将原料切碎用荷叶饼卷好给客人食用,客人可根据自己的口味调汤。=======鸡鸭和乐 传说老潍县城内有一经商人家,依靠主人的精旺及全家人的齐心协力,十几年后,在当地已小有名气。可是,几个儿子结婚后,儿子在媳妇们怂恿下,妯娌之间、兄弟之间常常为争夺财物闹得不可开交,甚至相互打架。无奈之下,主人打算将家产分给儿子们各自经营,在全家共吃最后一顿团圆饭时,他拿出精心准备的面食给大家吃。大家不知何物。主人告诉他们:这是和乐,希望你们兄弟、妯娌之间,互帮互助,合家欢乐,儿子儿媳们感到非常惭愧,此后,和好如初。经过历代人的努力终于发展成为现在的鸡鸭和乐。其制作方法为:把面粉和淀粉和成的面用和乐床子压入老田鸡、鸭共煮的汤内,熟后捞出,再配入原汤、鸡鸭肉、旱肉、甜蒜、咸香椿、咸韭菜、辣椒油等即可。特点是:和乐条柔韧有劲,肉香、汤醇,别有风味。======潍城的火烧品种很多。单是面火烧就有若干种,如砍火烧、簸箕火烧、梭火烧等。较为出名有特色的有杠子头火烧、脂烙酥火烧。杠子头火烧,因做火烧的面很硬,手揉不动,需用木杠翻压,故名。其形圆、个头大,每个约250克,边厚里薄,中间隆起。其特点是面硬、烤烙熟透而无糊斑,吃起来脆口,越嚼越香。因面硬用火烤而成,含水分很少,既可现吃,又便于携带,适合旅途食用。脂烙酥火烧,系有特制的脂烙酥而得名。脂烙酥用上好的猪油,拌以适量蒸好的面粉,化油时加适量花椒、桂皮,油化后剔出已炸酥的花椒、桂皮,再和面成焰。火烧皮用香油和面,包制好入炉,用文火烘烤而成。其特点是皮酥,瓤有异香而不腻。

D. 英语作文家乡的特色菜60字

Pig fillet meat 300 grams, green pepper, carrot each 30 grams, onion 2, garlic 2 grains, egg-yolk 1, soy sauce 1 big spoon, starch 1 small spoon, ketchup 2 big spoons, white vinegar, sugar each 1 big spoon, rice wine, salt, linseed oil each 1 small spoon. Manufacture method: 1st, the pig fillet meat cleaning, cuts the scrap, puts in the bowl to join the soy sauce 1 big spoon and the egg-yolk salt mixes 10 minutes; After the green pepper goes to the pencle and the seed cleans, cuts the scrap; The carrot goes to the skin, the cleaning, the slice; The onion cleaning, the garlic goes to the skin, even stage equipment. 2nd, in the pot pours into 3 big spoons oils to burn the heat, puts in the fillet to fry to 7 minute is ripely abundant; In the pot -odd oil continues to burn the heat, explodes the fragrant onion and the garlic, puts in the green pepper, the carrot fries ripely, joins the ketchup 2 big spoons and has fried the fillet meat to fry to gets interested then. Characteristic: Color light yellow,The shape smooth is fullOutside the pine crisp crisp is fragrant,In soft tender is tasty.

E. 家乡菜山东的英语作文300

One person a dishes,it is good to have distinguishing feature,snacks.
Popularize the great river north and south of China's food,a food small common sense

F. 用英文介绍一道家常菜

Mapo doufu, one of sichuan's traditional dishes, belongs to sichuan cuisine.


The main raw materials for the ingredients and tofu, the main materials are tofu, ground beef, pepper and pepper and so on.


The numbness comes from the sichuan peppercorns, and the spiciness comes from the chilies.


This dish highlights the "hot and spicy" features of sichuan cuisine.


It has a unique taste and smooth taste.


Today, mapo doufu travels far and wide.


In the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and other countries to settle down.


From a home - style dishes jumped onto the great hall, has become an international food.





G. 孩子要不要从小学习英语







H. 家乡的一道菜英语作文。


I. 急急急,谁能写一篇英语作文,关于南方人到东北做客,用家乡菜招待客人,60到70词,最好附上翻译,谢谢

请问是谁招待谁? (如果是北方人招待南版方权)

Guest Southerners to the North, the Northeast were very hospitable, entertaining guests with home cooking.The results appeared in both cases.Some Southerners did not eat a northern dish, not in the habit of northern dish of spicy; some northern cuisine is very special, I feel very good to eat.They feel the northerners true hospitality!

J. 家乡的一道菜英语作文

After the green pepper goes to the pencle and the seed cleans,cuts the scrap; The carrot goes to the skin,the cleaning,the slice; The onion cleaning,the garlic goes to the skin,even stage equipment.2nd,in the pot pours into 3 big spoons oils to burn the heat,puts in the fillet to fry to 7 minute is ripely abundant; In the pot -odd oil continues to burn the heat,explodes the fragrant onion and the garlic,puts in the green pepper,the carrot fries ripely,joins the ketchup 2 big spoons and has fried the fillet meat to fry to gets interested then.Characteristic:Color light yellow,The shape smooth is fullOutside the pine crisp crisp is fragrant,In soft tender is tasty.



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