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发布时间:2020-12-19 23:34:50

⑴ 急求一篇写玫瑰的英语作文

Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of flower.For thousand years,old China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure heart.Lovers are sweetly described as roses.Because they 're thought as beautiful as them.And there goes another old saying:sending anoher a banch of roses with good smell of roses in hand.

⑵ 泥土的芬芳 英文翻译

the fragrance of the soil

⑶ 饮清露,及月华,兀自芬芳。英文

Drink the dew, and moonlight, still fragrant
Drink the dew, and moonlight, still fragrant
Drink the dew, and moonlight, still fragrant

⑷ 芬芳的清香的英文

The fragrant scent

⑸ 求翻译一篇英语作文……


⑹ 求英文翻译急急急!!!我爱玫瑰因为他们能散发出芬芳的香味

I like roses very much,for they can________(发出芬芳的香专味属)

I like roses very much,for they can -- give out a sweet perfume

--- give out frangrance.

⑺ 万里芬芳的英文是什么

Wan Li fragrance

Wan Li fragrance

⑻ 一篇关于玫瑰的英语作文(还要翻译)

今天,爸爸带我到花店里买花,我选了三种花:清新脱俗的百合花,温馨动人的康乃馨,其中我最喜欢的是那姿态万千的玫瑰花。 花店里的玫瑰花有很多种颜色:白的如雪,红的像火,黄的似金,粉红的如霞……我选了一朵最可爱的紫红色的玫瑰花。 回到家里,我把它们插在有水的瓶子里,坐在桌前仔细观察玫瑰花。玫瑰花的茎笔直笔直,有笔杆那么粗,边上还带着几根小刺。深绿色的叶子是橄榄形,又软又薄,边缘成锯齿状,脉是叉状脉。它还是一朵未开放的花骨朵儿,含苞欲放的它如同娇羞妩媚的少女,笑脸含春,美丽极了。 第二天一早,我发现玫瑰花已经绽开了笑脸,花朵像个小酒杯,花瓣略成螺旋式绽开,可是还看不到里面的花蕊。玫瑰花看上去美艳而富有魅力,我轻轻地贴近它,深深地吸了口气,啊!一股淡淡的清香扑鼻而来。 玫瑰是蔷薇科植物,它的祖先是月季花,后来和蔷薇交杂,就成了现在的玫瑰。虽然玫瑰带着刺,但我还是一样我喜欢娇艳宜人,芬芳四溢的玫瑰。

英文: Today, daddy leads me to buy the flower to the flower shop, I elected three to plant flowers: Fresh refined lily, warm moving carnation, what I most like is that posture myriad rose. In the flower shop rose has many kind of colors: The white like snow, the red elephant fire, yellow resembles the gold, flesh color like rosy cloud ......I have chosen a most lovable purple-red rose. Gets in the home, I insert them in have in the water jar, sits before the table the careful observation rose. Rose's stem very straight very straight, has the penstock to be so thick, on is also bringing several spinules. The bottle green leaf is the Chinese olive shape, also soft is also thin, the edge becomes the zigzag, the arteries is the forked arteries. It is an opening flower bud, the desire in bud puts it is similar to the charming charming young girl, the smiling face contains the spring, beautiful extremely. The second day early in the morning, I discovered the rose already split open the smiling face, a flowers small wine class, the flower petal slightly has become likely screw type splits open, but has not looked at the inside stamen and pistil. The rose seems beautiful and the rich charm, I draw close to it gently, inspired deeply! A light delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. The rose is the rose family plant, its ancestor is an everflowering rose, afterward was mixed with the wild rose, has become present's rose. Although the rose is bringing the thorn, but my equally I like tenderly and beautifully pleasant, fragrant four overflow rose.

⑼ 求一英语作文.写一封信向美国笔友介绍西湖之旅,要求1,湖光塔影,花木芬芳2,莺啼燕语,游人如织3,夜...

Dear Malk:
How long since you leve here! introced the West Lake tour, lake tower shadow, fragrant flowers, Journal of Dalian Swallows, night West Lake and enjoy the music festival.



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