Ⅰ 初中英语作文格式及范文
1 .信头。指发信人的地址和日期。从信纸的上端中央往右写。第一行写单位名称,第二行写门牌号和路名,第三行写市名、省名、国名,第四行写发信日期。学生写信时第一行写班级名称,第二行写系科名称,第三行写学校名称,第四行写市、省名称,第五行写国家名称,第六行写发信日期。如果是国内信件,国名可以不写。要特别注意英文地址写法顺序是从小单位到大单位。日期的写法有美英之分。英国的写法是:日,月,年,如 10th of October , 2002 .美国的写法是:月,日,年,如 October 10 , 2002 .例如:
Xiangyang Middle School (向阳中学)
No . 120 , Xinhua Road (新华路 120 号)
Cangzhou , Hebei Province 061001 (沧州市河北省 061001 )
P . R . of China (中华人民共和国)
October 20 , 2002 ( 2002 年 10 月 20 日)
2 .信内地址。指收信人的姓名和地址。低于信头 1 — 2 行,从左边开始写。第一行写姓名、头衔,第二行写单位名称,第三行写门牌号及路名,第四行写市、省名称,第五行写国名。写往学校的信,第一行写姓名、头衔,第二行写系科名称,第三行写学校名称,第四行写市名、省名及邮政编码,第五行写国名。商业往来信件及公函必须写信头和信内地址。亲友、熟人之间的信可以不写信内地址,信头处写发信日期就行了。它与信封上收信人姓名、地址完全一样。
3 .称呼。就是对收信人的称呼。信内地址下隔一、二行写称呼,其左侧与信内地址第一行对齐,称呼后面一般用逗号,但正式函件称呼后多用冒号。对不相识的男子,单数常用 Sir , Dear Sir ,或 My Dear Sir ;复数常用 Dear Sirs 或 Gentlemen .对不相识的女子,单数常用 Madam , Dear Madam ,或 My Dear Madam ;复数常用 Madams 或 My Dear Madams .对比较熟识的男子,普通称 Dear Mr .。。即可。对比较熟识的女性,普通称 Dear Mrs (或 Miss )。。。即可。
4 .正文。是书信的主要部分,一般从称呼下方隔一至两行处开始写正文。每段的第一个字母一般要缩进 3 — 5 个字母的空格。正文的内容要表达清楚,语言要简单明了,态度要诚恳礼貌。如果信中涉及的事情不多,可以一段到底,如果要讲的事情多,则可以分成几段,段与段之间常隔 1 — 2 行。
5 .结束语。是写信人对收信人的谦称,写在正文的下面 2 — 3 行处,从信纸中央偏右的地方写起,一般用 Yours (第一个字母大写)。若是亲戚(包括家人),可以写 Your loving son / sister / brother / daughter 等之类的表达法,若是对朋友,可以写 Your friend ;若是对老师,可以写 Your student .
6 .签名。一般写在结束语之下。
英文信封的写法与汉语不同。收信人的姓名及地址应写在信封中下部,且先写姓名后写地址。寄信人的姓名及地址应写在信封的左上角,若是普通书信,也可写在信封背面。邮票贴在信封的右上角。在信封上常见的附加说明有“ Urgent (急件), Express (快件), Registered ( Regd )(挂号信), Airm ail (航空信)等”,要根据实际情况选用。下面是信封的格式:
( 2002 河北省)根据提示和要求完成下面短文。
假如你( Li Lei )在去年夏令营认识的一个朋友 Jim 从英国给你寄来一件礼物—一件红色的衬衫,并附有一封信。在信中他向你问好,他想知道你近来在忙些什么。请你给他写一封回信( 100 个词左右)表示感谢。回信要包括以下内容:
①向 Jim 问好并对他表示感谢。
③告诉 Jim 你近来很好,上周刚过完生日,生日聚会很热闹。询问 Jim 的近况,并表示希望他能来中国。
65Zhonghua Street
Shijiazhuang 050000
Hebei , China
June 21st , 2002
Dear Jim ,
How are you ? ____________________________________________________
Your friend ,
Li LeiMy dearest Mother,
The mother‘s day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day.
Your so写作知识辅导——记叙文
Hi , dear friends .前几次讲的内容你们掌握了吗?这次我要给大家说说初中阶段常见的几种文体——记叙文、描写文、说明文的写法。咱们先说说记叙文吧。
1 .记叙文所记叙的事件必须相关连。要有开头( beginning )、中间( middle )和结尾( end )。在必要时加入冲突( conflict ),以使情节曲折,跌宕起伏。一般说来,写记叙文应把握好六个要素: who (何人)、 what (何事)、 when (何时)、 where (何地)、 why (何因)、 how (怎么)。初中阶段多为叙事短文,一般应包括 where , who , what 这三个最基本的东西。
2 .写作时观点的掌握非常重要。记叙文常用第一人称或第三人称两种人称记述。用第一人称的角度记叙,使人感到亲切,读者很容易产生身临其境之感,相信真有其事。这种形式常用在写自传、本人的经历或记叙耳闻目睹的事件;用第三人称的角度记叙,使人感到客观。这种形式常用在对重大事件的客观报导,以及记叙他人的经历或事迹。
3 .常见的叙述方式有:①顺叙。按事情发展的顺序或时间顺序进行叙述。②倒叙。把事情的结局或某个突出的片段提到前面叙述,然后再按照事情的顺序叙述下去。③插叙。在叙述过程中,由于某种需要,暂时把叙述的线索中断一下,插入有关的另一叙述。④夹叙夹议。一方面叙述事情,一方面对这件事情加以分析或评论。
请看下面的例文。要求:写一篇题为 Planting Trees 的文章。
Planting Trees
It was fine on March 12 , 2001 . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .
We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill , he worked harder . When he finished his task , he went on to help others without even a little rest . He was wet all over after work .“ I must learn from him ,” I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees , we smiled happily , forgetting our tiredness .
这是一篇记叙文,记叙了 2001 年 3 月 12 日上山植树的情况。文章主题鲜明,有条有理。 when (何时)、 where (何地)、 who (何人)、 what (何事)等交待的清清楚楚。
人物、事物和环境作具体形象的描绘和刻画,描写的主要作用是:①展现美丽的自然景色;②描写人物的外貌和内心世界;③交待人物活动的自然环境和社会环境。 在写作过程中,作者可以按空间位置顺序,由远及近,由上及下,由外到内,由前到后组织材料,也可以按作者视线转移的顺序组织材料,先看到的先写,后看到的后写。描写的基本方法按性质可分为主观描写和客观描写两种。所谓主观描写就是在描写过程中掺入作者自己的感受,寄托自己的主观感情,塑造自己的理想的形象;客观描写就是在描写过程中,作者不带或很少带主观的感情色彩,而只对人物或某物的特征客观地、就事论事进行描写。
In order to see the sunset , I got everything ready before 5in the afternoon . Then I went to the East Hill .
At that time , the sun was already in the west but it was still shining . Its light was so bright that I couldn't even open my eyes . When I arrived at the East Hill , the light became a bit yellow . After a short while , it was completely golden , then red . The sun nearly set . It was like a big red ball . The cloud around it was also painted red . Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun . At last it disappeared behind the cloud . It was dark and I hurried back .
1 .要抓准特征。对某一事物予以说明,首先要弄清从哪些方面加以说明才能准确地反映被说明的事物。一般说来,说明事物可以从被说明事物的颜色、形状、形态;性质、性能、习性;原因、原理;作用、用途、功能;危害、影响;结构;操作过程;发生、发展的规律等方面着手。但是,每一事物都有它自己的特征,因而显示出了这一事物与其他一事物的根本区别,因此,在说明事物时,不要面面俱到,要抓住事物的特征,这样才能使读者得到具体而深刻的印象。
2 .层次要分明。说明事物要注意条理,否则就不可能说清复杂的事物。例如说明事物的结构,就要按照构造的顺序来说明,或从上到下,或从前到后,或由外到里,或由主到次。又如说明四季的变化,就要按照时间的顺序( spring , summer , autumn , winter )来写。
3 .解析要清楚。对各种知识所作的解释,对某种事物所作的说明,都要清楚明白。
4 .表现手法要多样。常见的说明文方法有:①下定义。②举例子。③运用比喻、比拟的方法。④做比较。⑤引用数字。⑥分类别。⑦列图表。
5 .用词要力求准确。引用的数据要绝对可靠,文字要简明扼要,一目了然。这是写说明文在语言文字上的要求:
Hello , friends ,
You are warmly welcomed to our school . I'm Wu Dong . I'm very glad to be your guide . First , I'd like to tell you something about our school . It was set up in 1957 . The number of students is over 1200 , and the teachers about 100 . There are altogether 20classes . Besides the teaching buildings , we have a library for different kinds of subjects , and a school-run workshop .
We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon . After classes , we join in various activities , such as ball games , painting , singing and dancing .
Now let me show you around our school . This way , please .
1 .记述一次郊游活动( outing ),包括下列内容:
要求:用第一人称写,词数 70 左右。
2 .向明中学的“英语角”活动开展得有声有色。请你用英语为一家英文报纸写一篇 80 — 100 字的简讯。
Ⅱ 初中英语作文带翻译
Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an instry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.
A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are
depressed. I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.
A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it's XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever
My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.
I think our friendship will last forever.
Today, good sunny weather, always a hundred flowers ... ..." I head swimming glasses, I sing a little song, walked meteor big, went to Zhoushan Middle School swimming pool.
Wow thiazolyl! Today, many people can really ah! A group of three students, five pile, in the pool, pushing and shoving, no better happy!
I already have lost Hing son, traveling light. "Thump!" I caught a spring, water cks to water generally swim a ... .... Nice to feel the water! I have a moment like a free fish fry for a while yet also seemed a carefree birds. Sometimes wildly breaststroke frog forward, sometimes into freestyle, rolls toward the deep water. I kept the swinging hands, feet not live playing the water splashes like a bit graceful girl, and like one a lovely boy, beautiful great!
I jumped up, roll forward. "Wow!" The water was cold and deep water, thrilled! "Crash ......" my original" Deep Somersault "began. I pushed the hands, feet Yi Deng, jumped backward, turn sideways for a more perfect performance ah! I am in the midst of cheers, air to drill into the water. At this time, the students are coming to my swim. Suddenly, the pool open swim posture: breaststroke, butterfly, dog plane, everything. Overtake each other, with each side. Laughter, playfulness sound into a ......
Tired, I lay quietly on the water: If water every day as partners, so the fish do my friend, my teacher, my job is only swimming ...... it was nice to ah!
When the sun sets, my classmates and I still play pool slapstick. Finally, the shore, and the evening's setting sun dragging our very, very long shadow. Happy swimming, I like!
I love my family,because I have a happy family.
My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What’s my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you’re right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-seven.My mother is always laborious work.I love my parents!
On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play basketball.Sometimes,we watch TV and listen to music at home.
I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!
I what busied one day, the body that dragging exhaustion sits silently on the balcony to syare blankly, come stealthily towards evening, late wind slowly had blown, left the cool trace of filar silk. But the balcony that also cannot bake sun broil hair is very hotly is wrapped cool. Dark, bird is less and less also, the damage that a string of bird left in the sky cries. The sun that worked one day also took off coverall, it is no longer in that way dazzling. The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely. Tell the truth the sun can be met really choose color. The clothes that you see her wear is much more beautiful, red is blaze that one the most beautiful one color in the layer. Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow. Foil in so beautiful color the cheek that issued arch to give a piece of peaceful. She seems to be being monitored by others same, stealthily move is moving pace, appear that kind is lightsome. Knowing at this moment is who is make a practical joke, in her that is high and scatter on luxuriant clothes went up prepared Chinese ink makes her dress becomes bit more full of stains or spots, ased if to throw one Jiao in wallow. Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon. Perhaps she feels embarrassed to used white gauze cloak to live then half face. Passed for ages, perhaps be she feels to be done so also of no help cowardly cowardly ground comes out to appear that kind is bashful. Then she thinks 36 plan -- go for the best thing to do, be smooth! Apparent its speed appears than a moment ago much faster, she is floating die of small blush Pang is in then later hilltop. The sky appears deserted. Again scan widely hopes horizon appeared again her form, hey! How be like two different people with foregoing the setting sun, move close to again look, it is the moon that Yin Guangshan shows so. Dark, appear soundless in that way all around.
I have a goodfriend,He is a boy,he has a very nice name—Robert.He comes from England.He has big eyes,they are round and cute.He comes to China with his parents.We know each other since last year.From then on,we become goodfriends.
At weekends,we often get together to play basketball,he plays it very well,and,he sings well,too.He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese.
We are goodfriends forever.
My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.====我的家乡 我的家乡是个美丽的地方,它座落在一条宽宽的小河旁边,富产鱼和大米。 但是在过去它是个又穷又偏僻的小镇。很多人没有工作,生活很难过。 1949年解放以来,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。道路拓宽了,工厂、学校、医院、电影院和歌剧院一个接一个建成。人们生活质量大大地提高了。 我爱我的家乡,更爱家乡的人们。他们辛勤工作保持着它的富有、美丽。
OK, let me tell you something about my weekend. I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy. This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?好吧,让我来告诉你有关我周末的一些事情.我在周末将会有很多事情要做并且会很忙.所以我要在周六早上写作业.下午,我要和妈妈一起做家务.因为我是一个好女孩,在家里很有用.周日早上,我要和父母一起去看望祖父母.下午,我们要一起去公园.因为那有个风筝秀.并且我的祖父母喜欢做风筝.我认为,我们会在那看到很多漂亮的风筝.我们的也要买一些漂亮的风筝.然后我们要一起去放新的风筝,那很有趣.晚上,我们会有一个盛大的晚餐.我们会在晚餐上吃鱼.因为我的祖父母喜欢吃鱼.并且我的外婆很会做鱼.晚饭后,我们要一起看电视.我们会非常高兴.这就是我快乐的周末.我非常喜欢我的周末.你的周末是怎样的?你能告诉我吗?
Beijing Olympic Games is the 29th Olympic Games.It will last16 days, since August 8, 2008, carry on 28 matches of 302 little projects, sell 7 million tickets. In order to further improve the traffic environment, the expressway of Beijing will increase from present 500 kilometers to 718 kilometers,Beijing will let the going out swift, on time, security of people participating in Olympic Games.Hope Beijing Olympic Games can be succeeded in holding! 北京奥运会是第29届奥运会.自2008年8月8日起,历时16天,共进行28个大项,302个小项目的比赛,可售门票700万张.为进一步改善交通环境,北京的高速公路将由目前的500公里增加到718公里,北京将让参加奥运会的人们的出行快捷、准时、安全。希望北京奥运会能够成功举办!
Ⅲ 初中英语作文范文(5篇)
1. By the side of Du Liu River,there is beautiful village.It’s my hometown.
The river is clear and long.In it there are lots of fishes and all kinds of stones.Flowers and grass grow all over the banks.They are red ,yellow,green,blue and white.All of them form a beautiful picture of nature.If you look at it carefully by yourself,you must be much pleasure.
There are many trees on the bank of the river,the trees are big and tall.Like big umbrellas .In summer,birds sing in them,people read ,play and talk under them. Then the natural parks are formed.Do you want to come here .The people not only are very kind and warm-hearted,but also are hard-workink.
So I love my hometown .Love everything of my hometown..I hope my hometown richer and ric
2.Dear mom:
Today is October 10th..It’s your birthday.I want to say:“Thank you ,mom.I love you,mom.”
I am thirteen years old now,and I can know many things.You are a great mother. You not only work at office,but also do housework at home.You always say:“We should be helpful and kind.”You ask me to eat healthy food and keep take exercese .Every morning,we run together.Every evening,you help me with my English.For me and our family you do everything.You are toilsome,mom.I will study harder and won’t let you down.
Happy birthday,mom.I hope you healthy and young forever.
3.Rong Jiang ,Gui Zhou is my hometown a small city lived Dong(侗),Miao(苗),Shui(水),Yao(瑶)people.There has beautiful mountains、clear water and long history.
It is named Rong Jiang because of banyans.There are many big and tall banyans by the side of the rivers.The banyans are old-age around hundreds of years. They are like soliders keep guard our homeland.They also like big umbrellas keep out wind and rain for people in the four seasons. Ancient Banyans Group is a smart sight at my hometown.
Rong Jiang is famous for watermelon and its special local procts.In summer, watermelons are mature.In the fields are all over the delicious watermelons.Everyone loves them.When you are thirsty,you can partake a piece of watermelon,the immortal you are.My hometown has many special local procts,such as juan fen(卷粉) 、solt fish(腌鱼)、solt meat(腌肉)、solt vegetable(腌菜) ect.They are very delicious,too.Welcome to my hometown and taste the toothsome foods.
I love my hometown,love the mountains、the rivers and the people.I must study harder.Then I can make my hometown more beautiful and richer in future.
4.English is more and more important around the world. So we must try our best to learn English well.Plenty of students have trouble in learning English. Ihave four golden ways in learning English. First, we must concentrate on listening to the teacher , because it's the most important . We can learn a lot in class. Secendly, we must be able to read aloud . Maybe you feel difficult , but don't stop reading. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, you must believe that you can do better . Thirdly ,you should do more practice by writting . If you study English by these ways , you'll be a successful student.
5.My Strict Mother
In my memory, people always say “Strict father, kind mother.” The fact isn’t like that in my family. I have not only a strict father, but also a strict mother.
When I was there years old, Mother cursed me hard because I broke a bowl. That made me frightened. After that day, I tried to do everything carefully in case she scolded me badly. I knew she only wanted me to do well.
Perhaps I said some wrong words when I played with my younger cousin. My father scolded me, so did my mother. She never tells me why she treats me strictly. I think it is hard work that made Mother strict and confident.
My dear mom, could you treat me kindly? I would be more wonderful if you were not so strict!
Ⅳ 初中英语作文范文
As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of instry, factories and vehicles proce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.
With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.
正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。
It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside world.This has resulted in great changes taking place in various fields.
With the nine-year compulsory ecation(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be ecated.In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and technology.In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in 2008.As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly improved.
In addition,there have also been great changes in sports.The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold medals.
I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 years.It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these possible.Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious society.I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier life.
这是三十年以来中国开始改革与开始的外部 world.This 中国开放政策,导致在各个领域发生的巨大变化。 于九年强制 ecation(九年制义务教育) 程序所有孩子都有机会被 ecated.In 在 30 年中国已取得很大进展科技 technology.In 2003、 中国推出其第一次的载人的飞船和完成首次空间行走在 2008.As 经济发展迅速、 人民生活条件大大改善。 此外,也有很大的变化在 sports.The 29 奥运成功承载在北京和中国运动员赢得最大的金牌。 我的确感到自豪的丰功伟绩在过去的 30 years.It 是共产党的领导和我们中国人作出所有这些 possible.Nowadays,people 正在努力向更先进,和谐 society.I 确信中国将会有一个光明的前景和中国人民将过幸福生活的努力。
The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with the network control poor, it will trap into the network. Relevant data show that young people inlge in network performance is more than 89 percent plummet. Online games will have a strong young vanity has led to some young people have an unhealthy psychological, severely hampered the normal development of young people. There are fighting games so that some young people think that real life can be like a virtual network of the world as ruled by the law of the jungle to the world today, leading toward the path of crime. Play the role of those villains, so that boys like girls change, but it's like boys girls. The trap of the second network, some people because of social discontent, the network's own desire to radiation, leading to others on the network by fraud, deceived many examples, list goes on.Many benefits, save time and effort before the provincial lesson entirely on hand-written, time-consuming and laborious, much more will have to modify. Preparation of a computer is now "semi-automatic", and the school to teach all the prior knowledge input into the computer, after layout, modify, save, and finally print it out; the same can also the link. Computer is time-saving, labor-saving good helper, it gives me more time to study materials, the design of better teaching methods.
主要缺点是: 一些年轻的人是太着迷于网络控制穷人,它将陷入网络。 有关数据显示,青少年沉迷于网络性能是超过 89%暴跌。 在线游戏将有较强的年轻虚荣已带领到一些年轻的人有一种不健康心理,严重阻碍了青少年的正常发展。 这样一些年轻人认为现实生活可以像一个虚拟的网络世界的由于裁定法向世界丛林的今天,领导对犯罪的路径,战斗游戏。 发挥这些坏人,使孩子们像女孩更改,但它的男孩女孩一样。 第二个的网络一些人由于社会的不满的陷阱网络的自己的愿望,辐射,通往其他网络的欺诈行为,欺骗很多例子,不胜枚举 on.Many 好处的时间和精力完全对省的课前保存手写、 费时、 费力,更将不得不修改。 现正准备的计算机,"半自动"和教布局后, 在的计算机输入的所有预先知道学校修改、 保存,并最后将其打印出来 ; 同样也可以复制链接。 计算机是省时、 省力的好帮手,它让我有更多时间来研究材料,设计更好的教学方法。
Ⅳ 初中英语作文带翻译。
What would you do every day? 你每天会干些什么? What did you do today? 你今天干专了属什么? What have you done for the whole day? 你一整天干了些什么事?
Ⅵ 初中英语作文范文20篇。谢谢
Two days ago, a heavy snow came. And now, the snow stopped and it’s time for fun. This morning, I go to outside door and make snowman with my friends. We prepare some tools and then we start. We did it many times before, so it’s easy. We pull snow together and shape it. Last, we make a face for it, eyes, nose, ears and mouth. It’s very funny and we are happy.
Ⅶ 初中英语作文范文
1. My Friend(我的朋友)
I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old. Her telephonenumber is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English andChinese. She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening tothe music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl.We often help each other. We
are good friends.
2. 假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭。Hello, everyone! I'm Li Mei. Look! This is myfamily photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is ateacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, heis my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.
3. 假设这是TOM的房间,请你用80词左右介绍他的房间。
Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on thebed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. Thecomputer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. Whatis on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do youthink of Tom’s room?
4. 介绍你的一日三餐。
Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but Ilike eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk,eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I likeFrench fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinner, I like fruits,vegetables and rice.
5. 以My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文
My favorite subject is English. I like itbecause it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a littleEnglish. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk inEnglish. I can see the English movies and read English books. I think it isuseful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much.
6. My English Teacher(我的英语老师)
Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looksvery young. She's about thirty years old, and she wears glasses. She's funny .But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard, Her lessons areinteresting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She isa good teacher, and we all like her.
7. 自我介绍
My name is Wang Ming. My birthday is June 5th.I am Chinese. I am a student. I study very hard. My favorite subject isEnglish. I like it because it is interesting. I can play the piano and thetrumpet, but not very well. I love swimming and I am good at it. Of all kindsof movies, I like comedies best. I think they're interesting. I’m one of thebest students in my class. My teachers all say I am a good student. They alllike me and I like them, too.
Unit 1
1. 写作话题:本单元以能力为话题,谈论自己或他人的能力。如会干或不会干…….
参考作文 Help Wanted
Are you goodwith children? We need help for summer holiday . Can you help kids with sports? Can you help kids with music ?Can you paint ? Can you play computer games ?Come and join us ! Please call Wang Ping at 6367786 . Our e-mail address is [email protected].
Unit 2
1. 写作话题:本单元以日常生活习惯为话题,描述自己或他人的日常生活习惯。
2. 写作题目:根据下面提示写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍自己一天的活动安排情况。
I usually getup at 6:30 . Then I have breakfast . At7:10 I go to school . We have fourclasses in the morning ., and three classes in the afternoon . At 4:30 p.m. Igo home . After supper I do my homework . I usually watch TV from 8:00 to9:00.in the evening . Then I go to bed at 10:00 .
Unit 3
1. 写作话题:本单元以如何到某地为话题,描述请某地的方式。
2. 写作题目:根据下面提示写一篇70词左右的短文,张静是我的好朋友,在青岛上学,她的家距离学校约3千米,她通常骑自行车去上学,大约用20分钟,但下雨时她乘出租车,大约5分钟。她的父母在离家8千米的一家医院工作,每天开汽车上班,大约要10分钟。
Zhang Jing ismy good friend. She studies in Qing.Her home is about three kilometers from school. She usually rides her bike toschool and it takes her about twenty minutes .But when it rains, she goes toschool by taxi. It takes her only five minutes . Her father and mother bothwork in a hospital. It’s eight kilometers from their home. They take a car towork . It takes them about ten minutes.
Unit 4
1. 写作话题:本单元以规则话题,以祈使句表达规则。
2. 写作题目:根据下面提示写一篇60词左右的短文。Tom 正和他的一个朋友Jim 谈论他所在的学校。Tom 很不喜欢这所学校,原因是这所学校的规章制度太多。要点:(1)保持安静(2)不准吃零食(3)不准乱扔垃圾(4)不准打闹(5)按时上课(6)做好课前准备
Tom is talking about his school with his friend Jim. Tom tells Jim hedoesn’t like this school very much, because there are too many school rules forus.
1. Keep quiet in the classroom,please.
2. Don’t eat snacks in theclassroom ,or it will make our classroom dirty.
3. Don’t throw around.
4. Don’t fight and chase aftereach other in the classroom. Of course, you can’t make any noise.
5. Please arrive at the class ontime ,don’t be late. Or our teachers will be unhappy.
6. Get ready before the class. Don’tlook for anything after the class begins.
If we break anyone of them, we will be punished.
Unit 5
1. 写作话题:本单元以动物话题,描述自己喜欢的动物及原因。
2. 写作题目:根据下面表格的内容,以A Trip to the Zoo写一篇60词左右的短文介绍一下动物园新来的两只动物。
A Trip to theZoo
Welcome to the zoo. There are two newanimals. The panda’s name is Feifei .She is from China .She likes eating bamboo. Sheis lovely and shy. She is only two years old. The other animal is a lion .Hisname is Karl. He is from Africa. He likeseating meat. He is very dangerous and strong. He is three years old .We all like them.
Unit 6
1. 写作话题:本单元以人们正在进行的活动话题,用现在进行时描述自己或他人正在进行的活动。
2. 写作题目:假设你叫魏梅,根据下面提示给你的朋友Helen 写一张明信片,介绍一下你和你的家人正在做什么,不少于60词。提示: 现在是星期三晚上八点,你的爷爷和爸爸在下象棋,奶奶和妈妈在看电视,姐姐在房间看书,哥哥在玩电脑游戏。你们很开心。
Dear Helen ,
How are you? It’s eight o’clock in theevening now. What are you doing now? People in my family are doing differentthings. My brother is playing computer games. You see, he likes playing gamesvery much. My grandpa and my father are playing chess. My grandma and my motherare watching TV and my sister is reading a book in her room. We are having agood time.
See you soon.
Wei Mei
1. 写作话题:本单元人们在各种天气里的活动话题,描述天气情况和人们正在进行的活动。
2. 写作题目:你家乡的气候怎样?你喜欢什么样的气候?以The Weather in My City 为题,写一篇介绍天气的短文。
The Weather in My City
Hello, everyone! I’m from Shengyang. Do you want toknow what the weather is like here? Let me tell you!
Shengyang is in the northeast of China. In spring, the weather ischangeable(多变的).Sometimesit’s warm, and sometimes it’s cold.. Insummer, it’s hot.. But I like it very much because I like swimming. The autumnin Shengyang is very nice. It’s neither too hot nor too cold .In winter, it’svery cold. You can see heavy snow everywhere. I like snow. I like to makesnowman with my friends.
1. 写作话题:本单元以问路指路为话题,向他人问路或指路。
2. 写作题目:假设你叫李雷,这个星期天是你的生日,你准备在家举办一个生日聚会,聚会在六点钟开始。你邀请了你的一些朋友参加,Susan 也在其中, 可她不知道去你家的路。你家住在Bridge Street,乘坐六路或八路公共汽车在Bridge Street站下车,下车后直走,然后在第一个十字路口右拐,左边有一个邮局,你家就在邮局的对面,房子是红色的,很容易找到。请根据所给信息给Susan写封邮件。
Dear Susan,
ThisSunday is my birthday. I’ll have a birthday at my home. It starts at 6p.m..Would you like to come? I’ll ask some of my friends to come. My home is on Bridge Street. Youcan take a No.6 or No.8 bus, and get off on Bridge Street. Go straight ,and then turnright at the first crossing .You can see a post office on your left. My home isacross from the post office. It is a red house. You won’t miss it..
Li Lei
1. 写作话题:本单元以外表为话题,描述人的外貌爱好服饰等。
2. 写作题目:根据以下信息用英语写一则寻人启事。Peter,今年四岁,今天在商店和妈妈走散。中等个头,短头发,小圆脸,大眼睛,上身穿白色的T恤,下身穿白裤子,脚穿一双黑色的运动鞋,还背着一个蓝色的小背包,请看到他的顾客把他领到广播室。
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are look forPeter. Peter, a four-year-old boy, was missing in the shop. He is of mediumheight, and he has short hair. His face is round, and his eyes are big. Hewears a white T-shirt and white trousers, and a pair of black sports shoes. Andhe has a blue bag. If someone finds him, please bring him into the BroadcastingRoom. His mother is there. Thank you .
1. 写作话题:本单元以买东西服务用语为话题,谈论价格数量等。
2. 写作题目:根据以下信息为朱老大饺子屋( Zhu Laoda Dumpling House )写一则广告。提示:(1) 本店饺子品种齐全,个大味美(2) 现有两种特价饺子:鸡蛋蔬菜饺子每10
Zhu Laoda Dumpling House
Would you like to have mplings? At ZhuLaoda Dumpling House ,we have all kinds of mplings and they are all large anddelicious.
Now we have two great specials! Special 1has eggs and vegetables and is just 3 yuan for 10. Special 2 is only 5yuan for10 and has beef and vegetables.
Welcome to our house! The address is No.118 Guangming Road.Our telephone number is 685-8588
1. 写作话题:本单元以学校旅行为话题,谈论学校旅行及假期生活,描述过去发生的事情及感受。
2. 写作题目:暑假已经过去,同学们都相互询问时如何度过这个假期的,请你用英语写一封信把你的假期和同学交流一下,向他们描述你的既有意义又充实的假期。提示:(1)坚持运动,锻炼身体(2)多读好书(3)旅游观光(4)当一名志愿者(5)帮助父母。
Dear Li Ping,
I had a good time ring my summervacation. Here is my vacation to show you.
First I did sports and learned to ply tabletennis. It’s good for my health. Then I read some books .After that I enjoyedan interesting sight for two weeks. Also, I volunteered to serve in thevolleyball game. Of course, at home I helped my parents do some cooking ,washing and so on.
I think I had a wonderful time ring thevacation . Did you have a nice summer vacation ? P lease tell me !
1. 写作话题:本单元以过去发生话题,谈论学校旅行及假期生活,描述过去发生的事情及感受。
2. 写作题目:根据下面提示写短文:上周星期天,刘明贺他的朋友在山脚下野炊。他们中的一些人正在做游戏,一些在跳舞,他们感到很放松。突然,刘明看到一头山羊正在跑。他对此很感兴趣,平且开始追它跑了很长一段时间。当他想起他的朋友们时,他不知道他在哪儿。他迷路了。在那时,一个农夫过来,在他的帮助下,刘明又找到了他的朋友们。他感谢这位农夫平且向你告别。
Last Sunday, Liu Ming and his friends wentfor a picnic at the foot of the mountain. Some of them were playing games, somewere dancing , they felt very relaxed. Suddenly, Liu Ming saw a goat running .He was interested in it and began to run after it for a long time . When hethought of his friends again. He got lost. At that time, a farmer came. Withhis help ,Liu Ming found his friends again. He thanked the farmer and said:Goodbye” to him.
Ⅷ 初中英语作文大全
My Favourite TV Programme
Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme.
In 1992 I was watching the 25th Olympic Games on TV with my schoolmates in China. We cheered at every success the Chinese athelets had. As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medalists. It is the happiest moment for them and for me. I am proud of being a Chinese.
Now that I am in America, things are different. I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite. Whenever the Chinese made a mistake, the Americans cheered, which angered me greatly. Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable. The problem is that they have so much prejudice against our motherland.
I admired Wang Yifu's courage and stamina. He lost his gold medal because of his illness. As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher.
Mo Huilen also lost her gold medal painfully. The young girl was not satisfied with a silver and braved for the gold at the risk of losing it. She showed the true spirit of sportsmanship. I sing in praise of them even if they lose. In my opinion we should praetice what we preach and stick to the Olympic creed that the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought wen.
I like the program"Animal World" . First of all, I like animals, especially small animals. Secondly, the host is able to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know a lot of things that I haven't known before. I gain some knowledge about animal life, such as, different lives of various kinds of animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal, and the importance of animal protection.
I want to say that animals are part of nature as we are. They can not be separated from the humans. We must keep nature in balance.
Please give your love to animals. Stop killing them.
"Animal World" is my favorite program. First of all, I like animals,especially small animals. Secondly, the host has the ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know a lot of things that I haven't known before. I gain some knowledge about animal
life such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal, and the meaning of animal protection.
Now I understand animals are part of nature as we are. They can not be separated from the humans. We must keep nature in balance so that we will have a good life in the future.
Let's love animals. Never do any harm to them.
Ⅸ 来10篇初中英语作文、带翻译的
My Home Town
My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.
But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.
OK, let me tell you something about my weekend. I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy. This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?
Beijing Olympic Games is the 29th Olympic Games.It will last16 days, since August 8, 2008, carry on 28 matches of 302 little projects, sell 7 million tickets. In order to further improve the traffic environment, the expressway of Beijing will increase from present 500 kilometers to 718 kilometers,Beijing will let the going out swift, on time, security of people participating in Olympic Games.Hope Beijing Olympic Games can be succeeded in holding!
Ⅹ 初中英语作文16篇
一、Great changes in my hometown
More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .
Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .
二、 the earth
How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world .
It’s our ty to protect our environment . No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy . We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better .
三、Improve our environment
Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment ?
We should plant more trees . And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into a stbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s our ty to keep our earth clean and tidy .
四、Pollution around us
In recent years our life is becoming better and better. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It’s very bad for our life. Now many people have air-conditioners and cars, they proce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven’t enough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It’s very necessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will be better and better .
五、Make our world more beautiful !
Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans . It’s our ty to take care of the nature around us . Animals and plants are our best friends ., and we should share the world with them . We shouldn’t kill wild animals , and we must protect forests because they are animals’ home . We must plant more trees and grass , they can make the world greener . The more beautiful the world is, the happier lives we will have . Let’s do our best to make the world beautiful.
六、Keep our school clean
We are studying in this school. It is our ty to keep it clean and tidy. It is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the class. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. Don’t draw pictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school . We should keep the classroom clean and tidy. And we should do some cleaning often. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more beautiful .
七、My country life
I like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. There is a river near it. Lots of trees are around my house. I can see a lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner and fresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. It’s very quiet . What a nice place I live in !
八、How to learn English well
As we know , English has become an international language. It is more popular than any other language in China . English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how to learn it well ?
The best way is to use it all the time . If we can talk in English , think in English we can learn it well . At school , we should learn to hear , speak, read and write carefully . We should spend enough time in practicing English . If we keep on working hard at English , we will be able to be good at it one day .
九、How I learn English
Hello, everyone. It is my honor to talk with all of you about how to learn English well . I like English very much . I always preview and master the main idea of the lesson before class. In class , I listen carefully , speak loudly and write carefully and take notes if necessary . After class , I do my homework carefully . I watch English movies and listen to English songs . I have booked an English newspaper . It’s Times English Post , I can learn a lot from it . I am not afraid of remembering the new words because I master many good methods . I hope you work hard at English and make progress every day . That’s all .
十、How I improved my English
When I began to learn English, I was poor at it. I was quite worried at that time. Later I 1istened to the teacher attentively in class, and made notes carefully. If I had any question, I asked my English teacher or my classmates for help. Every morning I read the English texts aloud and listened to the English tapes. In the evening, after finishing my homework, I always read some English and magazines.
Now I am one of the best students at English in my class.
十一、The importance of English
English is the most widely spoken in the world. It’s spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. It's widely used for business between different countries. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English, too. It is really a bridge to so much knowledge . English is used by travellers and business people around the world. It's one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. That's why more and more people in China are interested in learning English.
English is so useful that we must learn it well . Now let’s work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our class .
十二、I want to be an inventor
TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.
十三、I want to be a tour guide
I want to be a tour guide because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games. There will be many people to come to China from all over the world. Most of them don’t know Chinese. They want to visit many interesting places in China. I can be one of the guides. I can make much money, too. How happy I will be! So from now on , I must study hard. I am going to learn English every day. I will try my best to make it come true.
十四、I like the Internet
The Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. It’s very useful. I often search the Internet for some information. I can read the latest news, do some shopping, and get all kinds of information from it. I can also download the information that I need and I can send e-mails and make telephone calls to my friends on the internet. The most important thing is that I am able to study all my lessons on the Internet.
The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful and it has a wide effect on my study and daily life. I like the internet very much. How about you / Will you have a try ?
十五、The Internet
The Internet is becoming more and more important to us. Without it, we can’t do work better. We can go shopping without going out of our houses. And we can listen to music or watch movies on the Internet. It can also help a lot with our study. We can learn much knowledge on different subjects, and get information as soon as possible. But now, some of us work, study or play on the Internet for long time, especially for young people to play computer games. It’s bad for our eyes and health. If we make good use of the Internet, it will be our best friends and help us a lot .
Computer is a wonderful machine. It's a great invention in many years. It develops very quickly. The smallest computer is as big as a note-book. We call it pocket computer. Computer becomes more and more important in many ways. It has touched the lives of everyone, even people in faraway villages. It helps us to do with all kinds of information and we get knowledge from it. It can give us a lot fun.