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发布时间:2020-12-19 11:06:50

⑴ 50字英语作文给老人让座

We were always taught to give up our seats to the elderly, the weak, the ill, the handicapped, and the pregnant. It is a standard practice, justified by our own morality: we feel that those who need the seats more should get them. However, under some circumstances, people don't want to give up their seats. For example, should a young person who is exhausted after working all night still stand up in favor of someone older but full of energy? There is controversy about exactly where to draw the line in general, but I think that as youthful indivials, we should all try to give up our seats as much as possible. After all, we are setting a good example for the children of our own day, who will hopefully grow up and follow in our footsteps, setting in motion a cycle of goodwill.

⑵ 关于让座的英语作文。100词左右。 高中水平

让座 一个晴朗的星期天,妈妈带我和弟弟去少年宫玩。于是,我们乘上了一辆公交车出专发了。一路上属,弟弟叽叽喳喳地说个不停,显得很高兴。 到了“西京花园”这一站,一位白发苍苍的老爷爷走了上来,车上已经没座位了,他扶着杆子,好不容易才站稳。我心里想,老师教育我们要尊老爱幼,做个讲文明、懂礼貌的好孩子。我边想边走过去,对老爷爷说:“爷爷,我快到站了,我把座位让给您坐吧。”说完我就把老爷爷扶到了自己的座位上。老爷爷和蔼地说:“谢谢你,小朋友,你真懂事。”我对老爷爷笑了笑,说:“不用谢,这是我应该做的。” 下车以后,弟弟向我竖起了大拇指,说:“哥哥你真棒。”妈妈自豪地说:“你真是我的好儿子。”听了他们这样夸我,我心里那个高兴劲儿就甭提了,全身每一根汗毛都活跃的跳了起来。这个星期天过得真爽啊!

⑶ 关于让座的英语作文

Bues are always crowded in rush hours.Students and office workers go to work or go back homeat that time.There are often full of people and one can hard to get a seat. And so does today.A mother with a kid is in the bus.An old alt offer a seat for her. But the young ignore her.
As the youths, think it's necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need them,such as expectant mothers,disabled people ,old people and so on.
First, it's the behavior of good manners.You are polite enough if you do so.Second,it's the need of social morality.
However,if you can't achieve this, you are probably a definit person.And as a result,you can't be trust in the social activities.
So,let's build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and me.

----------by relic.



⑷ 英语作文让座90词左右

Respect on the Bus
Yesterday,I went to school by bus.Soon,an old man get on a bus.But there are no seat on the bus.I wish there will be someone who can lend his seat to this old man.But the young man who sat next to the old man didn't lend his seat to the old man.I'm very angry.To my surprised,two children lend their seats to the old man.The old man sat down and he was very happy.
I am also very happy because I think kind is the most important things in our lives.

⑸ 用英文写一篇作文让座五句话加翻译


A child with his grandmother winter together by bus, then the child grabbed grandma in the front, the other people on board that he does not understand politeness, after a while, the child stood up and said," grandma, chair cover hot, you sit down".
希望能帮到你 谢谢采纳

⑹ 关于盲人让座英语作文120字

我一边坐车,一边想:“我们的城市可真美啊!”正当我望着窗外的美景时,车又到站了。 这次没有人上车,倒是有一位白发苍苍的老奶奶上了车。老奶奶满头白发,看上去有60多岁了,老奶奶一手提着一包蔬菜,一手拄着一根拐杖,一摇一晃的上了车。可是车上已经没有空座位了。我犹豫不决,到底是让座还是不让座呢?如果让座的话,我就要一直站着了,但如果不让座的话,老奶奶就要一直站着了。正当我思考的时候,一个悦耳的声音打断了我的思路,只见一个小妹妹从座位上站起身来说:“老奶奶,您坐吧!”老奶奶感激的说:“谢谢你啊,小朋友。”“不用谢,这是我应该做的。”小妹妹的脸上浮起了一丝笑容,老奶奶那慈祥的脸上也浮现了感激的笑容。乘客们都像小妹妹投向了赞许的眼神。我的脸却发烧起来,我和小妹妹同样都是少先队员,小妹妹还比我小,而她却主动让座给老奶奶,我这个高年级学生实在感到很羞愧。但是,我明白了一个道理:人与人之间要互相关心、关爱、这样,我们彼此的心里都会感到甜蜜和温暖!

⑺ 让座的英语作文

Bues are always crowded in rush hours.Students and office workers go to work or go back homeat that time.There are often full of people and one can hard to get a seat. And so does today.A mother with a kid is in the bus.An old alt offer a seat for her. But the young ignore her.

As the youths, think it's necessary for us to offer seats for those who really need them,such as expectant mothers,disabled people ,old people and so on.

First, it's the behavior of good manners.You are polite enough if you do so.Second,it's the need of social morality.

However,if you can't achieve this, you are probably a definit person.And as a result,you can't be trust in the social activities.

So,let's build a good social order from offering a seats,just from you and me

⑻ 关于公车让座的英语作文

A child with his grandmother winter together by bus, then the child grabbed grandma in the front, the other people on board that he does not understand politeness, after a while, the child stood up and said," grandma, chair cover hot, you sit down".

⑼ 公交让座的英语作文60字

Giving up your seat to senior citizens, pregnant women and the disabled is the benchmark of courtesy. Relinquishing those seats to a pregnant woman is not only thoughtful, but it will keep all the other women on the train from scowling at you while a pregnant woman is standing. Also, giving the seat up to someone carrying a kid or dealing with a stroller is great, and will probably keep that kid from falling all over the floor or touching their drooly hands to the poles. Giving the seat up to someone in a cast or brace is a nice gesture as well. A younger person offering the seat to an older person, not just an impaired rider, spreads the good karma too. And my favorite thing to see is men giving those seats up to women. That is by no means necessary, and not every woman will accept the offer, but a chivalrous gesture can brighten the day for the recipient of the gesture, as well as those witnessing it.

⑽ 关于让座的英语作文(要简单的句子结构)

One day, mary wanted to go to cinema. He went there by bus. There came an old man in the bus. Mary let the old man sit on his seat. The old man said thanks.When the bus stoped at the cinema, Mary waved her hand to the old man to say goodbye.



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