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发布时间:2020-12-18 04:44:48

『壹』 关于香港旅游的英语作文7句话

I went to Hongkong in this summer holiday. And I have a happy time. There are many tall buildings and the people are very friendly. Hongkong is a fashion city. My mom and I go shopping and buy a lot of things. Besides, the foods here is very delicious. I wish to go there next time.

『贰』 介绍香港的英文作文


『叁』 英语作文“HongKong”

香港是享誉世界的购物天堂,价格、种类、服务,都可以说名列世界之最。香港的大型购物商场、酒店商场、综合购物中心、百货公司、服饰店、市场和路边摊子等各色购物场所一应俱全,既有著名的世界品牌,也不乏物美价廉的货品,荟萃了中西精品。而且香港大部分进口货品都无须缴税。所以无论你是富豪还是平民,在香港都能找到物有所值的商品。 Hong Kong is the world famous shopping heaven, price, kinds, service, may be the most in the world. Hong Kong's large shopping malls, hotels comprehensive shopping center, stores, department stores, clothing, market and roadside stall, etc all kinds of shopping sites are all, both famous world brand, there are cheap and fine goods, featuring the Chinese and western high-quality goods. And most import goods are Hong Kong need not pay tax. So whether you are rich or civilians, in Hong Kong can find worth of goods.

『肆』 写香港的英语作文

Hong Kong is 98% Chinese. Although the territory's official languages are English and Cantonese, the use of Mandarin (or Putonghua), China's official language, is on the rise. Among the non-Chinese living in Hong Kong, some 150,000 Filipinos make up the largest foreign community; most are women working as maids and nannies (amahs in local parlance), and can be seen socializing in Statue Square on their day off, usually Sunday.

Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule in 1997. The British owned Hong Kong Island, but the New Territories -- the part of Hong Kong on the mainland -- had been leased from China in 1898. It was the expiration of this 99-year lease that necessitated Britain's handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

In hindsight, the handover looks anticlimactic. The rest of the world was always more apprehensive about Chinese rule than were most Hong Kongers, for whom business takes precedence over all other issues. It was the Asian crisis, which hit within a month of the handover, that became the real news of 1997 and the years that followed.

The SAR (Special Administrative Region) government pulled through the crisis, and today it is easy to forget the economy was ever imperiled. The changes wrought by the handover are mostly ones of increasing integration between the local and mainland economies, a process that has been under way for at least two decades.

Perhaps the greatest sign that Hong Kong is operating comfortably under Chinese rule is the fact that political debate has, for the most part, centered on such issues as chickens and pollution rather than the much-feared crackdown on indivial liberty. The local press, though subject to some self-censorship, still thrives; international reporting, publishing, and broadcasting continue unabated. And most everyone makes time to check up on the stock market.

『伍』 香港英文介绍

Hong Kong is on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta on the southeastern coast of China, facing the South China Sea in the south, and bordering Guangdong Province in the north. Hong Kong is China's richest region, has one of the world's most liberal economies and is a major international centre of finance and trade. 地理:香港特别行政区位于广东省南面、珠江口东侧,南临南中国海,北接广东省深圳市,总面积为1070平方公里。香港包括香港岛、九龙半岛、新界与离岛四大部分。香港属于典型的滨海丘陵地形,山岭众多,平地很少;大部分沿海平地,都是近百年填海造陆的结果。香港海岸线非常曲折,湾深港多。九龙与港岛间的维多利亚港,地处台湾海峡与南海的交汇处,遥望太平洋,是亚洲及世界的重要海港 人口:香港的人口超过660万 名称由来:香港,意为“清香的海港”,大概与很早以前在岛上制造檀香和香烛所散发出的香气有关。 民族:华人占97%,大部分是广东籍;外籍占3% 宗教:佛教、道教、基督教、天主教、伊斯兰教 语言:英语、粤语及普通话 誉称:东方之珠、动感之都 区花:紫荆花 历史背景: 1842年 清政府与英国签订不平等的《南京条约》,割让香港岛给英国。 1860年 签订《北京条约》,割让九龙半岛给英国。 1896年 英国强迫清政府再订条约,租借九龙半岛界线街以北地区及附近岛屿,租期99年,二次世界大战期间,被日本占领。 1945年 日本投降,又被英国重新占领。 1984年 中英签署关於香港问题的联合声明。 1997年 香港回归中国,实行“一国两制”、“高度自治”。 气候温度: 香港属于亚热带季风气候,全年平均气温为22.8摄氏度,平均降雨量为2225毫米,平均相对湿度78%。 春季(3月至5月中旬): 天气回暖潮湿,经常有雾和毛毛雨,平均气温摄氏二十三度,湿度百分之八十二; 夏季(5月下旨至9月中旬): 仲夏之后是台风季节,夏季天气炎热潮湿,下午气温可以升逾三十一度,间中有骤雨和雷暴,平均气温二十八度,湿度百分之八十; 秋季((9月下旬至12月下旬): 天气晴朗,清凉干爽,所以是抵港旅游旺季。平均温度二十三度,湿度百分之七十二; 冬季(12月中旬至2月下旬): 天气最凉爽干燥,间中会有寒流从北面内陆吹来,届时温度可能会降至八度以下,至于冬季的平均温度是十七度,湿度百分之七十二。 活动节庆: 香港的多元文化,也体现在众多的节日之中。这为香港人带来更多的热闹与欢乐,也为旅客造就了更多的惊喜。中国的传统节日热闹、喜庆、吉利,当然不能错过;西方的节日新潮、 刺激和有趣,更是令人兴奋。 农历新年 (农历正月):新年是中国人最重视的节日。除了合家团圆、 拜访亲友等必不可少的内容; 香港的春节特色项目还有: 年宵花市:农历新年前数天在多区举行,其中一年一度的维多利亚公园年宵花市最热闹,出售桃花、 菊花、 水仙花等各种贺岁鲜花及其他商品。 花车巡游:大年初一,在市内举行。每年的巡游表演有来自世界各地的花车,以及显示不同地区文化和风情的巡游队伍,组合成多姿多采的大型表演,庆贺新一年繁荣丰盛。 烟花汇演:大年初二 ,在维多利亚港海面举行。海港两岸和高层建筑临海的一面,都成了最好的观赏位置。 圣诞节 (12月25日) :圣诞节是香港最热闹、最隆重的节日。维多利亚港两岸的高大建筑,提前个多月就布置上色彩缤纷的灯饰,各商店也换上圣诞装饰,仅是这一风景,就引得不少游人赞叹不已。此时的香港,展现出最辉煌的城市面貌,如果对香港的繁华有兴趣,那么,最好的游览时间一定是圣诞。 最热闹的是平安夜,教堂里有神圣的平安夜弥撒,一些酒店和商场还有唱诗班献唱圣诞歌,全港市民纷纷涌到街上,其中,尖沙咀海滨花园长廊和临近大街更是人潮涌动。 如果能在圣诞来香港,购物也是一大乐趣。这时各大商场都会实施大减价,可低至半价, 这已经成了香港的惯例,香港居民都会选择这个时候购买圣诞礼物,为至爱送上浓浓的暖意。 元旦(1月1日)、情人节(2月14日)、天后诞(农历三月二十三)、佛诞(农历四月初八)、太平清醮(农历四月初八)、端午节(农历五月初五)、乞巧节(农历七月初七)、孟兰节(农历七月十四)、中秋节(农历八月十五)、万圣节(10月31日)。 如果嫌多的话,就自己选吧

『陆』 关于香港的英语作文

建议你去香港旅游局网站查查吧(可内以选英文-容about hongkong)

『柒』 写一篇介绍香港的英语作文。!急。请高手进。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Hong kong! I am your guide in Hong kong and my name is Wang ping。 As we know, Hongkong was once a British colony and on July 1,1997,it smoothly came back to China.

Hongkong is in the south of China, and her neighbor is Shenzhen. She is made up of 236 large and small islands. We can visit many resorts here, such as Disneyland, the Ocean Park and the Wong Tai Sin Temple and so on. You are sure to have a good time.

Since Hongkong return to China, she has been developing steadily. We believe she will have a brighter future.

『捌』 介绍香港的英语作文简洁

Have you even been to Hong kong ? This summer holiday, I had travelled to Hong Kong with many other students. We went to Hong Kong by plane. Hong Kong is very small, but there are many people living there.

In Hong Kong, all of the buildings are very tall. There are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. In Hong Kong, things are very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs.

We went to lots of places, such as the Avenue of Stars and Ocean Park. I like Ocean Park best. The park is very big. Sitting in the cable car, you can see two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. Some students were afraid of sitting in the cable car!
We stayed in the Shu Ren College. There are many big trees around it. We had meals in the restaurants, but I didn’t like the food.

Hong Kong is very beautiful. I like Hong Kong and I hope to go there again some day.

『玖』 英文描写香港的作文

Hong Kong situated at the south-eastern of China, with a total area of 1 104 square kilometers, it covers Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, and the New Territories.. Hong Kong's population was about 6.94 million in 2005. The population density was 6 420 people per square kilometer.

Hong Kong famous for its beautiful harbor, mountains, Disneyland, Sea world and so on, specially for its commerce. Hong Kong today is a flourishing international metropolis, which is well run, clean and beautiful. In the commercial towers and shopping centers, you will find exquisite merchandise. It looks as if international fairs of merchandise from various countries throughout the world were held here everyday.

Hong Kong’s communications are highly developed, subway and ground railway, highway, undersea tunnels, motorway interchange, viact, ferry, airport radiating in all directions, like a piece of huge network knitting the whole city together.


『拾』 介绍香港的英文作文,八句话

nd here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy,



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