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❶ 第二次世界大战的过程英语作文

NEW ORLEANS,June 5 /PRNewswire/ -- On June 6,the anniversary of the original D-Day invasion at Normandy,the National World War II Museum in New Orleans will celebrate its seventh birthday with a full-day of events and special exhibitions open to the public.At the same time,the Museum's National Board of Trustees will hold its annual meeting in the city,with some of the discussion to focus on the $300 million capital expansion that is underway on the two city blocks directly adjacent the Museum's existing location.
"This country showed the world what its soldiers and citizens were capable of ring World War II," said Gordon H."Nick" Mueller,Ph.D.,President and CEO of the Museum."The anniversary of D-Day affords us an opportunity to salute the valiant efforts of the Greatest Generation and to reaffirm our commitment to New Orleans and its rebuilding as we expand our own facilities and exhibitions to be as epic as the war we honor."
Governor Pete Wilson of California,Chairman of the Museum's Board,added that the expansion,when complete,will greatly enhance an already dynamic visitor destination.
"There are so many WWII stories still to be told,and values to be learned," Wilson said."This extraordinary Museum will continue to teach us all that freedom isn't free.It is hard-won by courageous men and women - many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice."
Site preparation is now underway on a one-of-a-kind,advanced-format theater,scheled to open in early 2009.The theater will have regular showings of Beyond All Boundaries,a cinematic experience designed exclusively for the Museum by Director Paul Hettema and Executive Procer Tom Hanks.Through an array of multi-sensory special effects,viewers will be immersed in a virtual journey that spans the entirety of World War II.
The entire 245,000-square-foot expansion project will triple the Museum's size,with state-of-the-art programs and exhibit space,library and archives,collections and conservation space,a hotel and conference facility,and a research center.Plans include four prominent exhibit pavilions:The U.S.Pavilion,The Campaign Pavilion,The Liberation and Victory Pavilion,and The Armory and Aviation Pavilion.They will portray all campaigns of the war on land,sea,and air,and each branch of the U.S.military services will be represented.A USO-style entertainment venue,a themed restaurant,and a public parade ground will also be included.
Indivial buildings will open to the public as they are finished,and the entire project is estimated to be completed in 2014.In total,the new facilities are expected to attract over 700,000 visitors annually.
The National World War II Museum in New Orleans is designated by Congress as "America's National World War II Museum." It interprets the American Experience ring World War II years and celebrates the American Spirit,the teamwork,optimism,courage and sacrifice of the men and women who won World War II and promotes the exploration and expression of these values by future generations.
For more information on programs and exhibits at the National World War II Museum,visit http://www.nationalww2museum.org,or call 504-527-6012.To arrange group visits for schools,churches and synagogues,reunion groups,and other organizations,please call 504.527.6012,ext.222.

❷ 二战英文简介 10分

On 1st September 1939 Germany invaded Poland. They used a new type of warfare called ‘’ or ‘Lightening War’. This is a war when tanks and planes are used to knock out the defences so that the defending country is easier to conquer. Two days after this happened; Britain and France declared war on Germany and the other Axis powers. It wasn’t until 7th December 1941, after a surprise attack by Japan, that destroyed most of America’s navy whilst it was still at Pearl Harbour that America joined the war to help Britain and France. Also in the war was the Soviet Union under the control of Stalin. On 6th June 1944 the Allies Invaded France in a massive attack and by 2nd September 1945 the Allies had won the war.

Turning Points
The rapid defeat of the Allies in France in 1940 came as a great shock to many people, not least the British Expeditionary Force. The Germans forced the British troops out of Belgium. Most of the troops fell back onto the beaches of Dunkirk between May 29th and June 4th 1940. The Royal Navy did not have enough ships to risk a lone rescue so they called upon the British public for help. Anyone who had a vessel capable of sailing across the channel was asked to come forward to help Britain in her ‘hour of need’ There was a massive response. The Makeshift navy was called the “Skylark Navy”. All together it took 7 days to complete the evacuation. Because the operation had to be done with such speed, guns and heavy fortifications had to be left behind. This cost lots of money but saved lives. Even though the defeat in France was a disaster, the event of saving the British troops boosted moral and made people believe that the operation was a great British success. The soldiers that had been rescued from Dunkirk were bitter towards the Nazis and this proved useful ring the D-Day landings.

Battle of Britain
Germanys invasion of Britain could not succeed if the Luftwaffe did not have supremacy in the air. On 14th August 1940 the Luftwaffe launched an attack on British Bomber Command. In two weeks of air fighting, one quarter of British pilots were killed or badly injured. For 53 nights they came every night. On 7th September 1940 the Luftwaffe started bombing Cities. This was a fatal mistake. It gave the RAF time to regroup, repair airfields and train new pilots. This is probably what cost Germany the war. On 15th September 1940 the German air force came by daylight. Also, at this time there was a lot of propaganda going on to boost British citizens moral. People were asked to donate scrap metal for new planes. This metal would just have been mped though, because metal was plentiful, pilots were not. On many radio broadcasts it was reported that more German planes were shot down than actually were. In some cases three or four times as many. The Britain won the Battle of Britain for a few reasons; the Allied planes, Spitfire and Hurricane easily outmatched the Luftwaffe’s fighters. Also, the British pilots were highly trained and very efficient, they were ready to take of at a moments notice. At the height of the battle, they would be fighting practically all day. Just landing for fuel and ammunition.

Battle of the Atlantic
Because Britain is an island, her supplies mainly brought in from abroad. This meant that Hitler could cut off the supplies by bombing supply ships that were heading for British ports. Because Hitler had already gained control of most of the supply counties all he needed to do was to stop the Americans. He used a type of submarine called a U-boat. These were fairly heavily armed and could easily sink ships. To protect the ships from these, U-boats American ships would travel close together in convoys. American and British destroyers would surround these convoys, making it hard for U-boats to destroy and entire convoy and get home without damage. The battles were so frequent and hard to win that in 1941, 1299 allied ships were sunk (Six times as many as could be replaced). Only 87 German U-boats were sunk. To the Germans this was nothing. By July 1942 they were being launched at a rate of 30 per month. To cope with this new threat from U-boats, a new radar system was fitted to destroyers so that depth charges could be deployed in the correct area of sea. Radar systems were also fitted to planes so that they could seek-out and destroy U-boats whilst they were recharging their batteries. So that German U-boats could contact each other secretly, a new code was formed. This code was the Enigma code. Two Enigma machines were needed to encode and decode. This was very effective until one enigma machine and cipher documents were captured by the HMS Griffin, unharmed in May 1940. Thanks to this, the newly formed, ’convoy’ system of travel and the code-breakers of Bletchley park, the German U-boats were no longer as good a weapon as they were at the start of the war

On 6th June 6,500 vessels landed over 130,000 men on five Normandy beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. 12,000 aircraft ensured air superiority. They bombed German defences and provided cover. On Utah beach 23,000 troops were landed at a cost of 197 casualties. However, on Omaha beach the landing was significantly harder, meeting with fierce German resistance, there were 4,649 American casualties. Overall, however, the landings caught the Germans by surprise and they were unable to counter-attack with the necessary speed and strength. Once the allied troops had destroyed the German defences they were free to bring new troops, machines and supplies over the channel and into Normandy. By the end of June, Eisenhower had 850,000 men and 150,000 vehicles ashore in Normandy. Fuel would have been a major problem for the allies, but thanks to the idea of piping oil straight from America, a pipeline had been built under the Atlantic Ocean. This was hard to destroy and so it was a success.In the weeks following the landings however, the narrow lanes and thick hedgerows of the French countryside slowed Allied progress considerably. Never the less in August Paris was liberated.

Due to the threat of war in 1939, women, children and old people were moved out of high-risk areas of Britain such as instrial areas and areas with a high population. In 1939 approximately 1,125,000 people were evacuated. This was a precaution and was not necessary. No direct action was taken against Britain by Germany. Most of the evacuees were transported back to their homes. However in August 1940, the war took a turn for the worse. The number evacuees rose to about 1,300,000. Life for evacuees was difficult. Most lived with people who didn’t understand them. Some got to live with rich people and had a nice few years but most didn’t. They were separated from their parents, not knowing if they were dead or alive. Many Mothers, children had diseases such as Vermin or Scabies, (see source). The evacuees where chosen by families, like at an auction. Each evacuee had a label saying where they were from and what medical conditions they had. This was horrible for most and “I'll take that one” became etched on the memory of our evacuees.

❸ 英文介绍二战

Second World War (World War II, referred to as World War II). September 1, 1939 -1 945 years on August 15, to Germany, Italy, Japan and France Axis (and Finland, Hungary, Romania and other countries) as a party to the anti-fascist alliance and the world anti-fascist forces, on the other for the second time on a global scale war. From Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, there have been 61 countries and regions, more than 2.0 billion population is involved in the war, combat regional area of 2200 square km. According to incomplete statistics, war, soldiers and civilians were killed or injured more than 9,000 million people, 4 more than one trillion U.S. dollars down the drain.
End of World War II the United States, Soviet Union, China, Britain and other countries and peoples of the world anti-fascist victory over the fascist invaders win the world peace and progress to an end.

❹ 急求:二战的故事,要全英文的!谢谢了

The German Loss of U-505

Virtually everything that occurred on June 4, 1944, centered around one man: Harald Lange. As a commanding officer he was ill-matched for the situation. "U-505," mused Jürgen Oesten, captain of three boats ring the war (U-61, U-106, and U-861) and a holder of the Knight's Cross. "Not what I would call a lucky boat." He went on to reflect briefly on the various broken careers left behind by U-505: Axel-Olaf Löwe, her first captain, who sank six ships, then got appendicitis and never went to sea again; Peter Zschech, who sank one ship and committed suicide in the boat; and finally Lange himself. "A reserve officer," concluded Oesten, as though it explained everything. "No sinkings."

Peter Hansen, a former Kriegsmarine officer and sometime member of the Abwehr, does not dismiss the reserve officers as easily as Oesten. "There were some very good ones, particularly those that had been merchant marine officers before the war. On the other hand, there were likewise a number of total flops among the active officers who turned into complete failures. One must look first and foremost at the officers involved." Hansen points out that Harald Lange was chosen personally by Karl Dönitz to command U-505. It was not something Dönitz often did. A very busy man, he usually allowed U-Boat Personnel Command in Kiel to do their jobs without interference. In this case, he was looking for a man of stability to take over U-505, "mainly, one must assume, as he wanted U-505 to have a dependable commander in view of her history, the suicide of Peter Zschech, and the many technical shipyard problems that had developed," explained Hansen.

Lange was not inexperienced. He received his commission before the war and had served in the U-Bootwaffe for almost three years. One year of service was as first watch officer on U-180 under Werner Musenberg, then a brief stint as the boat's captain, and finally command of U-505 for ten months before its capture by Gallery. Lange was forty at the time of his capture-which was old for the captain of a frontline U-boat. As Oesten pointed out, Lange had no sinkings to his credit. This was not unusual in 1944, however, when the yardstick for success was measured not by the tonnage sunk but by how long a man could keep his crew alive. In better times he might have done well, if not spectacularly well. But at the bitter end, in the last minutes of his command, Harald Lange made all the right decisions.

The end came late on the morning of Tuesday, June 4, 1944. Located by units of Gallery's Task Group 22.3 and attacked repeatedly by depth charges, U-505 suffered major damage. There was no reasonable hope of escape. At about 1115 Lange made the decision to surface. It was the first of four decisions he made in approximately ten minutes. Each was made under heavy pressure, and each had far-reaching consequences.

Perhaps things might have gone better if Lange had made the decision to abandon ship before he came up. It was often done that way, and there is good evidence it might have prevented the boat's capture. Oesten offers a possible scenario for a Type IX boat:

By means of compressed air remove remaining water from the diving tanks in order to give the boat as much buoyancy as possible, distribute the crew to the four hatches: torpedo hatches fore and aft, galley hatch and conning tower. Open all the hatches at the same time, crew gets out quickly. Open the air-valves of diving tanks. The period of grace of about two minutes should be sufficient in order to get the crew out of the boat through the four hatches, before the boat has sunk. This, I guess, might work with a good and experienced crew.

Regardless, Lange decided not to immediately abandon ship. No matter what the physical condition of the boat (and she was severely injured) he evidently believed there was some hope she could be defended. Nobody will criticize a captain for not wanting to give up his ship without firing a shot. Having made this decision, however, Lange simultaneously ruled out any quick scuttling along the lines described above. And that may have given Gallery the extra time he needed to move into position to board U-505.

Lange tried to exit as fast as possible, was severely wounded in the attempt, declined to try to defend a doomed boat, and instead issued the command to abandon and scuttle. It was his last decision and perhaps his most controversial, for once the crew abandoned the boat it was much more vulnerable to being captured. Should he instead have ordered the crew to stay on board and fight back?

Finally, there would have been motivational difficulties because any serious defense was nothing more than a kamikaze mission. There was one way into the boat, which was good for anyone planning a defense, but there was also only one way out. Those who fought off boarders would be driven inexorably forward or aft into areas from which there was no escape. And what would a temporary victory achieve? "In our situation," explained Hans Goebeler, a member of Lange's crew, "we were facing a half-dozen enemy warships backed up by air support. Those were impossible odds, even for a U-boat in perfect condition. The piece de resistance, of course, was that we were in far from perfect condition. . . . Only a madman or a butcher of a Skipper would have even considered ordering a crew to fight it out under these conditions." As noted above, few German sailors were so driven they would willingly die to keep a boat out of enemy hands. Oesten concurs: the position faced by Lange was hopeless, and "in a hopeless position it would not make sense" to fight back.

Within a few seconds after the order to scuttle U-505 Harald Lange was wounded and lost consciousness. He was responsible for four major decisions from the time the attack on his boat began. Each was correct (or at least arguably so) under the circumstances as he knew or believed them to be. His conct in an awful situation was irreproachable. "I could not have done anything better than Lange did," was Jürgen Oesten's honest assessment.


❺ 关于二战英文文章



There is little doubt that Japan was worse than Germany or Italy ring WWII. Westerners usually don't know much about it because what happened in Asia since the early 1930's is less taught at school than the events of WWII in Europe.

The Japanese treated their prisonners much worse than the Nazi (27% of pow's in Japanese hands died, compared with 4 per cent of those in German captivity; see article).

The total number of casualities caused by Japan were higher than those of the Nazi. The number of prisoners or slave labour that died in Japanese mines, factories, etc. is also comparable to the Nazi concentration camps. Having a look at the statistics, there were 10 million civilian, and 2.5 million military casualities in China alone. In comparison, Japan lost 1,300,000 soldiers and 672,000 civilians (about 1/3 of whom died in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings).

The Nazi exterminated from 5 to 6 million Jews ring WWII. This is half of the number of Chinese people killed by the Japanese ring WWII. The Wikipedia statistics do not show the number for other Asian countries, although they were much higher than in most invaded European countries. But only the Chinese casualities show the extreme violence and barbarism of that the Japanese were capable of.

Add to this an estimated 100,000 to 400,000 comfort women, women from all East Asian countries as well as a few European ones, who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese. I also haven't heard of anything so disproportionate committed by the Nazi.

I haven't heard of the Nazi committing such atrocities as the mass rape and murder of civilians like in Nanking in 1937 (death toll estimated between 100,000 and 300,000), in Manilla in 1945 (over 100,000 civilian deaths), or the various other Japanese War Atrocities.

The infamous Japanese Unit 731, a biological warfare lab concting experiments on human beings, was also responsible for up to 200,000 deaths.

All this seems much worse than the total of deeds committed by the Nazi. Westerners have not cared much about it as they were not directly concerned. But I totally understand that China and other Asian countries are still angry and still want more than hypocritical apologies, but real war damages. I think the Chinese are baheving in a very meek way when they hear that Japan's Prime Ministers still honour the Japanese military leaders responsible for the death of 12.5 million Chinese. If the German chancellor visited a shrine dedicated to Hitler even once, he would be forced to resign immediately, probably tried and sent to jail, and could even be assassinated by some Jewish extremists. When I see them throwing eggs at the Japanese embassy, I think that the Chinese are very forgiveful, little determined or very ignorant of the extent of what happened in their own country ring WWII.


That's a fair point. Personally I think that apologies are the least of the things to do, but that it's certainly not enough and does not repair anything. How much value do you give to a human life ? Maybe we should ask Japanese people how much money they would give to save their own life. Then multiply this by the number of casualties caused by the Japanese throughout Asia (still have to agree on the numbers), and pay the compensation accordingly. The problem is that Japan would never be able to pay, even giving away all the stocks of all its companies at their current value. In fact, if Japan really wanted to apologise sincerely, it would let all the country it invaded occupy and control Japan, both politically and economically (as Japan did to them) ring the same ration as Japan occupied each of them. There would be no killing, rape, slave labor or comfort women, so that's a preety advantageous deal for Japan, I'd think. They only get to repay for the material and political upheaval they created, not the human cost and suffering. But I am sure that would still be too much to ask them, because after all they are not really sincere in their apologies. Hypocritical as always.

❻ 二战带来的影响英语作文120词

The second world war is the history of mankind's biggest global war, know the end of the war, has about fifty million people died. The war caused by a heavy blow to many countries in the world economy, many countries have been bombed, a variety of historical relics, the national project is destroyed, people living in pain. But after the war, the US Soviet cold war, the two superpowers began in the world "to seize" on their vantage point: the United States occupation of Afghanistan, the Soviet occupation of Czech....... Hurting and in these countries after Germany was divided into East and West Germany, the country for decades of division in the confrontation of a a certain influence on the development in the future.

❼ 写一篇关于二战的英语作文,包括时间`特点`影响,对战争的看法

War II was the amalgamation of two conflicts, one starting in Asia as the Second Sino-Japanese War and the other beginning in Europe with the Invasion of Poland.

This global conflict split a majority of the world's nations into two opposing camps: the Allies and the Axis. Spanning much of the globe, World War II resulted in the deaths of over 60 million people, of which about half were Soviet, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.

World War II was the most widespread war in history, and countries involved mobilized more than 100 million military personnel. Total war erased the distinction between civil and military resources and saw the complete mobilization of a nation's economic, instrial, and scientific capabilities for the purposes of the war effort; nearly two-thirds of those killed in the war were civilians. The Holocaust, which was largely concted in Eastern Europe, was the systematic killing of nearly 11 million political, social and racial minorities (Gypsies, the disabled, etc.). Six million of these victims were Jews who were also persecuted by the Nazis.

The conflict ended in an Allied victory. As a result, the United States and Soviet Union emerged as the world's two leading superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War for the next 45 years. Self determination gave rise to decolonization/independence movements in Asia and Africa, while Europe itself began traveling the road leading to integration.

❽ 谁有二战英语作文

, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor mb bastard die for his country.

Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse ng. Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.

Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This indiviality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about indiviality for the Saturday Evening Post don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating.

Now, we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world. You know, by God, I actually pity those poor bastards we're going up against. By God, I do. We're not just going to shoot the bastards. We're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel.

Now, some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll chicken-out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your ty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do.

Now there's another thing I want you to remember. I don't want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we're not interested in holding onto anything -- except the enemy. We're going to hold onto him by the nose, and we're gonna kick him in the ass. We're gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're gonna go through him like crap through a goose!

Now, there's one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home -- and you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War Two?" -- you won't have to say, "Well, I shoveled **** in Louisiana."

Alright now you sons-of-bitches, you know how I feel.

Oh, I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys

into battle anytime,



❾ 关于二战的英文介绍,带中文翻译,150字左右,急

World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. A state of total war emerged, directly involving more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. The major participants threw their entire economic, instrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, marked by 50 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China.




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