Ⅰ 英文表达月领养老金
I get pensions for retirees 4,319.30RMB each month,and 51,831.60 RMB pensions for each year.
Ⅱ 求一篇关于养老金缺口(养老保险制度相关的都可以)的英文资料,且附带中文翻译的~中文翻译不少于5000字
Ⅲ 养老金该谁出英语作文
fiscal tax is not people, raised in plain English or ordinary people, and keep the rest of my life, is really a bunch of parasites 1
Ⅳ 每月50000养老金英文
50000 monthly pension
请采纳 谢谢
50000 monthly pension
Ⅳ 英文版的有关养老保险方面的资料
Old-aging has become a striking social problem in the world. The increasing number of the retired , the prolonged span of life and the decreasing of birth rate aggravate the burden of the whole society to care for the aged. In view of the problem arising in the China old-age insurance system development, the numerous differences in the aged social insurance system in various countries and the comparison of financial method, donating rate, pay condition, the substitution rate and so on, a suggestion is made that the reform should be smoothly carried on, a multi-level old-age insurance system should be established, the tariff should be ly lowered, the age limit of retiring should be put backward, and the coverage of the aged social insurance system should be extended. Based on the analysis of the problem in our country old-age insurance system and the considerations of international countries’ successful experience and limits, a final proposition is put foward to further improve the China old-age insurance system.
Ⅵ 英文翻译(养老金缴纳)
雇员薪酬的贡献,对他们的所有收入以上等(收入限额) 。他们所支付的在一个主要的百分比率,收入高达上盈利水平( uel )和在一个较低的百分比率,对所有收入以上uel
Ⅶ 要签证,急需一份《离退休人员领取基本养老金证明》的英文翻译,大家哪里有现成的模板,或者直接翻译吧
Certificate/Certification(任选) for Basic Pension Drawn by Retired Personnel
Retired employees(或:Retirees): It is hereby certified that(特此证明) XXX (ID No.: XXX) does draws monthly(逐月) basic pension from our bureau at present.
Bank(或:Banking) account: XXX
Banks: Agricultural Bank of China(或简称ABC)
Sum of current month pension: ¥1924.18yuan (In capital forms as of Chinese numerals: 壹仟玖佰贰拾肆元壹角捌分,这部分要么照汉字、要么可不译——译者注)
Zhongshan Social Security Fund Conservancy
Department of Endowment Insurance
June 28th, 2011
Ⅷ 【50】求助一局关于养老金的英文翻译。
Ⅸ 退休证养老金英文翻译 该同志符合退休条件,可按上述标准计发养老金,共计600元
Mr./Ms. xxx is eligible to retire and to be pensioned total RMB600.00 according to the standards.
Ⅹ “养老金”英语怎么说
[劳经] annuity
old-age pension
Age pension