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发布时间:2021-03-16 03:46:08

❶ 关于火灾的英语作文

There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o’ last night.

Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning,

we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor;

and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows.

Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor.

Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat.

Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions.

Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out.

The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out;

it took about one and a half hours for the firemen to put out the big fire.

The next morning newspapers carried the story and pictures of the fire.

❷ 我们生活中的消防守则英语作文

When people say the word "hero",what will you think?Do you have a hero in your heart?Maybe your hero is a famous singer,a movie star or a great-man.But my hero is Fireman.
In my heart,fireman is a very noble job because fireman saves people's lifes in the danger fire.Each time they take risks of their own lifes.
As long as there is a public warning,the fireman will rushed into the danger zone to protect the people’s body and property.

❸ 关于火灾逃生的英语作文..给积分!

消防救生消防是非常危险时我们的房子着了火,我们如何?现在仔细听,按照专这些说明来帮助属您从容应对火。第一,你要等待被救出的过程调用 119.,您正在寻找湿的毛巾盖你的鼻子和嘴,弯下身转义形式的安全通道。第二,如果火太大,返回到 setf 的房间门窗,防止烟气的进入与湿的毛巾。嵌套最好去在阳台上,但不要跳,只是想让消防人员可以看见你。最后后如果你受伤,转到 hospital.Of 课程,别忘了说谢谢你消防队员们的拯救。他的中文差不多是这样,但已算可以,你可以加分给他了……我来晚了一步了!

❹ 关干消防员的英语作文

When people say the word "hero",what will you think?Do you have a hero in your heart?Maybe your hero is a famous singer,a movie star or a great-man.But my hero is Fireman.
In my heart,fireman is a very noble job because fireman saves people's lifes in the danger fire.Each time they take risks of their own lifes.
As long as there is a public warning,the fireman will rushed into the danger zone to protect the people’ body and property.Firemen don’t just fighting fire.Some accidents and people in danger,firemen will come forward to save people rapidly.

❺ 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文

1.父母、师长要教育儿童养成不玩火的好习惯。任何单位不得组织未成年人扑救火灾。 2.切莫乱扔烟头和火种。 3.室内装修装饰不宜采用易燃可燃材料。 4.消火栓关系公共安全,切勿损坏、圈占或埋压。 5.爱护消防器材,掌握常用消防器材的使用方法。 6.切勿携带易燃易爆物品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。 7.进入公共场所要注意观察消防标志,记住疏散方向。 8.在任何情况下都要保持疏散通道畅通。 9.任何人发现有危及公共消防安全的行为,都可向公安消防部门或值勤公安人员举报。 10.生活用火要特别小心,火源附近不要放置可燃、易燃物品。 11.发现煤气泄漏,速关阀门,打开门窗,切勿触动电器开关和使用明火。 12.电器线路破旧老化要及时修理更换。 13.电路保险丝(片)熔断,切勿用铜线铁线代替。 14.不能超负荷用电。 15.发现火灾速打报警电话 119,消防队救火不收费。 16.了解火场情况的人,应及时将火场内被围人员及易燃易爆物品情况告诉消防人员。 17.火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不要贪恋财物。 18.必须穿过浓烟逃生时,应尽量用浸湿的衣物被裹身体,捂住口鼻,贴近地面。 19.身上着火,可就地打滚,或用厚重衣物覆盖压灭火苗。 20.大火封门无法逃生时,可用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞门缝、泼水降温,呼救待援。

❻ 消防火灾 英语作文


To develop a skill to fight forest fires, we are sent to attend a course in forest fire control or fire science from an accredited university forestry program. There we learnt that there's as much science involved as there is bravery and brawn. Meteorology, geography, engineering and management skills are all integral to forest fire control. We did learn a lot…! The following are some of the things we learned about forest fire fighting.
1. Study the weather. Wind shifts will play a big part in fire-fighting strategy; an unfavorable shift may defeat all your efforts.
2. Establish a defensive line. Without a large professional crew and airborne tankers, your only chance is to dig a firebreak. Look for a favorable spot, such as a road or a ridgetop.
3. Eliminate all flammable material along your firebreak. The wider you can make the line, the better. Remove deadwood and bushes and scatter them on the burning side of the line.
4. Soak the area along and behind the firebreak with water. If there are buildings in the area, soak them as well. Remove any vehicles.
5. Be wary of the fire jumping past your location and cutting you off. Watch for airborne embers. Also watch out for igniting treetops, which suggest a fast-moving crown fire.

❼ 消防员救火英语作文

When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is Fireman.
In my heart, fireman is a very noble job because fireman saves people's lifes in the danger fire. Each time they take risks of their own lifes.
As long as there is a public warning,the fireman will rushed into the danger zone to protect the people’ body and property. Firemen don’t just fighting fire. Some accidents and people in danger, firemen will come forward to save people rapidly.

❽ 消防火灾知识英语作文


❾ 关于是否支持消防练习的英语作文

It is known to all that "floods and fires have no mercy for anybody"(水火无情). If a fire took place, many things,valuable or invaluable, would turn to zero. Even some people would be killed and their families would suffer a great deal of sufferings

❿ 关于防火的英语作文六年级英语作文

关于防火的英语作文 六年级英语作文

fire and safety 火灾版与安全权

when you hear the fire alarm ,you should get up quickly.

when you leave the room ,you should not take your things.

you should not take he lift, you should walk down the stairs quickly.

when you get out of the building, you should call 119.

when the firemen come , they should put out the fire.



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