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发布时间:2021-03-14 23:48:42

① 他和小猪一起在泥潭里玩泥巴的英文

He's playing with the little pig in the mud.

He's playing with the little pig in the mud.

② 翻译英语“我希望我儿子的童年充满幸福,欢乐,温馨,“


按语感,英文跟中文略不同,该说joy,happiness, and sweetness.
另外,play with mud是很地道的说法。没听过play with earth

I hope my son's childhood will be filled with joys, happiness,and sweetness. He'll have lots and lots of toys, unlike me when all I could play with was mud as a kid.

③ 我过去常常玩泥巴的英语

I used to play with mud.

④ 父爱如山母爱如水英文作文

父爱如山 母爱如水父爱如山母爱如水父爱如山,母爱如水,这句话使我终身难忘。父亲长得很凶,让人一见就有种害怕的感觉,总感觉父亲很冷漠,少言寡语,呆板,所以我很少和他说话。一直以来,心目中的父亲是严厉的,高高在上的。但最近发生的一件事,改变了我对父亲的看法。那次放学后让我独自一人在学校写作业,夜幕降临了,我才写完准备回家,可是突然天空乌云密布,转眼间下起了倾盆大雨。我连忙背起书包,向家跑去。豆大的雨点落在我的脖子上,我不由自主地打了一个冷战。眼看要到家了,可老天爷一点面子也不给,似乎要将天上的雨水瓢泼般倒尽。无奈之下,我只好躲进旁边的一户人家,望着漫天的雨帘一筹莫展,只有寂静的空无一人的街道陪伴着我。一阵寒意和害怕向我袭来,我有种想哭的感觉。泪眼朦胧之际,突然一个熟悉的身影由远及近朝我奔来,细一看,原来是爸爸!他打着一把伞,还是那张严厉的脸,说:“怎么这么晚还不回家,有没有感冒?”我说:“我写作业来着,天黑才回家,放心吧,以后不会了。”我的内心一阵激动,原来爸爸冷酷的外表下是一颗爱我的心呀!爸爸的声声问候回荡在耳边,我感受到我是多么幸福呀!我小时候的梦想是当一名糕点师,做出让人们赞不绝口、味道香甜的可口蛋糕。所以,经常玩泥巴。那时妈妈的工作是一名理发师,每天要站一天,工作很辛苦。我一玩泥巴,就会弄得身上哪里都脏兮兮的。妈妈一回家,我就有点害怕,生怕妈妈打我。可是我想错了,每次妈妈总是亲切地说:“来,把衣服脱了,我去给你洗。”说着,给我找出一套已经洗得干干净净的衣服。然后走到水池边,用龟裂的手指浸泡在冰冷的水中去洗。

⑤ 求几首英文翻译歌,(比如:我在东北玩泥巴那种)


⑥ 以“我与自然”为题,写一篇英语作文,不少于80词。

In a surrounded on eight sides by narrow ground, is located in a small quiet town, south of the town there is a quiet village, the village has a harmony of the people, that they have a loving nature boy, the boy is me. I love nature, because of the spring vitality, because of the green in the summer break out, because the fall of peaceful silence, because all winter initiation. In summer, I like to go to the edge of the reservoir fishing. Barefoot sitting under the tree outside under the trees, sunny, breezy, grass fondling my feet, itch. Down t, the fishing rod is inserted in the side, all around. I not comfortable, looked up a, eyeful is green. Scenic, Hui Qing reflection, makes me feel fresh. The water around the cks, the sky suddenly an eagle, all drilling water again, looked again, have to the. The hook before, I still did not forget to jump into the water, swim a companion, and playing in the water, the mallards followed high jinks. Duck and I together, I feel close to the nature. The autumn, with family, walking in the mountain trails. Sometimes a row of geese flew overhead, sometimes a few wild young in the forest ring jumping, with long and beautiful tail feathers, a little" flying phoenix". The water has become a fine, the leaves yellow, the field is empty, only a few children playing with Mud Loach, dig, laughter, my mind back to my childhood. A piece of Pine Mountain is green is not decreased, tenacious struggle, resist the yellow. Everything is so quiet, like silent I have been silent in the silence. In winter, snow, reminiscent of Tang poem" come like one night spring breeze suddenly, thousands of pear tree blooms". The snow was more quiet village. Saw a merlin, vitality, and not" station bridge broken edge, lonely open without the main" Hanmei, but "the snow to the Spring Festival, harships sends spring return" Zaomei, her blossoming on the cliff, beautiful in winter, and pine and cypress contend for hegemony, and bitter battle of wits. Slowly, deglaciation snow, the recovery of all things, Mount Lang tender, water is also pretty. Winter nature makes me feel hope, I gain strength.


⑦ “不要玩泥巴”用英文怎么说

Don't play with mud.

⑧ “玩泥巴”或“玩黏土”的英文

playing with mud, licking dirt

⑨ 英文歌好冷啊,我在东北玩泥巴

Tunak Tunak Tun好像是印度神曲😂

⑩ 肮脏的翻译英文





dirty work讨厌的工作 ; 卑鄙的工作 ; 下流勾当

Dirty water脏水 ; 泼脏水 ; 污水 ; 生活污水

4、例句:The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.







dirt cheap非常便宜 ; 特别便宜

dirt trap渣阱 ; 集尘器 ; 集灰阱

4、例句:They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.




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