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发布时间:2020-12-15 16:46:51

❶ 学校举行英语周的作文

Alright Tom, so for our english week we have a book fair in the library. Usually we gather around and talk about those books that helped us improve our english skills and those that gets recommended from our classmates. We do plays and it is so much fun. We would come up with a theme for our play and assign the characters to those who volunteered to be in the play. Another fun activity we do for our english week is singing competition. Singing competition consists of all the contestants who likes to sing challenge english songs and get rewarded at the end of the competition. In conclusion, our english week is super fun and students would learn english this way in a fun environment instead of taking boring english classes.

❷ 我的一周生活英语作文五句话

我的一周生活英语作文:Hello! My name is Chris.This is my week.On monday ,I have math、English and music class.On Tuesday ,I have Chinese、math and PE class.On wednesday ,I have music、English and computer class.On Thuesday ,I have PE、math and Chinese class.On Friday ,I have English、PE and music class.This is my week,how about you?






❸ 英语周作文80字

如何培养学生的观察能力 常听有些中学生说:“我就怕作文,一提笔就头疼,总觉版得没东西可写权。”有的干脆说:“我真不知道该 写什么,从何写起。”有的学生作文虽然也交上来了,但仔细一看,刚开个头,敷衍几句,就草草收场。内容 空泛笼统,不知所云。针对这些情况,我常常鼓励学生,作文就是用笔说话,会说话就会作文。而要想有话说 就要留心观察身边的人和事,切忌胡编乱造,闭门造车。由于缺乏对周围事物的观察和分析,头脑中缺乏材料 ,因而才觉得无话可说,无从下笔。 什么是观察?所谓观察,就是用眼睛去看。要远“观”近“察”,事事留心,时时注意,并养成一种习惯 。被誉为世界短篇小说之王的法国作家莫泊桑曾拜当时著名作家福楼拜为师。一天,他把自己坐在屋里编的准 备写成小说的故事讲给福楼拜听。福楼拜听后,说:“我劝你不要忙于写这些虚拟的东西,你每天骑马到外面 转一圈,把路上看到的一切准确地、细致地记录下来。”于是莫泊桑意识到福楼拜是教他首先学会用眼睛去观 察生活,认识生活,练好观察这一基本功。从此他花了一年左右的时间,每天外出观察,终于写成了小说

❹ 英语关于读书周的作文短点

To friends introce the reading books week想朋友介绍读书周
Reading books week arranged the every week friday.读书周被安排在每个星期的周五.And drink a cup of coffee and some milk,tea,and some cookies.并且,可以喝一杯咖啡喝一些牛奶茶水还有吃一些饼干.You can have a seat and read the whole afternoon.你可以做下来看一个下午的书.You can read your interested in the books,and you can have a talk your reading for one or two hours in the evening.你可以读一些你所感兴趣的书,并且晚上和你的朋友们讨论一两个小时.We are apart to the group,the frist team is the about love group,talk about when you read some love story,we can share.

❺ 英语阅读周作文英文版

不知道你 几年级了. 但是不管什么年纪. 我总结了.英语作文..不管你是小学.初中,高中.就算你大学. 写作文.一般的都是翻译. (除了英语专业四级,八级.要写议论文). 只要你老老实实把提供的要点都翻译好了.文章肯定 "及格" . 然后就是 润色.在英语作文批改过程中.比如高考英语作文. 1 不 离题 2 不累赘. 3 较多的使用复杂结构的句子. 4 灵活运用 定语重句. 强调结构、还有 能加强语气,语势的 连词.比如: so ...that .... ,however...等等. 5 再高级点的.用 谚语,美国俚语.比如常用的"where there is a will ,there is a way (翻译为 有志者,事竞成)".这些可以让你的文章 "闪光!" 还有.最重要的.高考作文的批改原则是 3个 小错误 扣 1 分.比如拼写.单复数.大错误就是语法.但是: 如果你是因为 为了 "使用较复杂的结构,才导致句子出现问题的"---会被 看成是高级错误.老师 100% 会体谅你的.基本上可以忽略不记的哦! 以上就是高分作文的基本方面了. 我学英语专业.今年是大四.作文.高分的小红花也得过.呵呵. 英语写作能力也是灵活运用知识的一种综合能力。 1.中国有句古话,叫"熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会作"。同样,要使自己具有较强的写作能力,首先应该熟读和背诵一些句型和短文。许多同学写出来的语言根本不符合英语的语言习惯,相当一部分人有对照中文逐字翻译的不良习惯,不去理会中英文的差异。大量的背诵和阅读是提高写作能力的有效办法,同学们若有大量的现成语言积累在脑海里,自己写起文段来,就可以做到脱口而出,或是模仿、套用,甚至发挥。 2.可以采用循序渐进、灵活多样的练习方式。从根据提示词写单句开始,到写单句,然后到写几句话,最后到写流利的文段。 3.尝试多种形式的写作,如短信、说明、通知、便条、明信片、看图写作、根据表格或记录写短文等。 4.在练习时,要充分了解所提供的情景素材,注意使用常见的连接词来表示顺序和逻辑关系,使句意表达连贯、语法正确、符合逻辑。还要注意字母的大小写和标点符号。

❻ 我的一周(英语作文)

on Monday i will go to library after schoo,because i want ti find some useful book.on Tudesday i will go to swimming with my fridend for i want to try some differents .on Wensday i will play ball with my brother ,because i have so much time study .on Thursday i will visit my annt with my mom,it is so long i haven't seen her . on Friday i will go to suppermarket to help my mom buy something she needs on Satuaday and Sunday i wil go trip

❼ 英语周的作文

Hello,everyone!This was a week about myself.On Monday,I went to my aunt's house,I ate some thing afternoon.It was very delicious.On Tuesday,I went to the beach,I played vollyball with my parents.On Wednesday,I went to see a dentist,I have a sore toothache.On Thursday,I stayed at home,watched DVDs,played computer games and read.It was so boring.On Friday,I went a bookshop,and bought an interesting book.As for Saturday and Sunday,I did my homework.I think I'm very busy !

❽ 复学第一周英语作文

There is a feeling of excitement to use. Teachers are arranged on both sides of the school gate to take our temperature. To get into school, when you get to the edge of the corridor, it says, "Please help me go this way." It also arranges a sink. Walking into the class, I saw neat tables, students who had been away for a long time, and teachers …



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