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发布时间:2021-02-22 20:17:10

Ⅰ 如何用英语表达同情





3、例句:I felt much sympathy for the blind.



sympathy, compassion, mercy, pity

这组词都有“同情”或“可怜”的意思。其区别在于:pity通常只表示内心感到难过或同情,少给予帮助; sympathy指“同情心”或“恻隐之心”,强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣;

compassion指“同情心”,强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人; mercy指“仁慈”或“怜悯”,含有主动救助别人脱离苦难之义。




3、例句:He remained unmoved by her entreaties for pity。




pity, compassion, mercy, sympathy

这组词都有“同情”或“可怜”的意思。其区别在于:pity通常只表示内心感到难过或同情,少给予帮助; sympathy指“同情心”或“恻隐之心”,强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣;

compassion指“同情心”,强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人; mercy指“仁慈”或“怜悯”,含有主动救助别人脱离苦难之义。例如:

It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifle matters.真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来做这类琐事。

Her own experiences had taught her to have compassion for misunderstood children.她自身的遭遇使她认识到应对那些受到误解的孩子予以同情。

Ⅱ 富有同情心用英文怎么说啊


sympathetic 读法 英[sɪmpə'θetɪk]美[,sɪmpə'θɛtɪk]

1、adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的

2、n. 交感神经;容易感受的人


1、sympathetic vibration[物]共振

2、sympathetic response共鸣

3、sympathetic trunk交感干;交感神经干

4、sympathetic with对…同情

5、sympathetic consideration体恤处理,同情之考虑






3、tookindto- v 结构不含否定意义,而含肯定意义; Would you bekindto- v ?的意思是“劳您…”,常用于正式用语中。


1、kind heart 仁慈的心

2、kind husband 体贴的丈夫

3、kind invitation 盛情邀请

4、kind man 和蔼的人

5、kind master 和善的主人

Ⅲ 有同情心的英文怎么写

I'm a very compassionate person.


Ⅳ 爱心同情心善心丢失了的英语作文


Ⅳ 书一篇有,关于看到流浪动物引起我的同情心的英语作文,谢谢啦,带翻译

兔子I love rabbits very much because they are always submissive and lovely.
Rabbits have red eyes which make them look cute.Their hair feels soft and their long ears always make me think that they are clever.
Once I owned a rabbit at home.I looked after it every day and loved it very much.But one day it fell down the floor and died.
I missed it so much that when I heard something about the rabbits,there was a lovely and smart guy jumping in front of my eyes.
一旦我在家拥有了一只兔子。我每天照看了它并且爱非常。但是一天它跌倒了地板并且死了。 I非常错过了它,当我听见了某事关于兔子,有跳跃在我的眼睛前面的一个可爱和聪明的人。

Ⅵ 什么事让你产生同情心,写一篇英语作文

Sympathy is common to all human beings.We feel sympathetic for someone when justice cannot prevail for him.Even if he has committed a crime,most people still show grief for the consequences a man has to face as he may be deprived of social status and opportunity because of a mistake that seems trivial in appearance.Yet people are least sympathetic towards human beings also.Most people show sympathy for other animals and plants falling victim to mankind's progress,seeing a distorted ladder leaning against the wrong wall.People do feel angry when they see droughts,earthquakes,political conflicts,or even massacres rupture humanity,but those are temporary problems that can be solved in a matter of time,whereas environmental problems may continue for decades and most people are truly sympathetic for the rights of countless living things they themselves are destroying.
Sympathy means a lot in our daily life.It motivates us to develop the capacity for helping the weak.But bear in mind that what the weak ones mostly crave is not emotional support,but realistic chances to stand on an equal level with their brothers to strive for a better future.Confucianism and other Chinese philosophies have adequate principles that can lead people to use sympathy in the best way.Sympathy plays an important role in improving the world.

Ⅶ 以第一人称写同情心怎么发展的英语作文

new century is approaching. It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century. First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the transformation of genes. With the same technology they can breed new species of animals and even human life in the laboratory. Most important of all, they can decelerate aging and prolong life. Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or star. Most probably life will be found in other stars in universe or the planets or stars suitable for the human existence will be discovered. However, the scientific development will also bring about some social problems. How should we regard from an ethical perspective the one who is bred through the gene technology in the laboratory. How can the police identify the criminal from a group of people with the same DNA? It is quite natural that we will meet problems in the scientific and social development. Therefore, we should be prepared to meet new challenges.

Ⅷ 同情心的英文翻译

fe. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the

Ⅸ 关于培养小孩子同情心的英语英语作文

传统的“教师命题——教师指导——学生作文——教师批改——教师评讲”的作文教学模式将学生装进令人生厌的条条框框,给学生的思想戴上了无形 的“套子”. 新课标明确指出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界,认识自我,进行创造性表述的过程,写作能力是语文素养的综合体现.”因此在 作文教学的过程中我探索出了“仿写语句——扩展语句——由段到篇”的写作模式,受到学生的欢迎,这个过程后来被学生形象地喻为“三级跳”. 【关键词】并列式结构 作文写作 三级跳 一、问题生成 作 文写作之于学生及作文教学之于教师,均是一块“难啃”的骨头.一方面,学生因生活阅历不丰富,素材不多,感触不深,写起作文来抓耳挠腮,颇感“巧妇难为无 米之炊”;另一方面,教材更新较快,且教材上缺少写作指导或写作指导实用性不强,教师往往对作文教学一筹莫展,经常是随意布置一个作文题给学生,不管学生 有无内容可写,牛不吃草强压头.对交上来的作文则全批全改,从标点到错别字,从病句到语段,从标题到结构,从开头到结尾,一律像医生给病人看病一样进行 “全面体检”.分析评讲作文时也面面俱到,所有的优点都提,所有的不足都批,教师以为这样就可以让学生在下次作文中继承所有的优点,避免所有的缺点,一口 吃成个大胖子.然而学生却感到自己的作文处处都是硬伤,不知道该吃什么药.这样的作文写多写少一个样,甚至写与不写一个样,这种“教师命题——教师指导 ——学生作文——教师批改——教师评讲”的传统的作文教学模式将学生装进令人生厌的条条框框,给学生的思想戴上了无形的“套子”. 新课标明确指 出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界,认识自我,进行创造性表述的过程,写作能力是语文素养的综合体现.”新课标倡导的是“学 生是语文学习的主人”,要求学生我手写我心,我手抒我情.可见,传统的作文教学模式一如一潭死水,激不起半点漪沦.笔者认为,凡事不可急于求成,眉毛胡子 一把抓,不如头痛医头,脚痛医脚.只有一点一点地突破,一个问题一个问题地解决,最后进行归纳、整合,才能使师生明白自己该做什么,自己在做什么,从而切 实提高学生的写作能力. 作文教学是一个无限丰富的世界,着眼点很多:审题、立意、标题、开头、结尾……一篇论文无法面面俱到,若能真正解决好一 个问题,并且让这一解决方法具有一定的实用性,已经令人感到很欣慰了.我在长期的教学工作中,发现学生写作时,语言往往很精彩,事实也很生动,但经常是随 心所欲,天马行空,想到哪里写到哪里,任凭思维驰骋(相信许多老师也碰到过类似难题).后来,我对这一问题进行了深入研究,找到了问题的症结,发现“结构 混乱”是学生作文的“致命伤”,于是我决定“对症下药”,着手解决这一问题.一般而言,初中作文的常见结构模式有总分式、分总式、并列式、层进式、对比式 等几种,我对以上五种模式都进行过仔细研究,并用五次作文课进行过训练,最后师生一起对五种模式进行了归纳、整合,收效很好,学生兴趣浓厚,作文大有长 进,基本克服了“结构混乱”这一缺陷.其中最为成功的是并列式结构作文指导课,因此,我想在此谈谈自己在教学过程中对并列式结构作文写作教学的一些心得, 想就此问题与各位同行一起探讨,并将我的一些做法写出来与同行们一起分享,以期共同提高. 本次作文训练教学目标是“仿写语句——



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