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发布时间:2021-02-16 15:52:16

㈠ 求一篇关于克服消极的英语作文,200词,求各位大神帮忙

Adjust Our Attitude Towards Study
Studying is important, but a right attitude towards study is more important. It is strange enough that many students still take marks as the most important thing. They study with the only purpose of getting full marks. They ignore to improve their ability, so that they become people with high marks but low capacity in the society

㈡ 当你情绪低落时,怎么样调节!写一篇英语作文 英语作文

1. 自我鼓励法 用某些哲理或某些名言安慰自己,鼓励自己同痛苦、逆境作斗争.自娱自乐,会使你的情绪好转. 2. 语言调节法 语言是影响情绪的强有力工具.如你悲伤时,朗诵滑稽、幽默的诗句,可以消除悲伤.用“制怒”、“忍”、“冷静”等自我提醒、自我命令、自我暗示,也能调节自己的情绪. 3. 环境制约法 环境对情绪有重要的调节和制约作用.情绪压抑的时候,到外边走一走,能起调节作用.心情不快时,到娱乐场做做游戏,会消愁解闷.情绪忧虑时,最好的办法是去看看滑稽电影. 4. 注意力转移法 请你把注意力从消极方面转到积极、有意义的方面来,心情会豁然开朗.例如,当你遇到苦恼时,可以将它抛到脑后或找到光明的一面,则会消除苦恼. 5. 能量发泄法 对不良情绪可以通过适当的途径排遣和发泄.消极情绪不能适当地疏泄,容易影响心身健康.所以,该哭时应该大哭一场;心烦时找知心朋友倾诉;不满时发发牢骚,愤怒时适当地出出气;情绪低落时可以唱唱欢快的歌 l)将不良情绪的能量发泄出去.比如当你发怒时,不如赶快跑到其它地方,或是用拳头锤击墙壁,或是找个体力活干一千,或是跑一圈,这样就能把因盛怒激发出来的能量释放出来,从而使心情平静下来,或者在你过度痛苦时,不妨大哭一场.笑,也是释放积聚能量,调整机体平衡的一种方式. (2)理智地消解不良情绪.首先必须承认不良情绪的存在;其次,承认了不良情绪的存在后,就要分析产生这一情绪的原因,并弄清楚究竟为什么会苦恼、忧愁或愤怒,这样可以帮助我们弄清自己所苦恼、忧愁、愤怒的事物,是否确实可恼、可忧、可怒,有时实际上并不是这样,那么不良情绪就会得到消解;最后,有时确实有可恼、可忧、可怒的理由,那么,就要寻求适当的方法和途径来解决它.比如,你如果因为考试前把握不大,对能不能考好感到焦虑不安,你就要积极把精力转移 到加强学习上来,集中精力搞好复习,减轻自己的忧虑. (3)将不良情绪遗忘或转移掉.一般情况下,能对自己的情绪产生强烈刺激的事情,通常都与自己的亲身利益有很大关系,要很快将它遗忘,是很困难的.但是,可以进行积极地转移,即设法使自己的思绪转移到更有意义的方面上,或者主动去帮助别人,或者找知心朋友谈心,或是找有益的书来阅读.要使自己 的心思有所寄托,不要使自己处于精神空虚、心理空旷的状态.凡是在不愉快的情绪产生时能很快将精力转移他处的人,不良情绪在他身上存留的时间就短

㈢ 英语作文,消极行为可能带来的不良后果


㈣ 当你情绪低落时,怎么样调节!写一篇英语作文

1. 自我鼓励法 用某些哲理或某些名言安慰自己,鼓励自己同痛苦、逆境作斗争。自娱自乐,会使你的情绪好转。 2. 语言调节法 语言是影响情绪的强有力工具。如你悲伤时,朗诵滑稽、幽默的诗句,可以消除悲伤。用“制怒”、“忍”、“冷静”等自我提醒、自我命令、自我暗示,也能调节自己的情绪。 3. 环境制约法 环境对情绪有重要的调节和制约作用。情绪压抑的时候,到外边走一走,能起调节作用。心情不快时,到娱乐场做做游戏,会消愁解闷。情绪忧虑时,最好的办法是去看看滑稽电影。 4. 注意力转移法 请你把注意力从消极方面转到积极、有意义的方面来,心情会豁然开朗。例如,当你遇到苦恼时,可以将它抛到脑后或找到光明的一面,则会消除苦恼。 5. 能量发泄法 对不良情绪可以通过适当的途径排遣和发泄。消极情绪不能适当地疏泄,容易影响心身健康。所以,该哭时应该大哭一场;心烦时找知心朋友倾诉;不满时发发牢骚,愤怒时适当地出出气;情绪低落时可以唱唱欢快的歌 l)将不良情绪的能量发泄出去。比如当你发怒时,不如赶快跑到其它地方,或是用拳头锤击墙壁,或是找个体力活干一千,或是跑一圈,这样就能把因盛怒激发出来的能量释放出来,从而使心情平静下来,或者在你过度痛苦时,不妨大哭一场。笑,也是释放积聚能量,调整机体平衡的一种方式。 (2)理智地消解不良情绪。首先必须承认不良情绪的存在;其次,承认了不良情绪的存在后,就要分析产生这一情绪的原因,并弄清楚究竟为什么会苦恼、忧愁或愤怒,这样可以帮助我们弄清自己所苦恼、忧愁、愤怒的事物,是否确实可恼、可忧、可怒,有时实际上并不是这样,那么不良情绪就会得到消解;最后,有时确实有可恼、可忧、可怒的理由,那么,就要寻求适当的方法和途径来解决它。比如,你如果因为考试前把握不大,对能不能考好感到焦虑不安,你就要积极把精力转移 到加强学习上来,集中精力搞好复习,减轻自己的忧虑。 (3)将不良情绪遗忘或转移掉。一般情况下,能对自己的情绪产生强烈刺激的事情,通常都与自己的亲身利益有很大关系,要很快将它遗忘,是很困难的。但是,可以进行积极地转移,即设法使自己的思绪转移到更有意义的方面上,或者主动去帮助别人,或者找知心朋友谈心,或是找有益的书来阅读。要使自己 的心思有所寄托,不要使自己处于精神空虚、心理空旷的状态。凡是在不愉快的情绪产生时能很快将精力转移他处的人,不良情绪在他身上存留的时间就短


㈤ 英语作文 如何消除不良情绪

What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way. A favor from a neighbour, a kiss of a child, a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable. Bat a rough word from a stranger, a false proct bought from the store, or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink. A good mood makes one happy, energetic and creative. I was once shut in an elevator for one and a half hours. I had to phone for help. Eventually I was released, it was fun because I was in a happy mood. Otherwise I would have felt miserable.

A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind.

More often than not, we are in a mixed mood. Sometimes we are happy and high-spirited. Sometimes we are in low spirits. At this time we have to take courage and have a change of mood.

A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success, to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life. With a happy mood, we can live a more substantial life, one that is more interesting and meaningful.

So, always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do.

㈥ 有关情绪的英语作文

How to Keep Fit
Nowadays, more and more people are more concerned about their health than their income and the methods they take to keep fit vary from person to person.For my point of view, there are basic principles to keep fit—reasonable diet, regular work and rest, appropriate exercise and a good mood.
For one thing, I believe that no one will fail to notice the importance of reasonable diet, regular work and rest and appropriate exercise.Only we keep our life regular may we be in good the whole day and keep the disease away from us.And doing exercise has an additional effect for our bodies’ normal operation.
For another, keeping a good mood is also essential for us to keep healthy.Some people do not understand why they still feel not well even though their life is regular.That is because they have too much stress in their mind and cannot relieve it, especially when they are in busy, and even some of them do not have any awareness of the influence that their stress brings to them.Therefore, except for the regular life and exercise, we need to keep a good mood and relieve negative moods in time as much as possible.Although it is hard to achieve when we encounter some unpleased matters, we still need to try our best to do it, or try to shorten the time we are in negative moods.
In a word, no matter which kind of methods we take to keep fit, do not go far away from these basic principles.Only in this way can we get a better effect.

㈦ 坏的心情对我们有消极的影响英语作文

On Mood
What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance,but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life.As man in the modern age,our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way.A favor from a neighbour,a kiss of a child,a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable.Bat a rough word from a stranger,a false proct bought from the store,or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink.A good mood makes one happy,energetic and creative.I was once shut in an elevator for one and a half hours.I had to phone for help.Eventually I was released,it was fun because I was in a happy mood.Otherwise I would have felt miserable.
A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind.
More often than not,we are in a mixed mood.Sometimes we are happy and high-spirited.Sometimes we are in low spirits.At this time we have to take courage and have a change of mood.
A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success,to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life.With a happy mood,we can live a more substantial life,one that is more interesting and meaningful.
So,always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do.

㈧ 消极情绪弊端以及如何克服的英语短文

Emotion is a reflection of a special form of objective reality,is the objective things to conform to their psychological experience.Positive emotions can become a good career,study and life of the drive,while bad negative emotions will proce damage to physical and mental health,interpersonal,etc.

Therefore,unceasingly to promote their own emotions to highly concive to the interests of indivial progress and social development is very necessary.

Keep a hot heart,a happy mood,worry,depressed there shall be no more.

㈨ 写一篇如何正确对待负面情绪的英语作文

Opportunity and Success
Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don't come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don't recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose虽然不是我自己写的,但是还是发给你了!

㈩ 求一篇150字左右的英语作文 负面情绪如何产生和怎样消除,下午要用,

Opportunity and Success
Opportunity is one of the elements of success.But opportunities don't come often.And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success.Moreover,opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don't recognize them.So if you want to achieve something,you must make efforts and get prepared.Otherwise,you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you.In my opinion,there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society,but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose



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