1. 急需:用英语介绍惠州,150个单词左右
Dragon Gate hot springs located in Huizhou City Longmenxian Wang Township hot water pot village, 10 km from the county seat. West minded Dragon Gate Nankunshan, east Heyuan Moluhu, Long (doors) new (Feng), a road shining margin. Dragon Gate hot springs covering 500,000 square meters, 80,000 square meters of area hot springs. Surrounded by mountains, forest green, the air fresh, elegant environment. Dragon Gate spring vacation resort with more than 300 beds, more than 400 meals spaces. Conference centres, dance halls, barbecue sites, shopping centres, physiotherapy and massage facilities available. Dragon Gate hot springs maximum temperature reached 78C, Japan Chung of 24,000 cubic meters, with 48 types of minerals to human useful elements. High and owned by ferrous rare "reiterated" reputation is the best fitness exercise ahead Wen Mineral. Dragon Gate hot springs area the size of 42 different hot springs pool, divided into entertainment, health, fun, leisure, and other types, so that each of them guests, enjoy the fun Pao Yu.
(龙门温泉位于惠州市龙门县王坪镇热水锅村,距县城10公里。西倚龙门南昆山,东邻河源万绿湖,龙(门)新(丰)公路擦边而过。 龙门温泉占地50万平方米,温泉地区8万平方米。三面环山,林木苍翠,空气清新,环境优雅。龙门温泉旅游度假区设有300多个床位,400多个餐位。会务中心、歌舞厅、烧烤场、购物中心、理疗按摩等配套设施一应俱全。 龙门温泉最高水温达78C,日涌量24000立方米,含有48种对人体有益的矿物元素。因含铁偏高而拥有难得的“黄金泉”美誉,是祛疾健体的最佳温矿泉。 龙门温泉地区共有42个大小不同的温泉池,分为娱乐、养生、趣味、休闲等类型,让每个客人各取所需,尽享泡浴的乐趣。)
2. 我要一篇介绍惠州西湖的英语作文,顺便写上中文,谢谢。写得好的加分
About the formation of West Lake
About the formation of West Lake, there are few records in ancient documents. "West Lake Sight-Seeing Record" (西湖游览志) of Ming Dynasty, column one, says, "West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides. Streams wander down the hills into the pond. There're hundreds of springs underneath. Accumulated water forms the lake." (西湖三面环山,溪谷缕注,下有渊泉百道,潴而为湖。) Modern scholars studied topography, geology, sediment and hydrodynamics, and generally held that West Lake was a lagoon formed graally from a gulf. In Minguo 9th year (1920), scientist Zhu Kezhen published "The Cause of Formation of West Lake in Hangzhou" (杭州西湖生成的原因) after examining the topography around the lake. He claimed, "West Lake originally was a little bay on left side of Qiantang River. Later the earth in the river sedimented and slowly corked the mouth of the bay, hence a lagoon formed." Zhu even postulated, based on the calculation of sedimentary rate, that West Lake was formed about 12,000 years ago. Zhu also thought when the lake was initially formed, it was even larger than what we saw today. But the creeks coming down from the hills surrounding on three sides brought earth and soils to fill in the lake, so that the water area graally shrank. West Lake wouldn't have exist today if without all the dredging work done in the history. In 1924, geologist Zhang Hongzhao (章鸿钊) published "One Explanation of the Formation of West Lake". While supporting Zhu's arguments, he supplemented that the formation of West Lake started with tidal force building the lake bank. Later, the alternation of beach helped maintain the water level. These were two prerequisites to the formation
3. 写介绍惠东巽寮湾的英语作文
Huizhou is my home. Huizhou isa beautiful touristcity.There are manyfamoustourist attractionsinHuizhou:Huizhou West Lakescenicsplendours,formabeautifulpictureofahalf of the cityofmountainsand lake"; theLingnanMountain"Mountain,majestic mountains,tall and straight,beautiful quietsecludedshowcool in summer and warm in winterweather; gives asenseofreturn to natureLongmen CountyNankunshan,beautiful mountains,Huidong County,Kowloonpeak,more Daya Bay,XunliaoBay,Cheung Sha Wan,the natural beauty oftheseasideresort. Huizhou old times,rich natural resources,amildclimate,four seasonsfor tourism.,pickled pork,the East River stuffed tofuand other delicaciesand Huizhoupickled mustard,Luofushancrispmash,vegetables,Herbsoil,gantry honey and otherlocal procts,tasteoflocal flavorfor touristsport,remote shoppingaddsfun. My favorite HuizhouWest Lake,wherepicturesque scenery,beautiful scenery,verdant trees.HuizhouWest Lake,deeptwists and turns,theelegantshowdistantwater,such as training,themountainsongring; springYatswing,thesummerKingSubstitution,QiuyanZhouzhu,winterLinstainedTsui,seasons of the Kinghas its ownwonderful.Sunrisegongslistentothesounds of nature,sunsetviewoftheWild Goose Pagoblique Hui; bright sunQingheVientiane,cheerful,mistyfog,rain,cold smokewetTsui; wind rustlingin the windlapel,dewDecemberdipskin,people swim inthe lake,full moon daysin water,can be described asa step King,King changedwalking,scenery million. Huizhou is my home,I love myhometown. 惠州是我的家乡. 惠州,是一座美丽的旅游城市.惠州有很多闻名的旅游景点:惠州西湖风景绚丽多姿,形成一幅“半城山色半城湖”的秀丽图画;“岭南第一山”的罗浮山,山势雄伟挺拔,风光清静幽秀,气候冬暖夏凉;还有给人以回归大自然之感的龙门县南昆山,山青水秀的惠东县九龙峰,更有大亚湾、巽寮湾、长沙湾等天然美丽的海滨渡假村. 惠州人杰地灵,物产丰富,气候温和宜人,四季适合旅游.著名的东江盐局鸡、梅菜扣肉、东江酿豆腐等美味佳肴和惠州梅菜、罗浮山酥醪菜、百草油、龙门蜂蜜等土特产品,为游客口尝地方风味,异地购物增添乐趣. 我最喜欢惠州的西湖,那里山清水秀,鸟语花香,风景优美,树木葱茏.惠州西湖幽深曲折,淡雅秀邃,水明如练,山曲若环;春风逸荡,夏景流芳,秋艳洲渚,冬林染翠,四时之景各有其妙.日出听天籁齐鸣,日暮观雁塔斜晖;丽日晴和则万象开朗,雾雨迷蒙则冷烟湿翠;风飒飒而飘襟,露零零而浸肤,人游于湖上,月圆于水天,可谓一步一景,步移景变,景色万千. 惠州是我的家乡,我爱我的家乡.
4. 介绍惠州的英语作文
5. 求一篇关于介绍广东的英语作文,速度要快
Guangdong is a province on the southern coast of People's Republic of China. The province is also known by an alternative English name, the Canton Province. It overtook Henan and Sichuan to become the most populous province in China in January 2005, registering 79 million permanent residents and 31 million migrants who lived in the province for at least six months. The provincial capital of Guangzhou and economic hub Shenzhen are among the most populous and important cities in China.
Guangdong faces the South China Sea to the south and has a total of 4,300 km of coastline. Leizhou Peninsula is on the southwestern end of the province. There are a few inactive volcanoes on Leizhou Peninsula. The Pearl River Delta is the convergent point of three upstream rivers: the East River, North River, and West River. The river delta is filled with hundreds of small islands. The province is geographically separated from the north by a few mountain ranges collectively called the Southern Mountain Range (南岭). The highest peak in the province is Shikengkong 1,902 meters above sea level.
Notable attractions include Danxia Mountain, Yuexiu Hill in Guangzhou, Star Lake and the Seven Star Crags, Dinghu Mountain, and the Zhongshan Sun Wen Memorial Park for Sun Yat-sen in Zhongshan.
6. 怎样写惠州的英语作文
惠州市位于广东省东南部、珠江三角洲东北端,南临南海大亚湾,毗邻广州、东莞、深圳、香港。现辖惠城区、惠阳区、惠东县、博罗县、龙门县。设有大亚湾经济技术开发区和仲恺高新技术产业开发区两个国家级开发区。全市有 51 个镇(乡)、 16 个街道办事处,常住人口377万人。惠州相继获得“ 中国优秀旅游城市”、“ 国家卫生城市 ” 、“ 国家园林城市 ”、“ 国家环境保护模范城市 ”、“ 全国双拥模范城 ”、“ 全国造林绿化十佳城市 ”、“ 中国人居环境范例奖 ”、 “ 全国创建文明城市工作先进城市 ”等称号。
惠州是广东省历史文化名城。自古有 “ 岭南名郡 ” 之称。秦统一中国后,于秦始皇三十三年(公元前 214 年)设南海郡傅罗县,惠州地区属傅罗县的一部分。隋开皇十一年(591 年)在惠州设循州总管府,从此惠州成为东江流域政治、经济、文化、交通中心。惠州人文渊薮,从唐代到清末 1000 多年间,有 480 多位中国名人客寓或履临惠州,留下 100 多处遗址和 2100 多件文物。北宋杰出文学家苏轼寓居惠州 3 年,辛亥革命时期孙中山在此进行过革命活动,抗日战争和解放战争时期,是东江纵队指挥部所在地。现代涌现了廖仲恺、邓演达、叶挺、曾生等一批民主志士和革命家。惠州居民以客家人为主,流行普通话,同时客家话、广州话、潮汕话也占有一席之地。惠州人热情好客,富包容性,不排外,不欺生,民风纯朴。
7. 用五个英语句子介绍惠州美食
Huizhou food culture has a long history, the dish is one of the three branches of Guangdong cuisine.
The formation of a unique charm fully inclusive and equitable, "the characteristics of Dongjiang dishes.
Local materials exquisite domestic crude, cooking method uses boiled, steamed, braised stew pot, and etc..
Huizhou Mei food is very famous, so Mei food Braised Pork this dish can not taste.
In addition, the beard chicken, mountain pit fish and other special features are also very good.
8. 用英文介绍惠州西湖!翻译下面的英文
9. 英语作文 my hometown huizhou
my hometown huizhou
HuiZhou is a beautiful place.There has a lot of beautiful scenic spots ,such as JiuLong mountain 、Changshawan and Xihu.
HuiZhou attracts many tourists from other citys,and the food in Huizhou is also delicious.I often go to my hometown on vocation,there is really beautiful,I love my hometown.