① 给篇关于英语读书节的文章,要英文的
Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the face.
They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decide to take a bath. The one who has been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning but his friend saved him. After he recovered from the fright, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life.
The friend, who has slapped and saved his best friend, asked him,” After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone, why?”
The other friend replied:” When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away, but when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”
Learn to write your hurts in sand, then you forget about the hatred. Learn to carve your gratitude in stone, then you know how to care about other people around you. This is what I have learned from this story. And I also believe that if everyone does like this, the world will become a better place.
② 世界读书日英语作文
③ 求一篇关于读书节的英语作文
I plan to do lots of homework today. First , I read english articles, next I wrote my science tests snd math tests. I had some questions. So I called to my classmates to ask, then I listened to the music, I enjoyed it. In the afternoon, I drew some bananas, I believed I can draw it well. In the evening ,I played computer games. After that , I read a famous book on the bed. It was a happy day today.
④ 大卫参加读书节英语作文
⑤ 英语作文 世界读书日你要上台演讲 主题是阅读使人快乐 60字
⑥ 英语作文。世界读书日。60字
As consensus of everyone, people should read books, especially when they are young. However, we still should read selectively instead of blindly. In China, many parents force their children to read all kinds of books for some reason, that makes those kids under heavy stress. I don't think it's a good way for ecation, child should read those books which can help them develop a good viewpoint about the world and life, such as thanksgiving, appreciation, politeness and diligence. Even for alt, we should select what we read as well, because our engergy is limited. Moreover, we still need to learn much knowledge helpful for our career. Actually, I think reading blindly is just wasting time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,etc.
So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading.
⑦ 作文:读书节中的表现(朗诵语文,英语
渐渐长大了,我感到了知识的缺乏,每次作文,我都不知从何说起。爸爸、妈妈为我不喜欢读书而烦恼,常常买许多书让我阅读。直到有一天,那天晚上,我们家里开展成语比赛,该我说成语,妈妈说意思,我翻开成语词典,说道:“金蝉脱壳(ké)。”刚一说完,爸爸、妈妈都哄堂大笑,我感到奇怪,不知道他们笑什么,妈妈看我一脸的惊诧,说:“自己看看拼音,到底读什么。”“噢!是‘金蝉脱壳(qiào)’!”我恍然大悟。爸爸严肃的对我说:“以后要注意多读书,那才能积累知识呀!”于是,我便暗暗下决心,一定要多读书,懂得好多好多的知识。 从那以后,我真的喜欢上了读书,因为书给我带来了无穷的乐趣。当读到安徒生的童话集——《卖火柴的小女孩》时,我曾为卖火柴的小女孩的命运做过祈祷;当我看到《狼牙山五壮士》时,我为狼牙山五壮士的悲壮流过眼泪;当我读到《三国演义》时,我为诸葛亮的雄才大略钦佩不已。我深深地陶醉在书的海洋中, 曾经在一本书上看到这样一段话“读书能医愚,读书能治穷,读书能疗病,读书能砺志,读书能致远,读书能练达,读书能聪慧,读书能知道怎样交友,怎样识人,怎样说话,怎样做事,怎样活着才身心健康,读书能明白什么样地人生称得上完美无憾。”是啊!读书得好处无穷无尽。 读《三国演义》、《水浒传》可以让我们对中国名著有所了解;看《十万个为什么》可以使我们的知识更加丰富;读《作文大全》可以提高我们的作文水平;就是看一些漫画、搞笑之类的,也可以让我们更加幽默,更加富有想象力。 读书给了我知识,读书给了我乐趣,读书更给了我力量。 我读书!读书让我知道了什么是酸?什么是甜?什么是苦?什么是辣?读书让我知道了怎么为人处事?读书给我的最大东西是:知识。它丰富了我的大脑,增长了我的见识。 你能说读书不快乐吗?读书使我增长知识,正因为有了书,我才知道有神机妙算的诸葛亮,豪放勇敢的武松…正因为有了书,我才发现世界有这么多的故事,有这么多的人。我喜欢书中的内容,幽默的,悲伤的,凄美的······ 我爱读书,读书使我的人生充实而从容,悠闲而舒适,安静而丰富,读书使我快乐。
⑧ 关于世界读书日的英语作文
As consensus of everyone, people should read books, especially when they are young. However, we still should read selectively instead of blindly. In China, many parents force their children to read all kinds of books for some reason, that makes those kids under heavy stress. I don't think it's a good way for ecation, child should read those books which can help them develop a good viewpoint about the world and life, such as thanksgiving, appreciation, politeness and diligence. Even for alt, we should select what we read as well, because our engergy is limited. Moreover, we still need to learn much knowledge helpful for our career. Actually, I think reading blindly is just wasting time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,.
So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading.