『壹』 有没有关于见义勇为的英语作文
When I see a thief,I call the police
I help the police catch the thief
『贰』 求见义勇为应该被奖励吗四级英语作文 急。。。
『叁』 搜索一篇关于见义勇为的英语作文
two students dropped the water, dozens of students to try to rescue them, and two students had been rescued, but at the expense of three college students.
they let me admire courageous approach. three 19-year-old university student, the flowering season the same age, it is so fresh it but saying good-bye to their precious lives. although we advocate courageous, but we can not be unaware of their true ability, but the degrees themselves do not do those things, to within the scope of our own strength, not a loss to go red.
think of my life, i have in my life, and did not say too much to help others, only by root or by a rubber pencil, sometimes in a bad mood does not take the time. compared to him, i feel i did very wrong, should be exhausted their best to help others. i know that, and when his bad mood, the best way is to help others and do something successful when there is a sense of accomplishment will be very, very happy, students, and you say, right?
in short, i will be learning later in life more to help others!
『肆』 乐于助人,见义勇为写一篇英语作文
『伍』 英语作文 你想过见义勇为的后果吗
『陆』 见义勇为事迹,英文版的
『柒』 漫画你想过见义勇为的后果吗 英语作文
The cartoon, Have you seen the results of helping out of consciousness?
『捌』 助人为乐,见义勇为的英语作文推荐信
文明是什么?文明是一种广泛推倡、人人推崇的行为。这种行为让自己显得优雅、让别人感到温暖。可要想让自己时时处处都温文尔雅并不容易,然而,如果我们从小就养成文明的习惯,那这种气质和修养就只是自然流露了。 现在,让我们都来自己给自己做个评价:“我是不是一个文明的人?”这个问题会让多少人汗颜啊?!看看我们生活的周围,随处可见纸屑、垃圾;街道上几乎每走10步,就能遇到一个随地吐痰的人;花园里的花开得越漂亮,就越遭殃,好像是专门为了让人摘的;草坪中,废纸、垃圾那样醒目,麻木的人们不仅随意践踏,还坐在草坪中吃喝玩乐;走在人群中,我们很容易被一些污秽的语言冲击着;这就是我们的生存空间,文明和不文明的人们,都这样一天一天生活着。难道我们还要让外国人专门为我们竖起“请勿践踏草坪”标牌这样的事继续吗?我们是有着五千年文明历史的礼仪之邦啊!让我们觉醒吧!让我们从现在做起,做一个文明的人吧!着装得体,语言文明,尊重老师,爱惜公物,爱护花草树木我们都知道:我们时刻都离不开文明礼仪。清早出门,遇到邻居道声“早”,对别人的热情招呼回声“好”;走楼梯时遇到同行的人请他先上;不小心碰到别人时说声对不起不可分。她像润滑油,使朋友之间的摩擦消失,使友谊更加深厚、牢固;她像镜子,让人反省,学会理解和包容;她像磁石,让人更团结,让集体更有凝聚力和战斗力……记得有一回,我和我们班的另一名班干部因班里的管理问题出现了分歧而闹了别扭,当时都很激动,但事后经过反思认识到自己错了,彼此道歉后冰雪消融,这样化干戈为玉帛的事,古往今来举不胜举。大家都知道我国的乒乓球队个个都是精英,但人人都很谦虚,他们互相激励,团结奋进,终于让三面五星红旗在北京奥运会上同时升起。
『玖』 如何看待高考途中见义勇为,求求英语作文
2014 the college entrance examination, a candidate courageous wounded delay the exam, but won the olive branch many universities, and a time to become story
But now situation, I think the courageous institutionalized lack of viable basis points, for the following reasons:
First, look at the general trend: countries in minimizing the entrance points of the project, there are still projects also lowered the general rate of minus points
Secondly, look at the implementation of: a variety of bonus points system before without discomfort early heart is commendable, but it spread after the implementation of the abuse situation is indeed more
Again, look at university: University currently mostly self-enrollment schools Jean exposed the scandal, the University rolled out the system here also affects ecation fair
Finally, even without the institutionalization of extra points, this incident itself reflects appear flexibility in university admissions on everything