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发布时间:2021-02-02 14:23:49

1. 英语作文(含中文) 推销商品

Irememberaholidayatnoon,.Look!Cicadas,:\u00suot;deadheat,heatdeath,;thoseflowershavealsosighed,andseemstohavewithered,,sadlyexclaimed:\u00suot;Goodtrsty,verytrsty!\u00suot;Theairwasfilledwithheat,soitalmostoutofbreath.,.\u00#;shead,withhair,amouth,haseyeson记得一个假日的中午,太阳公公灸烤着大地。瞧!知了和其他小动物们都有气无力地哭喊着:“热死了,热死了”那些花儿们也唉声叹气的,似乎都要枯萎了,小草弟弟弯着腰几乎被烈日给烤焦了,垂头丧气地叫道:“好渴,好渴”!空气中弥漫着热浪,使人们都快喘不过气来。我和姐姐她们在屋子里一边吃着雪糕一边扇着电扇无聊透顶,突然我一下想到玩贴鼻子游戏。于是我们在小黑板上画了一个小女孩的头像,有头发,有嘴巴,也有眼睛,就是没有鼻子。因为这个鼻子是让我们贴的。哦 还有一件事 我目前上的ABC夫下在线的教师和我提到 若要学好英语是轻松的!必然需要个好的研习空间跟熟练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 标准口音才行,持续每日口语练习 1v1家教式辅导才能够有很.好.的进步幅度;学习后还要回放复习课后录音反馈,来进一步深化知识..实在是真的没有练习对象的话,最好能上 VOA或大耳朵拿到课余学习材料阅读,多问多听一下子语境就加强起来,整体效果是必定达成目标的;游戏开始了,我们先石头剪刀布,结果我第一个走到黑板前。姐姐她们用衣服蒙上我的眼睛,我把鼻子贴上去,拿掉衣服一看,大吃一惊,我把鼻子贴到头像外面去了,她们都哈哈大笑。然后她们都一次上来玩游戏。先蒙上眼睛,转了三圈。一些把鼻子贴到嘴上面了,另一些把鼻子贴到嘴下面了.我们开怀大笑。最后还有一个蒙上了眼睛,她还没到台上就摔了一跤,她爬起来走到黑板前,左摸摸,右摸摸,上摸摸,下摸摸,摸到最后一贴,贴中了,屋子里的这一场游戏就在欢声笑语中结束了。假期里的趣事说起假日,同学们一定都很喜爱,假日里的趣事也是无穷无尽的,令人向往,令人回味。“五一”这几天,我就经历了许多趣事,但令我印象最深的,还是跟爸爸去钓鱼。我们来到池塘边,爸爸首先打开他的渔具包,里面的钓鱼用具一应俱全。他将鱼钩、鱼漂、鱼网和鱼饵拴在鱼竿上,我呢,也拿起这些用具学着爸爸做起来。开始钓鱼了,爸爸对我说:“钓鱼要有耐心,否则是掉不到鱼的。首先要上好鱼饵,然后扔向水中,如果鱼漂在动,就表示鱼来了,但是这时不能提鱼竿,因为鱼还没有吃,只是试探一下。如果鱼漂沉下去或者浮起来,表示鱼已经吃钩了,这时就可以提竿了。”我不耐烦地回答说:“知道了!”心想:我一定钓一条大鱼让你看看!我们便开始钓鱼了,起先我还能耐着性子钓,可越等越不耐烦,一条鱼都没靠近鱼竿,更别说上钩了,我便一气之下扔下鱼竿跑到别处玩去了。等我大汉淋漓地回来,爸爸都已经钓到两三条鱼了,可是看看我,只有光秃秃的鱼钩,连鱼饵都被鱼吃掉了。没办法,我只好再拿起鱼竿钓起来,可是鱼总不上钩,像是在和我作对似的。我见自己钓不上来,便赌气地拿起石头往水里扔,鱼都被我吓跑了,爸爸也钓不上来,我哈哈大笑。这下,可气坏了爸爸,他让我只能坐在那儿不能动,大家都知道我是个好动的人,让我坐一个上午哪行呢,可爸爸的“任务”我不敢违抗,只有坐了,这滋味就简直到了生不如死的境界。正当我无聊的时候,我的鱼漂动起来了,我急忙拉竿,可怎么也拉不动,于是,我便叫爸爸来帮忙。经过一场“拔河比赛”之后,终于把它拉上来了。一看,哇!好大的鱼啊!这恐怕是池塘里最大的一条鱼了,我们把它放进早已装满水的塑料桶里。它还在里面不停地泼水呢。爸爸见了,用赞许的目光看着我,好像在说:“嗯,不错,继续努力吧!”万事开头难,有了第一次的成功,我更是信心十足。水面常常泛起涟漪,一条,两条……我的心里甭提有多高兴了。怎么样?你是不是也想试试?哎,不要犹豫了,赶快去吧,保你钓了还想钓!啊!钓鱼真有趣啊!你自己慢慢删吧

2. 关于推销产品的英语短文

Your name has been given by... and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines.

We are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed...

We are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of...

You will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new proct.

You will be interested in our new proct...

3. 急求一篇推销产品的英语作文

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you. This is the latest proct of the NOKIA. I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance, such as the silver-white metal shell, properly colored keyboard, the crystal screen, etc.
Of course, it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside. There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile, so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it. First, it has the google authorized GPS software, which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air. Second, the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net. This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos, listening to music, delivering pictures and so on. At last, the most essential, it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow procts.
So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose, I think this kind is an excellent choice.

4. 写一篇英语作文关于推销产品的

没人愿写作文 自己写汉语 用翻译

5. 关于产品介绍和推销的英语作文万能语句

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.
Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software

6. 关于推销的英语作文

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.
Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow procts.
So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose,I think this kind is an excellent choice.

7. 用英语推销一件产品


1. Mr. Mckenzie, let me take you to our showroom.

2. How about taking a look at our latest procts in our showroom?

3. If you have time, I'd like to take you to our showroom.

与客户讨论告一段落后,可以转移话题,提议另一件事:新产品。用语以“Let me……”,“How about” 或 “If……, I'd like to……” 表示礼貌性的建议。

● 产品优缺点

1. It's only a prototype, but it's a prime example of our future line of smart procts.

2. This oven is just an example, but it's going to be our future line of smart procts.

3. This model hasn't been marketed yet, but we know it's going to be a top-seller.

在参观者看到产品之前,宜先说明该产品目前的状况。所使用的句子,前半部可先说稍有疑虑的一面(例如它只是个初步的样品,尚未正式生产),接着再强调好的一面。主要句型的结构是 “It's only……, but it's……”。

● 强调特性

1. Basically, "Correct Cook" makes it virtually impossible to over or under cook food.

2. Essentially, "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.

3. The bottom line here is that "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.


● 吸引用户

1. You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West.

2. You have to agree that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West.

3. I think you have to acknowledge that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West.

此段应直接指出这项产品的功能,因为这对将来要销售这项产品的客户是最具说服力的。句型用 “You must admit……”,不但加强说服力,而且让对方难以反驳。

8. 求助~英语作文推销员推销一件商品一百词以上~

Do you want to be successful in communicating in english?
now,just look at this book:,<how American people say english everyday>
it not only give you the most popular slang,but provide the background information.
no matter the english standerd you are now, you surely can use it,for the content is simple and fresh,even if you are a excellent speaker of english,you still can learn lots of helpful idiom or the American value,and this will help you understand the other phrese better.
besides,togerther with the book,are two useful cds which help you listen how their speaker say,actually, you know,there are lots of prouncation skills in American english ,if you can say them beautifully,eveyone will definatly admaire your english.How fantastic !
well,to sum up ,i just want to call on all the students,just pay more attention on your prouncation and usage of english,that is the best way and only way to better your english,why not?
the book and practise,that is perfect!
now ,everybody,just open up your mouth,open up your mind,open up your soul,to learn english,esp.spoken english!

9. 推销商品的英语作文

A;hello b:helloA:would you like XX?复b:I like xX,B。制may I have a lookXX?A;ok,this way piease。howmuch XX?A;fifteen ¥B;i do no t like this couloraA:I am soory , whabout green ?b :ou,i like it。 a you look very beautiful in XX 。B:thangyou ,byeA: bye see you soon 你可以扩充这 个对话内容。

10. 帮我写一篇英文推销商品的对话

Your name has been given by...and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines.

We are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed….

We are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of...

You will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new proct.



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