Ⅰ 2015考研英语1大作文稍微有些跑题,图画是一堆人吃饭在玩手机
Ⅱ 2015考研英语一的大作文是四个人围着饭桌玩手机,中文是手机时代的聚会,我写的是人们缺乏热情。
如果是中文考试你这样写的确不好,但考研对这方面没要求那么严的,至少能占上一点边 ,主要看你的英文表达,句式语法之类的!
Ⅲ 2015年考研英语一大作文写忽略传统文化算不算跑题
今年的英语(一)大作文继承了之前几年大作文的传统,图画作文。在画面中,我们可以看到四个就餐者(diners)围着桌子吃饭,但是精力都集中在自己的手机上。很显然,这幅图片具有很明显的时代意义,它要求我们论述的是,在电子信息时代,人们过渡依赖(over-reliance, over-dependence, overuse)手机而给生活带来的危害。图片立意深刻,头脑风暴一下,我们可以简要地总结一下这些负面影响,比如危害了人身健康,隔离了人与人之间的交流,忽视了真正的友谊,加深了人们之间的误解跟偏见,这些都是第二段我们主要论述的观点。在第三段,除了总结这些危害以外,我们还可以写一两句问题解决办法,比如减少使用手机的时间,在虚拟世界跟现实世界之间达到平衡等等。有了这个基本提纲,我们就可以开始文章的造句了,这就是彰显语言功底的时候了。这里请各位考生们牢记一点:即使文章中没有很复杂的句式(强调句、倒装句、各类从句),也千万不要犯语法错误,否则文章直接降到最低档!请大家参考如下的范文。
In the picture, a group of diners are centering around a table, with their attention fully occupied in their cell phones rather than the rich food on the table. The undesirable paradox has touched on one pervasive trend in modern society-the side-effects of smart phones in information age.
Over-reliance on cell phones is not only harmful but also damaging in a number of ways. Firstly, excessive use of smart phones has posed a serious threat to human physical health. Many diseases, ranging from brain cancer and cataract to osteoporosis and insomnia, are reportedly associated with radiation from cell phones. Additionally, a total dependence on cell phones inevitably leads to isolation and suspension between people, confining them into tiny indivial space by overlooking realtime friendships. Thirdly, overuse of cell phones also proces a negative effect on bridging the misunderstanding and eliminating bias e to failure of face-to-face communication between people.
With the abundance of such buzz words as We Chat, QQ, etc, it is imperative that we take multiple initiatives to curb the catastrophic influences exerted by smart phones. Only by strengthening realtime communication and monitoring time effectively can we strike a balance between the virtual world and the real world.
Ⅳ 2015考研英语一大作文偏题了吗
Ⅳ 2015考研英语一大小作文一般能得多少分
考研来英语一大小作文自能得多少分?都是根据档次来划分的,一般是20~17分内。要看你的作文是否有提纲的全部要点,是否表达清楚,以及文字是否连贯等这些问题。Ⅵ 2015考研英语一大作文用词不是很准确会扣分吗
Ⅶ 2015考研英语大作文写冷漠可以吗
Ⅷ 2015考研英语一的大作文图片是四个人围着饭桌玩手机,中文是手机时代的聚会,我写的是玩手机的危害,