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发布时间:2021-01-23 15:29:19

『壹』 外貌比能力更重要英语作文

Which one is more important between ability and good look(题目)
正文:From the traditional view,ability is more important than good look.Unlike young people,elder people think that wheher you can get established in society or not rests with your ability instead of good look.Your ability not only shows your ecational background,but also become your characteristic of good working capability.
However,some people most of which are young people think that good look is more important than ability.They believe that the society nowadays pay more attention to one's good look and how to do up to make them more beautiful.
In my opinion,I think that ability is more important.Good look is just one's attribute which can not decide your career's avenue to success.Maybe you don't have good look,but as long as you have ability you will realize your dreams.

『贰』 英语作文 成绩与个人能力哪个更重要

给别人写了一个 考试和能力的文章 和这个差不多 但是 还有点 不一样 。 也懒着给你 写了 发给你 看看吧 。 不是什么高人 肯定有错的地方。 你自己取舍吧 。

Exam papers, as the evaluation of students’ grasp of the academic knowledge, has been bothered student over the past decade. In order to pass the unit of study, they have to score the more than half marks of the final exam. The issue whether the exam represents the ability of the student associated with this trend becomes contentious. Some believe that exams can completely present the level of understanding of what the students are taught, others, however, disagree, referring to the limitation of the exam paper. Personally, i totally agree with the later position. The reasons are twofold.

First of all, exams questions cannot cover the entire knowledge throughout the whole semesters. It is an irrefutable fact that exam papers are constituted with limited questions, ranging from 25 to 50. As a semester’s task for the student, it should not be demonstrated within simply 50 questions. Despite, for certain subject, the written knowledge may be incredibly narrow, the capabilities acquired by the student through the entire semester could be not articulated. Such as: the presentation and interview skill.

Further and even more importantly, though, as a matter of the fact, the exams can be passed by plagiarism. Some students did not attend the lectures or tutorials, only crammed for the exam for several days and nights, and as a consequence, they passed the final exams and thereby passing the subject. More disturbing, some cheating technology has been advanced with the increased of the information technology, with which students even do not need the cramming process, simply take some notes or wear a mini-earphone, they can get A level (highest level of evaluation) for any of the subject they choose.

By way of conclusion, I believe that the exam can not present the abilities of students completely, but at the current stage, there is no prefect evaluation method than the exams, e to the time constraints and the vast number of evaluated students. Admittedly, I certainly believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as the advancing of technology.

『叁』 能力和机会对成为一个人哪个更关键 英语作文

Both opportunity and ability are equal and important in success.If there is opportunity given but you do not have the ability,you will not have the gut to take up the opportunity.On the other hand,if you have the ability butyou will not given the opportunity,you will also not shine.Therefore to be successful,be ready and be prepared with all the knowledge you can acquired so as to strengthen your ability.Grasp the opportunity the moment it comes.Opportunity does not always come and it can come very fast and goes very fast.Only those who act fast grasp the opportunity.

『肆』 大学生就业学历和能力哪个重要 英语作文


『伍』 能力和外貌什么更重要 英语作文 200字

本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点提出一种有争议的看法,提纲第2点要求表明“我”的态度,由此 可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。
Old people often tell the young:“Don’t judge a person by his appearance”, meaning capability is more important than appearance. However, nowadays, with more interviewers putting emphasis on looks and the appearance of the applicants, a lot of people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than capability.
As for me, I can’t agree with this argument. Good appearance is pleasant, but capability is more important, because it demonstrates one’s self-cultivation and practical values. It shows the efforts and the glory of acquiring something through one’s hard work whereas good looks bespeak no struggle of the indivial. Besides, maybe sometimes a beautiful face can help a girl acquire a good position, but in the long run it is her talent not her look that really works in her career development.

『陆』 你认为证书和能力哪一个更重要请陈述你的观点和理由 英语作文

In my opinion,diploma may be more important in the old time of China since there were few university students,while it is not the same case today.
The importance of ability and diploma both depends on how it is recognized by the company or how it is related to the employees’ salaries.A person who holds a diploma is considered to be higher ecated and thus relatively has higher opportunity to enter the door of a company.However,it becomes worthless if the person is lack of practical ability.As there are too many graates,most of the companies prefer give an interview to choose the abler one,instead of offering training afterward.It happens because employers think a good academic student may not be good at using their knowledge in the workplace.
Therefore,the trend of companies’ recruitment system indicates that ability becomes more and more important nowadays.

『柒』 有人认为实际的工作能力更重要的英语作文

Throughout the world, universities play a key role in determining the way their candidates think, and how they are going to proceed in their lives after graation. Some universities give students knowledge which serves its own sake. However, It's agreed that the role of the university is to provide its graates with knowledge and skills they need in their future. This will be proven by looking at the advantages both the student and the university will gain in the future if universities follow this scale.
Firstly, the student who starts getting information about his career while he is still studying in the university will have more chances to success in his future more than the candidate who learns things only for the sake the university. For example, the pharmacist who studies practical subjects as well as theoretical subjects will have more advantages to find a job in laboratories or medical factories other than the pharmacist who taught the theoretical subjects only. Thus, this example illustrates clearly the merits graates could gain from learning knowledge and skills needed in their workplace ring university study.
Secondly, not only students will have benefits from this way of thinking, but also universities. By looking at the previous example of the successful pharmacist, families that want their children to be as superior as this pharmacist, will surely ask about the university he was graated from. This proves that universities are acquiring good reputation from its excellent graates. Thus the pros universities are achieving can be clearly seen.
After analyzing the advantages both students and universities can obtain, it is obvious that the sake of university will be achieved faster if they concentrated on how to provide graates with knowledge and skills needed in their future. It is hoped that all universities will prioritize the sake of its students than its own.

『捌』 英语作文 外貌能力哪个更重要

nner things are far more important than the appearance,外表虽然漂亮可是内心却是丑陋的, although the appearance is beautiful but the heart is ugly,这还有谁会回喜欢你呢?内心丰富多彩答? What is the relationship between the inner and the ugly, and who would like you,外表丑一点又有什么关系呢? 翻译:内心的东西远远比外表重要



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