1. 好书伴我成长英语作文
Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.
2. 好书伴我成长英语作文90词
Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.
3. 好书伴我成长英语作文
4. 好书伴我成长英语作文90词
Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us clever and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more will learn, and the bright our future will become.
However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going on line to play games. It takes much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world..
Let’ start reading now. And let it become a part of our life.
5. 英语作文带翻译(好书伴我成长)
Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to ecation in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Excellent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.
6. 好书伴我成长英语作文90词
每次唱到“世上只有妈妈好”这首歌时,我就会想我和蔼可亲的妈妈。 我的妈妈是一位平凡的妈妈,她没有伟大的职业,只是默默地为家里做“贡献”。妈妈是一位家庭主...
7. 《我的假期生活》800字作文,
岁月悠悠,时间老人悄无声息地沐浴于冥冥的太空,当日嬉戏于林间的小精灵们早已走出童年的红房子,绿草地沐浴着风雪,奔向诱人的成熟,在这夹着春意的冬天,我们又迎来了一年一度的假期生活。 一 观冰灯记 好耶!终于放假了,我们像从笼子里放飞的小鸟一样,又自由、又快乐、又放松、兴高采烈的,摆脱了这沉重的肉体束缚,在无际的天空中飞翔。正在这时,满洲里一年一度的冰雪节也开始了,夜幕降临,我和几个好朋友约好一起去看冰灯,天上的明星一闪一闪的也来凑热闹,来到冰灯的门口,仿佛来到了世外桃源,一切都是那么美好,那么透彻,一进门首先看到的是挂着上百只红灯笼的天安门,那么雄伟,那么壮观,犹如海市蜃楼一般美妙,椰子树下是一条龙似的长廊,变幻着颜色,奇妙无比,站在长廊上向远望去,琳琅满目的雪雕;冰灯就更加绚丽多彩了,再往里面走观赏那高高的埃菲尔铁塔、雪雕俄式木格楞、竞相开放的冰荷花、展翅待飞的冰天鹅、还有那昂首欲鸣的冰公鸡、活泼可爱的冰小猫、奔腾的千里马……晶莹剔透,彩色缤纷,象是步入了神话中的水晶宫。最让我们关注的还是那万里长城冰滑梯,我们几个同学鼓足了勇气站在万里长城上,飞速的滑下去,真是又惊险又好玩儿又刺激,这时的天色也不早了,强冷的空气也向我们敲了一下警钟,我们要回家了,回头望望那美丽的景色,我们十二分的恋恋不舍,它真的让我们大饱眼福,又让我们玩了个痛快,临走时我们也学了一下李白、杜甫、不约而同的一起作了一首打油诗: 冰雪节,真热闹。 这里的景色多美好。 海市蜃楼高空耸, 迷宫里面团团转。 埃菲尔铁塔真威风, 万里长城更精彩。 这里的景色真美好; 留连忘返走不开。 拍张照片作纪念, 明年冰雪节我还来。 二 假期生活 转眼间我的假期过去了好几十天,我开始觉得乏味了,我又开始想念我的学校生活了,而积累和读书成了我最大的乐趣,清晨早起执书一卷、清茶一杯,诵读低语,心旷神怡,音乐袅袅,无考试之负担,无作业之干扰,尽情去读,读书中,与作者交谈中,在心爱的积累本上记下心得,这是何等惬意之事啊!可是这等美事,却是在离开学指日可待,剩下十几天我才发现的,我觉得以前全部都虚度了,可是我没有放弃,因为我相信“时间像海绵里的水,要挤总能挤的出来。”在读书时有时心有所悟,有时乐而忘忧,我发现生活是美好的,所以我有了美的思想。我开始给我可爱的娃娃制作服装、制作漂亮的像框、画素描、练习电子琴、在网上冲浪、制作小动画,忙的我不亦乐乎,我真的明白了一句话:“美是到处都有的,对于我们的眼睛不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。”在假期中,我知道我的口才不是很好,所以我读了许多关于演讲与口才的书,我也觉得,我的思想更进步了,更充实了,我要用思想打败我的心理压力,但“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。水滴石穿,非一日之功。”我现在迈出了第一步,相信无人能直步青云,相信只要天生我才必有用,我一定会成功。我这才发现生活里没有书籍,就好像人们没有了阳光,这就是我的假期生活。我觉得我的假期虽然没有游山玩水,但我的假期很充实。假期使我的智慧里有了书籍,我为我的鸟儿插上了翅膀,书像一艘船,正把我从狭隘的地方载向无边无际的海洋。新翅膀也许会遇到伤折,但正如尼采说的一句话:没有礁石的阻挡怎能激起美丽的浪花。 所以,我不得不感谢我的假期,我的假期真美好
8. 读书伴我成长,英语作文初三80字左右
I'm a book worm from my childhood to my green year.I love reading books so much that I read every day for a long time and store many kinds of books.Among so many books,I like essays and novels best.The figures and the plots atract me a lot.Reading makes me smarter and broaden my horizon,through reading I can learn a lot of good words or sentences that make me write better.
9. 好书伴我成长英语作文90词
今后 ,我依然会与好书为友!因为读一本好书就象严冬里遇到了炭火,它会以无私的自信,给你燃起澎湃与激情。读一本好书就像酷热的夏天遇到了浓荫,在你孤芳自赏时,给你浮躁的心灵泛起轻爽的凉风。读一本好书,就像迷途的航船遇到了航标灯,让你高扬理想的风帆,驶向人生的旅程!