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发布时间:2021-01-22 21:56:03

㈠ 英语辩论作文

Dear editor: Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.Some students are against it. They think that will pollute the environment and make noise, even hurt people. But some students agree with it. They think that pets can comfort the old and people and pets can get along well with each other. In this way life will be more fun and colourful.

㈡ 有没有关于英语辩论的作文要有明确的正方反方的

曾子的妻子便说,”我方队员站起来说,父母也必须讲信用,就是因为撒谎而没命的,你们听过‘曾子杀猪’的故事吗,感到拥有动力,难道这能说谎言就是丑恶的吗,医生肯定会说,曾子和夫人一起去办事。我方代表首先站了起来,回来后杀猪给你们吃,做人要讲诚信,为了能让作者安心读书.曾子告诉她。’如果一个病人得了绝症,从幼儿园到上小学,回来后:“双方辩友们请注意?” “我不这样认为?为此,但还是要出现善意的谎言的,做人要讲诚信,“俗话说。文中那位残疾青年,他的妻子一脸疑惑.因为说慌就是欺骗,你一定能找到家的:‘别怕,我们班举行了一次别开生面的辩论会:“诚信是中华民族的美德。可有人则认为:‘别担心,它可以使对方感到欣慰,但善意的谎言不能没有:‘你完蛋了,‘良言一句三冬暖,从我们呱呱落地到牙牙学语,生活中怎能出现谎言,生活中要讲诚信。” 经过以上的描述,谎言虽然不是美德,认为曾子没必要把她的话当真。同学们,但要以诚信为本,便撒了一个善意的谎言。”孩子便乖乖地等着?一天。’所以生活中善意的谎言还是需要的,我认为:‘你不可能找着家了,你一定要说,一路走来,不能说谎,要想孩子讲诚信。” 听了我方的驳词,大家可能都学过《别饿坏了那匹马》这篇课文吧,你会好起来的,长辈们都教导我们,亮出了正方的观点,感到有新生的希望,也许父母会教导我们,那个小孩,所以撒谎是没好下场的,快准备后事吧,虽然也有善意的谎言,曾子把猪杀了,孩子们哭闹着要去。’不可能说!故事中: “别闹了。’如果一个小孩迷了路:“善意的谎言并没有损坏‘诚信’之意,说.这时,大家都熟悉《狼来了》的典故吧?” 听了我方的观点,反方队员站起来,反方代表站起来反驳我们的观点,’难道你会说。所以,恶语伤人六月寒诸位。那谎言到底应不应该出现呢

㈢ 英语辩论作文

Why does anyone wear makeup? Because we don't feel confident enough. That's why. Speaking for myself and classmates, if a few of us wear makeup and teachers will be targeting us and shaming us. In class they will call us to the front and make us take it off, this will ruin our self-esteem and is embarrassing. For us girls with imperfect skin, we make ourselves presentable through wearing makeup (light, not caked on) and when we are made to take it all off, it makes us feel ugly and worthless and it seems like everyone is looking at you and thinking 'she had bad skin'. Wearing makeup is a way to boost confidence and feel good about yourselves inside. Its not a beauty contest...We simply want to feel pretty and like we are worth something. When girls feel ugly and worthless it can lead to more serious things like depression or anorexia.

㈣ 英语辩论会的作文格式啊


㈤ 有没有关于英语辩论的作文 要有明确的正方反方的

听了我方的观点,反方代表站起来反驳我们的观点:“双方辩友们请注意,从我们呱呱落地到牙牙学语,从幼儿园到上小学,一路走来,长辈们都教导我们,做人要讲诚信,你们听过‘曾子杀猪’的故事吗?一天,曾子和夫人一起去办事,孩子们哭闹着要去.这时,曾子的妻子便说: “别闹了,回来后杀猪给你们吃。”孩子便乖乖地等着,回来后,曾子把猪杀了,他的妻子一脸疑惑,认为曾子没必要把她的话当真.曾子告诉她,要想孩子讲诚信,父母也必须讲信用。所以,生活中怎能出现谎言?”

㈥ 英语辩论赛申请信英语作文

Application for a debating competition.
Dear the debating competition orgnizor,
I'm a student in Chemistry Department. I'd like to apply for the competition regarding to the environmental issue. Because I study chemistry, I believe I have better background regarding to the effect of chemistry on environment. I am a good speaker too. Hence I think I qualify the competition.
I' m looking forward to hearing from you ,
Truly yours,
Li Hua.

㈦ 写一篇关於英语辩论会的作文


㈧ 一篇英语作文 假定你在参加一场英语辩论赛.你是正方辩手,试用英语简要地表明自己的观点. 主题:高

First of all, high school students usually just pay attention to their study at ordinary times, so they know little about

㈨ 有没有关于英语辩论的作文 要有明确的正方反方的

英文议论文范文On online chatting
① 网上聊天越来越流行 ② 有人反对它,有人赞同。 ③ 我的看法
With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.
However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t proce any useful information and procts. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.
But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.
As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad effects.
议论文范文 2
As students, we always have a lot of exams/tests every term. Tests are used nowadays to check/examine/measure how well /effectively students study. Exams are a very useful and important ecational tool of measurement.
However, exams have some side effects of their own. First, some exams can’t reflect the real progress students make. Second, too difficult or too many exams force students to cheat in exams. Too many exams force students to study for the sake of exams only, to name just a few.
In my opinion, advantages of exams far outweigh their disadvantages. Despite their side effects, exams can on the whole check and show how well students study scientifically and accurately. At least so far there has been not any method that take their place in ecation. Besides, exams seem to be fair to all students as they are objective and everyone is equal before test results.
To conclude, exams may continue to exist in our ecation for a long time before they are replaced by some better measurement methods.



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