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发布时间:2021-01-21 21:28:42

1. 想出国旅游但是完全不会英语怎么办








出境旅游必须做好必要的准备工作, 以使自己的整个旅游行程有备而发, 满意而归。这些准备工作主要是:


包括洗漱用品, 必备物品, 小针线包, 化妆品盒, 多用刀具, 实用地图, 剪指甲刀, 防晒霜油等;


包括应季服装(夏季两三套, 冬季一两套, 主要以适用为宜, 切忌过少或过多, 还要有一套正式礼仪服装, 以备正式场合派用), 鞋子两双(以轻便舒服为要), 帽子(夏季凉帽, 冬季防寒帽);


坚固耐用的旅行箱或背包, 箱包忌过大, 托运时不方便, 皮箱最好有滑轮, 以利搬运方便。皮箱包上用不干胶条贴上自己的名签(中英文姓名, 国别, 前往国家地区)。此外还要准备一随身携带的手提袋或挎包腰包, 以备装贵重物品, 如护照证件, 地图, 笔记本, 照相机, 钱包等;


出发前最好阅读一些介绍前往国家旅游景点、风土人情、民俗习惯及历史等方面的书籍资料, 从而产生一个总体印象, 使整个旅游过程减少盲目性和被动性;


国外都有收取小费的习惯。一般随团旅游者的小费由全程陪同统一付给 当地司陪人员, 作为旅游者个人可准备一些带有我国民俗特色的小工艺品等(如民间剪纸, 京剧脸谱等)作为小礼品送给朋友。

2. 求满族的英文资料,主要关于服饰与礼仪。

The history of man Paogua Manchu men wear the Paogua with Mati Xiu, his waist belt, or wear a robe jacket breasted jacket, summer wearing a hat, winter hat wearing leather sloppy. Clothes and like to use green, blue, brown and other colors of cotton, silk, silk, satin and other fabrics texture proction, tie the legs with blue legs, wearing cotton boots or leather boots, winter wear leather Siniora. Liu Bianzai top, shaved the hair around.
Women like to wear women's flag mounted and foot long flag mounted, waistcoat or jacket. Clothing like to use a variety of colors and patterns of silk, satin, tulle or fabrics made of cotton and linen. Some of the cheongsam embroidered into a pictorial surface, more in the skirt, cuffs, collar, hem bordered multilayer fine lace. Feet with white socks, wearing embroidered shoes saucers, rolling green legs, red, pink and other colored leg bands. Pan head wings, comb his head or two flags bun. Fond of wearing earrings, bracelets, rings, head hairpin, a large variety of flowers coming Ronghua and decorations.
主要有四种形式:旗袍(即长袍)、马褂、坎肩、套裤。旗袍不分季节,男女均可以穿。马褂则为有身 满族女服
There are four main forms of dress: dress (that robe), jacket, waistcoat, Taoku. Dress regardless of the season, both men and women can wear. Manchu women's wear jacket was thinking you were a wealthy man in the spring position, wearing winter. Waistcoat jacket is a woman's clothes. Taoku waistband of the trousers is no tube, fixed with two straps, mostly older women wearing cold weather. Manchu and other ethnic wear trousers of different legs must be tied with the Department for travel.
Shoes man's shoes for the cloth tied at the end of sodium, shoes, face inlaid double thong. Pig or cow leather boots to wear in winter, elderly parent felt the majority of shoes to wear high waist. Woman on the wide and narrow shoes, shoes on the face, prominent wing tip, both sides of the green flowers, the shape of the end of high pile of wood boat shoes. Specifically horseshoe-soled shoes, saucers shoes, flat shoes, square head shoes, pointed shoes;
Manchu people wear jewelry accessories sub-bone ornaments, stone ornaments, beads, gold and silver and so on. Choose to wear jewelry according to the position which the identity of the general quality of jewelry can be seen that the level of status, family wealth.
Manchu is a very particular manners of the nation, according to different occasions of light salute, a variety of different identities on the points. Such as the same generation line between man hit the shoulder ceremony; pro-shoulder ritual; fight to sign Li; hands and shaking hands; and so on. Wipe the line between the amount of women the same generation ceremony; hands shaking hands; Wanshou ceremony; Wanshou squatting security ceremony; nod ceremony; and so on. Man of the elder line of Bangui to fight to sign Li; bow; tuck ceremony; Baoyao ceremony; knee brace ceremony; and so on. An older line of women squatting ceremony; squatting wiping the amount of security ceremony; bow; tuck ceremony; Baoyao ceremony; took over the ceremony; and so on. Elders nod to the younger line of gift; ask the amount of ceremony; ask coming ceremony; ask side ceremony; ask shoulders ceremony; gift of hands; and so on.

3. 为学校附近的凉帽店做宣传的英语作文

There is a JiaHui Stores in the east of the school.There's a lot of goods, quality is also very good, and inexpensive. Very friendly staff treat customers.. One is selling food, there are Coke, bread, ham, vegetables, and fruits. Floor is selling clothing, there are T-shirt, pants, shoes. Three are selling household appliances, color TV, refrigerator, freezer, computers, water heaters and the like.

4. 介绍凉帽的英语作文

There is a supermarket in the east of the school.a wide range of goods there, everything. One is selling food, there are Coke, bread, ham, vegetables, and fruits. Floor is selling clothing, there are T-shirt, pants, shoes,Summer hat. Three are selling household appliances, color TV, refrigerator, freezer, computers, water heaters and the like.

5. 清代官吏的服侍图片和介绍~!(介绍最好是英语的)

清代官吏便服,本图为戴暖帽、穿琵琶襟马褂、开衩袍及皂靴的官吏。清代男子服装主要有袍服、褂、袄、衫、裤等。袍褂是最主要的礼服。其中有一种行褂,长不过腰,袖仅掩肘,短衣短袖便于骑马,所以叫“马褂”。马褂的形制为对襟、大襟和缺襟(琵琶襟)之别。对襟马褂多当礼服。大襟马褂多当作常服,一般穿袍服外面。缺襟(琵琶襟)马褂多作为行装。马褂多为短袖,袖子宽大平直。颜色除黄色外,一般多一天青色或元青色作为礼服。其它深红、浅绿、酱紫、深蓝、深灰等都可作常服。清代长袍多开衩,官吏士庶开两衩,皇族宗室开四衩。在清朝以开衩为贵。但也有不开衩的,俗称“一裹圆,为一般的市民服饰。开衩袍,也称“箭衣”,袖口有装有箭袖,以便骑马射箭,因其袖似马蹄,故称“马蹄袖”。平常袖口翻起,行礼时放下。这种服装是满族的服装特色,最初出现在入关之前,而后沿用于整个清代。一般士庶如穿无衩之袍作礼服时,也须另装一幅马蹄袖,用钮扣系在袖端,礼臂则解下。这种袖子叫“龙吞口”。袍服中尤以蟒袍为贵。不绣蟒纹的袍服,除颜色有禁例外,一般人都可服用。另有缺襟袍,其袍右襟裁下一块,然后用钮扣系住,以便骑马行走,一般多用于行装。清代官吏便服,本图为戴暖帽、穿琵琶襟马褂、开衩袍及皂靴的官吏。 清代男子的官帽,有礼帽、便帽之别。礼帽俗称“大帽子”,其制有二式:一为冬天所戴,名为暖帽;一为夏天所戴,名为凉帽。暖帽的形制,多为圆型,周围有一道檐边,材料多为皮制,也有用呢制、缎制及布制的,视其天气变化而定。凉帽的形制,无檐,形如圆锥,俗称喇叭式。材料多为藤、竹制成。外裹绫罗,多用白色,也有用湖色、黄色等。上缀红缨顶珠。顶珠是区别官职的重要标志。清代男子服装主要有袍服、褂、袄、衫、裤等。袍褂是最主要的礼服。其中有一种行褂,长不过腰,袖仅掩肘,短衣短袖便于骑马,所以叫“马褂”。马褂的形制为对襟、大襟和缺襟(琵琶襟)之别。对襟马褂多当礼服。大襟马褂多当作常服,一般穿袍服外面。缺襟(琵琶襟)马褂多作为行装。马褂多为短袖,袖子宽大平直。颜色除黄色外,一般多一天青色或元青色作为礼服。其它深红、浅绿、酱紫、深蓝、深灰等都可作常服。清代长袍多开衩,官吏士庶开两衩,皇族宗室开四衩。在清朝以开衩为贵。但也有不开衩的,俗称“一裹圆,为一般的市民服饰。开衩袍,也称“箭衣”,袖口有装有箭袖,以便骑马射箭,因其袖似马蹄,故称“马蹄袖。平常袖口翻起,行礼时放下。这种开衩服装是满族的服装特色,最初出现在入关之前,而后沿用于整个清代。清代官吏便服,本图为穿开衩袍、皂靴、佩搭裢的男子。(褡裢是一种刺绣佩饰,是佩挂在腰间的随身赏玩之物,晚清尤为盛行)清代男子服装主要有袍服、褂、袄、衫、裤等。袍褂是最主要的礼服。清代长袍多开衩,官吏士庶开两衩,皇族宗室开四衩。在清朝以开衩为贵。但也有不开衩的,俗称“一裹圆,为一般的市民服饰。开衩袍,也称“箭衣”,袖口有装有箭袖,以便骑马射箭,因其袖似马蹄,故称“马蹄袖”。平常袖口翻起,行礼时放下。这种服装是满族的服装特色,最初出现在入关之前,而后沿用于整个清代。一般士庶如穿无衩之袍作礼服时,也须另装一幅马蹄袖,用钮扣系在袖端,礼臂则解下。这种袖子叫“龙吞口”。袍服中尤以蟒袍为贵。不绣蟒纹的袍服,除颜色有禁例外,一般人都可服用。另有缺襟袍,其袍右襟裁下一块,然后用钮扣系住,以便骑马行走,一般多用于行装。 英文版:按照文本顺序 (三个文本中两个描述一样)Qing Dynasty officials in civilian clothes, the picture shows wearing a warm hat, wear a jacket lapel pipa to open panties gowns and Zaoxue the officials. In the Qing Dynasty are mainly men's wear robes, coat, jacket, shirt, pants and so on. Paogua is the most important dress. In which there is a line gown, long, but the waist and sleeves just cover the elbow, short-sleeved jacket easy to ride, so called "jacket." Of the shape of Duijin jacket, dajin and missing lapel (pipa lapel) of difference. Duijin jacket over when the dress. Dajin jacket more as dressed in uniforms outside the normal wear robes. Lack of lapel (Pipa lapel) jacket over a pack. Are mostly short-sleeved jacket sleeves, wide flat. In addition to the color yellow, in general, one more day of green or blue as the dress yuan. Other dark red, light green, Jiang Zi, dark blue, dark gray and so on can be dressed in uniforms. Qing Dynasty robe open more panties, officials opened two Shishu panties, royal imperial clan to open four panties. In the Qing Dynasty to open for your panties. But there are no slits, and commonly known as "wrapped in a circle, for the general public clothing. Slits gowns, also known as" Arrow clothes, "with arrows sleeve cuffs with a view to riding archery, its sleeves like horseshoe, so called" Mati Xiu. "usual cuff reveal, salute when you put down. This is the Manchu clothing apparel features appear on the entry before the Chinese first and then followed throughout the Qing Dynasty. Shishu like wearing no panties in general of the gowns for dresses, we also Another piece of Mati Xiu to be installed, with buttons at the cuff end of the Department, Eli is off his arm. This sleeve is called "dragon swallowing mouth." robes, in particular for your Mangpao. not python-patterned embroidered robes, with the exception color ban exceptions, most people can take. Another missing breasted gowns, their robes, under a right-breasted cut, and then use buttons moor for riding walking, generally used for luggage. Qing Dynasty officials in civilian clothes, the picture shows wearing a warm hat, wear a jacket lapel pipa to open panties gowns and Zaoxue the officials. The Qing Dynasty official hat man, there are hats, caps of difference. Hat commonly known as "predominant" and its system has two type: one for the winter are wearing, called warm cap; one for the summer are wearing, called summer hat. Warm cap shape, mostly round, surrounded by a canopy edge, materials are mostly leather, but also all useful system, system and satin cloth, and depending on their climate change may be. Summer hat's shape, no nets, shaped like a cone, commonly known as horn-style. Materials are mostly rattan, bamboo is made. Rungra outer wrap, multi-purpose white, is also useful Huse, yellow and so on. Shangzhui Hongying top bead. The top bead is an important distinction between official symbol. In the Qing Dynasty are mainly men's wear robes, coat, jacket, shirt, pants and so on. Paogua is the most important dress. In which there is a line gown, long, but the waist and sleeves just cover the elbow, short-sleeved jacket easy to ride, so called "jacket." Of the shape of Duijin jacket, dajin and missing lapel (pipa lapel) of difference. Duijin jacket over when the dress. Dajin jacket more as dressed in uniforms outside the normal wear robes. Lack of lapel (Pipa lapel) jacket over a pack. Are mostly short-sleeved jacket sleeves, wide flat. In addition to the color yellow, in general, one more day of green or blue as the dress yuan. Other dark red, light green, Jiang Zi, dark blue, dark gray and so on can be dressed in uniforms. Qing Dynasty robe open more panties, officials opened two Shishu panties, royal imperial clan to open four panties. In the Qing Dynasty to open for your panties. But there are no slits, and commonly known as "wrapped in a circle, for the general public clothing. Slits gowns, also known as" Arrow clothes, "with arrows sleeve cuffs with a view to riding archery, its sleeves like horseshoe, so called" Mati Xiu. Normal cuff reveal, salute when you put down. This open-panties clothing garments are the Manchu character first appeared in the entry before the Chinese, and then followed throughout the Qing Dynasty.

6. 描写深圳的绿道英语作文


7. 一个英文单词在不同国家有不同的意思

  1. Boot,美国人称之为靴,英国人以及澳大利亚人是汽车的后面置放东西的厢,也是叫做trunk。专

  2. Ball在源语中意思是球,属而在由法语中的Ball一词意思是跳舞的地方。

  3. towel 在美国是手纸的意思,而在英国是毛巾的意思。

  4. subway在英国是 地下过道,美国是地铁的意思。

  5. chips在英国是署条,在美国就是署片的意思。

  6. gas在英国是指 煤气,在美国是汽油的意思。

  7. ck 在英国为可爱的人,而美国为怪人。

8. 关于凉帽的英语作文

the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise.to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over.
i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly, someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend



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