⑴ 我是一名高三学生,想找一篇关于 中国制造2025 的英语作文范文,求大神指导 谢谢!
t an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.
⑵ 有关中国美食制作的英语作文,60词以上
First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.
The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.
The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.
The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.
That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.
⑶ 谁能帮我写篇关于 中国制造 的英语短文哪位高手赶紧
Made in China
In the world,lots of the goods are made in China,such as shoes,shirts,balls and so on.The customers like goods made in China,they think China is friendly with the world,and they,too.
Cause the goods made in China are lack of style,some consumer-goods makers in China are starting to pay attention to brand-building. The smartest are moving beyond simple proct ads to marketing an entire lifestyle.
Now,goods made in China are so popular,and as Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008,I believe goods made in China will be admitted by more and more customers and countries.
⑷ 中国制造英语怎么写
“中国制造” 英文标识“MADE IN CHINA”是中国对外出口商品的重要标志,它的使用极为广泛,包括日用品、工业产品等各个方面。
据《中国历代陶瓷款识大典》一书记载:民国时期,开始出现了英文“CHINA(中国)”的底款。这是中国瓷器最早出现的出口商品英文标识。有一块民国时期的开滦老砖,上面有“开滦矿务总局”的英文缩写“KMA”和“中国制造” 英文标识“MADE IN CHINA”,说明这块老砖是民国时期开滦生产的外销工业产品。
这块老砖上的英文标识“MADE IN CHINA”是中国最早使用的“中国制造” 英文标识,是研究中国近代工业产品对外出口贸易的重要实物资料。
“KMA”是开滦砖品商标之一。开滦外销砖品最早使用“中国制造” 英文标识“MADE IN CHINA”从一个侧面展现出开滦在中国近代工业发展过程中的历史成就和文化积淀。开滦是中国大陆最早引进西方技术、设备,大量聘用外国技术、管理人员来工作的现代化煤矿企业。
⑸ 中国制造优缺点英语作文
The label, Made in China, is one that is becoming increasing common in shopping centers all over the world. In the United States, shoppers at Wal-Mart the nation’ largest retailer have a wide selection of procts mostly proced in China. The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more procts made in China. These goods are even readily available in other Asian nations, where Chinese-made goods are quite popular. Chinese brand names are also becoming more well-known outside of China. The development of China has amazed the world with its growth. And also, as China is a developing economy with large amounts of labor, instries are beginning to relocate in an effort to minimize costs and increase profits. The results of these relocations are that nations are beginning to try to limit the flow of Chinese goods with the use of taxes and import restrictions. Despite this tension, the effect of development on the Chinese economy has been massive. The rise of the Chinese domestic instry and the large amounts of trade with the international community have given the Chinese economy a large amount of influence. This influence will no doubt lead to even more development as China continues to expand its role in the international community.
⑹ 关于“中国制造”的英文翻译
“中国制造”的英文:Made in China
Made读法 英[meɪd]美[meɪd]
1、made to measure 定做的
2、made to order 定制的
3、lie in the bed one has made 自作自受
4、made out of whole cloth 纯属虚构..
5、bespoke 预定的
made近义词 successful
1、successful at 在…方面成功
2、successful in 在…方面成功
3、successful in business 在生意上成功
4、successful in fulfilling one's plan 胜利完成计划
5、successful with 做…事成功
⑺ 英语作文关于一些特别的东西在中国制造的
⑻ 求一篇制作中国菜的英语作文100单词左右随便什么菜都行
Chicken NoodlesEverybody both know how to cook chicken noodles in China. Now, let me show you the ways. First, check you have all the ingredients. You need chicken, noodles, vegetables and salt. Next, turn on the gars and put the chicken, noodles and vegetables into the pan. Then, pour the salt into the pan and you have to wait for five minutes. Finally, you can get a bowl of chicken noodles and eat it.
⑼ 中国制造, 的英文怎么写
中国制造的英文是:made in China。
例句:In the old China, we can't even make a nail, let alone machines.
1、make a beast 行动如傻瓜
2、make a bed 铺床,整理卧具
3、make a big hit with sb 给某人很好的印象
4、make a big row 大吵一场
v. (动词)
4、make偶尔可以用作系动词,意思是“达到某种状态”,表语多为certain,free,light,sure,little,much等形容词或as if从句。
⑽ 从中国制造到中国创造英语作文 高中演讲稿那种
Everybody looks for satisfaction in his life. They want to be happy. But if he seeks only pleasure in the short run, the person will soon run out of pleasure and life will catch up to him. They need to pursue the deeper pleasure of satisfaction in work and in relationships.