❶ 要一篇英语作文 要写 :我喜欢熊猫,因为他很可爱,我和朋友每个周末去动物园看熊猫。还有它爱吃竹子。
I like panda very much. Because pandas are very cute and lovely. My friends and I go to zoo each weekend to see pandas. Giant pandas love eating bamboos.
❷ 写一篇竹子在中国和西方的英语作文
❸ 写一篇关于不同文化的英语作文,孔雀,蝙蝠,竹子在中方文化中和西方
龙(dragon) 是中西方文化神话传说中的动物。中文里吉祥尊贵的“龙”与英文中邪恶凶残版的dragon 形成了鲜明的对比权。在中国文化中, 龙象征着吉祥、权威、高贵和繁荣。中华民族是“龙的传人”。在封建社会, 龙是帝王的象征, 历代皇帝都把自己称为“真龙天子”。时至今日, 龙在中国人民心中仍是至高无上的, 我们把自己的国家称作“东方巨龙”, 龙可以看作是中华民族的图腾。汉语中有大量的关于龙的成语, 诸如龙腾虎跃, 龙飞凤舞, 都展现了龙在汉文化中的文化内涵。然而在西方文化中, 人们却认为dragon 是邪恶的代表, 是一种狰狞的怪兽, 是恶魔的化身。中英文化的差异使同一动物词有不同的内涵, 给人带来的联想截然不同。人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念, 最好将其译成the Chinese dragon。如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”, 而不是“Four dragons”, 以免引起误解。
❹ 求一篇表达对竹子喜爱之情的英语作文。
Almost everyone has seen bamboo. Bamboo grows up straight and thin,
with branches at the top. It has long leaves.It looks like a tree, but it is
really a kind of grass.
There are more than five hundred kinds of bamboo.
Some grow over ten meters tall, and some are only a few inehes tall. Bamboo
grows best in places where it is warm and it rains often.
The long stem of
bamboo is hollow, which makes them light and strong.People use it to build
houses and bridges over rivers. It can be used to make tables,chairs, baskets
and many other things. Bamboo is also made into paper. The tender young shoots
of bamboo are tasty. People like to eat them.
Do you like bamboo?
❺ 急要一篇简单的介绍动物的英语作文,提示词:大象.袋鼠.熊猫.非洲.澳大利亚.竹子. 最好有翻译 谢谢了
I like a lot of animals, but my favorite animal is the panda. It comes from China, why did I love her? Because it is very cute, but it was very shy. Her body stout like bears, but the first round tail short, black and white fur and white head and body clear. It staple food of bamboo, but also addicted to love drinking water, most of the giant panda's homes are located near the water in streams, the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.
❻ 以中西方对雄孔雀、蝙蝠、竹子写一篇英语作文
龙(dragon) 是中西方抄文化神话传说中的动物。中文里吉祥尊贵的“龙”与英文中邪恶凶残的dragon 形成了鲜明的对比。在中国文化中, 龙象征着吉祥、权威、高贵和繁荣。中华民族是“龙的传人”。在封建社会, 龙是帝王的象征, 历代皇帝都把自己称为“真龙天子”。时至今日, 龙在中国人民心中仍是至高无上的, 我们把自己的国家称作“东方巨龙”, 龙可以看作是中华民族的图腾。汉语中有大量的关于龙的成语, 诸如龙腾虎跃, 龙飞凤舞, 都展现了龙在汉文化中的文化内涵。然而在西方文化中, 人们却认为dragon 是邪恶的代表, 是一种狰狞的怪兽, 是恶魔的化身。中英文化的差异使同一动物词有不同的内涵, 给人带来的联想截然不同。人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念, 最好将其译成the Chinese dragon。如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”, 而不是“Four dragons”, 以免引起误解。
❼ 中国孔雀,蝙蝠与竹子的意思与国外英语作文
fire in his hot blood which made him more tha
❽ “熊猫为什么吃竹子”的英语作文,大约200字求各位大神帮帮忙后面最好配上翻译,定采纳
1. The food. Panda main food is bamboo, bamboo sword but bamboo nutrients cannot very good absorbed by panda, 1 kg of bamboo, deer can absorb more than 60% of the panda is less than 20%, caused the panda eat n much bamboo every day. Every day of life is to walk (fixed line), eat, sleep. As with the mouse a virtue, as we go along...
2. Or food. Panda basic don't eat a bug, and basic eat bamboo, even don't eat a lot of other plants, picky about food, once after withered bamboo flowering, pandas will starve to death. Just met in the early 90 s, starved to death the panda.
3. Reproction. Panda estrus once a year, with the opposite sex after mating success probability is very small, I mean probability of conception.
4. The habitat. Wolong is the panda's house, because there is no natural enemies, the wolong leopard life altitude and the panda is not a level, so there was no panda activities within the scope of the deadly predators. In addition, the panda life altitude, there is bamboo, temperate zone in China, I'm afraid I don't have much choice.
5. This is my own opinion: pandas are actually killing is not a lot, because the panda no value... Don't like tiger, bones or medicine, skin is valuable, it is also a symbol of courage; Panda skin I don't know, but the bones and meat is... Kill pandas are no ability, gentle is famous...
❾ 制作风筝的材料,方法英语作文带翻译,内容简单些
(1) 我们先将竹子削光滑,,然后用火把竹子弯曲成型。
(2) 竹子经过加工修理,在绑扎时,应选一平整的工作台,拼放成型。
(3) 风筝骨架结扎完成后,接下来的就是把彩绘的纸糊在上面。我在纸上画了 一个孙悟空,爸爸把孙悟空涂上颜色后,就把风筝骨架用胶水粘在画有孙悟空的彩纸上。
Kite making
Material: bamboo (bamboo and bamboo interval must be straight to long), cardboard, line (including control's lines), glue, scissors.
(1) we'll take bamboo cut smooth,, then use torches bamboo bending forming.
(2) bamboo after processing repair, in binding, should choose a level off the table, put together shape.
(3) after the completion of the kite skeleton ligation, the next is the paste on paper coloured drawing or pattern. I on paper drew a sun wukong, dad put sun wukong color it, get skeleton kite with glue in the picture has sun wukong's paper.