『壹』 写一篇英语作文、现在大学迟到旷课是常见现象absent from class.保证出勤率对大学教育的重要性,急求,好的
『贰』 寻找一篇关于大学生上课迟到、早退、旷课这一现象的英语作文
Attend Your Classes Regularly
Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon thatsome university students are late for or even absent from classes. And stillthere are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over.Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.
In fact, it is very important for thestudents to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catchup with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you wantto do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way ofshowing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if thestudents do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect theirteaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularlywill help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance forthe students to do a good job in the future.
Therefore, we university students should formthe good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some daywe’ll benefit from it.
『叁』 英语作文:关于大学生逃课现象
kippingclasses is quite common in college campus in that students have more freedom oncollege than ever before. But why do they want to skip classes? Differentstudents have different reasons concerning it.
大学生逃课现象 Skipping Classes in College Campus英语作文
Thereare some reasons given by some students. First, some students skip theirclasses just because they don’t like the classes. They think that some classesare quite boring and time-wasting, as well as they can’t learn a lot from theclasses. Therefore, they skip this kind of classes to study indivially. Thisis one of the reasons for high absence rate in some public courses. Second,many students skip their classes because they lack of self-discipline and areinlged in other things, such as playing online games. They cannot controlthemselves well and finally lost their aim and motivation to learn. Inaddition, oversleeping and being ill are also the reasons for class absence.They consider that their absence will not be noticed if they teachers don’tcall over.
Thereare various reasons for skipping classes, but as far as I am concerned,skipping classes should not be advocated because students always can learnsomething from each class, no matter how boring the class is. In addition,skipping classes is a kind of waste of money. What’s more, attending classes isalso a kind of respect for our teachers. Therefore, please attend each class asmuch as possible.
贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人受伤Beckham Visited Tongji University Causing Stampede Accident
Beckham visit Tongji University on June 20th. He is scheled to Tongji Universityplayground to interact with Tongji team and Shen Xin youth team. However, thescene has been out of control before it starts because there are huge crowds offans there, some climb trees, some turn on the wall, and the guards maintainorder hand in hand. As the onlookers at the scene are too excited, there happensstampede. Students, staff and police are injured to varying degrees. As aresult, the activity is forced to cancel. David Beckham arriving there to left isless than five minutes. According to reports, there are at least five or sixpeople injured.
David Beckham arrives at the scene, with great popularity.The reporter at the scene sees the scene is packed with fans and audience. Thereare about a thousand people. Many people climb to the top of the building towatch, or climb over the wall to the stadium. The scene is out of control.
David Beckhamresponds to the iccident through Xinlang blog in4:39 p.m. I had an incredible response from everyone at Shanghai TongjiUniversity today; sorry I couldn't get out on the pitch to see the teams .Itwas impossible to get through the massive crowds. I heard there were a fewinjuries, hope the fans are ok and I wish them a speed recovery.
《大学生逃课现象 Skipping Classes in College Campus英语作文》(http://www.unjs.com)。我很想走到球场上去看看队员朋友们,但我没法穿过拥挤的人群,实在抱歉。听说发生了踩伤事故,希望受伤的朋友们没事,祝他们早日康复。
提高大学生的心理健康 How to Improve Student’s Mental Health
Moreand more people has begun to consider their mental health that plays animportant role in our daily life. Nowadays ,many students suffer from mentalillness ,which seriously influence on their study and daily life.
Consequently,schools should take effect measures to solve this problem. The mental healthconsul department should be built in school to help those students who sufferfrom mental illness. In this way, those who are subjected to the mental illnesscan get rid of the unhealthy shadow and build up their confident. On the onehand, school can provide a chance for students to show their tension. On theother hand, president and teachers should try their best to help those students.In addition, giving more concentration on their physical health would help themto rebuild their mental health.
Fromwhat has been mentioned above, as students, we should try our best tocommunicate with our, friends, parents or teachers. Last but not the least; weshould not hesitate to go to the mental health consult room for help when wehave trouble in mental illness. Only in this way, can we rece our mental illness,and we will become a strong and confident person in the end.
大学生社会实践 Social Practice of College Students
Nowadays,social practice has been brought to great concern among colleges anniversities increasingly. During summer or winter holiday, college studentsare encouraged and organized to participate in all kinds of social practiceactivities, such as part-time jobs, volunteering teaching and fieldwork.
Thereis no doubt that students can benefit a lot from social practice activities.First, they are provided with more chances and opportunities to contact withour real society and broaden their horizon. Second, it is a good chance forthem to apply their theory knowledge to practice and improve their ability. Third,students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their value.
However,there are also some things needed to be noticed in the process of taking partin social practice activities. For example, students should take care ofthemselves well and interchange labor and repose ring the work. In addition,they should not ignore their studies when they are working.
『肆』 大学生旷课英语范文
『伍』 英语作文:怎样看待大学生逃课问题
课堂乏味 难吸引学生
课堂乏味 难吸引学生
『陆』 急求英语作文,要求1.现在大学校园里迟到,早退,旷课是常见现象2保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性
1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象
2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性
3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做
As most of us become to adapt to the daily living and study of colleges, we start feeling exciting and comfortable. But beside these issues, we still need to pay much attention on our behaviors and what should we need to do and finish and obey. Late is one of those common defects of the students in the colleges. Leaving early is also a common bad phenomenon in the colleges. Last but not least, cutting is widely and happened in the colleges’ students most of time. Those are not good phenomena among the students and they will lead them to troubles and problems.
『柒』 寻找一篇关于大学生上课迟到、早退、旷课这一现象的英语作文
万分尊敬的**老师: 您好!在此我怀着万分沉重的心情向你做出深刻的检讨。以前的检讨,班里的老师批评我不够深刻,没有触及灵魂深处。为此,我首先重新学习了《学生守则》,一条条地对照检查,我严重违反了很多条,真是晚节不保。我早就有了深切感悟,痛定思痛过后我决定洗心革面,立志从新做人。 自从上你的课以来,本人表现欠佳。诸多缺点仍像饭堂里的苍蝇一样未能完全清除,老师说过一个人不可能一下子全部改掉自己的缺点,仍会被吸引。但我觉得自己比以前努力了,未有变本加厉之势,偶有犯之,实属无奈。偷懒之心仍被我保留,迟到之类的事还是常犯,更难得的是还从未认真地旷课过,以前不幸事情的发生纯属我的职业病,不知道为什么?我老是把上课铃声当成下课铃声,而下课铃声又被我当成是饭堂要关门的信号,我病得的确很重,为此我多次到卫生科、学生处等等部门进行救治,但总是失望而归,他们都说我没得救了,但我并没有气馁,通过这次的检讨,我已经找到了问题的关键。老师能让我写检讨,说明老师还信任我,在此我对老师的高风亮节感到由衷地钦佩,真可谓是:马遇伯乐,士遇知己。 守时守信历来被奉为中华民族的传统美德,是炎黄子孙的为人处世原则,是个共青团员理应具备的品质,是一个学生应当有的职业道德。当代大学生应该把遵守校纪校规作为最基本的行为准则。我迟到了几分钟,旷课了几节,虽然仅仅是几分钟,几节课。可反映的问题可不少,耽误了学习的时间。当然,这不能成为我迟到的理由。鲁迅先生说过:时间就是生命,某某人也说过:时间是知识增长的道路。看来我没有看清楚脚下的路。我只有认真反思,寻找错误后面的深刻根源,认清问题的本质,才能给集体和自己一个交待,从而得以进步。 古往今来,多少有识之士无不以追求时间而名满天下,孔子曰:“见不贤则内自省”。曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身”。这些古之贤哲的自我批评是这样的高尚,他们的内省是他们修身养性的功课。而我却把时间浪费在毫无用处的方面,和古人相比简直无地自容。在古人面前,我岂能不惭愧。现代社会是只有把握住时间的脉搏才能有发展动力的社会,现在,我正处在党对我的考验之中,党不断地教育我,磨练我,虽然我还没有达到党对我的要求,但我相信我很快就能达到。 现在我已经清楚的认识到:迟到、旷课决不是一件可忽略的小事。只要我还有两条腿可以走到教室上课,就没有任何借口,任何理由可以开脱。我只有认认真真思考人生有那么多事要做,那么担子要挑,就没有理由不遵守时间了。我相信,守时会成以我个人品格的一部分。 以前的我就像个流浪汉只能把未来的宏伟蓝图寄托于明天,殊不知明日何其多?心态就像垃圾桶里的垃圾,不能彻底的被处理掉。外界的诱惑像病毒侵入到我的体内,欲罢不能。可幸的是今学期遇到了老师的课,学到以前根本不了解的知识。于是未来的憧憬犹如枯木逢春,几次强行出校门去吃喝,但都良心发现了。以前看到学校饭堂里饭菜都会有严重的生理反应,但经过这几天身临其境的检讨,自我反思之后印象有所改观了,已经完全接受。这都归功与老师的惬心教育。 当前国内、国际形势一片大好,党中央吹响了改革开放的号角,各条战线上的工作者正努力为社会主义建设添砖加瓦。党和人民交给我的光荣任务是为将来的四化建设学好科学文化知识,而我们却沉溺于课外琐事,古人说得好:“玩物足以丧志”,感谢老师给了我及时的当头棒喝,将我及时从危险中拯救出来,今后我一定不辜负党和人民的殷切期望,为中华之崛起而努力学习。我希望自己能收回心思诚心改过,抛弃以前的缺点,早点立身于社会主义现代化建设。不过有时候上课,未能有良好的表现,睡觉、说话、搞小动作等等,原因是人逢喜事精神爽,难免激动,有所不敬老师,下次定不为。本学期所表现,甚感不满,但人在江湖,身不由己,诸多环境因素打破了自身免疫力,有待日后的改进。我知道这样的任务很艰巨,但我相信,只要老师耐心的等待,我成功的一天一定会到来的。 我平生思想独立,性情中人,好行侠仪义,快意恩仇。这点得到大家的认可,偶然荒废课堂时间去努力提高自己,也是在磨练自己的品格,但却有些过之。这学期我纪律涣散,我之所以不顾学校的三令五申而故意旷课、迟到、早退。思想根源,是由于一向不重视政治学习,资产阶级自由化思想乘虚而入。如果我还不悬崖勒马,后果将不堪设想。更为严重的是当老师批评我的时候,被我搪塞了过去,我的做法玷污了海大这块招牌,给集体抹了黑,给后来人以反面
『捌』 求一篇大一的英语作文,主题是关于大学生逃课问题
『玖』 如何看待大学生逃课行为英语作文100词