❶ 考研英语作文评分很严么
我的家乡连云港是一来个风景如画的源好地方。 就说著名的花果山吧,素有‘东海第一胜境’的美称。这里峰奇石怪,花果满山,景色十分美丽。如今的花果山上,玉女峰高高耸立在山上,庙宇亭阁大都整治一番,自然景色正如吴承恩所描写的那样。 家乡的大海也毫不逊色。夜色加浓,苍空中的‘明灯’越来越多了。尤其是海港周围的山坡上的那一片灯光,它们从半空中到映在海面上,像一串流动的珍珠,和那一片密布在苍海中的星斗互相辉耀,美极了。 我家乡的风景,别具一格,不管是风情还是这儿的人们,都很美! 毕竟家乡六月中, 春光不与四时同。 鱼虾水藻满池塘, 空气清新更美好。
❷ 高考英语作文改卷严吗
❸ 一篇英语作文,请严厉指出错误吧!
I like traveling around the world with my father. 缺动词
One day,we went to Hong Kong. 时态错
On first day,we went to Disney Park with them. 介词不对 不过问题不大
There were many games 时态问题
We were so excited that we eat many food,but 。。。自己看吧~
We stayed there for about three hours.时态~
It wasa short time and it was a big shame,too.
But we took lots of photos and we bought some presents.
We had a good time ring this trip.
❹ 英语作文家长和老师对学生要求过严
A, active with the parents of the students contact, seek common consistent ecation position.The teacher and the students' parents relation is in "chicken in the sound of dog smell silos," the situation is serious violations of the law ecation, teachers should actively with the parents of the students contact, communicating and understand each other, and seek for the consistent, take coordination steps. Deal with the relationship between teachers and students' parents, the most important is looking for in ecation in the process to have common consistent position.Second, listened to the views of parents and the suggestion, obtain guardian's support and cooperation.Any teacher, no matter how he has plenty of practical experience and profound theoretical culture, is impossible to put the complex ecation work be perfect, don't make any mistakes. And as the whole ?
❺ 英语作文:严厉家教
You're my man, my mighty king, And I'm the jewel in your crown, You're the sun so hot and bright, I'm your light-rays shining down, You're the sky so vast and blue, And I'm the white clouds in your chest, I'm a river clean and pure, Who in your ocean finds her rest, You're the mountain huge and high, I'm the valley green and wide, You're the body firm and strong, And I'm a rib bone on your side, You're an eagle flying high, I'm your feathers light and brown, You're my man, my king of kings, And I'm the jewel in your crown. 方法
❻ 考研英语作文这样会扣分严重吗
❼ 考研山东英语作文阅卷严格吗用模版可以吗
不知道你是哪一年考研,建议你作文一定要坚持写,不要光去背诵,那是没有任何用处的, 一定要多写,有条件的话写完之后让老师给你做出修改
❽ 中考英语作文扣分严吗
放心好了 不会全扣没的 那么多试卷老师看不了那么细的 就大概看下 字体漂亮干净 没什么污点的话就差不多了 再说英语作文主要看你语句是否通顺 有无语法错误 至于内容不会占多点分的 祝考好
❾ 2016mba英语作文评分严吗
❿ 高考雷同卷怎么抓的严么 我英语作文和别人错的一样或者对的一样能被抓么不懂的 滚