Ⅰ 800字英语作文 有关美国文化 很急!!
Modern American culture is a juicy burger of mass culture garnished with 15 minutes of fame. It owes as much to marketing savvy, communications technology and mass-proction techniques as it does to artists and entertainers. If you can name it, American companies have invented, packaged and disseminated it to as many consumers as cheaply and conveniently as possible.
The elusive concept of 'American-ness' is often defined by cinema and television. The advent of TV in the 1950s shook Hollywood's hegemony to its core, but both forms of media have managed to coexist, even operating synergistically. The global distribution of American movies and TV shows has shaped the world's perception of the country to a high, if not completely accurate, degree.
The American music instry is the world's most powerful and pervasive, though groundswell movements remain the driving force of American pop. African Americans' influence, including blues, jazz and hip-hop, can hardly be exaggerated.
Rap, America's inner-city sound, places an equal emphasis on an ultraheavy beat, sound montage, street cred and macho posturing. Its appeal to middle-class white America will no doubt bemuse sociologists for decades.
The US has churned out a veritable forest of literature. The illustrious lineup begins with Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Henry James and Edith Wharton, and moves into the modern era with William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Jack 'Backpack' Kerouac, Arthur Miller, both the Williamses, Saul Bellow, John Updike and Toni Morisson..
After WWII, the focus of the international art world shifted from Paris to New York. Artists leaving war-torn Europe brought the remnants of surrealism to the Big Apple, inspiring a group of young American painters to create the first distinct American painting style, abstract expressionism.
The relentless ascendancy of mass media gave birth to pop art. Slick, surface-oriented and purposely banal paintings like Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans are now American icons.
When we think of US cities, we think of skyscrapers, those architectural testaments to market forces and American optimism. Chicago is a living museum of high-rise development. New York boasts its fair share of stunners too. Despite increasing homogenization, rural America retains its idiosyncrasies, and distinctive vernacular architectural styles persist in New England (clapboard), California (Spanish Mission) and New Mexico (adobe).
American sports developed separately from the rest of the world and, consequently, homegrown games such as baseball, football and basketball dominate the sports scene. Soccer and ice hockey are runners-up to the Big Three. Urban America also invented the great indoors: aerobics and the gym, indoor skiing and rock-climbing - examples of what can go wrong when too much disposable income hits up against too little leisure time.
America’s history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and cultures. After that, American literature had been greatly influenced by the European culture for a long period. It was not until America’s independence, did Americans realized that they need national literature strongly, and American literature began to developed. The Civil War was a watershed in the history, after which American literature entered a period of full blooming. Romantics, which emphasized indivialism and intuition and Tnscendentalism represented by Emerson came out into being. This was an exciting period in the history of American literature. Like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same time. They have given depth and strength to American literature, and accelerated the forming of High Romantics. But e to the influence of Civil War, the American society was in a turbulent situation. The writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were increased. After The First World War, Americans were at a loss postwar, and the Modern American literature began.
My piece of paper is written in chronological order as these periods developed in order to have a clear outline of its progress.
Keywords: National Literature, Romanism, Transcendentalism, Local Color, Realism, Modern literature
Ⅱ 美国的传统文化英语作文80字
Culture of China
The Culture of China is home to one of the world'soldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement.Though regional differences provide a sense of diversity, commonalities inlanguage and religion connect a culture distinguished by such significantcontributions such as Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was the officialphilosophy throughout most of Imperial China'shistory and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia. Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterionfor entry into the imperial bureaucracy.
With the rise of Western economic and militarypower beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social andpolitical organization gained adherents in China. Some of these would-bereformers rejected China'scultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese andWestern cultures.
China is a unified nation consisting of many differentethnic groups. Fifty-six different ethnic groups make up the great Chinesenational family. Because the Han people accounts for more than ninety percentof China'spopulation, the remaining fifty-five groups are generally referred to as"ethnic minorities." Next to the majority Han, the Mongolian, Hui,Tibetan, and Uygur peoples comprise the largest ethnic groups. Although China's ethnic minorities do not account for alarge portion of the population, they are distributed over a vast area,residing in every corner of China.
Particularly since the implementation of China's openingand reform policy, the central government has increased investment in minorityareas and accelerated their opening to the outside world. This has resulted inan upsurge of economic development in these areas. Each of China's ethnicminority groups possesses a distinctive culture. The Chinese governmentrespects minority customs, and works to preserve, study, and collate thecultural artifacts of China'sethnic minority groups. The government vigorously supports the development ofminority culture and the training of minority cultural workers, and fosters thedevelopment of traditional minority medicine.
The relation among China's ethnic groups can bedescribed as "overall integration, local concentration, mutualinteraction." Concentrations of ethnic minorities reside withinpredominantly Han areas, and the Han people also reside in minority areas,indicating that there has been extensive exchanges among China's ethnicgroups since ancient times. With the development of the market economy,interaction among ethnic groups has become even more active in the areas ofgovernment, economics, culture, daily life, and marriage. Linked byinterdependence, mutual assistance, and joint development, their common goalsand interests creating a deep sense of solidarity, China's ethnic groups resemble agreat national family, together building Chinese civilization.
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Ⅲ 急求关于讨论美国文化的英语作文
American culture
The main content of American culture is the emphasize on indivials' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is indivialism: self first, personal need first, pursue of indivial benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving indivial value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized indivialism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.
American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes. Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind. Americans have very strong senses of success. Success is the pursuit of most Americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward. They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career. Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to ecate their children.
American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the society. The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom. Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to another. Unlike European countries, the social classes in America is not so stable. Further more, with the advocation of public ecation, movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible. Many people living in the states, no matter whether they are Native American or immigrants from overseas, have the same dream of changing their social class and make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts. This is what they often called "American dream".
Ⅳ 高分求介绍关于美国文化的英文作文~1000字左右~不胜感激~
Ⅳ 中国文化和美国文化区别的英文250词左右
In China, People are used to have rice and wheat as their daily main food resource. Chinese believes that rice, wheat, vegetables, fruits are the best for our health. In contrast, meat would be giving troubles to our health. Illness such as heart attack, high blood pressure.Whereas, in American, People mostly have beef, chicken, shrimp and turkey. In restaurants, you can easily find hamburger, steak, ribs with a little rice and a piece of bread. Most Chinese families like to cook the meals at home. When having their meal,
the family members will sit around the table and share the dishes together. In contrast, in America, not many of the Americans have their meal at home with their family members or sharing dishes on the same table.
In China, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are three ideologies which have greatly influenced the Chinese, such as the importance of ecation, respecting the elderly and parents, respecting the ghost and the gods in order to be well-being and the wheel of life. Due to the great influence of Confucianism, the Chinese always treat the elderly and their parents with respect. Therefore, Unlike the Americans, the Chinese will not call the names of their parents.
Most of the Americans believe in Christianity and Catholic. The Christians and Catholics often pray to God. We can see that the ideologies that people believe are quite different between Chinese and Americans. In comparison, the Americans are more open-minded while the Chinese are quite conservative. They believe that God bless them and they will be sent to heaven after they died.
Ⅵ “了解美国的文化”用英文怎么说
Understanding American culture
英 [ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ]
vt. 谅解; 理解,懂得; 熟知,通晓; 获知,理回解;
vi. 理解,懂得; 表示同情答或谅解; 据说;
n. 谅解; 认识,了解; 知识;
[例句]They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology..
Ⅶ 英语作文 李华向美国网友了解美国文化
Dear Tom,
How are you? I miss you. I’d like to introce the layout of my school to you.
Entering the campus, you will step on the main path leading through the whole campus. On the left of the crossroads is located the modern laboratory building while our splendid teaching building is on the right where we have fascinating lessons every day. At the end of the main path, the library on the left greets you and the gym is on the opposite side. Happily, we do sports after class in the football field which is between the library and the lab building; the basketball court faces the football field across the main path.
I love my school with students working hard to realize their dreams and teachers training us like our parents. Provided you can visit my school some day, I will show you around it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.
Li hua
Ⅷ 求一篇关于美国文化的英语作文
As we know,America is a young country,however,its culture is quite splendid,which is admitted by people all over the world,especially its fastfood culture.
In 1948,the Richards opened up the first fastfood restaurant,named Mcdonald's,beside a highway.In order to attract people passing by,they lifted up the golden neon signs,mainly selling out the hamburgers,milkshake,soda water and so on which are packed with paper bags.Due to it's convenient to carry with,those people that on the car can find the solution to eating,therefore,it's very popular with the Americans.Based on the instrial pipeline,a new kind of the fastfood came into being.With its appearance,a new lifestyle started to spread to the whole America,even affected the whole world later on.
In my opinion,the reason why the American fastfood is so popular owes to people's fast rhythm of life,and Americans are always seeking for the high efficiency no matter in their work or life.
Ⅸ 美国文化,美国风情,300字英语作文。求素材
金兵未灭,何以为家 北宋末年的民族英雄岳飞,在金人入侵的动乱年代里,立下了“还我河山”的壮志,他一生征战沙场,死而后已。当岳飞率领军队屡败金兵,建有大功的时候,有人赠送美女以示慰劳,岳飞说:“金兵未灭,难道是大将安乐的时候吗?”宋高宗要为他建宅第、立家室,以褒奖他的赫赫战功,他又辞谢道:“金兵未灭,何以为家?”岳飞一生矢志不渝,终于留下千古美名。 分析:人生短暂,什么最重要?有的人选择及时行乐,有的人选择舒适安逸,岳飞选择的却是为了自己的理想和抱负,为了更多人的幸福而放弃小我。 话题:“生命的价值”“享乐与追求” 童第周新婚别爱妻 1930年,童第周刚结婚,为了深造,他毅然告别了妻子,到比利时留学。他们坚信:“两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!”这一去,就是4年。妻子在家养育着孩子,还把菲薄的工资省下一些寄给国外几乎一贫如洗的童第周,他不禁热泪盈眶。4年后童回国,二人从此并肩在实验室探索着生物学的奥秘。 分析:求知者,有时近于无情者;看似无情,却是至情。 话题:“有情与无情”“追求” 李宁带伤比赛夺金牌 在奥运会上连夺3块金牌的李宁是带伤参加比赛的。1984年5月,严重的伤痛使他放弃了在南昌举行的全国体操赛。奥运会临近,伤痛稍有好转,他就参加训练,去洛杉矶后,有一天做双杠后滚翻直倒立拉臂时,一使劲,胸肌拉伤了,肩背也受伤,痛得他痉挛抽搐,攥紧拳头。可他瞒着教练,暗暗发誓:“拼吧,就是比赛后肩膀断了,我也认了!”就这样,李宁不仅靠他的体力、技术,还靠他的坚强意志夺得了3块金牌。 分析:金牌是重要的,比金牌更重要的是精神。体育场上最感动人们的,就是这种拼搏精神。 话题:“最重的金牌”“精神无价” 不达目的不罢休 语言大师侯宝林只上过三年小学,由于勤奋好学,他的艺术水平达到炉火纯青的程度,成为著名的语言专家。有一次,他为了买到自己想买的一部明代笑话书《谑浪》,跑遍北京所有的旧书摊也未如愿。后来,他得知北京图书馆有这本书。时值冬日,他顶着狂风,冒着大雪,一连18天都跑到图书馆去抄书,一部10万字的书,终于被他抄录到手。侯宝林正是凭着“不达目的不罢休”的坚强毅力,才成为一代相声艺术宗师的。 分析:语言大师侯宝林以他的行动告诉我们这样的道理:要想成就一番事业,一要勤奋好学,二要持之以恒。 话题:“笑声来自勤奋”“学习成就天才” 炙肘练笔 当代画家潘觐缋于上海艺专毕业后,回到家乡卖画为生。他在恶劣的环境下刻苦练画,常十几个小时不停地练。晚上他就在煤油灯下练画,还找到了治瞌睡的最好办法。每当夜间作画困意缠绕,难以自制时,他就把臂膀伸到灯罩上,滚烫的煤油灯玻璃罩发出“嗤”的一声。剧痛驱散了他的睡意,又提起精神继续作画。久而久之,他的左膀肘上留下几块黑色瘢痕。他刻苦学画作画,终获成功。他的鱼类画,风格特异,独树一帜,蜚声中外。 分析:学习既要讲究方法,也需要毅力。任何想投机取巧的人都不可能获得成功。 话题:“刻苦”“成功的法则” 王国维之死 王国维的文化生命中,最深奥的一笔是他的死。 关于他的死,赵万里《王静安先生年谱》有如下记载:“五月初二日夜,阅试卷毕,草遗书怀之。是夜熟眠如常。翌晨(即1927年6月2日)盥洗饮食,赴研究院视事亦如常。忽于友人处假银饼五枚,独行出校门,雇车至颐和园。步行至排云轩西鱼藻轩前,临流独立,尽纸烟一支,园丁曾见之,忽闻有落水声,争往援起,不及二分钟已气绝矣,时正巳正也。” 由此大体可以推测,王国维的死,不仅是一种主动的选择,而且平静得很,如同去赴一位老朋友的约会,没有丝毫激昂的成分。正是这种视死如归的平静,为王国维在文化史的坐标系上圈定了一个独特的位置。他并非死于具体的时事,而极可能是死于对他身处其中的文化精神的失望,对于中国文化中某些无法补救的缺失的绝望。从大的历史观来看,他的死,不仅不拘泥于一些具体时务,更超越了个体生命;他以死来将自己同沦落的文化分割开来——他看到,倘肉体不死,精神必定走向泯灭,所以,只有以肉体的死,换取精神的永生。这正是他的大清醒、大智慧处。当时恐怕只有少数有同感者看穿了这一点。 分析:宁静无悔的选择,似乎在追求着什么,也许是中国知识分子那内心深处的一种恬然吧! 话题:“选择和追求”“死亡与永生” 绝不气馁的贾平凹 贾平凹在大学中文系读书时,开始进行文学创作,他连连在校报上发 表诗作,并逐步将作品投向社会上的大小报刊,尽管那时他收到的退稿单比稿费单要多得多,但他毫不气馁,一如既往地看书、写作、投稿,终于获得成功。20年来,他以一枝灵秀之笔,写下了七八百万字的作品,出版了六七十部著作,数十次获得国内外各种文学奖。 分析:毅力是一种闪烁着勇敢者光芒的品质。失败了,不可怕,做一个有毅力的勇敢者,成功定是你的。 话题:“写作之路”“坚持就是胜利” 敢问路在何方唐玄奘25岁离开长安西游。进入沙漠后不幸迷了路,随身携带的一罐水也不慎掉了。四五天中曾多次昏倒在地,可是只要他一醒过来就继续前进,终于走出了沙漠他一路越戈壁、翻峻岭,经碎叶城,登帕米尔高原,闯铁门关天险,经历了近一年多的时间,终于到达天竺国,成为第一个周游古印度的中国旅行家。 分析:“古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。”唐玄奘的成功,更印证了东坡居士的这一论断。 话题:“路在脚下”“开拓者” 第七次努力 英国有个人人皆知的故事:古苏格兰国王罗伯特•布鲁斯,六次被入侵之敌打败,失去了信心。在一个雨天,他躺在茅屋里,看见一只蜘蛛在织网。蜘蛛想把一根丝缠到对面墙上去,六次都没有成功,但经过第七次努力,终于达到目的。罗伯特兴奋地跳了起来,叫道:“我也要来第七次!”他组织部队,反击入侵者,终于把敌人赶出了苏格兰。 分析:不经意间的一次发现改变了罗伯特的人生。蜘蛛本能的行为给了他启示,坚忍不拔的努力使他最终取胜。 话题:“坚持才能胜利”“信念” 无腿飞行将军 苏联卫国战争期间,阿列 克谢•梅列西耶夫的飞机被击落,他在双腿受伤、冻坏的情况下爬行了18个昼夜,最后回到自己的阵地。双腿截肢后,他经过锻炼,重又驾驶歼击机作战。他很重视人的体育积极性,这种积极性对健康和精神状态都是不可缺少的。他从童年时代起就喜欢运动,喜欢划船,踢过足球,当过守门员。他停飞后每天早晨拼命锻炼,每天早晨洗冷水澡,以此预防感冒。 分析:对于一个双腿截肢后又重回驾驶室的人来说,那绝对是一个奇迹。奇迹的发生需要一个支撑点,那就是毅力。 话题:“真正的残废”“残而不废”“精神的力量” 不留退路才有出路 古希腊著名演说家戴摩西尼年轻的时候为了提高自己的演说能力,躲在一个地下室练习口才。由于耐不住寂寞,他时不时就想出去遛达遛达,心总也静不下来,练习的效果很差。无奈之下,他横下心,挥动剪刀把自己的头发剃去了一半,变成了一个怪模怪样的“阴阳头”。这样一来,因为羞于见人,他只得彻底打消了出去玩的念头,一心一意地练口才,一连数月足不出室,演讲水平突飞猛进。经过一番顽强的努力,戴摩西尼最终成为了世界闻名的大演说家。 与此相似,1830年,法国作家雨果同出版商签订合约,半年内交出一部作品。为了确保能把全部精力放在写作上,雨果把除了身上所穿毛衣以外的其他衣物全部锁在柜子里,把钥匙丢进了小湖。就这样,由于根本拿不到外出要穿的衣服,他彻底断了外出会友和游玩的念头,一头钻进写作里,除了吃饭与睡觉,从不离开书桌,结果作品提前两周脱稿。这部仅用了5个月时间完成的作品,就是后来闻名于世的文学巨著《巴黎圣母院》。 两则事例都说明这样一个道理:断掉退路来逼着自己成功,是许多智者的共同选择。 “提灯女郎”南丁格尔 19世纪中叶,护士地位低下。出身名门的南丁格尔决心以身作则,改变这一现状,自愿当了一名护士。 1854年,英、俄在克里米亚开战,南丁格尔亲自奔赴前线。她替伤员清洗、消毒、包扎、按时换药、改善伙食,还经常跪在地上擦洗地板,洗涤带血的衣裤。每天晚上她都要提一盏灯,在4公里的巡诊线上,挨个查看病情,给伤员唱歌,送去安抚和爱心,从无间断。为此,她经常工作20小时以上,累得头发掉光仍然坚持不懈。由于她的努力,伤员的死亡率从60%降为0.3%。后来,直到英、俄停战,最后一名士兵离开战场,她才回到家园。回国后,她又把英国人民为奖励她而募捐的5万英镑悉数拿出,创办了世界上第一所护士学校。她还著书立说,为现代护理学的创立作出了巨大的贡献。 有鉴于此,国际红十字会在她逝世后,将她的生日5月12日定为“国际护士节”。英国人民为她立起了手持油灯的巨型铜像,“提灯女郎”南丁格尔被称为“英国历史上最伟大的女人”。 分析:南丁格尔奉献出了自己的时间与爱心,从而改变了整个世界对护士的看法。由此可见,个人的力量并不微小,关键看你愿意付出多少。 话题:“牺牲与奉献”“如何正视自己的工作” 悲情英雄——阿拉法特 阿拉法特从小就显露出了不受他人控制的独立精神和超乎常的组织能力,是同龄人中的佼佼者。在反英斗争中,年仅17岁的阿拉法特自告奋勇,从沙漠部落中购买武器,偷运到巴勒斯坦,一时成为巴勒斯坦人心目中的英雄。 1948年5月,第一次中东战争爆发,阿拉法特毅然投身于抗击以色列的战争中。在战火硝烟中,他看清楚了巴勒斯坦人的悲惨命运,认识到革命是惟一的出路。此后十几年的时间,他一直为保家卫国的理想舍身奋斗。 自由,比任何东西都来得更宝贵。阿拉法特朝着理想国度勇往直前,1993年,他与以色列总理拉宾签署了巴勒斯坦自治《原则宣言》,从而拉开了政治解决巴勒斯坦问题的帷幕。第二年,他结束27年的流亡生涯,回到阔别多年的加沙。1996年,阿拉法特当选为巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席,连任至逝世。 分析:自由是人们与生俱来的权利,阿拉法特的一生,正是对“不自由,勿宁死”的最好诠释。 话题:“禁锢与自由”“为理想艰苦奋斗” 爱拼才会赢我国数学家陈景润少年时就立志要在数学上有所作为,为了攻克“哥德巴赫猜想”,他整天进行演算,光计算过的稿纸,就整整装了几麻袋,终于初步论证了这一猜想,创造了欧洲人用计算机都没能做到的奇迹。 分析:对事业的追求通常来源于理想以及对事业的信念和拼搏。 话题:“理想与成才”“奇迹的诞生” 祖逖闻鸡起舞祖逖,晋朝人,胸襟开阔,不怎么讲究仪表,但却胸有大志。一天半夜里他忽然听到鸡叫,祖逖说:“这是吉祥的声音呀!”边说边下床,走到院子里舞起剑来。晋元帝时,祖逖任豫州刺史,北伐渡江之际,他叩着船桨发誓说:“不收复中原,誓不为人!”渡江以后,他率领部下与后赵石勒的军队相持,收复了不少失地,恢复了东晋黄河以南的许多领地。 分析:苦心孤诣,壮心不已,勤学苦练,必将有所成就。 话题:“成功与追求”“听其言,观其行” 一次成功就够了 以下是一个人一生的简历:5岁时,他父亲就去世了;14岁时,他从学校辍学,开始了流浪生活;16岁时,他谎报年龄参了军,而军旅生活也是处处不顺心;18岁时,他娶了个媳妇,可只过了几个月,媳妇就变卖了他所有的财产逃回了娘家;他曾通过函授学习法律,可不久又放弃了;后来,他卖过保险,卖过轮胎,还经营过一条渡船,开过一家加油站,但都失败了。 人到中年,他成了一家餐馆的主厨和洗瓶师,可因政府修公路而拆了那家餐馆,他又失业了;时光飞逝,眼看一辈子就这样过去了,而他仍一无所有。65岁那年,邮递员给他送来了他的第一份社会保险支票,他用这105美元保险金创办了自己的一份崭新的事业;88岁高龄时,他的事业终于大获成功。 他,就是肯德基创始人——哈伦德•山德士! 分析:一辈子都在追求中,只要一次机会,你就会成功;如果你放弃追求,再多的机会,你都不会成功。 话题:“挫折是一笔财富”“困境与成功” 李清照夫妇典衣治学 李清照夫妇二人勤俭度日,常典当衣物,“取丰千钱”,买来一些碑文古迹,回家研习,且全身心投入。她给自己立下规矩:不吃第二道荤菜,不穿第二件绸衣,更不置办贵重饰物。有时她在街市上碰见珍贵史料,宁肯脱掉身上的衣服典当,也要买回。 分析:李清照夫妇为世人所称颂,流芳百世,这与其对治学的不断追求分不开的。 话题:“治学贵在勤奋”“痴” 不下跪的人 1995年3月7日下3点,头天晚上加班到凌晨两点的珠海市南山工业区瑞进电子公司的工人,好不容易盼到10分钟的工休时间,工人们太累了,一名身体染病的女工实在坚持不住,伏在工作台上打起了盹。然而谁也没有想到,韩国女老板顺手操起一块线路板朝这位女工猛砸过去•……紧接着大发雷霆,吼叫着各生产线管理人员直身站立举起双手作投降状,然后叫车间工人统统跪下。人群中有一个人直直地站着,愤怒地望着这个外国妇人。女老板吼叫:“你为什么不跪?”这个人说:“我是不会给你下跪的!”这个中国青年员工的名字叫孙天帅。 分析:孙天帅身上所表现出来的不仅仅是“士可杀不可辱”的气概,更是中国人不畏强暴、毅然捍卫自身利益和尊严的爱国主义精神的鲜明写照。 话题:“别让精神跪下”“站立的人” 鉴湖女侠为近代妇女 解放吹响了第一声号角 在留学日本期间,秋瑾组织了中国最早的妇女团体——共爱会,并担任同盟会浙江支部的主盟人。秋瑾回国后在上海办《中国女报》,提倡妇女解放。她希望借着这份白话文女报,鼓励女子走出家庭,并赢得自己的尊严。还写出“休言女子非英物,夜夜龙泉壁上鸣”的诗句。 分析:当易卜生在《玩偶之家》中塑造了“娜拉”这一妇女解放的形象之后,也许就点燃了妇女解放的火炬。不管是娜拉,还是秋瑾,她们昭示的都是“人精神的反叛”,是对“一个人尊严的维护”。 话题:“男女平等”“解放自己” “看谁是蠢材” 徐悲鸿在欧洲留学期间,有一次在留学生的聚会上,一个金发碧眼的西方留学生站起来挑衅说:“中国人又蠢又笨,只配当亡国奴,就是把他们送到天堂里去深造,也成不了才!”一向温和的徐悲鸿抑制不住愤怒,走到这个傲慢无礼的洋学生面前,大声说:“你不是说中国人不行吗?那好,我代表我的国家,你代表你的国家,我们比一比,等学习结业时,看看到底谁是人才,谁是蠢材,你敢吗?” 1924年,徐悲鸿的油画在巴黎展出时,轰动了巴黎美术界。那个洋学生不得不承认自己不是中国人的对手。 分析:徐悲鸿能有那么大的成绩,除了扎实的绘画技巧,无疑有更深层的东西在支撑着他,那就是:国家、民族、个人的尊严。 话题:“民族之光”“尊严” 吉鸿昌:我是中国人 1931年9月21日,矢志抗日的吉鸿昌将军被蒋介石逼迫下野,到国外“考察实业”。船到美国,吉鸿昌就接二连三地遭到意想不到的刺激,如那里的头等旅馆不接待中国人,而对日本人却奉若神明。有一次,吉鸿昌要往国内邮寄衣物,邮局职员竟说 不知道中国。陪同的人对吉鸿昌说:“你说自己是日本人,就可受到礼遇。”吉鸿昌当即怒斥:“你觉得当中国人丢脸,我觉得当中国人光荣!”为抗议帝国主义者对中国人的歧视,维护民族尊严,他找来一块木牌,用英文在上面写上:“我是中国人!” 1932年,吉鸿昌回国,率领抗日同盟军,转战长城内外,给日军以沉重的打击。后不幸被敌人诱捕,就义前他写下了正气凛然的就义诗:“恨不抗日死,留做今日羞。国破尚如此,我何惜此头。” 分析:“我是中国人”,一声惊天霹雳,一身铮铮铁骨,吓退了多少人,惊醒了多少人。不以国弱而耻辱,不因国破而逃亡,这既维护了祖国的尊严,又维护了个人的尊严。 话题:“做一个中国人”“中国,我爱你”“骨气” 球王乔丹 篮球上帝乔丹在一次中国之行中,拒绝乘坐主办方为他提供的奔驰、宝马,而是点名要了美国的道奇山羊。原来乔丹有一条重要的商业原则,那就是“做广告从来只做美国货”,因为,座驾事件与“尊严”息息相关。 从某种意义上说,球场外的乔丹给崇拜他的那些青少年们上了堂很好的思想品德教育课,这才是一个“星”真正的道德良知和社会责任。相反,我们的各种“星”们,同样作为青少年们顶礼膜拜的偶像,他们的表现又如何呢?我们知道有的歌星歌唱得不怎么样,却热衷于把奇形怪态遁入极端;有些影星不在表演上下功夫,却老是以绯闻来炒作自己;还有那些所谓的足球明星,球踢得极烂,可酗酒、打架等丑闻不断。在未成年人思想道德建设方面,我们的“星”们有着不可推卸的社会责任,从这个角度来说,是不是应该好好学学人家乔丹呢? 分析:作为一名公众人物,在享有较高的社会回报的同时,也应该意识到其所肩负的社会道义和责任。 话题:“责任”“青少年领袖”