Ⅰ 什么叫材料型的英语作文举例说明
Ⅱ 考研英语作文该如何举例论证
1、不建议来太早开始复自习作文,提前1个月我觉得就够了。(每个人情况不一样,自己估计好自己的水准,掌握了会写了就行了) 2、最重要的是在背了至少五篇范文后,整理出自己的模板。自己的模板,这个很重要。我当时整理出了自己的三个模板(举例、列数据、陈述),然后不管碰到哪一类的题目,[基本]都能套用。背作文是有技巧的,我喜欢先背熟,然后自己再把全文默写一遍,发现能默写比光背记得牢靠多了。 3、熟能生巧,要掌握技巧,也要背各类主题的关键词。 4、坚持坚持,考研难在坚持。
Ⅲ 英语作文举例俞敏洪
俞洪, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, in 1962, a tiger, is seven一米七.
CMP strong person-chi, han in the rhetoric, humor refined. He is fluent in English, especially vocabulary work, a "Little Red Book" reputation in the instry, and editor-in-chief of the multi-CD sets of practical teaching, as a famous Chinese and foreign English language teaching experts, who founded the New Oriental School in Beijing is already occupied 80%, 50% of the overseas training market, training students in more than 150,000 people, 70% of students studying abroad is a disciple, as a result of his study of the outstanding contribution to the teaching profession, by society as "the godfather of study";俞洪-min far-sighted In a time when the cause of the sun at high noon, still in a pioneering spirit, in 2000, with the Chinese IT giant Lenovo Group strong combination, into the Internet, the establishment of a new online website Oriental, various elite to come under, like the generation before Shuai. Ran, "岁寒pines and cypresses,"俞敏洪today's achievement is suffering from the past, tempered by the failure: failed several college entrance examination, he was not discouraged, he would also like to repeat farming, supply, and finally in the third test in one fell swoop qualify as North Western University; After graation, students have to go abroad, he has failed on several occasions; his silence for seven years, teaching at the university, but also for seven years thinking
Ⅳ 英语作文的举例和原因怎么写,每次考试时总不知道怎么写
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Ⅳ 列举一些英语作文加分句型,最好有例句
从句基本上抄都会给你加分的,袭但是切忌不要用错了,只要是句式结构不单调,高考英语作文分数不会低的,除非汉语式英语,得不了什么分数!喔 顺便说一下 我现在学的ABC天卞英语中心的助教和我提到 事实上想将英语学好是轻松的 绝对有个适合的研习空间跟熟练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 发音纯正非常重要 不间断逐日练习口语,1&1家教式辅导才能有非常.好.的进步效率 课程结束后需要复习听取课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识;若真的是没有人可以指导的环境,就到可可或沪江拿到课余学习材料学习,多问多听短时间语境会提高起来 学习成效肯定会迅速明显的。
Ⅵ 谁能给我举例十种不同的英语作文体裁,顺便给我几个这
七月十日的早上,东方刚出现一片鱼肚白。我家的小福特车,满载着一家人的期待,和欢笑,朝海岸出发。当车子一进入海岸,首先映入眼帘的就是蓝天白云、海鸥翩翩的飞翔,我好高兴能看到这么湛蓝的海水,波浪起伏及岩石上的浪花,真是太美了!途中滨海公路两旁的峭壁,也是非常壮观。我不禁赞叹大自然真是鬼斧神工、沿路还有许多天然的小瀑布和侵蚀平台,都是大自然的杰作。进入了平原,眼睛不禁为之一亮,多美丽的绿野平畴,这是爸妈小时候的生长故乡。沿路也看到一个告示:“勿让大地赤裸,莫使绿野生疮。”就是提醒我们要爱惜大自然。到了风景区,又看到了满山的芦苇,在风中摇曳生 姿。山谷里到处都是鸟转虫鸣真是美不胜收。
Ⅶ 举例用英语怎么说
1.举例 give an example或cite an instance:
2.for example;举例来说
3.illustrate with examples或cite an example by way of explanation;举例说明
1.我这样说只是举例而已。I say so by way of example
Ⅷ 用举例和描述法写一篇英语作文。
Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.
We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.
Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into sbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our ty to protect the environment.