⑴ 英美语言差异的文章、谚语或者笑话。英文的。最好有中文翻译。
American-English differs from British or English chiefly because America's culturally different traditions exerted pressure on the English language, changing its tones, diction, forms, and rhythms until something identifiable as American English appeared. American poetry is verse written in this changed form of English.
The term American poetry is in some ways a contradiction. America represents a break with tradition and the invention of a new culture separate from the European past. Poetry, on the other hand, represents tradition itself, a long history of expression carried to America from a European past. American poetry thus embodies a clearly identifiable tension between tradition and innovation, past and future, and old forms and new forms. American poetry remains a hybrid, a literature that tries to separate itself from the tradition of English literature even as it adds to and changes that tradition.
American poetry could be defined differently, however, especially if it is not limited to poetry in English. Without that qualifying term, American poetry has its origins in the rich oral traditions of Native American cultures. Each of these cultures developed complex symbolic tales of the origins and history of its people, akin to great poems in the European tradition. These tales were performed as part of rituals and passed on through memorization from one generation to the next. Some of them have been translated into English. Yet these works tend to disappear from most histories of American poetry because they were part of ongoing performances based in spoken rather than written language. Moreover, their rhythms and sounds are bound to the native languages in which they developed. Similarly, there is a rich heritage of Spanish
⑵ 美式英语和英式英语的区别 英语作文
英式英语 vs. 美式英语
⑶ 关于英式英语和美式英语差异的英语论文。3000字。希望有经验的指导。在此谢过。
American English 美语 British English 英语
公寓 apartment flat
bathroom/restroom toilet
罐头 can tin
糖果 candy sweets
洋芋片 chips crisps
饼干 cookie biscuit
玉米 corn maize
对方付费电话 collect call reverse charge call
婴儿床 crib cot
尿布 diaper nappy
电梯 elevator lift
橡皮擦 eraser rubber
一楼 first floor ground floor
手电筒 flashlight torch
薯条 french fries chips
垃圾桶 garbage can stbin
汽油 gas, gasoline petrol
果酱 jelly jam
汽车的引擎盖 hood bonnet
生气 mad angry
数学 math maths
餐巾、擦嘴巾 napkin serviette
丝袜 panty-hose, pantihose tights
薯片 potato chips crisp
手提包 purse/pocketbook handbag
足球 soccer football
来回票 roundtrip return
人行道 sidewalk pavement
炉子 stove cooker
毛衣 sweater jersey, jumper
卡车 truck lorry
汽车后面的行李箱 trunk boot
假期 vacation holiday
abc American English 美语 British English 英语
考古学 archeology archaeology
目录 catalog catalogue
文明 civilization civilisation
颜色 color colour
马路牙子 curb kerb
抵抗 defense defence
草稿 draft draught
最爱 favorite favourite
荣誉 honor honour
珠宝 jewelry jewllery
组织 organization organisation
练习 practice practise
轮胎 tire tyre
目 前 在 全 世 界 有 上 百 种 不 同 的 语 言 被 使 用 着 , 但 在 地 球 上 只 有 一 种 语 言 是 广 泛 地 被 了 解 , 那 就 是 75% 世 界 邮 政 所 使 用 的 ; 在 商 业 、 外 交 、 科 学 及 观 光 方 面 所 使 用 的 ; 连 接 不 同 人 种 的 连 接 线 : 各 种 文 化 和 不 同 国 籍 之 间 的 共 同 了 解 ; 那 就 是 英 语 。 英 国 便 是 英 语 的 孕 育 摇 篮 , 她 是 英 语 最 初 萌 芽 的 国 家 , 她 也 是 使 用 英 语 最 纯 正 形 式 的 地 方 。 因 为 美 式 英 语 是 由 英 式 英 语 演 变 而 来 的 , 所 以 美 国 人 并 没 有 任 何 困 难 去 了 解 英 式 英 语 , 而 从 一 个 国 家 的 地 方 到 另 一 个 地 方 , 或 从 一 个 国 家 到 另 一 个 国 家 , 他 们 所 使 用 的 语 言 和 英 语 之 间 并 没 有 太 大 的 差 异 , 那 也 是 为 何 英 语 是 国 际 语 言 其 中 之 一 的 理 由 。无 论 是 英 式 英 语 还 是 美 式 英 语,总 之 我 们 听得 明 白 , 达 到 沟 通 的 效 果 , 就 不 怕 它 是 英 式 还 是 美 式 英 语了! 例 如 下 面 的 一 段 对 话 ;
Boy(American):What can I do for you?
Girl(britan):I'd like a piece of rubber,please!
Boy(American):.....Er,a piece of eraser?0.5 dollar,please!Anything else?
Girl(britan):I'd like some sweets,too.
Boy(American);No problem.All the candy we sell is sweet.
Girl(Britan);I see,so you sell sweet sweets!
英式英语(British English)和美式英语(American English)的差别是客观存在的,学英文的人会注意到两者之间的差异。其实世界上有很多种类的英文,即使在同一个国家,发音和语法也会有地域差别。两者之间最主要的差异在如下几方面:
It was a Tuesday and he wasn't back at work until the Wednesday.
I had been out of hospitable for six weeks.
英式英语:at the weekend 美式英语:on the weekend
英式英语:Some parents are talking about keeping their children off school.
美式英语:Some parents are talking about keeping their children out of school.
美式英语 英式英语
高速公路 freeway motorway
电梯 elevator lift
饼干 cookie biscuit
雨伞 umbrella brollie
汽油 gas,gasoline petrol
汽车 automobile car
大学校长 president chancellor
足球 soccer football
假期 vacation holiday
美式英语 英式英语
color colour
favorite favourite
honor honour
4.发音的差异也很大。例如 schele,advertisement。
有时候英语和美语闹到了“水火不相容”的地步:同样的短语或单词在英语和美语中意思相反。如put on the table在英语中意思为“研究,认真对待”,在美语中为“束之高阁”。可以想象,英国人严谨认真,家里和办公室都收拾得很整洁,因此把什么东西摆到了桌上,多半会“研究,认真对待”;美国人一般“不拘小节”,居所和办公室都很随便,一旦被放在桌上,恐怕是没指望了。又如homely可以用来形容女性,在英语中意思是“朴实无华的”,其评价态度是肯定的;在美语中意思是“不漂亮的”,其评价态度是否定的。联想英美不同的生活态度容易理解这一差别。
随着美国经济地位的加强, 越来越多的人采用美式英语.许多中国学习者也不例外.但要注意不要混用。比如不要在写作文和谈话时,一半英语,一半美语。尤其要注意谈话对象的国籍,比如当谈到first floor时,美国人指的是一楼,而英国人指的是二楼。其他说英语的国家又要示情况而定,看其倾向于哪国英语。比如加拿大多采用英式英语。另外,soft—drinks,m inerals——软饮品:汽水等不含酒精的饮料。美式英语的soft—drinks原来泛指不含酒精的饮料,包括汽水和果汁等,现时多用来指汽水,代替了原先的air—ate water。英式英语的minerals由于没有soft—drains那么通行的笑话、故事也很多,大家有兴趣的话,可多留心一下,并避免由于这种差异而产生交流中的误解。
从这次的研究课程中,我了解到英美式英语的差异,从而学会了在差异中学习 ,于交流中进步的道理!
目 前 在 全 世 界 有 上 百 种 不 同 的 语 言 被 使 用 着 , 但 在 地 球 上 只 有 一 种 语 言 是 广 泛 地 被 了 解 , 那 就 是 75% 世 界 邮 政 所 使 用 的 ; 在 商 业 、 外 交 、 科 学 及 观 光 方 面 所 使 用 的 ; 连 接 不 同 人 种 的 连 接 线 : 各 种 文 化 和 不 同 国 籍 之 间 的 共 同 了 解 ; 那 就 是 英 语 。 英 国 便 是 英 语 的 孕 育 摇 篮 , 她 是 英 语 最 初 萌 芽 的 国 家 , 她 也 是 使 用 英 语 最 纯 正 形 式 的 地 方 。 因 为 美 式 英 语 是 由 英 式 英 语 演 变 而 来 的 , 所 以 美 国 人 并 没 有 任 何 困 难 去 了 解 英 式 英 语 , 而 从 一 个 国 家 的 地 方 到 另 一 个 地 方 , 或 从 一 个 国 家 到 另 一 个 国 家 , 他 们 所 使 用 的 语 言 和 英 语 之 间 并 没 有 太 大 的 差 异 , 那 也 是 为 何 英 语 是 国 际 语 言 其 中 之 一 的 理 由 。 例如下面的一段对话;
Boy(American):What can I do for you?
Girl(britan):I'd like a piece of rubber,please!
Boy(American):.....Er,a piece of eraser?0.5 dollar,please!Anything else?
Girl(britan):I'd like some sweets,too.
Boy(American);No problem.All the candy we sell is sweet.
Girl(Britan);I see,so you sell sweet sweets!
英式英语(British English)和美式英语(American English)的差别是客观存在的,学英文的人会注意到两者之间的差异。其实世界上有很多种类的英文,即使在同一个国家,发音和语法也会有地域差别。两者之间最主要的差异在如下几方面:
It was a Tuesday and he wasn't back at work until the Wednesday.
I had been out of hospitable for six weeks.
英式英语:at the weekend 美式英语:on the weekend
英式英语:Some parents are talking about keeping their children off school.
美式英语:Some parents are talking about keeping their children out of school.
美式英语 英式英语
高速公路 freeway motorway
电梯 elevator lift
饼干 cookie biscuit
雨伞 umbrella brollie
汽油 gas,gasoline petrol
汽车 automobile car
大学校长 president chancellor
足球 soccer football
假期 vacation holiday
美式英语 英式英语
color colour
favorite favourite
honor honour
4.发音的差异也很大。例如 schele,advertisement。
有时候英语和美语闹到了“水火不相容”的地步:同样的短语或单词在英语和美语中意思相反。如put on the table在英语中意思为“研究,认真对待”,在美语中为“束之高阁”。可以想象,英国人严谨认真,家里和办公室都收拾得很整洁,因此把什么东西摆到了桌上,多半会“研究,认真对待”;美国人一般“不拘小节”,居所和办公室都很随便,一旦被放在桌上,恐怕是没指望了。又如homely可以用来形容女性,在英语中意思是“朴实无华的”,其评价态度是肯定的;在美语中意思是“不漂亮的”,其评价态度是否定的。
随着美国经济地位的加强, 越来越多的人采用美式英语.许多中国学习者也不例外.但要注意不要混用。比如不要在写作文和谈话时,一半英语,一半美语。尤其要注意谈话对象的国籍,比如当谈到first floor时,美国人指的是一楼,而英国人指的是二楼。其他说英语的国家又要示情况而定,看其倾向于哪国英语。比如加拿大多采用英式英语。另外,soft—drinks,m inerals——软饮品:汽水等不含酒精的饮料。美式英语的soft—drinks原来泛指不含酒精的饮料,包括汽水和果汁等,现时多用来指汽水,代替了原先的air—ate water。英式英语的minerals由于没有soft—drains那么通行的笑话、故事也很多,大家有兴趣的话,可多留心一下,并避免由于这种差异而产生交流中的误解。
⑷ 英美文化差异 英语作文
1. Different social attitudes: The british are, in some ways, less conservative than Americans - the drinking age is 18, not 21, homosexual civil unions are legal, and abortion hasn't been a serious political issue in years. Mixing religion and politics is extremely rare in the UK. On the other hand, there are stricter controls on some things - it's much harder to get a driving licence, and the age requirement is higher than in most states, there are speed cameras everwhere, CCTV cameras in many public places (although they may or may not be working), and carrying weapons or other objects for "self defence" is illegal (in particular, note that pepper spray is illegal).
Getting into a debate about the right to bear arms will be very time consuming, and may also lead people to think that you're a gun-nut before they've got to know you properly.
Smoking in enclosed public places is illegal - that includes pubs, the underground, train stations... more or less any non-residential building actually... (similar to New York, so not so much of a cultural difference there).
2. The British apparently have a wider vocabulary of swear words than Americans. While most Britons will use them fairly freely in a social setting, things are a lot more reserved in formal settings & talking to strangers.
3. Pubs. I've not yet encountered an American "pub" which bears more than a passing resemblance to a typical British pub. People might go to a pub just to drink and socialise, have a pub lunch, or as part of an attempt to get alchohol poisioning (otherwise know as a "pub crawl"), as well as to watch sporting fixtures (which seems to be the main purpose in America). Going to the pub does not usually imply getting drunk. Although the drinking age is 18, bartenders are supposed to ID anyone who looks under 21.
4. Roads. Though I doubt your friend will do much driving, he should be aware of the following things: Most cars in the UK have manual transmission. Cars are smaller and more efficient, petrol is more expensive. Speed limits are higher, but enforced more rigourously. Driving in London is not worth it. Central London has a congestion charge, and is very congested, and the major motorways around London are thick with traffic at peak times. Roundabouts ("traffic circles") are very common and are used at motorway junctions. In rural areas, it's not uncommon to drive down narrow single track roads with tall hedges on either side.
5. Ecational stuff: The UK ecation system works differently, as he's probably aware. Asking people about their "High School" "GPA" "Major" or "Minor" will make people think he assumes that things work the same in the UK as in the US. In the UK, "High School" is roughly equivalent to secondary school and college (college is not used to mean university). Important exams are GCSEs and A levels, which are graded with letters and related to specific subjects. There are no majors and minors in the UK university system - there's just whatever degree you're studying.
这是比较详细的版本,可以自己删改一下,或者google一下difference between british and american culture,会有更多的资料。希望能帮到你!
⑸ 英式英语与美式英语的区别 从英语作文上看
1. 美式英语里通常将英式英语里的字母组合our中的u省去,如favourite /favorite;neighbour / neighbor; colour / color
构词时英式英语中单词要双写最后的辅音字母,而美式英语则不需要,如traveller / traveler;labelled / labeled
3. 英式英语中有一些单词名词形式中的c在动词形式中要变成s,但是美式英语中不存在这样的情况,全部都用c,如practice/practise在英式英语中前者为名词,后者为动词,而美式英语中不论动词名词都是practice。再比如英式英语中的license和license,在美式英语中都为license。
4. 一些在英式英语中以re结尾的单词在美式英语里以er结尾,如centre/center; metre/meter。
5.一些英式英语中的单词以gue结尾,但美式英语中统统以g结尾,比如dialogue/dialog, catalogue/catalog
首先在某些词组或习语中,美式英语和英式英语的介词用法不同,例如:on the weekend/at the weekend(在周末)、around midnight/about midnight(约在半夜)、on the train/in the train(在火车上) 等。
此外在英式英语中,集合名词(比如committee, government, team等等)作为单数和复数都是可以的,不过更多的情况下往往是倾向于复数,用来强调小组里的成员们。相比之下,在美国,集合名词总是单数形式,强调群体作为一个整体。
⑹ 我想要一篇写英美英语差异的英语作文、急求!!!
The culture differences between the East and West
As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America.
It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children.
The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.
In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheersto our country.
Any answer between two very varied groups of people has to be purposefully vague even if you limit it to just the English rather than all the British peoples.
On the whole, without going into the murky area of the English idea of class there are only two huge generalisations that come to mind.
1. Americans are polite, the English are proper.
2. An American will tell you they are good, an English person would rather you not.
I would take point 1 to encompass more generally an American liking of rules and regulations while the English preference for unwritten common sense in appropriate action.
For point 2, American society is more self cantered, combatitive and for want of better words “egotistical”. An American will come in and say I know you should do it this way and fall flat on their face if they get it wrong. The English would rather show appropriate “respect” to other peoples positions as it is likely that someone else will know best (even if their position is good). This can lead to American thinking that Brits are snobs for not giving time to their opinions and the Brits thinking Americans are just being loud and self important, not realising that person X over there is an expert in it. You can often find this in conversation that an American will be quite happy to give their views and sound knowledgeable on many subjects. You will have to prise any detailed POV from an Englishman after much questioning but they will generally know a whole lot more than they first let on.
I would disagree that any answer is a result of age of civilisation or perceived American multiculturalism. Middle American Main Street is very similar to the English town high street in terms of cultural variation. Some will point out large cultural differences in the big cities but Major English cities have this too. London is at least as multicultural as New York. The US maybe founded on immigrants but the UK has be trading people with Europe for millennia, has local cultures (e.g. the Cornish) running back over centuries and had huge waves of immigration from the Empire. Both cultures as they are perceived today are a result of the instrial revolution creating the modern metropolis and the subsequent universal suffrage and institutions that this proced. Modern England was created out of the English Civil War which is not far removed from the first major US colonisations and the Declaration of independence.
Basically, England and America have a lot in common (ancestry, language, some traditional practices), primarily because America used to be a British colony. Some of the differences are: the British are more formal in their manners and language, they're more traditional than Americans, they have one of the oldest monarchy in the world and some still practice ancient religion (Druids, Wiccans).
The British lean more on the whimsical (Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland) the classical(Jane Austen, Henry James, E.M. Forster, Lewis Carroll), and their food is more adventurous than American fare. Whereas Americans, since it's a younger nation, are more into modern ways (manners, etc.).
So you are ready to move to the US: You've been to the states a few times, maybe longer; you've dated or are married to an American; you've studied up on US history, or read every story written last year by every newspaper in the UK about America; you're a big fan of American movies. And after all, it's the same language. Simply put--you know America, and you are ready to come over!
You are in for a big surprise.
There are tremendous cultural differences between the US and the UK, despite having many similarities. People talk different, and not just in the accent or the words, but the general tone and meaning. They have different ways of making friends, finding jobs, interacting at the office. The social system is vastly different from what you know, and religious differences may come as a bit of a shock.
And when all this comes together as part of a big move, you can find yourself wondering 'what have I done???'
In some ways, try to envision being an expat in rural Mongolia, with a different language, culture, climate, time zone--in essence, nearly everything vastly changed from what you accustom to. You go in knowing it is going to be an adventure--there will be things that don't make sense and things that seem strange. Approach your trip to the United States in a similar way, something radically different from what you expect, and you may find the transition goes a little more smoothly than those who think it is just a simple 'hop across a big lake'.
Now, as for some specifics...you could write a book, or several, on some of the differences. Without trying to get into stereotypes, a few observations:
1) Americans are outwardly very friendly, they will talk to strangers in a store, laugh with someone at a bar, and help their neighbours in a pinch. That said, many ex-pats have reported difficulty in making 'really close friends' like they had back in the UK. The friendliness is only on the surface, so many report.
2) Americans generally do not like / 'get' satire. Some ex-pats claim "they just don't understand it" while many Americans think it "is just a waste of time by those who have nothing substantive to say." Satirical comments in the workplace are almost always misunderstood, and generally not done in social settings either.
3) Many Americans are very family-oriented (at least those with families). Family life is an endless parade of school musicals, extracurricular sports, birthday parties and the like. Many new ex-pats report exhaustion trying to keep up with all the things to do with the kids when they come to the states.
4) The majority of Americans have never been abroad. They may have heard of Spain but have no clue about Ibiza for example. American media does not speak much about Europe, let alone the rest of the world, and the issues facing 'Brussels' and the 'EU' are of absolutely no interest whatsoever to 99.999% of Americans (in fact, polls indicated that a majority has negative feelings toward the UN). On the converse, the United States is a huge country. You could fit most of Europe in only 1/2 of the area of the United States. If you want a more direct comparison--the entire land mass of the United Kingdom could fit within the state of Michigan. Go look at a map of the US to get an idea. Many Americans feel they simply haven't seen enough of their own country to warrant travelling abroad to see another country. Just as Americans are made fun of for not seeing the world, many ex-pats are ridiculed for seeing only New York and Florida or other large 'tourist' cities without seeing the vast expanses in between.
To add, many people just don't get enough holiday time to make it financially worthwhile travelling abroad, with holiday - "vacation" time often being as low as 7-10 days a year, and in some instances that includes sick days, the norm being that you have worked for a year before really getting any holiday entitlement...because of that, you'll see a live to work rather than a work to live outlook on life.
5) Most Americans are 'hyphenated-Americans' and proud to boast of Scottish or Irish or German or Italian ancestry, even if it has been centuries since anyone in their family lived overseas. It is said that Europeans do genealogy to prove who they are whereas Americans do it to see who they were and what they've become. Many Americans like to remember this not because 'they like the Old Country' but they like to show that their family was once immigrants who dreamed of a better life 'in America'. By pointing out that fact (and hopefully living a good and successful life), many feel they are honouring and meeting their ancestors wishes and dreams.
6) Americans will joke about English people's teeth, for what it is worth. If you ever get into an insult match, expect some dentistry comments. Monty Python and the 'Killer Rabbit' with 'Big Gnarly Teeth' is as much to blame as any British dentist.
7) Making friends can be daunting. While for someone in their 20s they can reach out to folks who are also 'just starting out' and eventually form some lifelong bonds, for some who are older, in their 30s and 40s, with kids and a family and their own way of doing things, meeting others can be difficult. Some put it down to Americans being somewhat cold to newcomers, but others note that the older you go, the harder it becomes to make friends in nearly every culture. Don't expect that the people you meet in your first few months are going to be as close as the ones you went to school and university with back in the UK. It will take time, and as it was back in the UK, cannot be rushed.
⑺ 英式英语和美式英语的区别的英语作文
Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, for example). This kind of formal English, particularly written English, is often called "standard English".
British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although most dialects of English used in the former British Empire outside of North America are, to various extents, based on British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms and vocabulary. Chief among other English dialects are Canadian English, based on the English of United Empire Loyalists who left the 13 Colonies,and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.
⑻ 英语作文:英美英语之间的差异
·小学英语袭作文 ·初中英语作文 ·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·@#英语写作资料 ·GRE作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思考试作文 ·英语六级作文
⑼ 澳式英语与美式英语的不同 最好有英语作文描述
Nowadays English has been developing into a global language. As a
message carrier, English fully reflects the unique cultures possessed by the
British and American countries. The first part of this paper investigates the
differences between the British English and its American counterpart from
politics, economy, social life, culture, and geography. Then the underlying
causes of the differences are exposed in the second part through which the role
cultures have played in shaping as well as circulating a language is
highlighted. All in all, since English is characterized by its huge vocabulary,
great tolerance, and conciseness, it leaves little room for argument that
English will be well on its way to be a diversifiedmon language.
words: British English; American English; cause of change;
English)和美式英语(American English)。本文将就语言的发展变化、变化原因、以及语言发展趋势进行阐述。通过研究,我们从英式英语和美式英语的差异,可以看出社会文化因素对语言的产生和流传有决定作用,通过以上对语言发展的原因和特色的分析,我们可以认识到一些英美文化的特征,而认识和了解这些特征无疑能帮助我们更准确地理解英国和美国,而对英式英语和美式英语的这两大变体的研究也让我们对语言特别是英语语言的发展有了充分的认识。