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发布时间:2021-01-04 03:49:42

A. 高中英语作文常用句子

It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为专……

Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…


A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……

B. 高考必背英语作文

01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm-two entirely different movements. Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conctors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 02 Schooling and Ecation It is commonly believed in United States that school is where people go to get an ecation. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their ecation to go to school. The distinction between schooling and ecation implied by this remark is important. Ecation is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Ecation knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of ecation can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, ecation quite often proces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in ecation from infancy on. Ecation, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life. Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an alt, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the working of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that there not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling. 03 The Definition of “Price” Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which procts and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the procts bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices. The price of any particular proct or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly selected indivials to define “price”, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a proct or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a proct or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the proct or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the proct or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price. 01语言的音乐

画家,他或她的成品的照片挂在墙上,每个人都能看到它。 作曲家写完了一部作品,但是没有人能听见它直到它被执行。 专业歌手和演员身负重责,作曲家依赖于他们。 一个学习音乐的人一样,需要经过长期艰苦的训练而成为一名演奏家就像医科学生要成为一名医生。 大多数的训练都是技术性的,因为音乐家们都必须肌肉像运动员和芭蕾舞演员。 歌手每天练习呼吸,因为他们的声带必须没有肌肉的有效控制不足。 弦乐演奏时感人左手的手指上升和下降,而绘画船头来回右臂前后完全不同的动作。

歌手和乐器必须使每个音符完全合调。 钢琴家就没有这烦恼,因为音调早已在那等着他们,钢琴定调音师来调整仪器。 但他们有自己的难点;锤打在琴弦钢琴不听起来像打击乐,还有每个叠音必须发清晰。


技术是没有用的,除非它是结合音乐方面的知识和理解。 伟大的艺术家是那些语言驾轻就熟的音乐,能演奏写于任何时代的作品。

人们普遍认为在美国那所学校是人们受教育的地方。 然而,也有一种说法,认为今天的孩子们上学打断了他们受教育。 学校和教育之间的区别此观点暗示了是很重要的。

教育是比上学内容更综合和全面。 教育是无限的。 它可以发生在任何地方,不管在淋浴时还是在工作中,无论是在厨房或拖拉机上。 它既包括发生的正规教育,在学校和非正式学习的所有领域。 教育的代理人可以是德高望重的老者也可以是广播中辩论政治的政客,可以是小孩也可以是一个杰出的科学家。 上学读书多少有点可预见性,而教育往往能带来意外的发现。 与陌生人偶然的一次谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其宗教所知甚少。 人们从幼时起就开始受教育。 因此,教育是一个非常丰富的词。 教育是一个终生的过程,这个过程的开始,长在进入学校之前就开始的,应该是一种人们整个生活的组成部分。

从另一方面来说,学校教育是一种特定的,正式的过程,一般模式的预设的一点一滴变化到下一个。 在全国,孩子们到学校在大约相同的时间,坐在指定的位置,接受一个成人的教学,使用相同的教材,做作业,考试等等。 的现实生活中的一些片断,无论他们是学习字母或对政府工作的理解,通常都会科目范围的限制被教导。 例如,高中生们知道没有可能发现他们的课程中,他们社区政治问题的真相或知道最新上映的试验。 有一定条件下的过程学校正式教育。

价格决定资源的使用方式。 他们还种的产品与服务在买方中的配给有限。 美国的价格系统是一个复杂的网络的价格所组成的一切产品买卖经济中无数的服务,包括劳力,专业人员、交通运输、公共事业服务。 所有这些价格的关系构成“系统”的价格。 任何特定的价格与产品或服务的一个广泛的,复杂的系统的价格,似乎一切东西都靠或多或少在一切。

如果你问一群随机选取的个人定义“价格”的时候,许多人会回答那个价格一定数量的钱给买方,卖方的产品或服务,或,换句话说,价格的钱的产品或服务的价值约定在市场交易。 该定义就其本身来说自有其去。 对价格的完整理解在任何一个特定的交易的,远不止涉及的金额一定要知道。 买卖双方不仅应熟悉的,但是随着金额的质与量的产品或服务,交流的时间和地点发生并且交易所将付款方式,这种形式的钱被使用,本信用证条款和折扣,适用于交易,保证的产品或服务,交货条件,还权限,以及其他因素。 换句话说,买家和卖家都应当充分意识到所有的因素构成整个“包裹”(“包裹”用于交换所需资金,以便评估一个既定价格。

C. 给我高中英语作文常用单词汇总。

1.不可否认It is undeniablethat./There is no denying that.
2.采取措施 take effectivemeasures to do sth./something effective must be done to. 3.充分利用 make full use of/take advantage of
4.大有裨益 do good to/be beneficial to 5.导致引起 lead to/give rise to/contribute to
6.对„„有害 do harm to/be harmful to 7.奉献社会 make contributions to society 8.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly/There ia no doubt that
9.交流思想 exchange ideas/emotions/information 10.交流情感 exchange emotions 11.解压减负 relieve stress/burden 12.经济负担 financial burden
13.开阔眼界 widen one's horizen/broaden one's vision
14.课业负担 too much homework/heavy burden of homework
15.普遍认为 It is commonly believed /recognized that
16.恰恰相反 in contrast/on the contrary 17.热烈讨论 have a heated discussion/debate
18.投身于 be devoted to 19.心理负担 psychologicalburden
20.扬长避短 adopt one's good pionts and avoid the shortcomings
21.引起关注 draw public attention 22.与某相比 compared with/in comparison with
23.与时俱进 keep pace with times 24.自然资源 valuable natural resources 25.综合素质 comprehensivequality 26.遵守秩序 observe public order/observe discipline
27.把时间精力放在„„上 focus one's time and energy on
28.不可推卸的义务 unshakablety 29.产生有利影响 have positive effects on 30.产生不利影响 have negative effects on 31.持不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue
32.考虑到多方面因素 take many factors into account/consideration
33.扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge
34.切实减轻我们的课业负担 effectively rece our heavy homework assignments 35.身心两方面 both physically and mentally
36.我们生活的各方面 in all aspects of human life
37.因特网方便快捷 It's convenientand efficientto use computer and the Internet.

D. 高中英语作文必背句子

It is obvious/ apparent that China is getting more and more powerful.
002. 我突然想到可以请李老师帮忙。(occur)
It suddenly occurred to me that I could ask Mr. Li for help.
003. 他一离开家天就开始下雨了。(倒装)
No sooner had he left home than it began to rain.
Hardly had he left home when it began to rain.
004. 据说,这个岛还会发生地震。(It is said that)
It is said that another earthquake will hit this island.
As is known to all,Taiwan is part of China.
He preferred to stay at home rather than see the film.
007. 我们两人持有相同的观点。(share)
We two share the same opinion.
Others don’t share the same view.
Others think quite the opposite.
008.许多人还认为女孩没有男孩珍贵。(hold the belief)
Now many people still hold the belief that girls are not so valuable as boys.
009. 竞赛结果会很快就公布。(be made known)
The result of the competition will be made known to the public soon.
010. 尽管他失败了三次,他还决心再试一次。(be determined to)
Though he failed three times,he was determined to have a fourth try.
011. 只要你努力,你一定会成功。(as long as)
As long as you work hard, you will succeed.
012. 他在街上散步时,突然看到两辆车相撞了。(when)
He was walking in the street when suddenly he saw two cars run into each other.

E. 高一英语作文必备句型

一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分:
How nice to hear from you again.
Let me tell you something about the activity.

I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.
I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit.
I’m writing to thank you for your help ring my stay in America. 结尾部分:
With best wishes.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 二、口头通知常见写作模板
Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.
All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes.
Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 结束语部分: Please come and join in it.
Everybody is welcome to attend it. I hope you’ll have a nice time here.
That’s all. Thank you.
第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)
Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文:
第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)
Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由) 第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)
Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)
第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点) オ 2.“A或者B”类议论文模板:
第1段: Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because
I think A has more advantages.
第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...(赞同A的原因)
第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势)
第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)
3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入:
As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)
The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:
第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:
第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to"类议论文模板: 导入:
第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段: Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following
may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)
第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法) 四、图表作文写作模板
The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题. The first thing we notice is that 图表最大特点 . This means that as (进一步说明).
We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节一 . After 动词-ing 细节一中的第一个变化, the动词-ed+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化) . The figures also tell us that图表细节二 . In the column, we can see that accounts for (进一步描述).
Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that (结论). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that (给出原因). / It is high time that we (发出倡议).
五、图画类写作模板: 1.开头
Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...
As we all know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something in my daily life. 3.结尾句 In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../As has been stated...

F. 高中英语作文常用的套话





I....has both advantages and
1.Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.
2.Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages.
3.Com pared with cars,bikes have their advantages and disadvantages.

1.Although computers bring people a lot of convenience,they have many
2....has many advantages.For example,...However,just as every
coin has two sides,...has its
disadvantages.(本例将利弊分开讲,转折过渡自然。just as every coin has two sides也很值得背诵。)

II....play(s)an important role /part
1.Computers play an important role in science and technology.
2.Computers play a more and more important role in our life.
Computers play an increasingly important role in our studies.
3.Ecation plays an important part in developing our mind.
4.Addiction to alcohol and drugs play a role in homelessness.

1.Advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.
2.In the past,letters played a decisive role in long-distance
communication.But now ,telephone,email,fax have taken their place.

III.With the development of...,随着……的发展,例如:
1.With the developm ent of our econo- m y,m any Chinese fam ilies can
afford a car.
2.With the development of our economy and society,pollution is more
and more serious.
3.With the rapid development of science and technology,people can get
a college degree by taking online-courses at home.
4.With the current social and technological developments,employees
with more knowledge and higher academic degrees are needed.

1.With the rapid increase of China's population,housing problem is
becoming more and more serious.
2.With more and more women entering society,people's attitude towards
women is changing.
3.With the deepening of Chinese reform and opening up,an increasing
number of Chinese
families can afford a car.

随着中国改革开放的深入,越来越多的中国家庭买得起车了。(“越来越多”除了常用的more and more外,还可以用an increasing number of, a growing number of,a significant number of,a great number of等来表达。)

IV.When it comes to...,some people think /believe
that...,others argue /claim that opposite /reverse is true.There is probably
some truth in both arguments
本结构先用when it comes to ...引出话题,再用some...others
...这个对立的结构引出了两种相反的观点,然后说There is some truth in

TV,a good thing or bad thing

When it comes to TV,some people believe that it is extremely valuable,as it provides relaxation, entertainment and ecation. Others argue that it is harmful for it begins to control our lives and deprives people of time to do other activities.There is probably some truth in both sides.But we must realize that television itself is neither good or bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determines its value to society.


英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨论的问题提出解决办法来结尾。总结全文时除常用到in one /a word,generally speaking等外,没有固定模式。提出解决办法时却常使用下一句型。

V....take measures to do sth.例如:
1.We should take measures to control pollution in order to save the
2.We'd better take effective measures to prevent students from
cheating on exams.
3.The government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse.
4.Urgent measures should be taken to prevent terrorists from carrying
out further attacks.

1.…is a very popular topic which is much talked about not only by …but also by …
Weahter a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farners as well.
2.There is no denying the fact that…
There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extemerely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.
3.As is known to all,…
As is known to all, fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers.(=do a lot of harm to the interests of comsumers)
4.More and more people are realizing the importance of …
Tody an increasing number of people have realized that law ecation is of great importance .In order to keep law and order, very one of us is supposed to get(=receive)a law ecation.
5.From what I have mentioned above we can see clearly that…
From what I have mentoned above,we can see clearly that violence on TV has (a) great influence on young alts’ behaviour.(或 teenagers’ behavior 或 youngsters’ behavior)

1.There are some good reasons for…(分析原因)
two possible
There are two reasons for the improvement in people’s living conditions. In the first place, we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy. Secondly,there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy .Further-more, the birth rate has been put under control.
2.My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. In the first place,… Secondly,…Finally… solve
relieve (提出建议)
My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows .To begin with, it is urgent to create nature reserves. Secondly, certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproced artificially. Finally ,those who hunter them must be punished severely.
3.Different people have different opinions on this question. Some people believe that … Others
argue that… Still others assert that…(论述不同看法)
People differ in their attitudes towards failure.Faced with it ,some of them can stand up to it .draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfii what they are determined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in.
4.It is important (nessary, urgent, difficult, easy, expensive, desirable, abvisable, convenient, comfortable)for sb. to do sth. (发表意见)
It is desirable to build more hospitals,shopping centres,recreation centres,cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people.
5.As a popular saying goes “Everything has two sides.” (分析利弊)
As a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides.” Now people (the public)are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions. On the other hand,the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble. People in many countries are srffering from public hazards.
6.For example, … (举例阐述)
For instance, …
Let’s take …for example.
Les’s take cars for example. They not only pollute the air in cities, but make them crowed. Furthermore, they cause a lot of traffic accidents. (…, they are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents.) The noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night.
7.It is generally believed that …
accepted (引证观点)
It is generally believed (=thought) that the chief reason for the increase in population in developed coutries is not so much the rise in birth rates as the decline in death rates as a result of the improvement in medical care.
8. …causes (proces, brings about, leads to, results in …)(因果关系)
There is no doubt that the increase in demand causes(results in/leads to) the rise in prices.


G. 高中英语作文常用的套话

主要抄看文章的连惯性,所以连词很重要。比如:first of all,secondly,above all,for example,as a result,lastly,in addition,farther more,so,and,but,however,on the other hand,to the contrary,what's more,besides,such as,as a consequence,in this way。然后还有各种句式的运用,以及语法现象的使用,各种句型,语言点,词组。比如各类从句,被动,典型句型(比如强调句),这样老师会比较看好。除此之外,好的文章和语文作文一样同样需要文采的体现,当然这就需要你水平比较高了。但是最重要的一点是无论何时不要犯语法错误,尤其是比较明显的,如果有好多就惨了,老师主要看这个。最后还需要注意细节,比如文体格式,分段,字迹漂亮工整,不漂亮没关系但一定要工整,不工整没关系但一定要清晰。提分的话就是主要得背单词,每天做阅读,定期练听力。我们老师成天跟我们说这些,希望有用。

H. 高中英语作文的常用短语有哪些

补充说明:in addition
议论文:as each coin has two sides,……
on one hand,……on the other hand ,……
就我而言:as far as i concern
Many man ,many opinions
such as
for the time being 暂时
in a word 总之
I would rather sb. do 我宁愿
In the long trem 从长远看
as is know to sb.=what is konwn to sb is that=It is known to sb. is that ……正如某人所知道的
It is time that sb. should do 是某人做某事的时候了
as foiiows 如下

I. 高中英语作文的常用短语有哪些


补充说明:in addition
议论文:as each coin has two sides,……
on one hand,……on the other hand ,……
就我而言:as far as i concern
Many man ,many opinions
such as
for the time being 暂时
in a word 总之内容
I would rather sb.do 我宁愿
In the long trem 从长远看
as is know to sb.=what is konwn to sb is that=It is known to sb.is that ……正如某人所知道的
It is time that sb.should do 是某人做某事的时候了
as foiiows 如下



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