Ⅰ 求新视野大学英语读写教程3(第二版)课后作文答案
The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate. As a result, people have started to move out of the area.
In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution. It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution. Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and also moved further away from people's homes so as to decrease the damage. At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution.
People welcome all the measures taken by the government. Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battle for a clean environment.
Ⅱ 新视野大学英语2第三版第一单元15页作文
With the improvement of the living standards,many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty.What they pursue is the latest fashion.In their eyes,thrift is already out of style.
However,still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue.They say that the strong power of proction doesn’ mean that we are supposed to a live a luxurious life,because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline.Moreover,they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.
As to me,I prefer the latter opinion.I believe “Waste not,want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency.In fact,economic growth depends enormously on saving.Besides,there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line.We can never afford reckless waste.Therefore,it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up.
Ⅲ 新视野大学英语第三册第三单元课后作文范文
There are some key steps in career planning. The first one is to study
yourself. Understanding what you are like, what you value, and what you
become is the foundation for career planning. In studying yourself, you
examine your strengths, your weaknesses and your goals. The second step
is to write your career goals down. Write something down may lead to new
ideas and may help you see your possibilities. Another step is to review your
plans and progress periodically. This may help you see how you have done
so far and help you realize what steps to take next. Planning further steps
can help you face new changes. Talking with your friends helps you improve
your career plans and make them work.
Ⅳ 新视野大学英语第三版第二册第四单元作文的答案
Fall in love at first sight(一见钟情)
Fall in love at first sight is you love a boy or a girl when you first time to see each other.this filling is very wonderful,special.
words cannot tell.
Do you believe fall in love at first sight?maybe someone say no.In my opinion,I believe it.I think it must be a very romantic thing.
you may think it is funny.in our life we need to communciate with various people.especially the opposite sex(异性).you may find your Mr Right(真命天子)one day when you first time to see each.you should believe everything is possible.
my dear friends ,good luck with you .and hope you can find your true love.
Ⅳ 新视野大学英语读写教程2 第二版 第一课的课后作文
Environment protection has become a major concern for society
specific details
1.teachers and students discuss enviromental protection
2.city planners take environmental problems into consideration
3.factories rece pollution
1.air and water pollution affects everyone
2.cities to survive
3.bueinesses to make a profit
Ⅵ 新视野大学英语读写教程2第三版73页作文
一天,万里无云,在我的脑海里浮现了一件让我吸取教训的事。 爸爸刚刚出差回来,带来了好多好多礼物呢:有溜冰鞋、有滑板车、还有绿豆糕……其中让妈妈最喜欢的就是那个美丽的花瓶。妈妈每天上班回来的第一件事就是洗花瓶、擦花瓶。 弹珠子是我最喜欢的游戏,每天在学校里,一下课就玩这一游戏,就连体育课也不放过。我想我已经着火入魔。妈妈经常提醒我:“玩的这么起劲小心别把东西给弄坏。 ”我没有把妈妈的话放在心上,依然我行我素,我开开心心一弹。呀!不好了快弹到妈妈心爱的花瓶上了,我连忙用双手接住了那另粒珠子,我自言自语的说:“幸好,没有弹破那美丽的花瓶,要不然我就完蛋了。”但是我依然没有吸取教训。我扔下书包,就开始写作业,不过我还是没有忘记我心爱的游戏,我也就继续的玩我有趣的弹珠子游戏。我边玩边做作业,一不小心,把妈妈心爱的花瓶给打破了。妈妈一听到“咣当”的声音就匆匆忙忙的跑到客厅去,她想看看究竟发生了什么事情。她看见是自己最心爱的花瓶破了。妈妈生气地说:“这到底是谁干的?”我低声的对妈妈说“妈妈,是我。”妈妈的手高高的抬了起来,却轻轻的落了下来。她说:“没事不怪你。”虽然妈妈没有骂我,但是我看的出她是多么的伤心啊! 从这件事我知道了,做错了一件事一定要吸取教训,不能一错再错。
Ⅶ 新视野大学英语2上面的作文答案有人有吗
Ⅷ 新视野大学英语3第二册unit3作文答案
假如,我有一枝像马良一样的神笔,我会给四川贫困山区画上许许多多的电视、学校内、书、笔、多媒体容,让山区的孩子阅读书本,用知识改变自己的命运,让老人们可以看看电视,安度晚年幸福的生活。也让孩子们可以安安心心地上学,不用担心学费,他们像我们一样用多媒体上课,每天上课就像看电影一样快快乐乐。假如,我有一枝神笔,我就要给荒芜的沙漠画上茂盛的树林,让不毛之地的沙漠也可以变成绿洲,我还要给它们画上水—生命之源,成为世上人们最喜欢的地方。假如,我有一枝神笔,我就要给那些残疾的孩子画上他们所失去过的东西,让他们不再受别的孩子嘲笑,可以像我们一样快快乐乐地上学,也可以跟爸爸妈妈一起去儿童乐园玩,让那些能说话、能复明、能听见的孩子还可以看看、听听、说说我们这美丽的世界。假如,我有一枝神笔,我让自己有一双翅膀,可以游览世界每个角落,让每个因为贫穷、疾病、被压迫而痛苦的人也可以知道世界上还有许多爱!假如。我有一枝神笔,我要给干旱,缺水的地方送去一场及时雨;我还要给洪山爆发的地方送去温暖!假如,我有一枝神笔,我要给台湾同胞架起一座跨越海峡的爱心桥,让台湾小朋友也可以欣赏到美丽的雪景…… 行吗?