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Ⅰ 话题:被别人误会时怎么办英语作文

This is an essay aim to explain what methods shoud be factored in once being disunderstood

In most cases,if we were understood by others,we would manage to clarify stuff clear regardless of the consequence.Or try another way that just go ,let it be what it is to be .Countless of ways r available to u ,u just need 2 pick 1

once we were disunderstood by others,we were supported by plenty of ways to handle

It's better accepted to clarify whats going on immediately,in light of saving futher trouble.


Ⅱ 被朋友误解的英语作文,要翻译

Having your love, has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful man? Everything about you is just so perfect. I know you are not without imperfections, but in my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless. The way you express your love to me is so awesome!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt away. I want to spend my whole life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. XOXOXOXOXO I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress. The miles that lie between us will soon disappear, and we will have each other always. I don't care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I love you, and that will never change. Randy, sweet, Randy, Thank you for loving me the way you do. I couldn't ask for more in a m

Ⅲ 误解 英语作文

Misunderstanding is extremely universal in our daily life. However, it usually causes failure of cooperation, brings misery, sometimes even ruins friendships. Therefore, we must try to avoid it.
In fact, there are many ways to avoid misunderstandings. First of all, you should express and pronounce clearly, and emphasize the important point. What's more, don't pretend to know when you don't. When you can't appreciate the real meanings, for example, you should ask for clarification. Last but not least, you should be aware of the difference in gender.
As far as i'm concerned, misunderstanding is not so terrible. As long as we pay more attention to it, can many misunderstands be avoided. And life without misunderstanding will be better and happier.

Ⅳ 急用一片英语作文《误解》,谢谢

避免误解_英语作文作者:佚名 来源:不详 发布时间:2007-11-1 2:25:32 发布人:lsy1chj2wdh3 Avoid Misunderstanding

"Why do they keep misunderstanding me?" We often hear people complain. Misunderstanding seems to be one of the most disturbing issues in interpersonal relationships. We often see how it undermines the harmonious relationships between people.

Several factors contribute to misunderstanding. First, people with different personal and cultural backgrounds may have diverse perspectives in interpreting one behavior. Second, the language we use as a vehicle of conveying thought can be ambiguous, and various ways of decoding (解码)
may result in barriers in communication. Third, misunderstanding occurs because of a lack of mutual trust. If you have prejudice (偏见) against someone, whatever he says may sound iii intentioned to you.

Having gone so far in the exploration of the causes of misunderstanding, we can easily arrive at the ways to avoid them. Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences among people. Secondly, we should be accurate and appropriate in our handle of language, avoiding misleading words. Thirdly, we should be constructive and patient in dealing with people. If we try hard enough, there will be more understanding and less misunderstanding in this world.

Ⅳ 高中英语作文:关于被别人误解 需要结合亲身经历。希望能提供例子(中文说一下例子就好 关于朋友或同学






《when I was younger sister misunderstanding》 One day to go to school in the afternoon, sister found this box of color pen disappeared, he thought I was away. Because I didn't take, so talk to her, she is also called and crying. After grandpa know also, my sister back. I said I didn't take, grandpa will I open the bag to check one by one, the result or not, because I really don't get it. Way to school she looks good sad cry and tears. I felt very little for more, was angry and tired brain, think sister lai unreasonable, grandpa partial to listen to opinions as unfair.

Unconvinced, so more think more excited, prepare to distinguish right from wrong, with my sister after school to get out. After school, I thought that the teacher teaches us to stop the calm at ordinary times, can not be rude. So calm down slowly, also thought about a question: is why sister a mouth seem to me to take? Want to want to go, is the day before yesterday asked her to give me color pens before supper, she didn't promise, I will put it in the living room of the stool. I told grandpa these cases after go home. Grandpa believe I didn't take, I hope I can help to find, I then turn to the table from the chair, results in the hall of the television side found the box of color pen.

Originally just have guests that night, grandma see color pen on the stool, check it and put it on there. Sister didn't find that is I took, so proced a misunderstanding.The affair was eye-

opening to me: misunderstood or resign, angry, sad, bored brain is can not solve the problem, need more calm, as long as the careful analysis, careful recall would really like to light.

Ⅵ 关于我被误解的故事以信告诉朋友的英语作文


Ⅶ 被好朋友误解,他为此感到很苦恼英语作文


Ⅷ 关于男女交往被误解的英语作文

I am a student,our students should have more freedom,just as friends.Parents and teachers do not think we should play together and bad students,but should not be playing with the opposite sex,because we are hitting puberty,the big fear that we love people,and then affect the school.In fact,the normal contacts between men and women might also be students.Therefore,parents and clear,and to pay some of the opposite sex usually mind it,so perhaps the benefits that let you see what true friendship.

Ⅸ 以当你被误解为题写一篇六十词的英语作文


Ⅹ “当被别人误会时怎么办”的话题英语作文

人的一生难免会误会别人,也难免会被亲朋好友误会。当你在和别人之间有了误会。一定去要解释,也要静下心允许别人解释?因为在这个世界上谁也不会了解到谁心里每一刻都想些什么。每个人经历不同,所受的教育方式不同,所以在处理某些事情的方法不同. 每个人都希望自己活得坦荡,轻松,开心。对于一个人来说,“朋友”“亲人”的份量都是挺重的。所以一旦有误会就应该作出解释,不管对方是哪一种类型的朋友和家人。这是对自己负责任的人生态度,否则就会有遗憾。至于对方是否谅解你或是否接受你的解释,那是他的修为,不是你的问题了,也不是你能控制的。至于其他的,都只是技巧问题了 就我的经验来说,有误会一定要解释清楚,否则的话,就算是两个人事后仍然要好,但彼此的裂痕也一定有了,以后再也不会象原来那么好了。如果解释清楚就不一样了,也许你诚恳的措辞,会使你们的感情更加稳固呢? 在生活中你也许碰到过这种情况时,有的事你可能觉得不好开口,你可以写一封信给对方。一来写信时自己都可以多读几遍,修改几次,把不恰当的语句改得更通情达理,也显更诚恳一些,不会象当面说话那样,不小心用错了词,让误会更深;二来用书面的形式,给人的感觉比较委婉、缓和,不至于象当面说那样容易争执起来;三来信这种形式对方一定会耐心看下去,不会出现象电视剧里演的那样,一个拼命“你听我说嘛”,一个却“我不要听,你走!”什么的。 当然不是所有的误会都要解释的。有一种误会你就无须去解释,当你的某种行为被人误会上有了暧昧的色彩了。你除了向自己最亲近的人解释,其他的朋友就没必要解释了。因为在这种情况下。解释多了,反倒越描越黑。不如让时间去解释。去淡化更好.



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