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『壹』 求一個關於奧迪汽車的英文簡介,短的,最好有中文翻譯

Audi is an international high quality automobile developer and the manufacturer. Presently for Volkswagenwerk's subsidiary company, the headquarters is located in Germany's British Gore Shi Tate, the main proct has a1 series, a2 series, a3 series, a4 series, a5 series, a6 series, a8 series, Q7 (SUV), R is, the convertible and the movement vehicle series and so on. in 2002, the company car sales volume achieved 742,000, the yearly income the approximately 22,600,000,000 euros, the global employee achieves more than 51,000 people. 2006-2-22: Continuously ten year refurbishing sale record--Audi Corporation in 2005 the achievement creates new high again. on February 22, 2006, Audi Corporation announced last year each achievement in the year press conference, before the sales volume, the tax aspects and so on profit, output and automobile sales volume, Audi creates new high again. in 2005, the Audi Corporation's sales volume amounts to 26,600,000,000 euros, grew 8.5% compared to the same period; Before the tax, the profit reaches as high as 1,310,000,000 euros, enhanced 14.6%, sets the record of the enterprise history maximum level; The complete bikes output (including blue abundant Guinea) reaches 811,522, grew 3.4%; The global scale has sold 829,109 Audi passenger vehicles to the customer, grew 6.4%, continuously tenth year refurbishing sales volume record. 2006-1-24: Audi Corporation continuously tenth year creation auto sale new record. Audi Corporation announced the other day that its in 2005 altogether has paid 829,100 automobiles to the whole world terminal user (in 2004: 779,441), the increased range is 6.4%, thus the tenth year has created the auto sale new record continuously. At the same time, in the world 39 markets, Audi has created the historical maximum sales volume record. To now Audi still in unceasing development its brand and technology.
奧迪是一個國際高品質汽車開發商和製造商。現為大眾汽車公司的子公司,總部設在德國的英戈爾施塔特,主要產品有A1系列、A2系列、A3系列、A4系列、A5系列、A6系列、A8系列、Q7(SUV)、R系、敞篷車及運動車系列等。2002年,公司汽車銷量達到74.2萬輛,年收入約226億歐元,全球雇員達到51,000多人。2006-2-22: 連續十年刷新銷售紀錄--奧迪公司2005年業績再創新高。2006年2月22日,奧迪公司在年度新聞發布會中公布了上一年度的各項業績,其中,在銷售額、稅前利潤、產量及汽車銷量等方面,奧迪再創新高。2005年,奧迪公司的銷售額達266億歐元,同比增長了8.5%;稅前利潤高達13.1億歐元,提高了14.6%,創下企業歷史最高水平;整車產量(包括蘭博基尼)達811,522輛,增長了3.4%;全球范圍向客戶銷售了829,109輛奧迪轎車,增長了6.4%,連續第十年刷新銷量紀錄。

『貳』 奧迪車有關的英文單詞有哪些





『叄』 奧迪標志簡介要英文的簡潔點

The Audi four-ring emblem symbolises the merger in 1932 of four previously independent motor-vehicle manufacturers: Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer. In 1969 Auto Union GmbH amalgamated with NSU Motorenwerke AG.

『肆』 請用英文介紹一下名車的標志及其含義(比如賓士,寶馬,奧迪等)拜託

1886年戈特利布·戴姆勒和卡爾·賓士同時發明了汽車。當時戴姆勒的公司標志是一顆三叉星,1916年在它四周加上了一個圓圈,在圓的上方有四個小星星,下面是戴姆勒公司的汽車名字「梅賽德斯」。卡爾·賓士公司的商標最初是月桂枝包圍的「賓士(Benz)」字樣。1926年兩家最古老的公司合並, 自然也將商標合在一起,中間是三叉星,上面是「梅賽德斯」,下面是「賓士」,兩家之間用月桂枝連接 。今天,這家公司的商標已簡化為形似方向盤的三叉星,喻示向海陸空發展。 賓士汽車的標志是簡化了的形似汽車方向盤的一個環形圈圍著一顆三叉星。 三叉星表示在陸海空領域全方位的機動性,環形圖顯示其營銷全球的發展勢頭。

兄弟四人手挽手, 奧迪這個名字可以追朔到19世紀晚期,1969年進入美國市場, 也是我國引進的第一種高檔轎車,最知名的產品 quattro四輪驅動轎車,大約85%quattro汽車是在美國銷售。 奧迪標志含義:兄弟四人手挽手德國大眾汽車公司生產的奧迪(AUdi)轎車標志是4個連環圓圈,它是其前身??汽車聯合公司於1932年成立時即使用的統一車標。 4個圓環表示當初是由霍赫、奧迪、DKW和旺德諾4家公司合並而成的。 每一環都是其中一個公司的象徵。半徑相等的四個緊扣圓環,象徵公司成員平等、互利、協作的親密關系和奮發向上的敬業精神。

藍天白雲螺旋槳,德國寶馬汽車公司生產的寶馬轎車,被譽為高級豪華轎車的典範,它風靡歐美,世界各地的車迷們對它情有獨鍾。 寶馬即BMW是德文巴伐利亞汽車工廠的縮寫,它原是一家專門生產發動機的公司,同時以製造高級摩托車出名,和JAPAN的大發公司有相同之處。BMW今天已成為全球高級轎車領域王牌公司之一, 德國雙B(Benz和BMW)之名威震四海「坐賓士,開寶馬」這句話家喻戶曉。寶馬轎車的標志選用了內外雙圓圈,在雙圓圈環的上方標有「BMW」字樣,這是公司全稱3個詞的首位字母縮寫。內圓的圓形藍白間隔圖案,表示藍天、白雲和運轉不停的螺旋槳,創意新穎,既體現了該公司悠久的歷史,顯示公司過去在航空發動機技術方面的領先地位,又象徵著公司在廣闊的時空旅程中, 最創新的科技、最先進的觀念,滿足消費者最大的願望,反映了寶馬公司蓬勃向上的氣勢與日新月異的面貌。

『伍』 奧迪公司中英文簡介

Audi Group includes the parent company Audi AG and its subsidiaries including Audi Hungaria Motor Kft., quattro GmbH, Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A., Cosworth Technology Ltd., Audi do Brasil e Cia and Audi Senna Ltda. Besides, Audi AG has many manufacturing plants in China, Malaysia, South Africa, etc.

『陸』 奧迪車有關的英文單詞有哪些

汽車排量:活塞從上止點移動到下止點所通過的空間容積稱為氣缸排量,又稱為單缸排量,它取決於缸徑和活塞行程。發動機排量是各缸工作容積的總和,一般用於(L)來表示。發動機排量是最重要的結構參數之一,它比缸徑和缸數更能代表發動機的大小,發動機的許多指標都同排氣量密切相關.如果發動機有若干個氣缸,所有氣缸工作容積之和稱為發動機排量。 我國轎車級別的劃分是根據排量的大小來決定的。微型轎車的排量小於等於1.0L;普通級轎車的排量在1.0—1.6L范圍內;中級轎車的排量在1.6—2.5L范圍內;中高級轎車的排量在2.5—4.0L范圍內;高級轎車的排量則大於4.0L。 通常,追求汽車高性能的人,大都選用大排量的發動機,重視經濟性的人,大都選用小排量的發動機。大排量的發動機費油,但這僅僅是發動機獨自的特性。 在汽車上,發動機和整車的適配性如何,對汽車的經濟性影響十分大。如果小排量的發動機適配性不好,很可能並不比大排量的發動機省油,甚至會比大排量的發動機費油。特別是自重較重的汽車,如果發動機的排量過小,用小馬拉大車,必然使發動機更多地在高速大負荷下運轉,從而消耗了較多的汽油。 如果是大排量的發動機,由於扭矩較大,不必很深地踏下油門踏板,所以消耗的汽油量變化不大。相比之下的結果,很可能是小排量的發動機更為費油 解讀車尾後面的秘密: T就是Turbo 渦輪增壓 L一般是指車輛的加長版 GLS是SANTANA的2000型的初期型號 它是化油器式 GLI是電噴式 BMW750i後的那個i是電噴的意思 CVL 無極變 速 T是手動檔,ABS是加裝了防抱死系統 A在數字後是自動檔,A在數字前是指變速箱,比如奧迪A6 二門 2D 三門 3D 四門 4d 五門 5D 掀背式 HB 旅行車 W(Wag-On) 雙門跑車 C(Coupe) 四門跑車 S(sedan) 活頂四門跑車 C(Convertible Coupe) 超豪華轎車 Limousine 二、傳動系統 英文字母 代表含義 M(Manual) 手動變速器 A(Automatic) 自動變速器 A4 四速自動變速器 FF 發動機前置,前輪驅動 FR 發動機前置,後輪驅動 RR 發動機後置,後輪驅動 MR 發動機中置,後輪驅動 三、 發動機系統 英文字母 含義 CC 發動機排量單位:毫升 L(Lengtn) 氣缸排列法,代表直列。L4,直列4缸 V(6、8、12) 即其氣缸排列在兩側,成「V」字型,「6、8、12」表示氣缸數量,V6 表示「6缸V型發動機」, 其優點是發動機的布置緊湊,佔用空間小。 DOHC 雙頂置凸輪軸。OHC,頂置凸輪軸。 EFI 燃油噴射 VTEC 為一種進氣的方式,普通車空氣未經此系統處理,其分子排列混亂,會造成其在燃燒室內燃 燒得不完全,從而會產生廢氣過多,機件磨損過快等一系列問題。VTEC系列的作用是將空氣處理以後才進入氣缸燃燒,可提高馬力,降低廢氣及磨損。是日本本田公司發明的技術。 DIESEL 在許多車的後面及側面都有此標記,其實際的中文意思為「柴油」,表示該車使用柴油。 四、底盤系統 目前多數中高檔車的懸掛系統一般採用四輪獨立式設計,制動系統分為四輪盤式和前輪後鼓式兩種。 英文字母 代表含義 ABS 電控制動防抱死裝置。其原理是當車輛遇險需緊急剎車時,它可通過電腦制動系統進入「高 速點剎」狀態,使車輛不會出現側滑、旋轉等危險情況,故ABS在國外已被列為安全必備設備。 RB 循環球式轉向器 RP 齒輪齒條式轉向器 P檔 停車檔,在車子停放或完全靜止時採用。 R檔 倒車檔,使用該檔時必須將車完全靜止才能入檔,嚴禁在運動中由前進檔換入倒車檔,以防損壞齒輪。 N檔 空檔,車輛暫停使用,如等候紅、綠燈。 D檔 行車檔。 2檔 中速檔,在雪地或市區等車速不高的情況下使用。 L檔 低速檔,用於爬斜坡或易打滑路面。 OD檔 超速檔,用於高速行駛情況。 SENS-ONIC 變速箱標記,此箱是由瑞典SAAB公司首先研製出來的,其特點是集自動變速與手動變速的優 點於一身。其排檔位與手動變速檔位一樣,但變速時卻不需要踩離合器。 SIPS 意為「車側碰撞防護系統」,其原理是把來自一面的撞擊力盡可能的分散到車體其他部分, 從而避免對乘車人的直撞傷害。用此設備以歐洲車較多。 EDC 即為「電子避震器控制系統」,此系統能隨著道路負載以及行車方式的不同而在瞬間調整控制單元,達到最佳的避震效果。如剎車及轉向時,EDC會調整為較硬的避震;而定速行駛時 ,則調整為較軟的避震。 AIRBAG 即安全袋。其作用在於當高速行駛的汽車發生碰撞時,會在極短的時間內形成一個氣袋,緩 沖人與車體的碰撞,起到安全保護的作用。根據容量大小,可劃分為大袋和歐洲袋。大袋即是容量最大的一種,司機及前座乘客氣袋的容量分別為67L和140L。歐洲袋由歐洲車廠興起 ,容量只有35L和65L,因其只能緩沖面部的撞擊,故也稱「面袋」。 4WS 即「四輪轉向系統」,當打方向盤車輛轉彎時,普通車輛只有前輪轉向,而具備「4WS」系統的車輛,則四個輪子都旋轉。故其可在高速狀態下轉急彎,或在極狹窄的位置「平移」進入車位停泊。 4WD 為「四輪驅動裝置」,此裝置主要適合在野外無路狀態下使用。 Cd 空氣阻力系數,簡稱「風阻」。Cd越小,則表示該車的動力利用效率越高、越省油及車內噪 音越小,車輛行駛的穩定性越好。 ELR 緊急鎖緊式伸縮裝置,用於安全帶。在正常時,不發生作用,遇到險情,(如撞車),它會在極短時間內將乘客固定在座椅上,避免司機和乘客因慣性而撞傷,起到保護的作用

『柒』 奧迪車有關的英文單詞有哪些

我認為 奧迪最主要的英文就是Audi然後就是quattro全時四驅audi top sreves這些英文在字典里 你是查不到的但是因為有了奧迪 才有這些英文的其他的英文及簡寫代碼 在其他車上也有用的 所以不足為奇

『捌』 請用英文介紹一下名車的標志及其含義(比如賓士,寶馬,奧迪等)拜託


『玖』 奧迪R8英文介紹


Proct highlights of a top sports car design car design is one of the supreme challenge, because of its technical precision and drive of each body are almost always close to the limits required. Today, Audi's designers and developers succeeded in creating a perfect embodiment of Audi's top of the entrepreneurial spirit - A new Audi R8.

The new Audi R8, is a unique sports car. Side of the line structure is clear, after the doors flank distinctive, contrasting color side flank stressed the feeling of air flow, which invariably exudes all the charm of sports car race.

See designs. Interior design
Monoposto unique style cockpit, full embodiment of a new Audi R8 and the close relationship between racing. This classic race car driver from the cockpit and instrument an integral whole, constitute an autonomous control platform, hood, combined dashboard and steering wheel combination form a harmonious whole.

View interior design. Luxury and entertainment equipment
Beat the rare ability to play their ultimate skill is invaluable. However, experienced, and can grasp the material characteristics and insight into the essence of the hands, before his distinguished achievements in value.

View luxury and entertainment equipment. Safety Equipment
Audi R8 brilliant and rich created the proven safety equipment the car gene. Audi Space Frame ASF ® brings a higher performance, greater agility and better handling capabilities.

『拾』 奧迪A6或者A8的英文介紹

Audi A8 L
Audi A8 drivers frequently cite the sporty yet elegant design as one of their main reasons for buying the sedan. They appreciate the harmonious blend of clarity and dynamics, lightness and elegance. After all, the top model of the four-ring brand embodies the philosophy of Audi design in a particularly compelling way.

Even at first glance, its strikingly powerful proportions clearly identify the A8 as an Audi. The flat front section, the imposing wheels and the short overhangs visualize the notion of dynamics upon which the entire vehicle is based. The side view, too, reveals its athletic presence: the gentle curve of the roof line is reminiscent of a coupé and shifts the visual focal point to the rear. Expansive, arching surfaces are framed by precise lines. Every line, each small element, has a purpose here: no detail appears to be purely decorative. The single-frame radiator grille lends the face of the Audi A8 a look of determination and supremacy.

It is this attention to detail that helped the Audi A8 receive the best score (tie) of any car sold in the U.S. in the 2007 J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey (IQS). The study looks at reliability as well as design, ergonomics, and overall driving experience ring the first 90 days of ownership.

The Audi A8 masters the art of timeless elegance from every angle. Hence the design has been accentuated in carefully selected areas only: the single-frame grille sports a high-gloss black finish, with eight-cylinder versions recognized by horizontal chrome applications, while the top W12 has a high gloss black finish with double vertical chrome struts.

Perfect synthesis of design and function

The new exterior mirrors on the Audi A8 illustrate the combination of elegance and functionality that is typical of Audi. The LED side turn signals are harmoniously incorporated; the warning lights for the optional blind-spot detection system - Audi side assist - are located on the inside of the mirror housing. The new chrome applications on the door handles add an extra touch.

The 2008 Audi A8 will offer a new wheel program. The 18-inch wheel with a 10- spoke design or the 19-inch wheel with a 5-spoke design are, in themselves, small works of art.

The comprehensive color range has been extended by new tones Savana Beige, Cherry Black and Ice Silver. Thanks to the additional range from the Audi exclusive program from quattro GmbH and its extensive customization options, the Audi A8 can be precisely adapted to reflect personal preferences and tastes.

New design for LED taillights

The rear view is distinguished by lights employing LED technology. These have been given a new look for the 2008 model year, by accentuating modern light technology with extremely fast-reacting LEDs even further. Each diode has its own reflector, visible through the clear cover. A total of 58 LEDs for rear light, brake light and turn signal lights are clustered in each of the two taillight units.

The rear light LEDs encircle the area of the brake light LEDs, creating a distinctive night design.

Interior demonstrates high quality standards

The interior is the perfect embodiment of the sophistication that is typical of Audi and the exceptional high quality standards of the brand. The instruments and controls have been designed with great attention to detail and with a level of craftsmanship that is evident at every glance and with every touch.

The generous roominess, the comfortable seats and the spacious compartment form the basis for a feeling of comfort that helps and promotes the driver's concentration and that of his/her companions, even on long journeys.

The cockpit is distinguished by the circular instruments with luminous white needles on grey dials set in aluminum-appearance tubes, by the rising center console - reminiscent of a sports car - and by the retractable seven-inch screen of the MMI operating system.

Additional highlights in the interior are provided by aluminum applications on the multifunction steering wheel, glove box and door pockets. On eight-cylinder models, the lower inlay now is finished in brushed aluminum titanium grey. Each Audi A8 is characterized by the high quality of each and every surface and its perfect craftsmanship.

Comprehensive range of design options

Also in the interior, additional colors enhance the comprehensive range of design options. In addition to Black, Light Gray, and Amaretto, the Valcona leather seats now are available in Cardamom beige, Linen beige or Espresso brown. Various leather packages underline the quality of this exquisite natural material, through to the full leather trim for cockpit, doors and rear. A new wood decorative inlay option for the Audi A8 is Beige Birch wood, while the Audi S8 now has Gray Vavona wood available. With this wide range of options, an Audi A8 to suit every taste and every lifestyle is attainable - especially since the Audi exclusive program also enables drivers to create their own unique, fully customized vehicles.

The front seats provide optimum body support for the driver and front passenger and also feature multi-way electric adjustment. Climate-controlled comfort seats with integrated ventilation and massage function for the back muscles are available.

Body - Light and unshakable

As the top model, the Audi A8 utilizes the entire expertise that Audi has acquired in the body manufacturing sector. Since the debut of the previous generation Audi A8 in 1994, the brand with the four-ring badge has made consistent progress in the field of aluminum construction.

It all started with a revolutionary new approach - the Audi Space Frame® (ASF). This is a high-strength aluminum frame structure into which large aluminum panels are integrated, thus assuming a supporting function. The space frame consists of a combination of aluminum extruded sections and castings that are positively connected to each other. Its central elements are the roof frame, side sills, seat cross members, roof posts and floor panels.

Innovative casting techniques and alloys are employed for the Audi A8 model series. Large multifunctional castings, long continuous profiles and a high proportion of straight extruded sections rece the number of components: a mere 29 castings account for 34 percent of the structural weight. This significantly enhances comfort because fewer connections between components increase body rigidity.

Fewer components also proce a positive effect on proction processes and, consequently, on quality. The side panel, for example, consists of a single section that extends from the A-post to the rear end of the body.

Outstanding rigidity for dynamics and comfort

Apart from rivets, the connections are executed using various welding techniques, e.g., MIG and laser welding and the laser-hybrid welding process. Laser welding allows large-area panels to be connected to the body structure particularly efficiently because the resulting linear joins achieve superior strength and rigidity compared to spot welds.

One of the two great strengths of the ASF is its outstanding rigidity. Its static torsional rigidity, a decisive factor for handling potential, is just as excellent as the so-called torsional eigen frequency which largely determines vibrational comfort. The ASF meets all current passive safety standards as well as plenty that have not yet come into force.

Low weight for low fuel consumption

Despite all these excellent qualities, the body structure weight of the Audi A8 is only about half as much as that of a conventional sheet-steel body. It amounts to around 470 pounds, a figure that is customary for the mid-size class. This weightsaving has two advantages: it improves handling characteristics and reces fuel consumption.

The high-strength structure of the Audi A8 exhibits excellent safety characteristics. In a side collision, for example, the high-strength A-post braces itself against the other vehicle. This large casting is clear evidence of Audi's superior expertise in the field of aluminum technology. In the interior, finely-tuned restraint systems work in conjunction with each other.

These systems include belt tensioners with belt force limiters and two-stage fullsize airbags for driver and front passenger, as well as side airbags integrated in the front and rear backrests and the sideguard large-area head airbag system for front and rear passengers.

Audi backguard active head restraints rece the risk of whiplash. In the event of a rear-end collision the special shape of the seat restrains the upper body, and the spring-loaded head restraints swing forward to support the head at an early stage. Belt tensioners, airbags and active head restraints are triggered by two impact sensors on the front, side and rear of the vehicle.

The lowest noise level in its class

Aerodynamics is a technical area in which Audi has played a leading role for many years. The drag coefficient of the Audi A8 is only 0.27, for instance. Solutions such as underbody paneling facilitate high downforce on the axles for further enhanced directional stability. Intensive fine-tuning reces turbulence, which also benefits aeroacoustics. Even at high speeds, the Audi A8 is exceptionally quiet.

This is precisely where the fine-tuning of the new-generation Audi A8 delivers distinct improvements. The entire acoustics, for instance, have been revised and optimized with innovative materials. Noise insulation at Audi is always tackled from the point of view of intelligent light-weight construction. The result is that without adding weight the Audi A8 exhibits the lowest rolling, road, and ambient noise in its class. This is an important element for relaxed comfort in the sedan on long journeys.

The acoustics package also includes the underfloor panel for the body and engine encapsulation, which now has a three-layer structure. This new tri-laminate consists of a cover fleece incorporating strategically-placed absorption fleeces, a polypropylene film and a surface film. In addition, the wheel arches are fitted with a new lining. Here, too, new fiber fleece materials and textile surfaces ensure efficient sound insulation.

Optimized "acoustic" glass for the windscreen and side windows likewise offers improved insulation. A special 0.8-millimeter-thick film made of polyvinyl butyral lies between two layers of safety glass, each of which is 2.1 millimeters thick.

Engines - Power, refinement and efficiency

Supreme power for superior road performance, spontaneous handling characteristics with exemplary efficiency: the engine range also lives up to the standards of the sportiest sedan in the luxury class. The 4.2 FSI V8 powerplant is standard on the Audi A8 and Audi A8 L. The high-end models are equipped with two topclass powerpacks: the 450 hp Audi A8L W12 quattro features the twelve-cylinder as the epitome of luxury driving, and the 450 hp Audi S8 has a fascinating, high-revving V10.

FSI for optimum utilization of energy

FSI technology also is featured on two engines in the Audi A8: the powerful 4.2 FSI V8 and the 5.2 FSI V10 in the S8. They use gasoline direct injection for optimum combustion and remarkably impressive pulling power from all engine speeds along with maximum utilization of the energy in the fuel.

In terms of design, they belong to the current family of V engines with a 90- degree angle, which - with a cylinder spacing of 90 millimeters - is remarkable for its compact dimensions and low weight.

V8 with superior performance

Even at the dawn of the automotive instry, eight-cylinder engines were highlights in the Audi range. The Audi Type R of 1928, for example, housed a 4.9-liter eight-cylinder inline engine under its long bonnet. The inline layout has not been maintained for some time, of course. Today, the modern V engines from Audi, even those with eight cylinders, are extremely compact and feature cuttingedge technology: the cylinder housing is cast from an aluminum-silicon alloy, and the pistons and rings glide in the liners on hard silicon crystals. The V8 draws its intake air through a two-stage variable intake manifold made of magnesium.

Delivering 350 hp at 6,800 rpm, the 4.2 FSI has impressive performance potential; its maximum torque of 325 ft. lbs. guarantees superlative pulling power, especially since 85 per cent of it is available from as low as 2,000 rpm. For the sprint to 60 mph, the Audi A8 4.2 FSI requires a mere 5.9 seconds.

quattro® drive offers reserves for every situation

The quattro permanent four-wheel drive on the Audi A8 provides the assurance that this enormous power will be transmitted to the road without any losses. Particularly with respect to the torque delivered by the Audi A8 and S8 engines, the drive system provides the necessary reserves of traction and safety across all four wheels, in all driving situations and on all road surface conditions. It ensures excellent grip and directional stability and guarantees maximum driving enjoyment with a high level of active safety. The center differential automatically undertakes dynamic torque distribution, adapting it to the prevailing situation within milliseconds. If a high level of wheel spin is detected, the quattro drive is assisted by the electronic differential lock (EDL). If necessary, propulsive power can be concentrated on one wheel.

Superior driving comfort and almost imperceptible gear shifts are provided on quattro models by the six-speed Tiptronic® with the dynamic shift program. In addition, the gears also can be changed manually via the gearshift lever or by means of optionally available paddles behind the steering wheel.

Chassis - Driving enjoyment in the luxury class

The character of the Audi A8 is a result of the synthesis of dynamic, light-footed driveability and exceptional ride and acoustic comfort. With its agility and steering precision, the Audi A8 has set new standards, and in terms of handling it has the qualities of a sports car. Even long journeys provide enjoyment and relaxation at the same time.

To emphasize this unique character of the Audi A8 even further, both strengths of the sedan have been enhanced. The rack-and-pinion steering with variable ratios and servotronic speed-dependent power assistance has been optimized and is more direct, similar to the S8. Shock absorbers, bearings and air suspension settings have been updated. As a result, the new Audi A8 responds more spontaneously to steering inputs, tackles winding country roads with precision and - as if on its own - maintains calm and supreme straight-line stability at high speeds.

Air suspension with an even more sensitive response

Similar to the handling characteristics, ride comfort has also been improved. The standard adaptive air suspension is more responsive now to minor irregularities in the road surface. The continuously variable shock absorbers feature new seals to rece friction, new valves optimize the characteristics, and the entire hydraulics system has been retuned. The Audi A8 even moves smoothly over transverse joints, with no vibration whatsoever. Together with the package designed to insulate the vehicle from rolling and road noise, the luxury sedan from Audi offers outstanding comfort.

The foundation for these excellent driving characteristics is provided by the Audi A8's aluminum running gear, with four-link front suspension and self-tracking trapezoidal link rear suspension. The standard adaptive air suspension - featuring active continuously variable shock absorbers - resolves the classic conflict between sporty handling and luxurious ride comfort. It offers four levels of ground clearance. On the highway it lowers the body, thus improving stability and aerodynamic drag.

Suspension characteristics according to personal preferences

Furthermore, adaptive air suspension allows the driver to adjust the characteristics according to his/her own personal taste in the "Car" menu of the MMI operating system. The following modes can be selected: automatic - with the emphasis on a balanced setup; dynamic - a particularly agile setting; comfort - with the focus on gentle cruising; and finally lift, for driving on very uneven terrain. In addition to the standard program, adaptive air suspension sport is optional. It works with the same control modes as the standard suspension but has firmer characteristics overall.

The vast range of optional wheel designs and wheel sizes up to 20 inches has been further extended for the 2008 model year. In each case, high-performance disc brakes are located behind the wheels, held in place by aluminum floating callipers. A tire pressure monitoring system is standard, as is the electromechanical parking brake with starting assist and emergency braking function.



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