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① 急需一篇英語作文 Welcome to shanghai 有外灘 豫園 陸家嘴 人民廣場

Welcome to shanghai
Shanghai, China's largest modern city, is situated in the middle of China's east coastal line. Shanghai covers an area of over 6,340 squarekilos and has a population of over 15 million.
It is the largest economic and trade centre in the country and acomprehensive instrial base. It is an open city along the coast, as well as a famoushistorical and cultural city. Shanghai's history of revolution andculture attract tourists home and abroad. Being regarded as "Paris of China" and as the paradise for shopping, Shanghai has become an idealcity for tourism.
The Pudong Development Area in Shanghai is an important specialeconomic zone in China. Efforts are being made to develop Shanghai into a modern international economic, financial and trade centre.
Welcome to visit Shanghai!

② 描述在豫園討價還價的經歷英語作文

1、Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 別想宰我,我識貨。 2、Can you give me a little deal on this 這能賣得便宜一點嗎? 3、Can you give me this for cheaper 能便宜一點給我嗎? 4、Is there any discount on bulk purchases 我多買些能打折嗎? 5、Give me a discount. 給我打個折吧。 6、How much do you want for this 這件東西你想賣多少錢? 7、If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this. 如果價格不更優惠些,我是不會買的。 8、I can get this cheaper at other places. 這樣東西我在別的地方可以買到更便宜的。 9、What's the lowest you're willing to go 最低你能出什麼價? 10、Come on, give me a break on this. 別這樣,你就讓點兒價吧。 註解: 1、 買東西的時候最怕的就是被宰。所以不管是不是行家都要先造出聲勢,用這句話鎮住賣家。「Rip someone off」意為某商店或商販企圖宰它的顧客,敲竹杠。如:「The shop tried to rip me off, but I taught them a good lesson.」(那個商店企圖宰我,結果讓我教訓了一頓)。如果真的被狠宰了一下,你當然還可以說,「I was ripped off.」或者「I was cleaned out.」第二句,有被騙得很慘的意思。 2、 2-3、大家都希望買到物廉價美的東西,所以就免不了要討價還價。這兩句話往往能使你少花些錢。你要注意的是這樣的問題一般只在『market』(市場)這些地方問,像『shopping mall』(購物中心),『supermarket』(超市)和『department store』(百貨商場)里說這樣的話,就不太合適,因為除了大型商品,一般物品是不打折的。 3、 4-5、『Bulk purchases』就是「大量地購買」,等於『buy something in bulk』。『discount』是折扣的意思。平時在商店裡常出現的表示打折的牌子是『on sale』。專門賣廉價物品的商店叫『bargain store』,店裡賣廉價商品的櫃台叫『bargain counter』。原來表示打折的英文還挺多的,原來這些西文人的商業頭腦也挺發達。 6、這句話一般是買者問的。如果是在可以講價的地方,賣主可能會反問你,「How much do you want to pay for this」 7、 教大家一個討價還價的秘訣,就是用個『if』從句,即加一個條件,再加一個由這個條件帶來 的結果。『A better price』就是『a cheaper price』。 8、『Cheap』這個詞挺有意思的,『cheap』是「便宜」。如果說某人『cheap』,大致上有兩種含義,都不太好。一個意思是指人很小氣,吝嗇鬼是『tightwad』 或『penny-pincher』;另一個意思是「卑微的」、「有失身份的」,「If you wear like that, you will look cheap.」(要是穿成那樣,你看起來挺有失身份的。) 9、這句話問的是最低價錢,應該是出自賣者之口了。『Go』就是『charge me』。然而,如果賣者的開價還是太高,你可以說「Could you go up a little」。如果你的出價太低,賣者接受不了,他/她也可以相應地說「Could you go up a little」。這里的『go』卻是『pay』的意思了。 10、『Give someone a break』的意思是『give someone a chance』。在不同的語境中,這個片語可以有不同的解釋。在這句話里,指的是「讓價」。另外如你正在忙著給女朋友寫信,你的室友卻想讓你幫他打水,你就可以對他說,「Give me a break, buddy, I'm busy right now.」(老兄,別煩我,我正忙著呢。) 對話: "您要的價位是多少" =What's your general price range What price do you have in mind 根據學到的表達方式,翻翻下面的dialogue吧! A: Good afternoon.What can I show you B: I need a dinette set. A: How's this one B: Looks all right.How much do you sell it A: 850 dollars. B: This is out of my price range. A: What's your general price range B: Around 400 dollars. A: Is this one all rightIt costs 380 dollars. B: It suits me.Does the price include delivery and installation charge A: Yes,of course. B: OK,I'll take this one. 參考答案回復可見: A: Good afternoon.What can I show you 下午好,想買些什麼 B: I need a dinette set.我要買一套餐桌椅. A: How's this one 這套怎麼樣 B: Looks all right.How much do you sell it 看起來不錯,賣多少錢 A: 850 dollars.850美元. B: This is out of my price range. 這超出了我的預算范圍./太貴了. A: What's your general price range 那你要的價位是多少呢 B: Around 400 dollars. 400美元左右. A: Is this one all rightIt costs 380 dollars.那這個怎麼樣只賣380元. B: It suits me.Does the price include delivery and installation charge 這個倒是適合我.價格包括運費和安裝費嗎 A: Yes,of course.是的,當然. B: OK,I'll take this one.好的,我就要這套了.

③ 上海作文


「上海的變化」2010年的主題.是我們每個上海市民的目標。一位友人說過:「上海,就是東方的巴黎,讓人神往,讓人陶醉。」是啊,上海這座國際化的大都市這短短幾年的變化,就向世人證明了一切! 上海的「水文化」的特色明顯,特別是蘇州河,蘇州河是一條「沉澱了上海的繁華、往事、傳說和所有的垃圾」的河。 多少年來以黑臭文明的蘇州河改頭換面了。現在站在蘇州河畔,看到的是潔凈的水面、粼粼的波光、長長的綠化帶、親水的平台、還有綠蔭下漫步的遊人。 上海的浦東最能代表上海的變化,它已是上海的一顆閃耀明珠,浦東江邊以從過去的一片沒人要的「不毛之地」變為今天一塊炙手可熱的商業寶地,金貿大廈,東方明珠,陸家嘴金客中心等等。浦東跨世紀的變遷,證明了上海將以更新、更繁榮、更輝煌的一面來迎接外國友人的到來。 上海居民的住房條件和生活條件也越來越好,我們的住房條件是隨著上海的經濟發展而在不斷改變,就說我家吧,原來一家5口擠在兩室戶的老公房裡,現在住的是花園小區,小區里有兒童樂園,老年健身器材。樓里有電梯,物業管理。家裡是空調、電腦、家庭影院應有盡有。媽媽說以前我們是要吃飽吃好,現在我們生活條件更好了吃的要豐富、要健康、要營養。 這就是上海的變化。上海的磁懸浮,上海的博物館,上海的科技館,上海的張江高科技,上海的國際電影節。嗨!有那麼多國際的中國的明星露臉。還有老外喜歡轉悠老半天的熱鬧、擁擠不堪但有著濃郁的東方味道的城隍廟,還有眾多的上海美味小吃,時刻提醒著人們這就是上海!獨一無二! 城市讓我們的生活更美好,更豐富多彩! 「「城市,讓生活更美好」這是2010年的主題.是我們每個上海市民的目標。一位友人說過:「上海,就是東方的巴黎,讓人神往,讓人陶醉。」是啊,上海這座國際化的大都市這短短幾年的變化,就向世人證明了一切! 上海的「水文化」的特色明顯,特別是蘇州河,蘇州河是一條「沉澱了上海的繁華、往事、傳說和所有的垃圾」的河。 多少年來以黑臭文明的蘇州河改頭換面了。現在站在蘇州河畔,看到的是潔凈的水面、粼粼的波光、長長的綠化帶、親水的平台、還有綠蔭下漫步的遊人。 上海的浦東最能代表上海的變化,它已是上海的一顆閃耀明珠,浦東江邊以從過去的一片沒人要的「不毛之地」變為今天一塊炙手可熱的商業寶地,金貿大廈,東方明珠,陸家嘴金客中心等等。浦東跨世紀的變遷,證明了上海將以更新、更繁榮、更輝煌的一面來迎接外國友人的到來。 上海居民的住房條件和生活條件也越來越好,我們的住房條件是隨著上海的經濟發展而在不斷改變,就說我家吧,原來一家5口擠在兩室戶的老公房裡,現在住的是花園小區,小區里有兒童樂園,老年健身器材。樓里有電梯,物業管理。家裡是空調、電腦、家庭影院應有盡有。媽媽說以前我們是要吃飽吃好,現在我們生活條件更好了吃的要豐富、要健康、要營養。 這就是上海的變化。上海的磁懸浮,上海的博物館,上海的科技館,上海的張江高科技,上海的國際電影節。嗨!有那麼多國際的中國的明星露臉。還有老外喜歡轉悠老半天的熱鬧、擁擠不堪但有著濃郁的東方味道的城隍廟,還有眾多的上海美味小吃,時刻提醒著人們這就是上海!獨一無二! 城市讓我們的生活更美好,更豐富多彩!」這是2010年的主題.是我們每個上海市民的目標。一位友人說過:「上海,就是東方的巴黎,讓人神往,讓人陶醉。」是啊,上海這座國際化的大都市這短短幾年的變化,就向世人證明了一切! 上海的「水文化」的特色明顯,特別是蘇州河,蘇州河是一條「沉澱了上海的繁華、往事、傳說和所有的垃圾」的河。 多少年來以黑臭文明的蘇州河改頭換面了。現在站在蘇州河畔,看到的是潔凈的水面、粼粼的波光、長長的綠化帶、親水的平台、還有綠蔭下漫步的遊人。 上海的浦東最能代表上海的變化,它已是上海的一顆閃耀明珠,浦東江邊以從過去的一片沒人要的「不毛之地」變為今天一塊炙手可熱的商業寶地,金貿大廈,東方明珠,陸家嘴金客中心等等。浦東跨世紀的變遷,證明了上海將以更新、更繁榮、更輝煌的一面來迎接外國友人的到來。 上海居民的住房條件和生活條件也越來越好,我們的住房條件是隨著上海的經濟發展而在不斷改變,就說我家吧,原來一家5口擠在兩室戶的老公房裡,現在住的是花園小區,小區里有兒童樂園,老年健身器材。樓里有電梯,物業管理。家裡是空調、電腦、家庭影院應有盡有。媽媽說以前我們是要吃飽吃好,現在我們生活條件更好了吃的要豐富、要健康、要營養。 這就是上海的變化。上海的磁懸浮,上海的博物館,上海的科技館,上海的張江高科技,上海的國際電影節。嗨!有那麼多國際的中國的明星露臉。還有老外喜歡轉悠老半天的熱鬧、擁擠不堪但有著濃郁的東方味道的城隍廟,還有眾多的上海美味小吃,時刻提醒著人們這就是上海!獨一無二!上海讓我們的生活更美好,更豐富多彩!上海的變化

④ 關於豫園的英語作文

這是上海的豫園 不知好不好 Yuyuan Garden is northeast of the Old Town. A high official had it designed in the Suzhou style as a private garden and built from 1559-- 1577. Later, it was restored several times. In spite of its relatively small area of two hectares it seems considerably larger e to the skillful arrangement of 30 different landscape scenes.

The garden consists of an inner and an outer section. The inner garden, neiyuan, is in the southern part and substantially smaller than the outer one, but then, it is more impressive and romantic, if it is possible to visit it in the early moring hours in order to enjoy it alone. An excellent calligrapher displays his work in one of the halls.

the outer part is in the north and contains numberous halls, pavilions and lakes. In 1853, the Pavilion of Spring in the northeast was the seat of the Xiao Hui, the Society of Little Swords, tho led an uprishing against Qing rule and occupied Shanghai for 17 months. Today, weapons and coins made by the Xiao Hui society, among other objects, are exhibited in this hall.

A man-made, 11-m-high hill bounds the garden in the northwest. Huxin Ting teahouse is a favorite with the citizens of Shanghai. It is in the southwest, outside of the garden grounds, a two-story building resting on posts in the middle of a pond and connected to the shore by a 'Zigzag Bridge'.

⑤ 一年級春遊豫園作文,


⑥ 關於豫園景點描寫的作文(350字左右)

1 多吃黃瓜 蘋果 香蕉 至於功效,我就不用啰嗦了,基本上都知道。 2最好是喝粥 像八寶粥之內類的 稀食容 不要吃油膩的東西 3 至於另精神始終都亢奮的 我喝過 濃茶 咖啡 還有米醋 就是不太酸的那一種,喝完都不困,一直都很有精神,我想前兩種你可以試試,至於喝醋嘛,你喝我就不知道有沒有效果了,你可以試一下 其實我總結一下吧 熬夜學習的時候盡量不要吃太多東西,而且吃東西還會分散注意力,學習學的是質量不是說熬夜就能學好,是腦子不疲勞才能學好,要掌握方法,吃晚飯的時候,吃個正好合適就行了,等學了兩個小時以後或者你自己定個時候段,再吃一次,睡覺前不能吃東西,對胃不好,會得胃病,學習惡補是沒錯,但是如果惡補了以後,沒有達到好的效果,那就不值了,你把你的數學分章節段的補,我想這樣會好學一點,一天就只補這么多,只求能記住理解就行了,不要盲目的亂看,那樣是不會出效果的。哦忘了,你還要多喝水,這樣才能保持皮膚的光澤和彈性。

⑦ 上海 人民廣場,豫園,東方明珠,英文簡介

Oriental Pearl TV Tower
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai. Stands a staggering 468 meters (1535ft) making it the tallest tower in Asia. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of "twin dragons playing with pearls".

The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions. Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are "strung" vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns. There are three large spheres including the top sphere, known as the space mole. Then there are five smaller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate.

It is amazing that this ultra-modern tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with 21st Century technology, commerce, recreation, ecational and conference facilities. All of this and it really is a TV and radio tower that services the Shanghai area with more than nine television channels and upwards of ten FM radio channels. Truly, "oriental pearl" is the most suitable name for this tower.

Yuyuan Garden
Yuyuan is the famous gardens in Shanghai, Located in the center of Shanghai's Old City, one of the few remaining old tourist sites in Shanghai. It was constructed in the period of Emperor Jiajing's rein of Ming dynasty from 1559 and completed in 1577. It has a history of more than 400 years. It is a famous classical garden in the south of China, the total area of which is over 20 thousand square meters. Surrounding the gardens is Shanghai's bazaar, a maze of small streets and alleyways where vendors sell their wares and food stuffs to the visiting tourist and locals. That is why he called this garden "Yuyuan" - because "yu" in Chinese means "peace and health"-- a place of peace and comfort in the heart of bustling Shanghai, dates back to the fabled Ming Dynasty. Now a popular tourist destination, Yuyuan began as a private garden created by Pan Yunan, who spent almost 20 years - and all of his savings - to build a garden in order to please his parents in their old age. The main scenic spots in the Yuyuan Gardens are the Urban Mountain Forest, Hualin Charming Valley, Spring Famous Historical Site, the Most Enjoyable Water-Stone Site, Treasure in the Universe and Garden within Gardens. In the garden are ridges and peaks and zigzag paths, beautifully decorated. On the walls are brick-made dragons curling around, as vivid as life, an unique sight of the their kind. They have maintained the artistic style of the south of China ring the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Urban Mountain Forest is located at the west of the garden district; there are Shansui (three ears of grains) hall, Rain Swirling Tower, Grand Artificial Hill, Hall of Elegance and other scenic sights. The Grand Artificial Hill is the cream of the Yuyuan Garden, a legacy of Ming dynasty. It was constructed in accordance with the design made personally by the well-known mason Zhang Nanyang. In the Hualin Charming Valley are waterside pavilion, winding corridors, Yihang, Floral Tower and other scenic sites. The Most Enchanting Water stone site is situated at the eastern part famous for its ponds and artificial hills.
People's Square
Located at the very center of the city, People's Square is a garden-type open space surrounded by buildings and facilities for administration, cultural activities, transportation and commerce. On its north is the People's Mansion, to its northwest the Shanghai Grand Theater, to its northeast the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, and to its south the Shanghai Museum. Flanked on both sides by 17-meter-wide green belts, People's Avenue goes across the center of the square. The total green areas in the square reach 80,000 square meters. Seemingly the only broad expanse in the city, spreading before the newly built Museum, People's Square is now perhaps the most popular place for city residents to unwind. Watch the men fly beautiful handmade kites, see the couples waltz, observe the only-children with their doting parents. Quite centrally located, the Square also offers an interesting panorama of Shanghai's skyline old and new.

⑧ 《介紹上海豫園的九曲橋》作文 要按照先總後分的寫作方法


⑨ 介紹豫園的作文50字


⑩ 誰有關於寫豫園的英語作文

是上海的豫園(Yuyuan Gardens)

Yuyuan Garden is northeast of the Old Town. A high official had it designed in the Suzhou style as a private garden and built from 1559-- 1577. Later, it was restored several times. In spite of its relatively small area of two hectares it seems considerably larger e to the skillful arrangement of 30 different landscape scenes.

The garden consists of an inner and an outer section. The inner garden, neiyuan, is in the southern part and substantially smaller than the outer one, but then, it is more impressive and romantic, if it is possible to visit it in the early moring hours in order to enjoy it alone. An excellent calligrapher displays his work in one of the halls.

the outer part is in the north and contains numberous halls, pavilions and lakes. In 1853, the Pavilion of Spring in the northeast was the seat of the Xiao Hui, the Society of Little Swords, tho led an uprishing against Qing rule and occupied Shanghai for 17 months. Today, weapons and coins made by the Xiao Hui society, among other objects, are exhibited in this hall.

A man-made, 11-m-high hill bounds the garden in the northwest. Huxin Ting teahouse is a favorite with the citizens of Shanghai. It is in the southwest, outside of the garden grounds, a two-story building resting on posts in the middle of a pond and connected to the shore by a 'Zigzag Bridge'.



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